when reincarnation invades

Chapter 205 Am I an Outsider?

Chapter 205 Am I an Outsider?

"Are you there?"

"Yes, Brother Bin, what's the matter?"

"Sigh... No one would want this kind of thing to happen. In fact, I really want you to have a good rest, but things are getting to your head. If the situation is not too serious, I really don't want to disturb you. .”

"Brother Bin, Feixuan was just too tired a while ago, and she didn't have any other discomforts. After a few days of recuperation, she has almost recovered. If you have any use to come to Feixuan's place, don't be polite, just open your mouth , Feixuan will definitely continue, so that Brother Bin's expectations will not be disappointed."

"That's good."

Obtaining He's Bi is only Lin Bin's personal priority.

But this does not prevent this matter from actually helping the people of the entire Datang plane to let out a sigh of relief and avenge their family's ruin and death.

Lin Bin can easily hide the matter of He Shibi without being too thick-skinned, leaving only Gao Fengliang...

Therefore, his original plan was to wait until the doctor's head was beheaded, and then bring it in front of Shi Feixuan, Zhu Yuyan and others.

In their shocked and admiring eyes, they expressed with ease that it was nothing more than a fatal crisis, nothing at all.

At that time, these people's hearts will definitely be ruthlessly received.

The common people are still in the second place. You must know that no matter how loyal the members of the Yingui Sect are to the Yingui Sect, their homes will be destroyed by those apostles after all...

It's not like he was a bit confused, he helped them avenge at this time, not to mention them, even their big boss Zhu Yuyan had to be grateful to Lin Bin, wishing to strip herself naked and wear red gifts Bring it directly to his couch for him to enjoy.

Too bad the plan didn't keep up with the changes.

He had already slipped a little bit of word before, and now, for the sake of safety, it seemed inevitable to be honest with her.

But this is not difficult for Lin Bin...

Just like now.

Lin Bin sighed: "You know that too, right? During this period of time, I have been tracking down the whereabouts of the apostles, and it is tolerable to do such an outrageous thing in front of my face. Let him go so easily? Heaven pays off. After many catastrophes, I finally found their whereabouts, but who knew that they turned out to be a large organization with a well-organized, premeditated and well-established background. It’s difficult to support alone, even if I pay a huge price and invite the holy-level reincarnation Gu Yuan to make a move, there is no good chance of winning.”

On the opposite side, the sound of the quilt being lifted could be clearly heard.

Mixed with another melodious and crisp voice, it is full of tenderness.

He said vaguely, "Feixuan, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Sister Qingxuan... Feixuan's side...Brother Bin, have you really found the whereabouts of those apostles?"

And upon hearing this sentence, the voice that was still tender and naive just now also became dignified and excited, "Did you really find the murderer who killed...father?"

No matter how much resentment there was before, when Shi Zhixuan died to save them, all the resentment disappeared.

Instead, everything was his good, and even some of the hateful things he did when he was crazy back then became understandable...

Even in the craziest moment, he couldn't hurt us with his own hands. Isn't this just a kind of love?

Lin Bin said: "Exactly, so I need some extremely strong experts, but they must be the ones who are not afraid of death, because the strength of the enemy may be beyond imagination."

"Qingxuan is good at rhythm. Although her strength is not as good as that of my younger sister, she still has some confidence in disturbing the enemies."

Shi Qingxuan's prejudice caused by the fact that she was belittled by her sister just after they met disappeared instantly.

What apprentice?

This is clearly a selfless chivalrous man who is eager for justice, passionate and enthusiastic!
Shi Feixuan also said seriously: "Feixuan can also contact some remaining martial arts masters in our plane on my behalf. If I know that if I can avenge myself, they will definitely scramble for the first."

"Okay, then there's Lao Feixuan, obviously you've just been busy for several months, and you haven't had time to take a break."

"It's okay, and... Feixuan would like to thank Brother Bin, if it wasn't for you, Feixuan might not know how long it would take to get revenge."

"You're welcome, I still have some things to do here, so I'll do it for you."

Lin Bin hung up the phone.

Why did you call Concubine Shixuan and ask her to notify him instead of Zhu Yuyan and Houhou who are closer to him in actual relationship?

This involves Lin Bin's little thoughts.

If it was done by Houhou, maybe the credit for this matter would fall into her hands...

Why between Shi Feixuan and Wanhou, Lin Bin has a better impression of Shi Feixuan?
Lin Bin had already figured out that Hou Hou and him were actually the same kind of people in a sense.

The geese pass the master who plucks the hair.

It's good if she doesn't touch it.

But if Concubine Shixuan conveyed the message on her behalf, according to her personality, when inviting helpers, she would definitely help Lin Bin to lick it, and Lin Bin had to be licked if she was embarrassed to be there.

And the words spoken by her, a third party, will be extraordinarily credible.

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction, this is considered to be a reputation for himself.


Sleep and sleep, and then wait for the final task to be completed with peace of mind.

And this time.

In the administrative region of Datang.

Concubine Shixuan hung up the phone and fell into a daze for a while.

I don't know whether I should be happy that the big enmity finally has a chance to be avenged, or whether it is some other feeling.

"He treats you much better than you imagined. I thought he was another idiot who was seduced by sex when I saw him getting close to that succubus girl, but I didn't expect..."

Shi Qingxuan leaned lightly on Shi Feixuan's shoulder, and sighed softly: "If we can really get revenge this time, Feixuan, we sisters owe him a huge favor."

"That's right, Feixuan already owes Brother Bin a lot."

"Is there a possibility..."

Shi Qingxuan suddenly became interested, and asked in a low voice: "The reason why he is so eager to find the apostle's murderer is actually to curry favor with you?"

"What... what?"

Concubine Shi Xuan's pretty face suddenly glowed, and there was a bit of seductive shyness on her white cheeks.

He said, "Sister, don't talk nonsense."

"This is not nonsense. If it wasn't for you, why didn't he contact you instead? Was it because he was afraid that you might misunderstand and make his painstaking efforts go to waste?"

"Blind...nonsense, rewarding the good and punishing the evil envoys is a matter of urgency to justice, brother Bin is so noble, how can you, sister, use such... such things as children's affair to taint him?"

"Maybe he wants you to dirty him hard?"

"Sister, your mouth has become much sharper, who did you learn from? Let me check it..."

"Maybe it was taught by your brother Bin? Hee hee..."

"You said that."

The two sisters were fighting together.

The nightdress was light and thin, and under the reflection of the sleeping lamp, the moving curves and the graceful collarbone were looming, and the two women became more beautiful as they entangled.

While the two girls were fighting, they felt much better.


Knowing that their father's feud might be avenged, the biggest boulder in their hearts slowly fell.

The facts were indeed as Lin Bin expected.

Concubine Shixuan immediately spread the news about Lin Bin in their group.

Up to now, the civilians on the B-185 plane have suffered heavy casualties, and the total number is only tens of thousands, and the remaining martial arts masters are even rarer.

After getting a mobile phone, Shi Feixuan, relying on her reputation that she can almost equalize the reputation of the medical saint Sun Simiao, set up a group and brought in all the martial arts masters.

He also made a serious statement, saying that now that our plane has been destroyed, everyone should help each other in the same boat and fight against each other in the future. If anyone has internal conflicts due to past personal grievances, don't blame Shi Feixuan for being merciless.

Therefore, although her martial arts is not the highest, as the leader of the group, it can be said that she has more prestige than Zhu Yuyan in the eyes of the common people and those martial arts masters.

When she said it in the group.

There was an uproar and confusion in the group.


The opportunity came so quickly...

At the moment, the crowd was excited and asked to sign up.

During the process, Wan Wan even contacted Lin Bin directly. She was very aggrieved and angrily expressed that she was too wronged, and she was the last to hear about the revenge.

It doesn't matter whether they join hands together, or practice dual cultivation, it's all my first... Why did you tell Shi Feixuan first? Could it be that the relationship between their senior brothers and sisters is not as good as that of a mere Shi Feixuan?
Lin Bin asked back if your father died.

Houhou immediately lost her temper, and then said in a very righteous way that she must participate, and then Zhu Yuyan and so on...

In the blink of an eye, it was already five days later.

Under Lin Bin's call, everyone quickly gathered in one place.

There are really many people coming from the plane of Tang Dynasty, such as Lu Miaozi who is over sixty years old, his beloved daughter Shang Xiuxun, the passionate son Hou Xibai, the fat Jia Anlong, and Danmei from the Yingui sect, all of them have reached the supernormal level.

It's just that Gu Yuan's complexion is not very good-looking.

Quietly pulling Lin Bin aside, he asked displeasedly, "Is this the helper you invited?"

No matter how foolish he is, he also knows that these people are sufferers. They have a rare chance of revenge, and they have to pay others to allow them to help...

Why did he give five thousand reincarnation points?
Lin Bin laughed and said: "Look at what you said, brother, they are the ones who suffer, so naturally they have to participate in it. As for the group of people I invited, they will naturally appear at that time, and they will naturally make big brother's money worthwhile." !"

"Hehehe, big brother is not suspicious of you, but just worried that our strength is not enough to fight against the apostles."

"Let's go then."

Under Lin Bin's orders, a packed bus packed almost the entire remaining masters of the Tang Dynasty and headed towards the destination...

in the process.

Concubine Shixuan deliberately didn't sit with Shi Qingxuan, but actively squeezed away Wan Hou who wanted to sit with Lin Bin.

Sitting next to Lin Bin, he turned a blind eye to Hou Hou who rolled his eyes frequently behind him.

He whispered to him: "Brother Bin, this time... thank you very much."

"I just did what I had to do."

Lin Bin glanced back, most of them were unfamiliar faces...

Obviously, if many names are mentioned, he must be very familiar with them, but if he doesn't say them, he is really just a stranger.

Shi Feixuan noticed Lin Bin's gaze, and immediately introduced Lin Bin in a low voice.

The plane of the Tang Dynasty was indeed severely damaged, and the masters of the righteous path were almost lost, but they were not completely wiped out.

There are still many masters.

And whenever Lin Bin's eyes fell on one of them, that person would smile and nod to Lin Bin. His face was kind, even though Lin Bin had killed Kong before.

There is also Zhu Yuyan's daughter-in-law Shan Meixian. She always had the feeling of avoiding Lin Bin before.

Even if Lin Bin was her benefactor who killed her husband, she didn't know what Zhu Yuyan said to her.

But now she looked at him with brilliant eyes, and even took the initiative to thank him for his great kindness. Facing his stepdaughter who was a round older than herself, Lin Bin naturally didn't show his father's spectrum, attitude Chatted with her very kindly.

For a while, he felt a bit like being admired by others.

Everyone understands that they are able to live until now, and that their world can have this last glimmer of life thanks to Lin Bin's contribution, and now they have the opportunity to take revenge thanks to his kindness, so their attitude towards him is naturally friendly .

As for Gu Yuan, although it is not enough to be ignored, it can only get less than one-tenth of Lin Bin's light. Although it is indeed a great help, didn't that Mr. A Bin say that this person is a lure for him? did you come?
Once interests are involved, the gratitude will naturally be a little weaker.

But halfway through the introduction, Lin Bin suddenly asked: "By the way, Feixuan, are Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling also..."

Only then did he realize that the two undead Xiaoqiang in the play were gone.

Concubine Shixuan had a sad look in her eyes when she heard the words, she shook her head and said: "In the last battle, in order to cover the retreat of the common people, Kou Zhong forcibly used the three swords of A Bi Dao to fight against the female apostle, which caused him to become possessed. In the end, it was difficult to control himself. Jing Zhongyue died by cutting herself, and Xu Shaoxia died at the hands of that doctor."

Lin Bin let out a soft oh when he heard the words.


In fact, he and Ssangyong had never communicated in a real sense, especially Kou Zhong...the two only exchanged a few words.

But he didn't have a bad impression of that familiar Sheniu.

It's just that he didn't expect to be reduced to this end.

But think about it, the protagonist is not dead, luck is not lost, how could the world props appear?
Concubine Shixuan said seriously: "Feixuan is here, maybe she doesn't mean to avenge them."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "All those who died must seek justice."

The destination of everyone this time is quite far away, in an unexploited deep mountain on the edge of Beiyun City on the border of Huaguo.

The place is extremely remote, if Deng Yang hadn't absorbed all the memories of Xue Wu.

I'm afraid I don't know this yet...

The bus drove for a full day and night before arriving at the destination.

Fortunately, everyone has hatred in their bodies, so waiting for them is the anticipation before enjoying the gluttonous feast.

The bus stopped at a city closest to the destination.

Then everyone switched to walking and went up the mountain...

The mountains are steep, the road is rugged, and there is no human habitation.

If it weren't for the guidance of the map, no one would have imagined that there would be such a mysterious organization here.

In fact...

Everyone in the Datang plane didn't notice it, but Concubine Yan followed Lin Bin the whole time, obediently like a maid.

When she got to a hidden mountain depression, she frowned and said in a low voice: "I noticed a strange aura."

"It's an enchantment!"

Gu Yuan has the most experience, and said in a deep voice: "This base is covered with an enchantment all the way, it is very secretive, no wonder no one has discovered it until now... This is a method in the secret realm, it can cover such a large base, it seems that this The background of the base is deeper than we imagined."

After speaking, he turned to look at Lin Bin.

Asked: "Brother Abin, what should we do next?"

Unknowingly, the leader of the matter has already become Lin Bin.

Even he himself feels a bit like a dream, it is obviously his own revenge, how did it evolve into the current shopping between the two forces?

Even looking at the gritted teeth of those martial arts masters next to him, he suddenly had a very strange feeling, as if he had become an outsider.

very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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