when reincarnation invades

Chapter 202 I only want your money, but you want my life

Chapter 202 I only want your money, but you want my life

"Ahahahaha, this promotion went very smoothly, Abin, please remember to call me Lord Eleven Apostles from now on."

On the phone, Deng Yang's voice was full of complacency.

He said with a smile: "Oh, I really climbed too fast, and I am so distressed. If this continues, I will have to close the net in a few months... It's a pity, I haven't played enough yet."

Lin Bin said angrily, "What about the information I want?"

"Hey, your unsurprised tone is really annoying, don't you care at all that I will fail the assessment?"

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Deng Yang, you misunderstood me, I just have confidence in you."

"Enough is enough, put away your innocent tone, I can hear the simplicity on your face through the phone, damn it, what kind of broken technique is this, so wicked..."

Deng Yang hurriedly begged for mercy, stopped showing off, and sighed: "The two people you are looking for already have clues, I will write down the tastes of those two people in advance, and becoming an apostle requires the joint approval of three apostles. It just so happened that I really smelled the breath called Blood Dance. If there is no accident, she should belong to an organization called Nether of the Ninth Apostle. With my current position, I found her whereabouts easily. I can pass on her general range of activities to you later."

"What about the doctor?"

"Are you kidding me? Among the thirteen apostles, there are only three apostles. It's pretty lucky to meet one. You still want to find a doctor? Where are you, the protagonist, who is so powerful that you can get what you want?"

"It's true, then do you have a way to find this doctor?"

"Yes, I can help you, as long as I can suck her blood and drag your blessings, I now have the ability to read memory by sucking blood, ah ha ha ha ha... This is more effective than magic words."

Speaking of this, Deng Yang felt a little regretful.

Sighed: "It's a pity that I lost my baby now, otherwise, I could seduce her and suck her blood, so I don't have to worry about it..."

Lin Bin rolled his eyes and said, "I understand what you mean, this time I'm going to find someone who is absolutely trustworthy, right?"

He looked up.

He looked at Concubine Yan who was sitting on the sofa chair on the balcony, studying the rules of reincarnation space seriously.

Noticed Lin Bin's gaze.

She looked up, with a little curiosity in her eyes...

Lin Bin asked: "Fei Yan, didn't you say you wanted to join my S team?"

Concubine Yan said with a little embarrassment: "Well... that's right, it's just that Fei Yan has carefully considered her own ability, and it seems that she doesn't meet your requirements, Brother Bin. Recently, Fei Yan is researching what the dam water repair is. Things, and that plum and light... To be honest, Fei Yan's understanding of this world is still not deep enough, so in order to avoid embarrassing you, Brother Bin, Fei Yan will not bring herself to be humiliated."

"Look at what you said, as far as our relationship is concerned, is there anyone who knows your bottom better than me?"

A disgusted voice sounded from the other side of the phone, "What a perverted speech, I suddenly found that it's really good to not have that annoyance, at least I can concentrate on pursuing strength."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "I have a small assessment here. If you pass, I will officially recruit you as the first member of Team S, so that we can take care of each other in the future, how about it?"

"Really? What assessment?"

Concubine Yan asked a little embarrassedly: "And Fei Yan doesn't understand, is your speech abnormal? It's obvious that Fei Yan sounds normal."

The skills are superb, and some words are really not something you can't hear if you don't want to hear them.

"Don't pay attention to this pervert, the gentleman is magnanimous, and you have heard the words of the villain."

Lin Bin said: "I have an enemy here, whose strength should be slightly inferior to yours. It is not difficult to kill her based on my ability, but it is still difficult to capture her alive, so if you can help me successfully capture her , those previous conditions can be voided, how about it?"

"Really? Wait...the first team member? That Miss Wanhou..."

"She's just a temporary member. If it wasn't for me to help her, I would have given her a hand because her redness was too high, but in fact, she is not my team member."

"Really? Fei Yan is willing to do her best."

"it is good."

Lin Bin turned his attention back to the phone, and said, "I have absolutely trusted Fei Yan, even if your identity is known to her, it doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about that."

"Well, a foreigner, who has no roots in this world and has the status of a horse, is indeed believed, but the ugly thing is the first, the blood dance is not easy to deal with, and it is difficult to capture alive with the strengthening of the blood race."

"Don't worry, I have full confidence here. If she wasn't a blood race, I might still be in trouble. If she is a blood race, she will definitely not be able to escape my trap..."

Lin Bin glanced at the props in his hand with a smile, and said with a smile, "Especially the assist you gave me, Deng Yang."

"Ah? Did I assist you? What assist?"

"Don't you usually read the forum exchange area? Recently, the argument about how the blood race is immune to the sun's rays has become extremely popular, and the most reliable one at present is that after becoming a blood race, first castrate yourself, and then drink the fire unicorn." Plant the blood of the most yang, so as to achieve the fusion of the most yin and yang, and then it will naturally be immune to the sun."

Lin Bin sighed: "Therefore, the number of reincarnated people receiving the blood of Fire Qilin is not too small recently, which also caused the price of Fire Qilin's blood to rise sharply. Alas... It seems that there are still many reincarnated people who want to see the sun. I don't mind cutting it for Yongzhi, although I'm actually curious about the amazing self-healing power of the blood race, if it is cut off, will it really not grow back?"

Deng Yang: "..."

He sighed: "I knew this secret couldn't be kept, alas... Anyway, I didn't say anything, and I would never admit that this matter happened to me. It has nothing to do with me."

Lin Bin smiled without saying a word.

Just in the evening.

Lin Bin logged into the Reincarnation APP, and went to those particularly hot posts.

After a few days of climax, the discussion about how the blood race is immune to sunlight is still in full swing.

Not surprising...

Although the blood clan system is majored in the Freedom Federation, because of its strong vitality, it is really easy for the reincarnations to grow up in the early stages.

Therefore, this is a highly popular strengthening system like martial art.

And this matter is related to their vital interests, so naturally everyone is extremely enthusiastic.

[I'm not being funny: So, cutting off the testicles so as to be immune to sunlight is completely valid in theory. The enhancement of the blood race is actually a most yin enhancement, but men still have a little yang. Qi, this creates mixed and impure, so it is necessary to cut off the yang qi, so as to achieve the most yin state, and then absorb pure yang qi to strengthen it, but theoretically, the blood of the fire unicorn cannot be mixed with our body. The yin qi is balanced, so it needs the same pure yang qi, that is, the sun, so I think the blood of the fire unicorn is indeed useful, but the amount of consumption must not be too much, otherwise the yang qi exceeds the standard and it will not work either. 】

[The world is invincible and the enemy comes from the sky: Nonsense, if the real reason for fearing the sun is that the mixed and impure yang qi is the real reason for us women to strengthen the blood system, why are we also afraid of the sun? 】

[There are always people who want to harm me: because you suck blood, blood is a thing of yang energy, you will naturally be afraid of the sun if you suck blood→_→]

[My grandma Changshan Zhao Zilong: I saw the car...→_→]

[Help me up and I can still deliver: So, men can still be immune to sunlight by cutting it off, and women can only give up eating?Ah... despairing of this world where men and women are unequal, even the strengthening system looks down on women?Women also want to be cut...]

[Dong Jun: Actually, female vampires are also immune to sunlight, and the strengthening system of the vampires is stronger than you imagined. 】

[Help me up and I can still deliver: Oh?So women also have unique skills? 】

[Dongjun: If you don’t believe me, look at the attributes of this item. 】

As she said that, she released a message about the properties of the item.

[Blood of the Primordial Ancestor (B-level prop): The blood of the first vampire, after taking it, can greatly improve one's own strength, and is immune to the damage of sunlight and garlic, etc. to restrain vampires! 】

[Note: Do you want to sunbathe? @vampire】

[Dongjun: Isn't that all right?There are too many magical props in the secret realm, but you still think about hurting your own body, I am really sorry for your parents. 】

Concubine Yan's dexterous fingers were extremely clumsy at this moment.

Even if Lin Bin personally instructed her how to move, her typing speed was still very slow.

After typing a paragraph, she looked at the hundreds of private messages that she had added in an instant.

Looking up at Lin Bin, he asked, "Is this all right?"

"Of course, it was just a coincidence. The news about Lao Deng not being afraid of the sun was released suddenly. If all the vampires were afraid of the sun, they wouldn't think about changing it, but suddenly someone left Beyond this category, they will naturally be anxious."

Lin Bin laughed and said, "Then, Fei Yan, you suddenly released such a bait, guess...will they be in a hurry?"

Concubine Yan asked curiously: "How can we tell that that person must be the one we are looking for?"

"It's simple, no purchases, only barter."

Lin Bin said: "Fei Yan, just say that your next secret realm will be in a secret realm called Atlantis, and that civilization is at the bottom of the sea, so you urgently need to find yourself a prop that can move freely in the water to increase survival.”

"That reincarnation named Blood Dance has such a prop?"

"That's right, this kind of props are very rare in the first place. Coupled with the strengthening of the blood race, the two points are combined into one. The possibility of finding a mistake is very small. Even if it is a mistake, it doesn't matter. We have plenty of time, so take your time."

Lin Bin said: "It's just that this matter can't be done by me, it can only be done by you, Dong Jun, who has a face."

"It's okay, Fei Yan will reply right away."

Concubine Yan clicked on those private chats.

Sure enough, most of them were begging to buy that item.

Many of them even offered sky-high prices that almost reached the A-level props.

Concubine Yan was not in a hurry, and replied to those private chats one by one, expressing that she wanted to barter, and wanted a B-level or above item that could move freely in the water to deal with the next mission. Add another [-] reincarnation points.

This is her own idea.

But Lin Bin's eyes lit up when he saw it. Indeed, in terms of preciousness, props for underwater activities are actually more expensive, but Yuanzu's blood is too targeted.

It's not justified not to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

And if you want reincarnation points, you have to deal in person, and it is impossible to go to the reincarnation space association... Of course, with the special status of Blood Dance, I am afraid that you may not be willing to let the reincarnation space association intervene.

Sure enough, after learning about Concubine Yan's conditions.

Many people regretted for a while...

I had no choice but to quit.

There is no way to rob, except knowing that the other party is called Dongjun, there is no other clue.

After that, many reincarnated people wrote back.

The men were screened out, and there were more than a dozen women left.

And after carefully reading the information of the items and props they provided.

Lin Bin pointed to one of the IDs called Xuemantianxia, ​​and said, "I'm afraid it's her eight or nine times out of ten. Her props are roughly the same as what Brother Gu told me."

[Water-avoiding tidal beads (B-level props): Wearing this item into the water, you can breathe freely in the water like a whale, greatly increasing the time for free activities. 】

[PS: If you don’t want to trouble yourself by crossing the water, I’m a good choice. 】

Concubine Yan couldn't help but blushed slightly.

The already soft temperament is even more touching.

Angrily said: "What a shameless prop."

"Props are just props, it's only good to use or not, and it's all shameless."

Lin Bin couldn't help recalling that time in the sea...

"Fei Yan will call her back and arrange a time and place to meet."

Concubine Yan's typing speed is getting faster and faster. After all, she can only say that her fingers are extremely dexterous. As long as Lin Bin gives a little pointer and a little practice, she can be very proficient in it.

Lin Bin reminded from the side: "You can ask for a higher price at the right time, and take the opportunity to kill her fiercely... Then tell her that the Yuanzu has died in your hands, and this thing is the only one. , After passing this village, there will be no such store, and after missing this opportunity, there will be no second chance for a long time.”

Concubine Yan sighed after hearing the words: "Brother Bin is so shameless."

Lin Bin couldn't help but wanted to ask if I was shameless or the props were more shameless?
But looking at the gentle and charming temperament of the young woman in front of her, especially sitting on the sofa and typing seriously, her waist is straight and straight, and her serious posture is even more protruding...

The joke never came out.

After all, this is a woman from a good family, and he is almost 100% sure that she should have some kind of affection for him, so she does not resist getting close to her on a daily basis.

But it's just a good impression, making such jokes will only lower one's style for no reason.

After a moment.

She nodded and said, "[-] reincarnation points, plus a B-level item, the water-avoiding tide bead, will be traded at the Yin'an Beach, which is the closest to us, in three days. It seems that the other party is still very cautious. Without the existence of Zhu, she can jump into the sea and escape."

"But the problem is that we really have ancestor blood."

Lin Bin sneered and said, "We have the right to live with rare goods... I guess she is still making a black-and-white deal, this idiot, how does she know that we are after her idea?" Fei Yan remembers, until now Let her trade reincarnation points first, if she doesn't want to give it to us, she really can't get it, and if she earns a little more, it's a little bit, and then we will add two to five and divide it."

Concubine Yan nodded and said, "Fei Yan understands!"

In a secret and extremely dark room, the curtains were tightly sealed, not even a gleam of light could penetrate.

A woman looked at the terminal in her hand, with a sneer on her face, and said coldly: "It's really shameless, even temporarily increasing the price... Unfortunately, I have no intention of trading with you. When the time comes, I will grab something and run away. What can I do?!"

(End of this chapter)

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