when reincarnation invades

Chapter 206 A Mistake That Lasted 2 Years


Facing Gu Yuan's inquiry, Lin Bin said in a low voice: "I have also contacted another reliable combat force, they should attack this organization first, and when they are in chaos, you can cover up and kill them from behind. , back and forth, giving the enemy a deadly oppression, while I took the opportunity to sneak into their camp and strive for a sure hit."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly.

Obviously, he did not expect Lin Bin to be so enthusiastic.

"What? Brother Bin, you go in yourself... no, that's too dangerous."

Shi Feixuan hurriedly stopped her, saying: "For such a dangerous matter, let Feixuan go in..."

Hou Hou knew more than Shi Feixuan, and knew that Lin Bin might want to sneak with the optical camouflage cloak.

But she also couldn't help worrying: "Brother, didn't you also say that your props are very restricted in the real world? Once discovered, we will not even have time to rescue you."

"There is no need for rescue. I have considered it carefully. I am the most suitable candidate. The doctor is so strong that he can be ranked among the top ten in this organization. The power of war, even if it is Yuyan... the suzerain is probably slightly inferior to him, and you will not be able to do anything except die in vain if you go in."

Lin Bin said: "Except for me, only brother Gu Yuan has the ability to suppress the doctor alone, but that's my brother, how can I put him in danger?"

Gu Yuan: "........."

Oddly enough, that alienated outsider feeling is back.

Obviously I am the one taking revenge, but why are there so many people surrounding him?

But he's so enthusiastic...I really...

Gu Yuan opened her mouth to speak, but when she looked at the base that was covered by an enchantment in front of her eyes, she couldn't see the situation inside clearly, and asked him to say something like I should go...

It feels fake and polite.

Looking at Lin Bin in front of her, compared to his enthusiasm, Gu Yuan suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of inferiority and longing.

It was something he could never be.

In the end, he could only let out a long sigh, and said, "Brother Abin, remember to be very careful."

Zhu Yuyan is quite a general. After hearing Lin Bin's words, she thought about it seriously, and comforted Houhou and Shi Feixuan: "Don't worry, as long as we attack from the outside, don't leave them breathing room. If there is an opportunity, the young master will naturally be safer."

Everyone nodded immediately after hearing the words.

"Brother Bin...you...you come with Feixuan."

Shi Feixuan suddenly remembered something, and gently pulled Lin Bin, motioning him to come with her.

Lin Bin nodded and followed behind her.

The two left the main force...

Get to a remote and uninhabited corner.

Shi Feixuan bit her lower lip lightly, and said, "Brother Bin, you...you turn around..."

Lin Bin nodded and turned around.

There was a rustling sound of undressing from behind.

Concubine Shixuan actually started to undress and take off her belt.

Lin Bin tried his best to close his eyes, but he couldn't control his spiritual perception. He could clearly feel that Shi Feixuan slowly took off his shirt, and then unbuttoned it...

Speaking of which, if I say go away at this time, will it be suspected of being self-inflicted?
Lin Bin could only pretend not to know, and after a while, Concubine Shi Xuan had put on her clothes again, holding a close-fitting jacket in her hand, and said, "Brother Bin, it is extremely dangerous for you to go here, wearing this should be more or less appropriate." can help."

Lin Bin took the soft and fragrant clothes.

Creamy to the touch.

He couldn't help rubbing his fingers a few times, and before Shi Feixuan was about to get angry, he said in surprise: "This... this prop..."

【Fish Clothes (B-level props): It can hide its own appearance. During the invisible period, it can attack the enemy without any attack damage. The duration depends on the user's strength! 】

[PS: It's the iguana, not the remnant. 】

"Invisibility Cloak?!"

The reason why Lin Bin got a score of 200+ in the college entrance examination back then is largely due to the game hall. Because of this, he is too familiar with that sentence.

I didn't expect to be able to touch this prop in person now.


Lin Bin didn't know until now that he had called it wrong for 20 years.

"Feixuan has tried it before. With Feixuan's skill, she can last for up to seventeen breaths. If it is you, Brother Bin, it should last longer."

After handing over the things to Lin Bin, Shi Feixuan's attitude returned to normal, and said.

"Good stuff."

Although more than ten breaths seem to be incomparable with the optical camouflage cloak, in fact the optical camouflage cloak only uses optics to hide one's body and cannot be immune to damage at all, but this fish hyena can still continue to attack the body while making itself immune to damage. The enemy is violently output.

It is simply an artifact of the ex-husband...

No, if you use it well, the effect it can exert is definitely no worse than the optical camouflage cloak.

"Thank you, I borrowed it temporarily, and I will return it later."

Lin Bin nodded, and began to put the cover on his body.

This time, the master concubine Xuan turned around.

After a moment.

Wearing soft hedgehog armor and fish hyena suit.

Lin Bin only felt a sense of security, and said with a smile, "Everything is ready now, and I only owe Dongfeng."

"Let's go back. After staying for a long time, they will think more about it."

"Well, yes, they may be attacked at any time."

The two walked back side by side.

And at the same time.

On the other side of this base is a rather hidden place.

A team of only six or seven people is also investigating this base.

"It seems that your information, Ilya, is indeed true. There is indeed a base here, but I don't know if it is an apostle base."

One of the foreign men wearing a blindfold stared at the enchantment in the distance with his eyes that no one can see, and said: "But it will be built in such a place, and the people here must be non-traitors." Even if it is bad, we are not afraid of hitting the wrong person."

"I have full confidence that this must be true. It depends on whether you dare to confront these apostles head-on."

Although Yi Liya was small, she didn't hide at all when it came to a big enemy at this time, her immature face was full of seriousness.

Said: "Even if you don't come with me, this time, I will make the apostles here pay the price."

"The apostle destroyed our world and killed all our relatives. How can we cherish our own body?"

Another middle-aged man with a simple complexion and gray sideburns sighed: "The more important thing to consider now is how to break the defense of this base... I am just a warrior, and I have no way to deal with this kind of enchantment."

"Let me come, no enchantment can resist a strong impact, and my eyes are the nemesis of this enchantment."

After that, the man wearing the blindfold slowly took off his blindfold. Everyone only knew that his eyes were so powerful that they had to be sealed from time to time.

But because of the need for unity within the Plane Walk, they really haven't seen his eyes.

Unexpectedly, there is an opportunity now.

I saw that his eyes were covered with red lines, which looked hideous like red tendons.

If Lin Bin was here, he might be able to recognize this person.

Cyclops Scott.

There was a red light brewing in his eyes, and then...he let out a low growl, his head was pushed up sharply by the majestic force, and then he was quickly pressed down, and two scorching red rays shot directly from his eyes to the barrier. superior.

The enchantment was attacked, and violent ripples immediately appeared.

An angry growl came out of his mouth.

The output is getting bigger and bigger.

Until the two rays became thicker and thicker, and merged into a complete ray.

The barrier ripples became bigger and bigger, and finally couldn't support it, and it exploded with a bang.

The Youguo resident finally revealed its whole picture.

It is a Western-style building similar to an old castle, and outside the old castle is a snow-covered cypress forest. These woods are planted in a random way, completely preventing the large weapons from pushing into the distance.

Coupled with the gun-wielding warriors patrolling around, as well as the extremely strong inductive and laser giant guns around them...

It is said to be heavily guarded.

And with the enchantment broken.

The apostles of You Kingdom immediately widened their eyes in alarm, and looked around.

Even inside the base, the piercing siren blared.

Scott put on the blindfold, let out a long breath, and said, "The enchantment is broken, and it's too late to regret it now."

"Whoever repents is born of a dog."

A tall, handsome and strange man gracefully spun a spear with his revolver, and there was a bit of urgency on his usually nonchalant face, "I can't wait to drink the blood of these apostles, Teacher Kaili It was a terrible death, and her revenge must be avenged."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come on, my wives' tragic deaths will be avenged today!"

The middle-aged man with slightly white temples snarled, although his martial arts was strengthened, but his movements were the fastest, as the barrier was about to break.

He let out a low growl, and his feet slammed hard, and the footholds under his feet were cracked inch by inch.

His whole body has been turned into a cannonball, and he rushed towards the base that showed the whole picture below. He was in mid-air, turning a blind eye to the giant trees blocking his way.

"Who... ah..."

The first few Youguo members raised their guns and wanted to shoot, but the person who came was extremely fast and blocked the gun with his backhand. With a strong shock, he pushed it flat and hit the other two Youguo members. body.

A group of three, under his blow, was directly smashed into a meat paste.

The ruthless attack is like a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred!
"Enemy attack!"

"Send a warning!"

"Support is coming soon, everyone hold on... ah..."

Puff puff……

A few crisp sounds.

A blood hole appeared on the heads of the several apostle members who had just made a noise, and they fell down weakly.

The tall man held a giant sniper rifle that was almost thicker than him, and said with a sneer, "Playing with weapons in front of me, Cabensis, you can be regarded as playing tricks."

"Kill everyone in this organization!"

Illya reluctantly tore off a bunch of silver hair, threw it towards the sky, and immediately transformed into countless sword forms, attacking the apostle members in front of her.

Before it got close, it was already blown away by a gust of wind.

As soon as he entered, it immediately caused great scars to the entire You Country organization.

"Who dares to trespass on You Country's territory?"

A blond woman holding a Bible and wearing a dark blue monk's uniform appeared at the top of the castle, meeting Illya's eyes.

There was a bit of surprise in her eyes, and she said with a playful smile: "Who am I, it turned out to be the little fish that slipped through the net back then!"

"It's you!?"

Elijah's eyes froze for a moment.

Her target was the apostles, but she didn't even know which two apostles they were.

Therefore, she simply took all the apostles as targets, as long as all the apostles were killed, her enemies would naturally be gone.

But even she didn't expect that the first time that Lin Bin guided her to the target, she would meet the real master... There was a one-sixth chance that she would hit him.

Tears trickled down her smooth and fair cheeks.

However, there was a cold smile on Yi Liya's face, and she sneered: "I really didn't find the wrong place, I didn't find the wrong person, this time... I want you to regret what you did!"

Gradually, dark lines appeared on her petite body.

Curse mark!

Before the Holy Grail War began, relying solely on the aptitude of a magician was obviously not enough to summon a heroic spirit and support its existence.

But only Illya is an exception.

As long as she can endure great pain, even if there is no Holy Grail to support most of the magic power consumption, she can still support the action of the heroic spirit... It's just that since the destruction of the Einzbern family, the curse seals on her body have consumed one less, and the heroic spirit has become her deterrent weapon.

But now, where is the need to hide?

"BERSERKER! Kill them all!"

Following Illya's soft drink, there was a loud roar.

A naked upper body, covered with black lines all over his body, like a titan-like monster directly descended from the sky, amidst the bang, snow splattered, he held a black weapon that was almost three meters long, and rushed towards the ancient castle in front of him !
"Destroy them and let them know that they dare to challenge the stupidity of my country!"

The nun slowly flipped through the Bible and said, "Let me pray for them first, and pray that their journey to heaven will be smooth."

As the nun's voice fell.

More than a dozen extremely agile figures rushed out.

With the huge vines entangled, in the distance, the angry roar of the wild lion sounded.

Countless ferocious beasts ambushed from all directions, and then there was a sharper scream.

"There are still people!"

One of the apostles who rushed out showed a serious look on his face, and shouted: "It's in the south!"

"Oh? Divide up and attack? Illya, you've learned to be smart."

A playful smile appeared on the nun's face.

"If you want to blame, blame you for failing to be a human being, causing complaints everywhere."

Illya waved at the nun.

Berserker roared and rushed towards the nun.

And at the same time.

"We were found."

Lin Bin sneered and said: "It seems that there are reincarnated people who are good at detecting among the enemies. Zhu Zongzhu, go ahead, remember, try to attract the attention of the enemy, I will hide behind... as long as I can see that person Doctor, I have absolute confidence that I can easily kill him!"


Zhu Yuyan shouted: "Everyone, revenge is only today, go!"

Countless warriors, headed by Gu Yuan, rushed forward.

Lin Bin quietly disappeared.

He didn't know what kind of detection method the other party used, but with the optical camouflage cloak, he didn't believe that the other party was really impenetrable and couldn't get in!

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