when reincarnation invades

Chapter 208 S-Class Props

On the battlefield, the blond nun's complexion had already become extremely ugly.

The tenacity of the enemy was beyond her imagination.

In the beginning, they could still maintain an advantage in the battle by virtue of their high-end technology and geographical advantage.

But the summoned giant monster is actually immortal, and after dying once, it will be immune to the previous damage after being resurrected...

It's almost like cheating.

Go on like this.

Even if they won the final victory, the You Country Organization would probably lose at least [-]% of its combat power.

At that time, her position as the seventh apostle may not be secure.

But until now, the situation has obviously not changed according to her will.

I want to leave, but I can't bear to part with this piece of foundation...

And right now.

Under Illya's command, BERSERKER looked fiercely at the blonde nun!

It roared unyieldingly like a ferocious beast.

Pushing hard with both feet, the icy permafrost immediately dented a huge deep pit.

And his whole body has been shot towards the top like a cannonball.

"Hmph... stupid..."

The blond nun mocked contemptuously.

If this tyrannical monster could fly, it might really cause her a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that she can soar in the sky, and she is more sensitive than birds, but this monster can only go straight by bouncing, and its trajectory seems to her to be too easy to see through.

The nun dodged back, then flicked her hands.

A sharp wind blade chopped at his neck.

The wind blade was extremely sharp, but it had no effect on the giant.

Obviously, just now, she had successfully beheaded this monster once with this fierce wind, but the other party had successfully revived in just a few breaths, and was even immune to her damage.

"It seems that we still have to attack its body."

The nun dealt with the giant calmly, but her eyes fell on Ilya who was beheading her subordinates with her own magic in the distance.

About to start.

Suddenly, I heard two sharp piercing sounds coming directly to my ears.

There are still people who don't have long-sightedness dare to enter my battle field?
The nun raised her hand, and immediately two tornadoes rose up with the wind, and rushed towards the attack that pierced through the air.

The wind is messy and disorderly.

Any offensive that falls into it will be swept up in pieces, let alone attacking the enemy, even maintaining one's own balance may be extremely difficult.

But this time it was completely different from what she expected.

The enemy's attack was unexpectedly sharp and unparalleled, directly mixed with the boundless sound of piercing through the air, piercing through the tornado, and then attacking her without end.

The nun hurriedly turned around and retreated.

Looking up, she saw only two long swords, like missiles, heading straight for her vitals.

"What the hell is this?"

She couldn't help but let out a cry. She had seen an automatic cruise missile before. Although it was said to be automatic, it was actually not difficult to deal with.

But this is a sword? !
Maybe the damage range is not as good, but it is faster and more agile.

At the very least, after she avoided the attack of these two weapons, the two swords seemed to have spirituality, each circled in a circle, and attacked her again.


The nun yelled, and the surrounding area was suddenly savagely windy, sweeping thousands of thousands, and the sky filled with smoke and dust, forming a blizzard tornado with a range of tens of meters. .

And she was hidden in the tornado, almost invisible.

But the next moment, when the two sharp swords rushed into the tornado, another exclamation came from inside.

The nun was forced out in embarrassment, and even the bible in her hand was directly pierced by one of the sharp slender blades...

If her reaction was a little slower, maybe even her whole body would be stabbed three times and six times by these two swords.

"BERSERKER! Kill her!"

Seeing the assist coming, Ilya screamed sharply.

Accompanied by Berserker's roar, the pitch-black giant soared into the sky again, ignoring the harsh storm tornado as nothing, and slashed at the nun with the ax and sword in his hand.

"Go away!"

The nun tried to avoid the attack of the two swords several times, but the two swords were like maggots attached to the bones, and they couldn't get rid of them at all, especially since the blade had no owner, and she didn't know where to attack, so just attack the blade itself. ...

The weapon is also indestructible, leaving her with no way to deal with it other than avoiding it.

Seeing that BERSERKER came to join in the fun again.

Her originally clear and beautiful face showed a bit of ferocity, and finally she no longer hid her own strength.

Put your palms together.

With the palm open, a wind cannon hit BERSERKER's chest.

BERSERKER flew back faster than when it came.

One shot was in the middle, and then he aimed at the two weapons, and two more shots were fired.

Bang, bang, two sounds of metal and iron clattering.

The Shocking Salamander Sword and the Hiding Sun Sword were also sent flying from afar...

But the nun's complexion did not improve at all.

Just because she knew that this gigantic monster's body was already immune to most of her wind power, even if she tried her best, the damage she caused would be two or three times as usual, she would be laughing secretly.

Not to mention two swords.

Its sharpness is exposed, and it is extremely hard ~ hard, how can she be soft easily by herself?

Sure enough, not long after being blown out, the two sharp swords were drawn towards her face at a faster speed.

The forced nun could only dodge and retreat.

My heart is already very irritable...

Her wind power enhancement is said to be invincible, advancing can be attacked, retreating can be defended.

Ever since she obtained the inheritance of the storm by chance, even if she faces an opponent who is slightly stronger than her, she can always rely on her own enhanced uniqueness to win the battle.

After all, gaining the air supremacy in the sky is already half the victory.

She can also rely on the breath in the wind to detect the approach of the enemy, just like a swallow, no matter how fast the enemy's attack is, she can detect and respond in advance.

And who can be more nimble than the wind?

This is also one of the reasons why she can become an apostle at this grade.

But now who would have thought that she would meet two such difficult opponents?
It's okay to be immune to her damage, anyway, it's not difficult to dodge...

But the other one didn't even show his face at all, chasing her crazily with his sword, causing her to suffer unspeakably.

The characteristics of the power of the wind can't give full play to its advantages.

On the contrary, she was restrained, especially under the cover of these two swords, she could hardly even dodge Berserker's attack...

"Damn, this flying sword's attack method is too disgusting, if you continue to fight, I'm afraid you will die!"

Fight till now.

The nun has already understood that You Country will be defeated.


"You forced me!"

The nun snarled.

Slowly opened the Bible that had been closed in his hand, and said coldly: "Today I will let you understand why I can become the seventh apostle!"

The voice fell.

Berserker let out a roar, and swung down the black ax sword in his hand. On the blade, countless high-pressure airflows gathered like a tornado.

Before the sword fell, the nuns and monks' skirts that had already been blown by the strong wind rustled and fluttered.

The power of this blow has undoubtedly surpassed the peak~peak of the Saint level...

As the hole card hidden the deepest by Illya, its absolute strength is absolutely stronger than any saint-level reincarnation.

Strength, agility, plus twelve trials to make it immortal.

It is simply a perfect murder weapon.

But it's a pity that I met a nun who can follow the wind, but even if she is as strong as a nun, she can only stand in a stalemate with her, but cannot completely kill her.

Seeing that this mouse-like nun finally stopped avoiding her.

Even after losing his mind, Berserker's scarlet eyes still flashed a hint of joy that he was about to smash the enemy into a pulp, and the blow fell passionately.

Facing the fatal blow, the nun didn't dodge or dodge, but directly opened the Bible in her hand and threw it out gently.

The pages of the book are as soft as leaves, and they are flying upwards lightly, just in time to meet the heavy blow that is so powerful that it almost smashes the ground.

next moment.

The smoke cleared.

This decisive blow just melted into the invisible.

"What... what? How could this be..."

A nearly dull look appeared on Ilya's pretty little face.

Even with BERSERKER, he was in a state of confusion, not understanding why the blow with all his strength just disappeared...

You must know that no matter how strong the enemy is, they have always been avoiding his attacks before, rather than turning his attacks into nothingness as they are now.

"Are you proud? Are you proud? Do you feel that your power is very strong? Then I will let you experience your own power."

The nun's voice was full of resentment.

With a thud, he tore up the pages of the book that had just been unfolded, and threw it at Berserker, saying angrily, "Today I will let you see why I want to destroy your world, and what exactly will destroying your world bring us?" What!!!"

The voice fell.

The pages of the book flying in the sky turned into phantoms, and then condensed into a projection that was no different from Berserker. Holding an ax and sword, he slashed towards Berserker in the air.

This attack is more powerful than the previous attack, it seems that it is not as simple as copying, but strengthening.

Strengthened several times.


BERSERKER raised his sword to resist, but the ax sword was directly cut into two, and the opponent's ax sword did not weaken, and directly tore him in two from the middle.

This time...

BERSERKER could not be resurrected.

one strike.

Nine lives, BERKSERKER died completely.

Illya screamed in pain, and the black curse mark that had appeared on her face slowly dissipated.

This blow directly caused her to lose the nine curse seals.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The nun was about to shed tears of distress, but seeing Ilya's painful appearance, she laughed wildly: "This is the power of S-level props, have you seen it? I can completely resist and rebound your attacks, And if I am willing to lose a page permanently, I can double the strength of that attack and let you die under your most proud power, have you seen it?"

She turned her head to look at the two flying swords that were galloping towards her.

He sneered and said, "You don't think my bible of all things can only rebound, do you? I can still store... my tricks, but there are many..."

As he said that, the pages of the book flew quickly, and then he was turned to the desired page.

"It doesn't matter if the master doesn't show up, I'll melt you down!"

Now that the S-level props were used, the nun showed no mercy. As the desired page unfolded, the red text inside gradually disappeared, and the page became blank. Jin Lieyan, like magma galloping, envelops the two swords in an instant with scorching heat.

The twin swords trembled violently.

And at the same time.

She said with a low smile: "I'm just waiting for you to come. Although you have concealed your appearance, you can't hide the breath of the wind at all. You have been exposed!"

She looked back.

Spread the pages again.

The khaki-colored picture and text inside disappeared, and a huge stone claw suddenly appeared on the ground, grasping towards the nothingness in the sky, as if it had already grasped something.

Lin Bin's figure struggled to appear inside.

There was a look of panic on his face.

"Items that can only be invisible, but not self-defense... Items below A-level have such restrictions, how can they be more magical than my S-level world items?!"

The nun laughed and turned the page of the book again.

He laughed and said: "Over the years, I have gone through countless secret realms, failed but also succeeded. They all think that I have gained too little and that I am futile, but how do they know that I have already collected a large number of magical skills. , finally has a place to use it!"

After she showed the S-level props, the whole person's offensive became unpredictable. As she said, the ability of the Bible in her hand can resist all stored skills.

This also means that she is likely to have multiple strengthening systems at the same time. Although she only has the power of one blow, if this blow is not extremely powerful, she will never collect it.


A 40-meter-long blue saber aura appeared out of thin air, mixed with boundless frost aura, and slashed at Lin Bin who was trapped to death.

Lin Bin showed a look of horror on his face, and then he became invisible again.

"Hahahaha, it's useless... your props can't make you...huh?"

The saber energy passed by majesticly, and the boulder arm was directly torn into broken stones, and then froze into ice. Within a radius of several hundred meters, it seemed like winter was coming.

But the sword is everywhere.

There was no blood, and no screams.

Nothing at all.

The nun couldn't help but gasp in surprise?
Obviously, I had a real sense of touch when the other party was invisible just now, but this time it was as if there was nothing to touch... Wait... If so, why was he caught by me just now?

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in the nun's heart.

Under the instinct of crisis, he hurriedly dodged to dodge, but at this moment, there was a gunshot.

There was a huge hole in her chest.

Although Zhanlan Rose can exert the strongest lethality against monsters, but after accumulating energy, its power may not be inferior to the plasma gun of the Predator.

The blond nun spat out a mouthful of blood, with a dull expression on her face...

"Is the S-class item amazing?"

The figure is still not visible, but Lin Bin's sneer clearly appeared in the nun's ears, and he sneered: "It's a pity that props are always just props. Your body is so fragile, so you never thought of cultivating golden bells covered with iron cloth." Do you want to strengthen skills like shirts? It's a pity..."


The nun reacted instantly.

The other party was caught on purpose, and was invisible twice, clearly using completely different props. The intention was to disturb her thoughts and make her make a wrong judgment.

And in fact...

She was very wrong indeed.

"Damn!!! Today's shame, I will write it down."

"You have no tomorrow."

Lin Bin raised his gun and fired again.

The huge revolver roared violently.

Shoot again.

The nun's eyes were red, and she immediately turned the first page with great pain.

A crimson light emerged.

The blazing sky covers the seven rings...

Zhanlan Rose's energy bomb hit the barrage, and then shattered directly.

A look of astonishment appeared in Lin Bin's eyes. He didn't expect that the Bible could even copy defensive skills.

"I have written down today's revenge, and I will repay it in the future!"

The nun let out a low growl, and turned the pages of the book again.

The whole person disappeared into the invisible directly.

Lin Bin's pupils shrank slightly, which was not surprising. He sneered and said, "I'd like to see how much ability you still have!"

The S-level props are indeed powerful, but the limitations of this Bible of Everything are obviously not small. First, the number of pages is limited. According to his visual inspection, there are probably only a few dozen pages left at most.

Moreover, he has an optical camouflage cloak and fish suit, so he can attack her body directly.

Such a great opportunity!

Never let it go.

Lin Bin shouted: "The seventh apostle has escaped, quickly destroy these residues, I will go first!"

After all, he chased towards a distant location.

"I am coming too!"

Yi Liya stood up enduring the severe pain, followed closely behind Lin Bin, and chased in another direction.

The opponent should be using a random teleportation skill. If you want to kill the grass, it depends on the luck of the opponent and your own luck.

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