when reincarnation invades

Chapter 209 Don't You Want Such a Good Wife and Mother?

The leader escapes!

The Youguo members who were still resisting before became confused immediately.

When the army is in chaos, it is difficult to organize effective resistance, let alone resist the offensive of a powerful enemy.

Although the masters of the Great Tang Plane and Plane Walkers were not badly injured, compared to You Country, they were much better...

Under the momentum like a rainbow, killing an enemy is like chopping melons and vegetables.

Especially with the assistance of Gu Yuan and others.

For a while, the You Country Organization suffered heavy casualties.

Although this station has not been completely destroyed, it is only a matter of time.

But at this time, everyone's focus is no longer on these ghost organizations that are destined to be destroyed.

What they paid more attention to was the seventh apostle who had escaped.

If she doesn't die.

Then even if the You Country organization is destroyed now, it will inevitably be rebuilt in the future.

This so-called revenge, even with all the sacrifices, is probably just a waste of time.

Although Lin Bin had already chased after her, and the girl who looked very strong before was also closely behind her...

But everyone has witnessed the horror of S-level props.

It's hard to say whether they will be successful.

"Is this the power of S-class props?"

Zhu Yuyan looked very dignified.

Although her skill is still at the No. 17 level of Tianmo Dafa, in fact, it is not necessarily inferior to the current Mahayana Wan Wan.

Therefore, after learning about the limits of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, she felt somewhat complacent.

At the beginning, it was worth the price to take the initiative to flatter me so that I could be fed more essence of holy relics, so as to greatly improve my skills.

Even if I am now compared to the founder of the Yingui Sect, I may not be much inferior.

But now she realizes that she has only just started in this world.

Today I finally saw the magic of reincarnation space.

Even if it is an ordinary person, if he holds an S-level item, he may easily take her life...

She even somewhat understood why they were so obsessed with destroying other people's worlds.

If she were in this position, I'm afraid she would also be moved by it.

After all, no matter how many people died, she couldn't see it. As long as she was a little dark-hearted, she could treat many things as non-existent if she couldn't see them.

Lin Bin is probably the one who is also extremely shocked by the power of S-level props.

The spiritual sense of "Longevity Formula" has been developed to the extreme, and he is trying his best to search for the surrounding breath.

Seeing the power of the S-level props, he also has great expectations for the He's Bi that he is about to get.

Although Lin Bin didn't know which plane the Bible of All Things was destroyed, it should be higher than the Datang plane, and the effect might not be comparable to that of Choi Bi.

But even so, your uncle is your uncle after all, and S-level props must show the effects that S-level props can have.

It is also out of fear of S-level props.

Only then did Lin Bin understand that the seventh apostle had to die.

And the blemishes of the Bible of Everything are as obvious as its strengths.

You can only defend and counterattack subjectively, but if you encounter an assassination by a sneak attack master, I am afraid that this magical S-level item will lose its effect.

Now the seventh apostle has been seriously injured, if you want to kill her, now is the best chance.

Lin Bin walked very fast.

They split up with Ilya, each searching in one direction.

The two have their own means and supernatural powers.

And at the same time.

In an extremely secret snow nest, the blond nun was lying on her back in pain, almost her entire body was covered in white snow, she was already dying.

But in the end there was still a breath left.

"Damn... today's enmity, I will never forget, damn Gu Yuan, even if we accidentally ruined your chance, you can find us to make up for it, but you are so decisive, wait for me to recover, first The one to kill is you!"

Naturally, she also heard her brother talk about their conflict with Gu Yuan in the secret realm.

It seems that they accidentally killed the only native who knew the location of a place called the Temple of War, and Gu Yuan was trying her best to find the Temple of War.

In fact, although the apostles held a contemptuous attitude towards the natives, in their view, those natives were not even considered human beings, they could only be regarded as leeks.

There is also a contemptuous gesture between the speeches.

But for the reincarnated people, they will not offend them if they can... The reason why they have been hiding their traces before is because they know that if they show up, they will inevitably attract the hostility of many reincarnated people.

At that time, it will be basically impossible to accumulate S-level props quietly.

Although Gu Yuan exposed their existence, they didn't have any hostility towards Gu Yuan at all, after all, they provoked them first.

Even if they were exposed, their initial thought was to calm things down.

We are all from the main world. If you are willing to treat these natives as friends, please do not influence us to treat these natives as leeks.

But who knew that before they had time to contact Gu Yuan, Gu Yuan on the other side found several of their strongholds one after another as if by divine help... The No. 11 apostle who just took office died tragically at his hands.

Now her seventh apostle actually...

"We apostles want to make friends with you and make up for it, but you are so persistent in making trouble for us, Gu Yuan, your good days are coming to an end."

The nun tore off a page.

Although this will permanently lose a page of the Bible of All Things, it can exert more than twice the effect.

Gently stick it to your chest.

The warm light soothed the injured area, and the originally hideous wound gradually recovered, revealing the white, tender and delicate skin inside.

The injury gradually recovered.

And as her body recovers, the tense look on her face gradually eases. As long as she recovers to a perfect state and flies in the sky without contacting them, even if these people want to sneak attack again, they will never think of hurting her again. vellus hair.

The Bible of all things and the power of the storm itself are the most perfect match.

And at this moment, her pupils shrank suddenly, she lifted the blue dress, took out a small and exquisite silver pistol from her thigh, and shouted back, "Who is it?"

"Captain, don't shoot! It's me..."

A staggering figure rushed over.

The nun recognized this man. He was a member of the special operations team specially trained by her during this period, and his name was Shi Jing.

And these people were all trained by her personally, so calling her the captain is naturally normal.

She looked relieved, put down her pistol, and said, "So it was you, kid. Let me ask you, why did you come here?"

"You Kingdom is over..."

Shi Jing had a look of wanting to cry, but he sat down in the snow and said in a crying voice, "They kill people when they see them, and you suddenly disappeared, Captain, and our people are almost dead... "

Speaking of pathos.

He cried with snot and tears, and choked up, "Captain, you want to avenge us."

"Don't worry, I will avenge this revenge. The reason why the enemy can achieve such great results is because they have prepared in advance. After they disperse, whether it is those who walk in the plane or the remnants of the B-185 plane, or Gu Yuan, I will not let you go."

The nun sneered and said, "This Gu Yuan is too ruthless. To deal with us, so much power has been concentrated together. If this person does not die, we apostles will never have peace."

"Captain... I feel relieved with your words."

"Okay, don't cry, man, what's the matter with crying? It's fine to have revenge if you have a grudge, and just to have a grudge."

The nun took two steps forward and helped him up.

Shi Jing asked: "Is it really possible to have revenge for revenge, and revenge for grievances?"

"of course."

"that would be great."

Taking advantage of the momentum of approaching, Shi Jing's sad expression on his face remained unchanged, but his palms changed according to the trend. He slammed out seventeen palms one after another, and the huge energy of life and death hit the nun's lower abdomen, and then entered her body, frenzied Destroying the internal organs in her body.

The nun's pupils suddenly dilated.

"It's what you said, if you have revenge, if you have grievances, then revenge, then, as a remnant of the B-185 plane, is it reasonable to kill you, the mastermind, to take revenge?"

A mocking smile appeared on Shi Jing's face.


"What about you... S-level props are really powerful, but unfortunately, your brain is too stupid. If I give you a treasure, you won't be able to use it."

Shi Jing pushed lightly.

The nun was lying on the ground with her eyes wide open.

There is no more breath.

Shi Jing took the All Things Bible from her, turned his head to look into the distance, and asked, "Why, do you want this book?"

"Will you give it?"

far away.

Lin Bin walked over slowly.

He had a serious look on his face. In fact, he came no later than Shi Jing, just because this nun's perception of the surroundings was also not bad, so Lin Bin didn't approach rashly.

The original intention was that when she recovered from her injury, she would definitely relax for a while.

At that time, he can take advantage of the unpreparedness and attack with all his strength. With the speed of the light boots, he is still quite sure to kill her before she uses the Bible of all things.

Then, Shi Jing took the lead.

Lin Bin slowly grasped the Shuanglong Phantom Sword, and asked, "Why, are you also from the B-185 plane?"

Although they came here to kill people, how precious are S-level props?
He naturally did not allow others to snatch it away easily.

But the other party smiled calmly and said, "If you want, I can give you this Bible of Everything."


The other party turned a blind eye to Lin Bin's hostility, and said: "Although this thing is miraculous, in fact it has little effect on us warriors. As long as we know some methods of returning strength, we can easily make her waste the pages of the book. , it really doesn’t have much effect on me, and it’s not difficult for a master of assassination like me to take her life... In fact, I’ve been lurking in You Country for a while, just because I’m concerned about the Seventh Apostle’s hole card, Knowing that she must have an S-level item in her hand, that’s why she kept it secret. I wanted to wait until the investigation is clear before doing it, but I didn’t expect your actions to be so fast, but the final result is not bad.”

He raised the book in his hand and said with a smile: "If you want it, just agree to one condition, I will give it to you for free, how about it?"

"Oh? Under what conditions?"

"Marry Shi Feixuan, I'm talking about a serious marriage on your main plane, the kind of marriage where you buy a house and get an engagement certificate. As long as you marry her, I will give it to you for free."

Lin Bin's pupils shrank slightly, and he shouted: "You are Shi Zhixuan!!!"

"It seems that the mask made by Lu Miaozi is very delicate. At least, if I hadn't taken the initiative to reveal my identity, I'm afraid you still wouldn't be able to recognize my true face."

Shi Zhixuan slowly lifted his mask, revealing a clear and handsome face with vicissitudes.

There was a playful smile on his face.

Lin Bin frowned and said, "Aren't you already dead?"

Shi Zhixuan smiled and said: "Don't take us aboriginals as fools, you reincarnations are rampant in various secret realms, how can we aboriginals not be aware of your conspiracy? It is not normal to make preparations in advance ?"

"So, you are cheating death?"

Lin Bin sighed: "I just said that the majestic evil king died too shamelessly... I didn't expect you to quietly hide in the dark. Sure enough, if you treat the aboriginal people as fools, then we are the real big ones." What a fool..."

"No, I am indeed dead, but have you heard of the gold medal for avoiding death?"

Shi Zhixuan said: "A very restricted item is only allowed to be used by the aborigines in the secret realm, and it must also have the identity of the so-called BOSS. I didn't understand what the meaning of BOSS was before, so I wanted to give it a try. But I don’t want to really succeed, I actually have the identity of BOSS, so I died, but I was resurrected.”

His manner is gentle.

It's completely different from the time when I had a bad relationship with Lin Bin and Zhu Yuyan before. It seems that there are more deans in a middle school than evil kings.

Lin Bin also slowly lowered the long sword in his hand, and asked, "Do Feixuan and the others know that you are still alive?"

"They don't know, I only told Lu Miaozi, because I want to use his human skin mask to act, and he also promised me not to tell anyone, because he also knows that our world has lost too much, With me, the evil king, hiding in the dark, it is of great benefit to them and no harm."

Shi Zhixuan sighed: "When I was in our world before, I only listened to Feixuan's description during this time, and I knew that the main world seemed loose, but in fact it was strictly supervised. If I entered this main world as the evil king, It's not good for her or for Qingxuan."

Lin Bin said: "This is the truth."

Shi Zhixuan said: "My identity is too sensitive, the government of this world will not tolerate a powerful, unstable pervert out of their control, so it is better for me to die than to live, and in this way, my It can also turn from light to darkness. If their sisters encounter any difficult problems at that time, I, a person who can't be estimated by anyone, will exist in the dark, and it will also help them save a lot of trouble. Just like now, if you don't intervene If so, I will first find a way to kill the doctor to avenge him for blowing up my beloved wife's tomb, and then disguise myself as him and attack the Seventh Apostle."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and thankfully said: "Fortunately, I didn't strike quickly, otherwise I might have been the one who died under your sword before. Unexpectedly, your strength has grown to such a terrifying level in just a few months. Fighting alone, I am definitely not your opponent."

"I see."

Lin Bin suddenly realized.

Shi Zhixuan hid in the dark on purpose to protect his two daughters. In this way, if anyone wanted to harm Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan, he would definitely not consider the existence of the evil king.

At that time, if the two are in crisis, he can break the situation from the outside.

As an old father, it is also painstaking.

"So what about my proposal just now?"

Shi Zhixuan smiled and raised the Bible of all things in his hand, and said: "S-level props, as long as you are willing to marry Feixuan, I will give it to you as a dowry. Feixuan is not an ugly girl with no salt, and has a virtuous personality. Tian Jing, it is different from those wives and young women you have communicated with before, she is a real lover at home, are you not tempted?"

Lin Bin: "........."

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