when reincarnation invades

Chapter 210 This Cake Painting Really Smells

Chapter 210 This Cake Painting Really Smells
Looking at Shi Zhixuan's appearance of a big girl worried about getting married...

Lin Bin thought to himself that when I was comforting Feixuan, this guy was definitely hiding aside and secretly spying on her. It's so amazing that I didn't notice it at all.

But think of Lu Miaozi's amazing disguise technique.

In addition, Shi Zhixuan is a master assassin, so it doesn't seem strange to be able to hide the spiritual perception of "Longevity Formula".

Lin Bin sighed, and said: "If I want to marry her, it must be because I want to marry her, not because of some messy interests. If I just marry a concubine for an S-level item, I will marry her directly against my will." Xuan, you should be more worried about whether your daughter is trusting others."

"It makes sense."

Shi Zhixuan thought for a while, and put away the Bible of Everything.

Said: "Then I will keep this thing by my side for the time being. During this period of time, I have been lurking in You Country. Finding out the apostle's power is not as simple as a mere You Country. Even though the leader of You Country is dead, But centipedes are dead but not stiff. There are at least two places like this in You Country. As the only survivor here, I can use the Bible of Everything as a token to find a way to incorporate this organization into myself. Subordinate, in this way, we can target the apostle organization from within."

He paused, and said: "However, this thing is only used as a token for me. It is useful now, but it will definitely be idle in the future. When you and my daughter are happy, I will give this thing to you. The props are the dowry, so it doesn't make my daughter lose face."

Lin Bin: "..."

He always felt that although Shi Zhixuan had just come to this world for a short time, he already knew the way of leadership.

Shi Zhixuan obviously snatched something good and took advantage of it, but he never said that this thing will be yours sooner or later...

In this way, even if he wanted to grab this thing, he had no reason to do so.

Lin Bin asked: "From what you said, don't you plan to meet your daughters?"

"After all, the identity of the evil king is too sensitive. It is better for me to be dead than alive. If I am still alive, even the Samsara Association will not let go of their vigilance against them."

Shi Zhixuan snorted lightly, and said: "But if I am in the dark, no matter who bullies their sisters, they will have to bear the revenge they don't know... With my strength, it is difficult to dominate this world, but if I have the intention to assassinate someone , even if I am a saint-level reincarnation, I have a [-]% to [-]% chance of success. How can the assassination method of Butian Pavilion be easy? In this way, even if anyone wants to bully their sisters, they need to weigh it carefully .”

Speaking of the last sentence.

He looked at Lin Bin meaningfully.

The meaning is obvious, no one else knows of his existence, only Lin Bin knows...then the so-called weighing is naturally him.

"In the future, if there is any news about the apostle, I will pass it on to you through Lu Miaozi."

Say it.

Shi Zhixuan flew away, and soon disappeared in the blizzard.

Lin Bin pouted.

Seeing a purple figure running over staggeringly behind her, but as a magician, Ilya didn't take the way of strengthening her body, especially the snow was so raging that it buried her knees deeply for ordinary people, but for Yi Liya As far as Liya is concerned, it is over the thigh.

It is extremely difficult to go step by step.

But when she saw Lin Bin, her eyes lit up, and she quickly pushed aside the snow in front of her.

He ran over quickly and saw the blond nun lying on the ground completely dead. He was surprised and said, "You killed her?"

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "It's not me."

Illya curled her lips in dissatisfaction immediately, and complained: "Although the S-level props are precious, my main purpose is revenge. If I kill her with my own hands, I will naturally collect the spoils, but you avenged me. No matter how thick-skinned I am It’s impossible to snatch your spoils, so it’s meaningless for you to hide it from me like this, don’t we even have the most basic trust in our cooperation? Thanks to this, I still want to cooperate deeply with you in the future.”

"It's really not me, forget it, let's go back and talk about it."


Illya stared at the blond nun's unrepentant eyes, closed her eyes deeply, and murmured: "Shirou, you can rest in peace now, half of the revenge has been avenged, and I will use the other person as soon as possible." Let him go to see you at such a fast speed, my sister has avenged you."


Lin Bin greeted from a distance.


She hurriedly responded and followed behind him.

Looking at Lin Bin's back, Ilya felt a warm feeling in her heart.

This time...

I really owe him a big favor.

By the time the two returned to Youguo's residence, the battle was almost over.

This is a war of annihilation, so there is no need to leave anyone alive.

There are still some remnants of You country's defeated generals relying on the favorable location and want to continue to entangle, but it is already a pointless resistance, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out.

Therefore, Zhu Yuyan and others waited outside for the return of Lin Bin and others.

Seeing Lin Bin...

Houhou was the first to rush up excitedly, and asked in surprise: "Brother, brother, we found traces of battle on the top of this castle. According to senior Gu Yuan's observation, it should be the doctor fighting with someone. Could it be that this Did you kill the doctor?"

Lin Bin nodded.

His eyes swept over the many masters of the Tang plane.

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

Lin Bin nodded, directly lifted the doctor's head, and said, "This is the doctor's head. I sneaked in quietly, but I didn't expect this person to be more vigilant than I imagined. It has ruined me a lot." effort."

"It is indeed him!"

Gu Yuan stepped forward to identify it carefully, nodded and said: "This person is extremely alert, and he is very difficult to deal with. I am much stronger than him, but I have not been able to kill him in a single fight. This shows that he capable."

Lin Bin looked at Shi Feixuan, Shi Qingxuan, and others, as well as Zhu Yuyan, Hou Hou, and the group of elite Yingui sect masters.


There is also Lu Miaozi, although she has a deep hatred with Zhu Yuyan, but before this face-to-face hatred, any personal grievances can be temporarily put aside.

The mock-up looks pretty similar.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Fortunately, I am honored. Up to now, the apostles who entered your plane and wreaked havoc have all been given heads, and none of them survived!"

"I would also like to thank you son, if it wasn't for you, how could we avenge this great revenge!"

Zhu Yuyan looked at Lin Bin with brilliant eyes...

No matter how deep her thoughts are, she also loves her home deeply.

Now seeing that with the help of Lin Bin, they were able to kill all the murderers who directly attacked them, and even participated in the plane's revenge in person.

I am so grateful that I can't express it in words.

She bowed down to Lin Bin respectfully.

Even Master Concubine Xuan and Shi Qingxuan also saluted Lin Bin respectfully...

Immediately, like radiation, all the masters from the Datang plane bowed their heads to Lin Bin with great gratitude.

Everyone shouted in unison: "Thank you, Mr. Abin, for waiting for me to avenge my great revenge!"

For a moment, Lin Bin became the core of everyone like the stars holding the moon...

Even those people walking in different planes were rewarded for their great achievements at this time, and before they had time to leave in the future, they couldn't hide their gratitude when they looked at Lin Bin.

If it wasn't for him to provide information and personally lead so many masters, there would be a saint-level reincarnation to help.

They want revenge, I am afraid it is not such a simple matter.

Although he didn't salute as respectfully as those strangers who felt the same way in the Tang Dynasty, his gratitude was not much lower, and even a little more envious...

If at the beginning, when their plane was robbed, such a reincarnated person could stand up bravely and help them make decisions, how could they have fallen into such a situation?


Gu Yuan looked at it with a smile on her face, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

No, the one who pays is me!
I was the one who saved the plane of Tang Dynasty, so why was my brother the one who got the gratitude in the end?

This is a good half-brother who only cares about me, and isn't he also dealing with these apostles for me?

Not to mention that he took the initiative to take the most dangerous job.

I even thought that he got a higher honor than me...

I'm just so inhuman.

Thinking about it, Gu Yuan fell into deep self-blame.

And at the same time.

Lin Bin didn't care about the mentality of his good brother.

Along with many Tang Dynasty people, they bowed down to him sincerely.

The reincarnation watch in his hand trembled slightly, and a faint reminder sound from the reincarnation watch appeared in his ears.

[Trial Mission: Revenge of the Plane]

[Mission Description: Avenge the blood hatred, let all the invaders be punished, and use their blood to wash away the resentment of billions of innocent people who died! 】

[Task Reward: Use Heshibi to carry world consciousness and become an S-level prop! 】

[The task has been completed. 】

[Reincarnation Abin, get S-level props and Choi! 】

[Heshibi (S-level item): The treasure that gathers the luck of the dynasty and inherits it. Wearing it on the body, a hundred demons will not invade it, and all evils will be hard to get close to. 】

[Note: You are not hurting me, you are hurting yourself! 】

[PS: Please protect these sources of luck, they are your wings and strength. 】

Lin Bin: "........."

how to say?

Not unexpected.

S-level props are more powerful than imagined.

But it seems that there are more restrictions.

Lin Bin suddenly remembered a plot in a novel he had read. A certain Hunyuan saint was desecrated by the ruler of the world and wanted to take revenge. He dared not attack the monarch directly.

Instead, he sent three evildoers to lure and seduce the chaotic gang, weakening the luck of the monarch, and finally reduced to the point where one person died alone and the country perished.

From this we can see how terrible luck is.

Not only can it resist evil spirits, but it can also turn itself into a hedgehog. If you dare to hurt me, you will suffer the same damage afterwards.

And what does the so-called invulnerability to demons mean? Maybe it needs to be verified... I don’t know if it’s because the monsters and witches can no longer collect yang and replenish yin for him, or they can’t even get close?

Just like this...

I seem to be bound together with the people of Datang.

Lin Bin first looked at Zhu Yuyan and Shan Meixian, and then at Wan Hou, Shi Feixuan, and Shi Qingxuan...

Sighing, I thought to myself, the better their lives are, the more powerful this S-level item of mine will be?
It's reasonable to think about it, after all, He's Bi's luck actually comes from the common people in the Datang plane...

But this is really annoying.

Lin Bin naturally touched the half-gold and half-jade ring on his finger. Who could have imagined that it contained the terrifying power of reaching S rank?
A happy smile appeared on his face, and he said with relief: "Finally succeeded in killing them all, that's great."

This heartfelt smile comforted many people in the Tang Dynasty.

This Mr. Abin is really sincere to them.

"By the way, young master, I wonder if you have succeeded in chasing and killing the seventh apostle just now?"

After Zhu Yuyan got up, she asked with concern the question that she wanted to ask a long time ago but never had time to ask.

She worried: "If you don't die, if you hit the snake less than seven inches, I'm afraid it will provoke their revenge... We are new here, and we have not yet gained a firm foothold in this world..."

"There's nothing to worry about."

Lin Bin said, "The seventh apostle is dead."

Wan Wan asked in surprise, "Really?"

Lin Bin smiled slightly, and said, "Of course, the majestic evil king Shi Zhixuan took action himself, so naturally there is no reason why he should not succeed!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone suddenly trembled violently.

Concubine Shixuan said in surprise: "What... what?!"

"I said Shi Zhixuan is not dead yet, Feixuan, you don't know about this, do you?"

Lin Bin laughed and said: "In fact, Shi Zhixuan was indeed dead when he tried to save you, but after he knew that the hostile apostles came with bad intentions, he was fully prepared. The gold medal allowed him to come back from the dead, and then he found Lu Miaozi, got a human skin mask from him, entered the real world with another identity, and then quietly sneaked into the Youguo organization. Kill the seventh apostle, but after all, it was a step too late, that woman was killed by Shi Zhixuan's sneak attack."

He spread his hands and said: "Although Shi Zhixuan asked me to help him keep the secret, I thought about it for a while. After all, there is a difference between closeness and estrangement. I'm closer to you, Feixuan, so I think it's better to tell you the good news. You are sad... I am not wrong, Mr. Lu?"

As Lin Bin finished speaking, everyone's eyes focused on Lu Miaozi.

Lu Miaozi was already stunned, staring at Lin Bin in shock, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

This... Where did this dog come from?

But at this time, he noticed everyone's eyes.

Especially Shi Qingxuan and Shi Feixuan's surprised eyes mixed with unbelievable doubts... He felt that it was really hot.

Lin Bin sighed: "The people present here are all my own people, and they will not leak this news, and I think...knowing that the evil king has been secretly protecting them will definitely give them more confidence, right? No one should be stupid Will you take the initiative to tell outsiders this news?"

Everyone nodded quickly.

Don't say it yet.

Even if the evil king is both good and evil, killing people like hemp, but now we are all grasshoppers in the same boat.

The sense of security is really very strong, it feels like the surrounding area is instantly covered with more than a dozen layers of armor.

Lu Miaozi sighed for a long time, and said: "In fact, the evil king did find the old man, and the old man is not friends with him, but the world is about to be destroyed, everyone should help each other, knowing that he intends to hide in the dark, the old man naturally did not The reason not to help, according to him, hiding in the dark can make it easier for his two daughters to walk in this world, and without his protection, the two of you can be better independent, he doesn't want you to be The pets who grew up under his command, but I hope you will become real eagles that can soar freely in the sky..."

Lin Bin: "It should be a female eagle."

"Shut up, you just revealed all the things about being entrusted and loyal, you...you you you...you are so angry with me!"

Lu Miao's angry face turns blue and turns white.

He actually agrees with Shi Zhixuan's decision, someone secretly supporting them can make them safer.

The result was unexpected...

But looking at Concubine Shixuan's teary-eyed expression of surprise, and Shi Qingxuan's expression of surprise mixed with resentment.

The words of blame are hard to say.


This is their great benefactor, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't say a word of complaint.

(End of this chapter)

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