when reincarnation invades

Chapter 204 Apostle Buster

Chapter 204 Apostle Buster
give up?

If it was really just for revenge for the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty, when Lin Bin heard this difficult problem, he couldn't help but give up.

But the problem is that no one knows his real purpose.

He is for the S-level props.

He's Bi is already in his hands, as long as he kills the last doctor, he can successfully obtain the S-level item.

But can such words be said?
Lin Bin asked, "Is that Youguo organization... strong?"

Deng Yang said: "I just took over Ghost. How should I put it? The top combat power is indeed lacking. There are only two or three people who have entered the holy level of reincarnation, but there are quite a lot of extraordinary levels. And this organization does not mention outsiders. , the battle team alone needs to have 200 people upwards... You Country may be stronger than You Hun, after all, their seventh apostle is still the original one."

Lin Binyi said: "Even so, I have no reason to give up. After all, I am not targeting their organization. I just want to kill one of their reincarnated people who is not too strong."

Deng Yang: "I forgot to tell you, although the doctor is only a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm, but he has strengthened the mind power system, and his strength can be ranked in the top ten in You Country, even if he encounters a weaker reincarnation of the Saint level, he can deal with it Two, otherwise he wouldn't be valued so much by the Seventh Apostle."

Lin Bin hesitated when he heard the words, and then forced a smile: "Isn't it the same? It's the same sentence, my purpose is only to deal with one of the reincarnations, and it's not to fight against the Youguo organization. As long as someone can help me attract the whole You country's attention, I can sneak into it easily, your evaluation of that doctor is actually the evaluation of others before I broke through, so I am quite sure to kill the doctor as quickly as possible of."

Deng Yang: "It's really not that brothers don't help you. Don't expect me to gather the power of ghosts to help you fight against Youguo. I have just inherited ghosts. If there is internal strife immediately, I reckon it is more likely that they will get rid of me in turn. bigger."

"No... You have done enough, but I need to think about the specific details."

Lin Bin said: "You first send me all the details about the organization of You Country, and I will go back and study it."

"Research is fine, but don't be rash. I don't want to foolishly rescue you knowing that you will die after you are foolishly trapped in the enemy's camp. That would be too stupid."

"I understand what you mean, don't worry, I don't fight uncertain battles."

"Alright, I just took over the position of leader of the Ghost Organization. It's a time when everything is going on. It's not easy to come here. I can't stay for a long time. I'll withdraw. If there's anything to do, I'll contact you by phone... By the way, thank you very much."

Deng Yang patted Lin Bin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that besides me wanting to kill my elder brother, my elder brother would also want to kill me. This hateful bastard is in vain for me to call him so Many words, brother, he really doesn’t have any feelings at all... Hmph, if it weren’t for your help this time, even if I have the hole card, I’m afraid I won’t be able to kill him. Wanting to stab him to death is really too impulsive, alas, as expected, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

"This is a mutual benefit for us. Your blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring is of great help to me."

"The blood of your Yuanzu has also helped me a lot, so I owe you a favor again, and I have time to treat you to dinner."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Deng Yang turned into a swarm of bats and flew into the distance.

Concubine Yan looked at his back as he left, and exclaimed, "Although this man looks evil, he can be regarded as kind and righteous."

"This is Fei Yan, you are narrow-minded. In fact, how can there be a heinous person? Even a murderous murderer must have a soft spot in his heart."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Let's go."

"That's right, Bishui Xizhu is here, Brother Bin, take it."

"Hey... have you forgotten that I can swim? Back then, the three of us walked underwater for more than an hour..."

"Then the water-avoiding Xizhu, Feiyan, is kept. If you have five thousand reincarnation points, you have to keep it, brother Bin. It was originally to help you, how can Feiyan accept all the benefits?" ?”

"You're too polite, you still have to raise a daughter, and it's not appropriate to spend my money on the decoration, right? Aren't you going to exchange some reincarnation points for some money?"

"Then... Fei Yan's five hundred reincarnation points are enough, and the rest will be handed over to Brother Bin."

"Okay, you are so polite, if I don't accept it, it will show that you are too outsider, then I will accept it brazenly."

Four thousand five hundred reincarnation points.

Lin Bin's reincarnation point value directly increased to 15800 points!
Plus his 6 B-level meritorious service.

It can be exchanged for two A-level meritorious service, and then used to buy A-level props.

But after all, she was worried about Lin Xue's legs. Although Gu Yuan said to help, she only played a role of threading the needle, and she must give them some benefits at that time.

Therefore, Lin Bin did not dare to waste money, so that when the other party put forward an opinion, he would not be able to come up with it...

Anyway, he has gained a lot in the secret realm, and the props are basically enough for him to use.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Concubine Yan said suddenly.

"Well, you said."

"No matter what you plan to do, Brother Bin, Fei Yan will definitely help you!"

Concubine Dongjun Yan looked deeply at Lin Bin, and said: "Fei Yan is not a selfless person, but because she is not, she yearns for and admires this kind of person. Brother Bin's noble character makes Fei Yan amazed. "

"Well, let me go back and look at the information Deng Yang gave me first, after all, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles."

The two set foot on the road back.

As for the forum of the reincarnation app.

The transaction post about Xuewu made everyone wonder whether Xuewu had a successful transaction...

But Blood Dance did not reappear, nor did he answer anyone's questions.

But it's not surprising to the reincarnators, if they get great benefits, why don't they hurry up?
Zhang Yang's leaks to the outside world, once the money is revealed, if the uncleanness is found out, there is really no place to cry... Only the brains are stupid to do this.

back home.

Just in time for Gao Yue to leave school, the little girl happily told the two of her experiences in school.

Especially since she went to the elementary school that her brother had attended, she felt as if she knew him better.

The family of four had a happy dinner...

Concubine Yan took the initiative to grab Lin Xue's job of washing dishes, and then asked Lin Xue to help Gao Yue with her homework.

Lin Xue is familiar with this aspect, after all, that's how she tutored Lin Bin back then.

Everyone has their own things to do...

Lin Bin returned to his room and began to check the information Deng Yang gave him.

There is a lot of information.

This blood dance and the doctor seem to be in an adulterous relationship, so they know a lot about the doctor's information, and as her memory is known to Deng Yang, these information naturally fell into Deng Yang's mind Li...Huh?etc……

He knew all her memories, wouldn't this be an experience of countless scenes of her dating her adulterer from her perspective?
All kinds of front and back, top and bottom...

"Good brother, I have wronged you."

Lin Bin sighed deeply.

But in this way, he learned much more information than he imagined.

Not only is there a temporary stronghold in Youguo, but even the seventh apostle has met several times.

Especially one of the You country stronghold maps.

Obviously, Deng Yang had already seen that Lin Bin was bound to win the doctor.

"There are two saint-level reincarnations sitting in the town, plus the existence of the seventh apostle, and the super-mortal reincarnation Ruogan, plus those technological defense systems, it can be regarded as heavily guarded. If I fight, even with my strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in."

Even infiltrating is not so easy. After all, the optical camouflage cloak still has a cooling time, and in modern society, the possibility of this kind of cloak being spotted is greatly increased.

"It seems that I need foreign aid."

Lin Bin immediately thought of his good brother Gu Yuan.

The reason why Concubine Yan was asked for help instead of Gu Yuan was because Deng Yang's identity could not be exposed to him, and naturally the two parties could not act at the same time.

But now Deng Yang clearly will not participate in the follow-up actions.

Naturally, Lin Bin would not forget this veteran worker.

Lin Bin couldn't forgive himself if he didn't use him harshly.

"What? Have you found the doctor's whereabouts?"

When Gu Yuan got the news from Lin Bin's phone call, she was very pleasantly surprised and sighed: "Brother, you have not been a reincarnation for a long time, but this network is really wide enough. You didn't find any information, but you have gained a lot in just a few days."

Lin Bin said embarrassingly: "I am also kind to others, and always communicate with others with a sincere heart, just like my brother and I are so close, and the same is true with other people. Sincere hearts are exchanged, it is naturally faster to search for news. "

"Good brother...but if this doctor is really in the apostles, although I am quite confident, brother, I am not fully sure that I can challenge the entire apostles organization by myself. Oh no?"

Gu Yuan suddenly became worried again.

Lin Bin asked: "Can't you ask the official reincarnation person to help?"

"Yes, it is possible. The current arrests against the ghosts will go down soon, but the arrests against the doctors... After all, it is just my family's opinion. At present, we need to investigate again. It will take at least two months for them to act."

"Is that so..."

Lin Bin couldn't help but his heart sank. Although he didn't doubt it, it turned out that the officialdom was just a display.

It is estimated that unless the apostles make a big move, or they commit some unforgivable crimes, don't expect the authorities to target them with all their strength, and there may even be some dirty things between the officials and the apostles.

It seems that there is no hope here.

He said in a concentrated voice: "In this case, I have a solution on my side, little brother."

"any solution?"

"By chance, my younger brother met a group of reincarnated people who are quite powerful. These reincarnated people are quite powerful, and they are said to be invincible. I can ask them to take action on their behalf... It's just that See how much brother you hate these apostles."

"What do you mean brother?"

"It's not cheap to ask them to make a move. After all, this is a battle of life and death. I'm afraid it's not easy to get them to make a move without giving them some benefits."

"Oh? Could it be the secret realm mercenary team? But don't they specialize in helping people get through the secret realm at a high price? When did they intervene in real affairs?"

What is the secret realm mercenary team?

Lin Bin was confused, but smiled and said, "That's why the younger brother said that I have something to do with them... But since you know it, brother, you should know about the price..."

"Hmph, the hateful apostles robbed me of the God of War catalogue. I haven't solved the flaws in my skills. It's all because of them. I have a deep hatred with them. If you say that you only need to pay a small price, you can take it." That doctor's life, I'm willing to die!"

"Actually, I have a deep friendship with them, so it can be cheaper."

"How many!"

"Probably need..."

Lin Bin paused for a moment, thought about the firmness in Gu Yuan's tone, and without hesitation increased the figure just thought up by [-]%, and said, "Five thousand reincarnation points!"

"Five thousand... reincarnation points."

Gu Yuan suddenly calmed down.

Lin Bin sighed: "It's a pity that although my brother has made rapid progress during this period of time, the number of secret realms he has entered is still too small, and the rewards he has received are also very thin. There are some meritorious deeds, but the reincarnation point is really stretched, otherwise If you don’t, I would never mention such things to you, big brother, and I will pay for this reincarnation point directly for you.”

"Hey...to avenge me, how can I use my brother's money?"

Just now Gu Yuan was still thinking that [-] is a bit expensive.

But when he heard Lin Bin's words, he took it all in and said: "Isn't it just five thousand reincarnation points, I will transfer it to you later, and I will leave this matter to you, brother."

"Brother, don't worry, come in the wind, go in the rain, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, I will accompany you on this trip."


"Big brother..."

After a moment.

The phone hangs up.

Lin Bin's cell phone immediately rang a notification tone.

Five thousand reincarnation points arrived!
So far, his total reincarnation points have exceeded 20000+!

If it is converted into funds, it is already nearly [-] million in assets.

It's even more pleasant to get windfall money from my good brother.

Lin Bin dialed another number that he hadn't contacted for a long time.

After a while, there was a child's voice that was as clear as a bell, and it was conceivable that the opposite party must be a naive and lovely girl.

Of course, if she was really treated as a young girl, she would be swallowed to the bone.

"It's really a rare visitor. The big brother even took the initiative to contact me... What, did you miss me?"

On the opposite side, Illya's voice was cheerful.

Lin Bin said in a deep voice, "I have found out the whereabouts of the apostles."

The cheerful voice stopped abruptly and became low and magnetic.

She asked seriously, "Where is it?"

"Each apostle has its own organization. What I found this time is the whereabouts of the seventh apostle's Youguo organization. Didn't you say that before? If you want to deal with the apostles, you must be called Is it? This bone is too hard, I can't chew it off, so I want to ask if you are interested."

"As long as it is an apostle, no matter how many apostles it is, I am interested."

Illya's voice was deep, and she had rapidly evolved from a little girl of eleven or twelve years old to a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

She said: "And I have also heard some hot news on the forum recently, the B-185 plane was destroyed by the apostles, because the apostles were exposed, and you actually participated in the front line of rescue , there should be your shadow behind their exposure, right?"

"Don't you like the result?"

"I like it, but I don't like the result without my participation, it makes me feel no revenge..."

Lin Bin said decisively: "I would like to ask, how many people in your planes have hatred for the apostles? You can contact them on your behalf. When the time comes, we will all join hands. If you hit a snake, you will hit seven inches and you will not die with one blow." , will leave future troubles!"

"I know this better than you. If my little brother hadn't been so kind-hearted, he could have pierced through the entire apostle organization that entered our world in one night. It's a shame that they took advantage of his kindness. Damn... this hatred ...I absolutely can't bear it, don't worry, I will contact you on my behalf, as far as I know, there are still quite a few people who have objections to the apostle, I should be able to convince them!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Illya said: "Dealing with the apostles...don't talk about hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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