when reincarnation invades

Chapter 214 Don't Talk About It

Chapter 214 Don't Talk About It
Lin Bin sighed, "Brother, he is your friend."

"You're my brother too. You should know that I'm not really worried about your safety. I won't say it. It shows that I'm selfish out of thin air."

Gu Yuan sighed: "But reincarnation, people who are too bright and stalwart will not live long. If you are selfish, be selfish. I just want to live. I have family and care. After I die, my son will die immediately." The source of income will be cut off, my granddaughter will drop out of the current aristocratic primary school, the high mortgage will not be paid, and will be packaged and sold by the bank, subsidized... hum... people are dead... a drop in the bucket, what a drop in the bucket How much money did I earn alive?"

"Brother's words are incisive!"

Lin Bin smiled wryly and said: "If this plane is really dead and lifeless, I will really lick my face and confuse this matter, and I won't admit it, so I will show you the evidence... But now, I want to try try."


"I gave my sister the pill yesterday, and the effect is quite good. I guess she will stand up in a few days at most."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "It's not good to eat and do nothing... If it's not good, it's really bad. I have a clear conscience. Even if I encounter some monsters in the future, I don't have to feel guilty at all."

Gu Yuan took a deep look at Lin Bin, and said seriously, "Brother, I'm not as good as you."

"Maybe I'm still young... After ten years, maybe my thoughts will be more like big brother, and you don't want to."

Lin Bin said: "Let's go brother, they are almost done praying, let's go to worship too."

"Alright, I don't think I will visit him alone in the future. Today's gift is the last time."

What Gu Yuan said was cruel.

Death is like a lamp going out...

Who would waste time on a dead man?

The two passed by.

At this time, the flow of people in the heroic spirit room came and went quickly, until now, only a dozen or so sporadic people remained.

Lin Bin walked over, held three sticks of incense, lit them, and bowed three times.

He turned his head and saw Li Jingjing who had just met once, came here after cleaning up the ward, knelt on the side of the coffin, and kowtowed every time someone offered incense.

He noticed Lin Bin's gaze.

She forced a smile...

Lin Bin didn't say much.

What he was looking for was peace of mind. After collecting things, he should help people to get things done.

However, he himself did not promise absolute success, and he did not get any clues from him, so all he could do was try his best.

In the state of ensuring his own safety, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, he feels at ease.

Think of this...

Lin Bin's mind suddenly became clear.

Even the mood is much happier, and I am in the mood to say hello when I see acquaintances.

"Hey, Brother Li, what are you doing in the hospital again?"

Seeing a familiar face, Lin Bin rolled down the car window enthusiastically, and greeted him with a smile.

Li Lei!

I had a brief cooperation with Lin Bin before.

very short...

Lin Bin's deepest memory of him is probably because of him, which caused him to be banned.

"Yo, brother Abin?"

Li Lei's eyes lit up, he approached enthusiastically, and said with a smile, "You also came to maintain the car?"

Lin Bin glanced at the hospital in surprise, and asked, "Is it possible to maintain it here?"

"In the boutique car repair shop in the back, you should go to the 4S shop for maintenance, right? Or those quick repair shops?"

Li Lei said contemptuously: "Now the automobile industry in our country has developed very rapidly. Although 4S shops are formal, they are too expensive. Although quick repair shops are cheap and affordable, there are too many customers, and the tools are all dry-coated." It's too cheap and I don't dare to go, I'm afraid it won't be good for my car, it's like putting oil in it only costs you 50, do you dare to go?"

Lin Bin: "..."

"But it's different here. Let me tell you, there is a studio behind the hospital. The boss is just in his early thirties this year. He is dedicated to work. Every time he does it himself, the small maintenance is 400, and the major maintenance is 800. I will maintain your car comfortably for you, and I am a master with rich experience, and the services that should be provided will be in place, and the water tank can be guaranteed to be full every time..."

"Brother Li...My dear brother, stop talking, please stop talking."

Lin Bin couldn't figure out again whether the man in front of him was talking about a car or a person.

He hastily covered his mouth, and said helplessly, "I'm here to visit a reincarnated person who passed away, and my heart is already very heavy. If you talk nonsense and get me blocked, I might really cry."

"Oh, little brother, you are also a temperamental person."

Li Lei sighed and asked, "Is the person you're talking about Li Si right?"

"Brother Li, do you know?"

"It can be regarded as some friendship."

"Then you are still going to take care of it at this time..."

"It's not time for me to be sad."

Li Lei sneered and said, "Li Sidu died inside. You should know how dangerous this secret realm is. I will be the next person to enter this secret realm. If I don't take advantage of this time, I will take good care of it. Maybe I'll be the one lying in it in a few days... But speaking of which, bro, take out your phone."


"take it out!"

Lin Bin took out his mobile phone, and Li Lei snatched it as soon as he unlocked it. A moment later.

[You have received 200000 yuan! 】

"Brother Li, this is..."

"This money is not given to you or borrowed from you. If you don't need it, you have to return it to me."

Li Lei put Lin Bin's shoulders on his shoulders, and said seriously: "But if I really lie in it, you remember to use the money to buy me a few team girls, insert a few steel pipes, and dance for me for seven days and seven nights in rotation. It can be considered that I am not alone in lying in it, we are close friends, and this kind of thing can only trouble you, a kindred spirit."

Lin Bin: "..."

He suddenly regretted saying hello to Li Lei.

But what he meant.

Lin Bin asked: "Brother Li, that Qiannv who entered... No... Are you the reincarnation of the A-125 plane?"

"That's not right, I usually don't reincarnate easily, and what I reincarnate into is this kind of difficult secret realm."

Li Lei sighed: "I seriously suspect that it's because I dirty my boss's toilet seat, she was putting on small shoes for me, but I didn't do it on purpose, man... You know, sometimes the angle is not easy to adjust ..."

Lin Bin asked, "Who are they all?"

"There should be two more reincarnations. The association may have to discuss who they are. After all, five saint-level reincarnations were killed at one time. Either these five reincarnations were collectively given a halo of mental retardation, or It is this secret realm that is about to be upgraded!"

Lin Bin said in a deep voice: "Nightmare class?!"

"So half of my trip is to contain this secret realm, and the other half is to redefine the difficulty of this secret realm. Of course, if possible..."

A cold look appeared on Li Lei's face, and he said word by word, "It's best to completely destroy this secret realm."

Speaking of this, he laughed and said: "But even our boss didn't dare to give me such high expectations. There are currently three problems, let's keep one and push the other!"

"So, the two reincarnations haven't been settled yet?"

Lin Bin thought for a while and asked, "I wonder if I can take a spot?"

Li Lei was startled when he heard the words, and glanced back and forth at Lin Bin who was sitting in the car, and said in a concentrated voice, "It's strange, I can't see through you anymore, have you become a saint?"

Lin Bin nodded and said, "It's a fluke."

"But not long ago, five saint-level reincarnations died there. Why are you meddling in this matter?"

"You also participated in the investigation of my situation before, and you should know about my family background... My sister's leg has recovered. Thanks to Senior Li who gave me a pill for free, I can... Now I haven't had time To repay him, but he has already died, what I can do is to bury the murderer who killed him with him!"

Lin Binyi said: "So this A-125 plane, I have to go for giri! For morality, I have to go!"

"And this thing? But it's very dangerous. Once something happens, it's gone forever..."

"Then go and never come back!"

Lin Bin never forgot to sell his Wei Guangzheng character design, especially when he said that he really didn't lie at all.

It's just another way of saying it.

Hearing this, Li Lei looked at Lin Bin with a closer look.

Who doesn't love a reliable and capable teammate?
He said: "But the three reincarnations, you should know that all you want are elites. If you want to join, strength is not enough. You have to have connections and connections... Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you die inside, and it's hard to die if you hurt your teammates." atoned for his sin."

"I understand what Brother Li means, I'll go to Lei Ju."

"Hmph, Ruzi can be taught."

Li Lei smiled and said: "I look forward to the opportunity to fight side by side with you, that's enough, let's not talk about it, I have to report to my leader!"

"Well, Brother Li, go slowly."

"Okay... by the way, by the way..."

Li Lei stretched out his hand and patted Lin Bin's shoulder with a smirk, and said with a low smile, "This time the fragrance is pretty good, and you can tell it's not the kind of baby you used to smell it. kind!"

Lin Bin: "..."

"Brother Li, go quickly... No, Brother Li, go slowly."

"Yeah, let's go."

Li Lei walked a little tiredly, and staggered away little by little.

Lin Bin immediately contacted Raymond.

Lei Meng didn't ask why, after learning that Lin Bin wanted to join the A-125 plane training team.

Just a word of concern, remember to be careful.

Then... I didn't ask any more questions, saying that I put this small matter on my heart.

After all, for him, Lin Bin has just completed the grading work of a plane, and he has almost excavated all the secrets of this plane, providing the follow-up reincarnation with the best experience opportunity, greatly reduced the casualty rate.

To put it another way, it is a company with tens of millions of dollars, and the employees have just negotiated a contract with the unit of tens of millions.

For a long time to come, let alone not going to work, Lin Bin just ran to the roof of the World XX Bureau to climb the crescent sky, and he could explain to people that the main thing is to irrigate flowers and plants with urine. Lin Bin’s doing this can make the world XX The grass and trees in the bureau grow more lush.

And because of this incident, Lei Meng also gave Lin Bin a proposal.

This plane can be used as his rating plane.

After all, his strength has been greatly improved. If the level of reincarnation is still extraordinary, this will not be good for his subsequent experience.

After all, if he entered the plane of the Transcendent Realm again, it would be difficult to bring him much help.

This was beyond Lin Bin's expectations.

After all, his original intention was to enter to see if he could get revenge... If he couldn't, he would retreat unscathed.

However, if Raymond operates like this, it means that he must reach a B-level or higher evaluation in this plane.

But after thinking about it, Lin Bin agreed to the proposal.

I am afraid that there is no simple secret realm from the level to the holy level... It is better to know the basics of this plane, although there are some unpredictable changes.

But the existence of S-level props, Choi, and the money sword allows him to perfectly display his strength beyond himself in this world.

So there is no comment.

With Lin Bin's permission, Lei Meng went to operate immediately.

And Raymond's relationship is naturally trustworthy.

In less than half an hour...

On Lin Bin's side, he received permission.

First, according to Lei Meng's instructions, go to the Reincarnation Association to handle the assessment and evaluation of the saint-level reincarnation.


Lin Bin, who has been a reincarnation for nearly two years, stepped into the door of the reincarnation association for the second time.

The evaluation and signature of the saint-level reincarnation is no longer on the first floor.

As soon as I arrived on the second floor, there was a special receptionist.

Review the experience results and data evaluation of each plane recorded by Lin Bin on the reincarnation table.

Then, I was shocked.

"Are you really not sure anymore, have you continued to experience two more planes of the Transcendent Realm to settle down?"

"The killing~killing secret realm experienced by the saint-level reincarnation is almost two completely different concepts from the extraordinary level. Are you really sure that you are fully prepared?"

After confirming with Lin Bin again and again.

Only then did the customer service procrastinately take out the application form for Lin Bin to sign, but the sharp-eyed Lin Bin had already noticed that the customer service lady quietly took out her mobile phone to take pictures of him.

Not long after Lin Bin walked out of the Samsara Association.

A post in the reincarnation forum has been directly pinned to the top...

【Shock!Who can be faster than this man! 】

Inside is a photo of him signing.

And below, layers of buildings were quickly piled up.

[The world is invincible and the enemy is coming from the sky: What the hell? !Abin again?This guy is going to become a saint? 】

[The head of Widow Village: When he became a reincarnation, I was a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm. Now that he is going to become a saint, I am still a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm... His strength has indeed improved rapidly, but my strength is also very stable. →_→! 】

[My grandma Changshan Zhao Zilong: envy, jealousy, brother please take me...I'm going to be assessed too, can I form a team?I can pay o(╥﹏╥)o. 】

[I am not a little demon girl: I am one of the honorary members of the S team. I have lived and died with Abin many times in the secret realm. Now I will write down my own experience strategy and sell it at a low price. "Stories I and Abin Have to Tell "It is currently being serialized, if you are interested, you can contact me privately to subscribe.ヾ(≧▽≦*)o! 】

[Three seconds is long enough to last: Me, me, me!I buy one... Where can I trade it, through the channel of the Samsara Association or privately? 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: private chat→_→. 】


Lin Bin: "........."

His first thought was to go to the Datang plane and beat up a certain little witch.

But after thinking about it, I first became someone's teacher, and then became someone's brother-in-law.

Forget it...

I'll talk about it when I get back.

After going through all the procedures, Lin Bin did not go home immediately, but first searched for information about A Chinese Ghost Story, which is the A-125 plane.

Then I found that there is indeed a lot of information on this plane.

At least a dozen groups of reincarnations entered this secret realm, and it seemed that the difficulty was not very high at first, and there was not even a reduction in staff.

But since the sixth reincarnation team entered.

The difficulty then suddenly increased...

In the beginning, there were occasional reincarnations from the Transcendent Realm who entered the gold-plated experience, but gradually, the number of casualties increased, and in the end, even saint-level reincarnations fell from time to time.

And finally.

It was Li Si, five saint-level reincarnations entered together, and the group was wiped out.

The five of them seem to be an inflection point!

But what exactly happened is now impossible to ascertain.

And the previous clues, obviously, can no longer be used as intelligence...

"No wonder Li Lei was sent in."

Unlike newcomers like him, Li Lei is a veteran saint-level reincarnation. In terms of strength, he is probably half a chip better than Xu Qian.

The strength of the other person is obviously not too much inferior.

compare with……

No wonder Li Lei said that he wanted to join because of his connections. After all, with his real paper strength, Lin Bin really didn't have the qualifications to join this team.

"It seems that there may be some uncontrollable mutations in this experience."

Lin Bin once again felt that it was indeed right not to let Concubine Yan follow her...Of course, she might not be eligible to join this team either.

After confirming that the association can't get any useful information.

Only then did Lin Bin get up and leave the Samsara Association, and drove back home.

just got home...

Lin Bin was surprised to find that the atmosphere at home was not right.

Lin Xue was wearing light blue pajamas full of frog footprints, leaning on a cane, trying to walk slowly.

walking very slowly.

And after walking a few steps, I would be tired and out of breath, so I sat on a chair to rest for a while.

But compared to when Lin Bin left in the morning, it is obvious that he has made great progress.

It's just that even when she was practicing walking, she was a little absent-minded.

From time to time, he glanced aside worriedly.

And beside...

Gao Yue buried her face in her mother's lap with a depressed face.

It seemed that he was very unhappy.

"Abin, you're back."

Seeing Lin Bin, Lin Xue said: "Miss Feiyan's training notice has come, and she needs to enter the secret realm for training within seven days."

Lin Bin looked at Concubine Yan next to her in surprise.

Concubine Yan nodded slightly, and said: "If you can't practice with Brother Bin, Fei Yan can't refuse this training, of course, Fei Yan doesn't intend to refuse this training..."

Rather, she plans to take advantage of this experience.

Raise your strength up a wave.

(End of this chapter)

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