when reincarnation invades

Chapter 203: Never Forget the Basic Character Design

Chapter 203: Never Forget the Basic Character Design
The agreed place was quite far from Baishui City, and the two started their journey one day in advance...

After driving for a whole day, I didn't arrive at the destination until I could smell the salty smell of the sea breeze in the air.

Concubine Dongjunyan was still wearing a shawl with her long hair tied casually.

It's just that the clothes on his body were changed into a set of modern denim wide-leg pants, the upper body was lined with a pure cotton vest, and a pure white shirt was matched outside.

Although she has tried her best to dress conservatively...

It's very strange that when she was in the plane of Qin Shi, her clothes almost exposed her entire shoulders and legs, but after coming to this world, she tended to be more conservative.

It's just that even if it is deliberately hidden, it still can't hide the moving curves and bulging background.

Especially the lining of the vest that was originally close to the body was squeezed out of a big gap. If you can look down from a high position... a mere layer of cloth can hardly conceal the strangeness and precipitousness of the lofty mountains.

Just like now.

Concubine Yan had a calm demeanor, but with some displeasure in her eyes, she said in a low voice, "Brother Bin, please don't let your eyes wander."

"Understood, I'm just a little uncomfortable with the bird's perspective."

Since it was a transaction between Concubine Yan and the other party, it was naturally impossible for a third party to be present, so Lin Bin stood on Concubine Yan's fragrant shoulders in the shape of a three-legged Golden Crow.

The handsome bird with three legs is so majestic, it makes Concubine Yan look more like a reincarnator.

It's just being condescending...and Lin Bin's head was shaking from side to side.

Concubine Yan resisted the urge to blind the pervert's eyes, thinking that it was all for the mission.

There are many dangers in the secret realm, if you can form a team with Brother Bin, you will have such an absolutely trustworthy teammate, plus his excellent strategy ability in the secret realm that amazes her.

At that time, her safety will naturally be greatly improved.

Now that Concubine Dongjun Yan has concerns, she naturally has a little fear of death...

She still has a daughter, and she still has to take care of her daughter. From this point of view, if she can form a team with Lin Bin, it will be beneficial and harmless.

As for what he saw...

Forget it, it's just a bribe. After all, I heard that in this world, it doesn't matter. If you don't go through the back door, many things you want to do are basically impossible.

It is also necessary to give him a little back door.

In fact, even Concubine Dongjun Yan didn't realize that if she dared to behave in such a presumptuous manner in front of other people, she would have given him a set of Yin Yang family's curse seal package, so that he could go on his way happily.

But if it was Lin Bin, she could only honestly find an excuse for herself, and then feel upright.

Even in order to cover up her embarrassment, she even took the initiative to point out to Lin Bin how to use Soul Xi Longyou.

Although Lin Bin thinks that his strength is already superior to that of Concubine Yan, his experience in this area is still much inferior to hers. Now that he has rare study time, he doesn't talk too much, just listens carefully, Ask some insights and questions from time to time.

In this way, Concubine Yan took Lin Bin's birds, walking and communicating with each other.

Until I came to the beach and gradually approached the destination...

Only then did one person and one bird shut up.

The agreed place was on an abandoned pier, and the railings were covered with old and rusty spots. It was obvious that no one had been here for a long time.

When I came here, I saw that there was no one around.

Concubine Yan whispered, "She hasn't arrived yet."

Lin Bin directly entered Concubine Yan's body through the sound transmission of the sounds of nature, and whispered: "She has arrived, and she is just hiding in the dark to observe us. The ability of the blood race to hide is amazing, but I can't hide it from my spiritual sense."

"The Secret of Longevity" is a great achievement.

Up to now, Lin Bin's spiritual perception is so amazing that it can almost replace eyes and ears with perception.

He could clearly see that the other party had actually come earlier than them, but he was just careful, for fear that this was a trap.

Not surprising...

After all, because of Gu Yuan, her identity has just been exposed on the official reincarnation map. If you catch her, you can get a total of [-] reincarnation points and a pennant as a reward.

Although the rewards are as harsh as ever.

Is it hard to guarantee that no one will want to make meritorious service?
But the temptation is too great for her, even if it is only a one-tenth chance, she has to take this risk.

And when he saw Concubine Yan.

The ball of blood dancing in the clouds couldn't help but tumbling slightly.

The posture of the other party is very wrong, hooking his vest from time to time, adjusting his shirt... Obviously not suitable for the appearance of modern attire.

And that gentle demeanor, isn't it a simple reincarnation, but a reincarnation of a different person?
It doesn't matter what it is, the other party is indeed only one person, and the attitude of making a deal is very sincere.

Xue Wu approached slowly, seeing the other party's casual posture suddenly tightened, obviously also found her trace.

Xue Wu revealed his figure from the blood mist.

Although she has killed countless people, but just from the outside, she is just a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old. She is not beautiful, but she is neat and capable, making people look very comfortable.

She was dressed in black tight-fitting clothes that were easy to move, and she was much more guarded than Concubine Yan.

She stared at Concubine Yan, took out a bead, and said, "This is the Xishui Xi bead you want!"

"This is the ancestor's blood you want."

Concubine Yan also took out the fresh blood in the test tube, and showed the information inside to Xue Wu, and sure enough, her face turned red and her breathing became short of breath.

She looked at the Yuanzu's blood in the test tube, her eyes were filled with desire and covetousness, and she said, "We can start our transaction."

"Before the item is in your hands, I need to transfer the account first, five thousand reincarnation points, not a cent less."

Concubine Yan said seriously: "The blood race's ability to escape is too strong, this is also to prevent you from regretting after you get the item...Of course, if you are willing to take the official route and let the official charge a part of the handling fee..."

"No, I can transfer the money first."

Hearing this, Xue Wu felt relieved, thinking that this is a sincere person.

Signal Yan Fei to take out the reincarnation watch.

The two reincarnation tables scanned each other, and after a while.

A reminder sounded in Concubine Yan's ears, reminding her that the five thousand reincarnation points had already been credited.

Xue Wu asked: "Can you give me something?"

"One person, one hand, trade at the same time."

"I agree."

The two handed things to each other at the same time.

As Concubine Yan grasped the Bishui Xizhu, Xue Wu's palm also touched the test tube...

A bloodthirsty crimson appeared in her eyes.

That comes from the deepest desire of the blood race.

She didn't go to pick up the test tube, but took advantage of the gap between Concubine Yan's holding the water-proof Xizhu and her own hands, and directly clasped Concubine Yan's wrist with her backhand.

A huge black bat wing was revealed behind him, with the tip of the wing glowing with a dark metallic luster, piercing towards Concubine Yan's face.


She really wanted something, but she really didn't want to give him the reward.

The reincarnation point is to reassure the other party's mind.

But the importance of Bishui Xizhu to her is self-evident, how could she give it to the other party so easily?

But she just made a move on her side, and the surrounding space suddenly lost its color.

Everything around her became black and white, with an inexplicable tearing force pulling her body, causing her to be pushed to another place uncontrollably... At this moment, Xue Wu only felt as if she was being forcibly taken away. Out in the universe, gravity is completely out of control.

She couldn't help screaming angrily: "I knew you were a ghost x2!"

After finishing speaking, he was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect that the other party would say the same thing as himself.

As Concubine Yan said in her mouth, her actions were merciless.

The palms change.

It seems that she is completely unaffected in this black and white world... Xue Wu couldn't help being secretly horrified. Could it be that she doesn't need to consume any power to use this weird skill?

I want to hide, but where can I hide at this time?
His movements were much slower than before, and he was directly slapped on the chest by Concubine Yan.

all of a sudden.

Blood Dance spat out a mouthful of blood...

The blood race has a strong control over the blood, and naturally understands their own situation very well.

Xue Wu could clearly feel that there was an extremely fierce force flowing along his blood and directly attacking his heart.

She snorted, and instantly boiled her own blood.

Open your mouth again.

The power of Concubine Yan's curse seal has been forced out, and she attacked Concubine Yan in the opposite direction.

Concubine Dongjun Yan dodges.

I let go of the test tube...

"do not want!"

Xue Wu screamed, reaching out to grab the test tube.

But the next moment, the three-legged Golden Crow's eyes suddenly lit up with crystal lights.

Flap your wings and fly.

From real to virtual.

Almost the whole bird turned into a ball of true energy filled with endless vitality, and hit Xue Wu's body.

Although Xue Wu had long been prepared for the extraordinary nature of this bird, he never imagined that its attack method would be in this form... Caught off guard, the Longevity True Qi directly entered his body.

Suddenly, it was like boiling water pouring boiling oil.

Her body boiled instantly, and Xue Wu screamed in pain.

Curled up on the ground, convulsed and epileptic, as if he had completely lost the ability to resist.

"You shouldn't, you really shouldn't strengthen the vampire system. It's not a deliberate study, but I have destroyed all the vampires in the whole world. I have studied you too deeply!"

The sound of footsteps sounded.

A man's voice rang in Xue Wu's ear, saying: "So I don't want to be too clear about your weaknesses."

Lin Bin slowly walked to her side, but at this moment, Xue Wu didn't even have the strength to speak...

Longevity True Qi is endless, it can kill enemies, heal injuries, strengthen the body, and strengthen the body. It has a full range of functions, but how effective this vitality is on normal people, then how effective it is on dark creatures like vampires No, the effect is like injecting two catties of soy sauce into her veins with a drip.

Not dying is already a strong vitality of a vampire.

"It's your turn."

"It's really clean and neat. I thought that if you failed to catch her, I wouldn't show up. I didn't expect you to be so straightforward."

There were faintly familiar voices.

Although Xue Wu couldn't raise his head, he still smelled the identity of the person by virtue of his sense of smell.

Shouted: "Master Apostle, you...why are you targeting me?"

"Hey...recognize my identity? It's useless to recognize me. I don't allow a second vampire besides me to have the characteristic of not being afraid of the sun."

Deng Yang was talking nonsense.

Lin Bin couldn't help admiring her cautiousness. This kind of words has established an evil character for herself, even if this blood dance really escaped from the sky, she is not afraid of her spreading it indiscriminately.

Xue Wu suddenly realized when he heard the words, and said in shock: "I understand, you didn't rely on self-castration and fire unicorns at all, you took the blood of the Yuanzu to... You deliberately released such excessive information, which attracted countless blood races to commit suicide. Damn, you are disabled and psychologically unbalanced, that's why you want all vampires to be like you."

"Oh, you guessed right, it's the same as the real thing."

"You... How can there be such a despicable and evil person like you in the world?"

Xue Wu was shocked immediately.

She has always thought that she is not a righteous person, but she never thought that there would be someone so evil in this world, just because she was castrated, he would make all the strengtheners of the same system as him the same.

How pitiful were those who were cut off?
"Okay, since I let you know my real purpose, I can't keep you. I'm not polite."

Deng Yang directly grabbed her neck and bit into her throat.

He gulped down her blood.

After a moment.

Xue Wu's corpse has been completely dried up, and there is no more vitality. Obviously, all the blood has been sucked clean by Deng Yang.

Concubine Yan's eyes showed some discomfort, that is, she knew that the current world was a hodgepodge, and strengthening the evil system was not necessarily a bad person.

But seeing this scene of drinking raw blood, I still feel somewhat uncomfortable.

And after Deng Yang finished sucking blood.

Slowly closing his eyes, he seemed to be thinking about something.

After a moment.

He opened his eyes, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, and sighed: "Abin, do you really want to avenge the B-185 plane? As far as I know, you have nothing to do with this plane. , there is no confidante in it, and there is no historical legacy. It is indeed pitiful that many of them died, but you not only spent your time coaxing your big brother to help you enter and deal with the apostles, but also for the reincarnation teacher Feixuan is very helpful, and even took the initiative to contact Lei Meng to help them settle in the real world. You have done enough. In theory, they owe you, not you owe them... But you are so persistent in wanting to eliminate To be honest, I don’t understand these apostles who once violated Datang.”

Lin Bin glanced quietly at Concubine Yan, and said righteously: "I am not seeking revenge for the people in the Datang plane, but for justice, for justice, I have seen that world before, the people are simple, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, is it true?" A very beautiful world, but it is destroyed because of the seriousness of others, if it were you, would you be able to bear it?"

Concubine Yan's eyes suddenly brightened.

But Deng Yang sighed: "I can bear it, I really think this matter has nothing to do with me."

Lin Bin asked: "Why, does it have anything to do with dealing with the next doctor?"

"I sincerely suggest that you give up."

Deng Yang sighed: "The identity of this doctor is not simple. He is the royal doctor of the leader of the Seventh Apostle Youguo. He is usually on standby around the Seventh Apostle. If you want to deal with him, you may not be able to surpass the Seventh Apostle or even Youguo. country exists."

(End of this chapter)

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