when reincarnation invades

Chapter 207 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 207 Dimensionality Reduction Strike
Extraordinary plane.

The top masters inside have basically reached the Transcendent Realm in strength, and their methods may not be as varied and deceitful as those of the reincarnation, but their absolute strength may not be much inferior.

Especially now that he is making a move with resentment.

No mercy, even though he was in a hurry when facing firearms, the master Emperor Xin, whose strength is comparable to that of a master, was confused, and he did the brainless behavior of splitting bullets with his palm, and was directly shot in the head. lead to death.

But other people basically have a lot of experience dealing with celestial beings.

Naturally, they all understand the way to deal with this type of weapon. After a short period of panic, as the two sides fought hand to hand.

The apostles were instantly overwhelmed, and the casualties became heavy.

In the end, the reincarnators inside were dispatched accordingly, and this was considered to have withstood this wave of impact from the Datang plane.

Just in this way, back and forth.

Although there are many masters in You country, they can't withstand this kind of consumption, and immediately become stretched.

Fortunately, this is the general base of You Country, and the blond nun quickly noticed the weakness of both sides.

The strength and quality of the first batch of masters is obviously better than the latter batch, and they should be people who walk in the plane.

Although the group that appeared later was not weak, they had no ability to resist modern weapons.

According to intelligence, it should be someone from plane B-185.

So she quickly changed her strategy and let the real masters deal with those walking on the plane, while facing the avengers, she mainly used high-tech weapons, supplemented by the reincarnation, which immediately saved the A lot of combat power.

The battle between the two sides is in full swing.

But in the face of Youguo's strength, even if he joined hands with the Tang Dynasty's avengers, he still couldn't rush in.

Gu Yuan roared angrily.

But the strengthening system has its own flaws, and the biggest flaw of martial arts strengthening is probably that it is not good at the damage of group attacks. This also leads to the fact that in the face of this situation, no matter how strong Gu Yuan is, the lethality that can be exploded is extremely limited. After all Flesh to mortal body, but also to avoid those stray lasers, a little carelessness, even at the holy level, there is a high possibility of dying on the chaotic battlefield.

The two sides fell into a stalemate.

But at this time, no one knows.

A figure had already quietly infiltrated into the Youguo organization from the side.

Indeed, as Lin Bin expected, although the optical camouflage cloak is very useful, as a B-level prop, it must have its limitations...

Invisibility is not stealth, when the detection system is accidentally touched, it will still emit a piercing alarm sound.

Fortunately, the war has begun.

The fierce battle roared from the front and rear, especially as the fearless BERSERKER rushed into the enemy's camp, killing wantonly, even three reincarnations couldn't withstand its overwhelming charge... Even Lin Bin couldn't stand it. I didn't expect Eliya to hide such a trick.

But BERSERKER's combat power is obviously better than many reincarnated people in the Transcendent Realm.

Therefore, in the entire huge base, the piercing sirens did not stop for a moment, so the true meaning of sneaking in was made clear by Lin Bin.

Either be extremely silent, or be extremely fanatical, letting yourself melt into the sea water.

Especially with the blessing of He Guang Tong Chen's mentality, even if Lin Bin passed by people, no one would notice his presence.

along the way...

I also met a lot of masters rushing out. The depth of the organization in this You country is beyond Lin Bin's imagination.

If the combat power of Datang or the group of plane walkers who came here alone, I'm afraid it can't be compared with them. Even if they join forces, the other party will have a better chance of winning.

"We have to speed up the progress."

Lin Bin glanced at the blond nun, worried about her reaction, so he didn't look further, but turned and walked inside.

You country's periphery is heavily guarded.

But inside, there is a smooth road... probably because of their unique self-confidence, thinking that the enemy will not invade here.

In fact.

Although there were only dozens of people in this attack, almost everyone had reached the lowest level of reincarnation strength. This level of combat power, even if Tang Tianhao was still in its prime, turned the plow over and over again. More than enough.

The strength of the Samsara family is already extraordinary, and it is difficult to match this force.

You country's strength is evident.

Although Lin Bin came here for the first time, he didn't hesitate at all.

Blood Dance has come here countless times to date her little adulterer.

And these memories are perceived by Deng Yang.

Naturally, Deng Yang would not hide his secrets from Lin Bin, so Lin Bin's map was not a simple topographical map of the Youguo Organization, and there was an extremely detailed line on it, guiding Lin Bin directly to the doctor's residence.

"However, at such a critical moment, he may not necessarily hide in his room, and maybe he has already gone out to fight the enemy, but I will wait on the sidelines. As long as he comes back, I can kill him!"

ten minutes later.

Lin Bin has arrived at the second top floor of the castle...

The top floor was obviously for the Seventh Apostle to live in, and as her exclusive physician, naturally she couldn't live too far away from him.

Lin Bin pushed the door open.

It's locked inside, and there's someone inside!
The doctor didn't leave.


There was an unhappy voice in the room, shouting: "Didn't I say, don't bother me if you have nothing to do?"

"It was the apostle who asked me to ask Dr. Lu to go over quickly. The enemies from the plane we destroyed before came to the door. The apostle was injured in order to meet the enemy. I need Dr. Lu to help and heal the wound. "

Someone inside said in surprise: "What? The apostle is injured?!"

"Uh... yes, your sister was indeed seriously injured."

Lin Bin secretly marveled at the cautiousness of the other party. If it was an infiltrator from outside, it would be difficult to know the details, but Deng Yang specifically told him that Dr. Lu was not only the exclusive doctor of the Seventh Apostle, but also her own brother.

The address between the two is naturally different from that of other people. What they said just now seemed worried, but it was actually a test.

"Understood, I'll go!"

There was a sound from inside, and fell into a brief silence.

And Lin Bin also mentioned the Ssangyong Phantom Sword in his hand.

He planned to wait for him to open the door and give him a surprise... He Guang Tongchen is the best at holding his breath, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is difficult to detect his breath.

No matter how strong it is, it will be hard to escape the end of a lightsaber piercing the brain.


There was a bang sound of glass being smashed.

Lin Bin's pupils, who had already been ready to go, shrank suddenly.

As soon as he lifted his foot and kicked, the door was directly blasted open.

He rushed in with his sword in hand, only to see that the semicircular window frame of the old castle had been smashed to pieces.

And there was no one in the huge room, so how could there be any trace of the doctor?

"Damn it, let him escape."

Lin Bin cursed angrily, and escaped through the vertical window without hesitation.

The house fell into silence.

After a while.

The door of the closet was opened carefully, and a figure came out carefully, sighing: "Finally left, these people really came for me..."

A sigh is not over yet.

There was a warning in his heart again, he raised his hand to support the shield, and the invisible air mask was around his body.

But the person who came attacked was extremely vicious, and the sword force contained boundless majestic true energy, and was completely integrated with the natural vitality. A sword slashed on the air shield, and an extremely violent friction broke out between the two sides.

But the other party did not stalemate at all, seeing that there was no hope of beheading... The sword that was made with all its strength did not have any stagnant and smooth circle.

A piece of arm directly flew into the sky.

The blood sprayed, the doctor screamed in pain, took advantage of the momentum and rolled away to escape, and said in surprise: "Weapons are cursed!"

He used his only remaining arm to touch himself several times, and the bleeding arm unexpectedly forcibly reversed the curse so directly, and the blood stopped.

Only then did Lin Bin get a glimpse of his true face.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat, he looks gentle and gentle, and it is easy to make people feel good.

It's a pity that at this time, the painful look on his face ruined his temperament.

Beads of sweat were all over the doctor's forehead at this time, and he asked coldly, "You haven't been fooled? I clearly saw that you have gone out."

"You hid it well, but you can't hide it from me..."

Lin Bin didn't explain to him at all that he actually jumped out first, and then came back quietly with an optical camouflage cloak. As for his hiding...under the perception of "Longevity", his hiding actually has no effect.

Lin Bin still understands why the villain died because of talking too much.

Especially the person in front of him was not a weak person. He tried his best to sneak attack, but he was not able to kill him in the first place. Instead, he escaped the crisis at the cost of only one arm.

But Lin Bin didn't mean to praise him either.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

It would be much easier to cripple one of his arms first, and then kill him.

The blade was raised, and black light filled the air.

The ominous ominous aura spread, and Lin Bin rushed towards the opponent like a tiger, and even shouted: "You are not fooled, my disguise is obviously flawless, you can still see through it."

"Blood Dance's death, do you think I don't know?"

Unlike Lin Bin, the doctor answered his questions honestly.

Immediately, Lin Bin suddenly realized that after receiving the news of Xue Wu's death, he already knew that he was no longer safe.

"Thank you for clarifying my doubts."

The conversation came to an abrupt end, and Lin Bin had already rushed in front of the doctor, with swords criss-crossing wherever he passed.

Qin Shi and his party.

It has greatly improved his Taoist philosophy, and even the power of the Tai Chi sword has also greatly increased. In addition, the Ssangyong Phantom Sword entrusted by Lin Bin is now invincible.

It was almost like an impenetrable net, wrapping the doctor tightly.

The doctor growled...

The speed was suddenly so fast that it almost exceeded the limit of what the naked eye could react.

Flee away through the broken window.

At this speed, even Lin Bin didn't notice it for a while.

But just rushed out of the window...

There were two sharp sounds of piercing flesh and blood.

The doctor flew back faster than before, with two extremely sharp long swords stuck in his chest.

Shocking Salamander Sword, Hiding Sun Sword!

Obviously, when Lin Bin just went out, he took advantage of the opportunity to hang the two weapons he was proficient in directly outside with the method of the hundred-step flying sword, and drew them with his own true energy... Outside the door was a long and sealed staircase, allowing He couldn't escape.

And if the other party wants to escape, it must be through the window.

Looking at the doctor who was nailed to the floor and had already breathed in but not breathed out, almost everything about the other party was in his calculations.

Not surprisingly.

The method of controlling the sword is too rare, and Lin Bin's understanding of mind power is far beyond the imagination of others. He knows himself and the enemy, but the other party knows nothing about him.

There is still a gap in strength. If it can't be destroyed, it can only be said that Lin Bin's fighting consciousness is too weak.

Seeing that the opponent had no power to fight back at this time, Lin Bin sighed: "It turns out that what you strengthened is the mind power of the transformation system, but unfortunately, if you really fight with me for a long time, I may have to work hard to get it." I want to attack you, but you have no intention of fighting me at all, and you only want to escape, that would be a pity, I have already understood your means... Now you can go on the road."

Say it.

In his horrified eyes.

A sword cut horizontally.

A huge head flew high and was held by Lin Bin immediately.

Fighting to become a saint at the Transcendent Realm, this doctor's overall strength is slightly inferior to that of Lin Bin before entering the Qin Shi plane, not to mention that Lin Bin now has been gilded in Qin Shi, and his strength has improved greatly.

Even if it is a one-on-one fight with a veteran saint-level reincarnation like Tang Tianhao, there is still a slight chance of winning.

Coupled with the perception ability of "Longevity Formula".

When Lin Bin created a situation where he was alone against him, it was already called a dimensionality reduction blow...

With the head held in the hand.

Lin Bin showed a satisfied look on his face. In theory, as long as he brought this head back to the people of Tang Dynasty to know, let them know that his vengeance has been avenged.

Then he can successfully obtain an S-rank item.

Looking at the doctor's body...

Lin Bin hesitated for a moment, stretched out his middle and index fingers and put them on his chest, and let out a low drink.

From him, a scorching three-legged golden crow flapped its wings and rushed straight towards the doctor's corpse. The next moment, raging flames ignited on his corpse.

After all, there are too many props in the secret realm, if there are any props that can revive people, wouldn't this trip be in vain?

It has been done.

Lin Bin put away the doctor's head.

Looking out through the window, I saw that the casualties on both sides were extremely heavy.

While walking in the plane, the middle-aged man with a miserable complexion and slightly white temples was seriously injured at this time. He rushed too hard, and now he was lying powerlessly on the ground panting heavily, and he seemed to have lost half of his life. .

And on his chest, there was a gap the size of a basketball that was still emitting scorched smoke.

This injury...

It's a miracle not to die.

Gu Yuan was fighting an old man who was about his age.

The opponent seems to be strengthening the system of flames. Every punch and kick carries immense heat, which is unbearably hot. It is evenly matched with Gu Yuan's ice attribute "Longevity Formula", and the two sides are indistinguishable.

The deaths and injuries of the masters of the Tang Dynasty were even more tragic.

More than [-] masters have died tragically at the hands of the enemy.

But the rest are more bloody and courageous...

And these people were all in the battle of mourning soldiers, and the casualties of the apostles were obviously more serious.

At the very least, the face of the blond nun standing at the top has become extremely ugly.

Lin Bin let out a low snort.

With a random move, the two swords that had just been thrust into the doctor's body suddenly flew up as his body dissipated.

Shoot that blonde nun!
got this far...

Lin Bin is obviously no longer satisfied with achieving the result, he wants more!
(End of this chapter)

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