when reincarnation invades

Chapter 215 Entering the Secret Realm

Gao Yue was hugging her mother with red eyes and was unwilling to let go, but when she saw Lin Bin come back, she felt as if she had found her backbone.

She also had the status of a reincarnation before.

In order to let her let go of this identity, Lin Bin and Concubine Yan have frightened her a lot. The secret realm is extremely dangerous. If you are inside, we will ignore you, and you may not even be able to pass the lowest difficulty secret realm... …

Although Gao Yue has a stubborn temperament, she is actually very well-behaved and knows how to consider others.

In other words, children who left their parents too early have a strong obsession with observing words and feelings, and trying not to hinder others...

This probably comes from the deepest inferiority complex in their hearts.

If it was really just danger, she shouldn't be afraid.

But when she heard that it would be a drag on her relatives, she could only obediently put down the reincarnation watch.

After all, he could still tell whether Lin Bin was lying or not.

But because of that...

In her deepest part, a seed was planted by Lin Bin.

That is, the secret realm is bound to be accompanied by life-threatening.

She could still be a hooded ostrich before, but now, she can't lie to herself anymore, and the previous scaring warnings suddenly began to emerge in her mind.

"It doesn't matter, your mother inherited Tang Mu's reincarnation table, so the current level is only extraordinary level, but her strength is only a thin line away from becoming a saint. What danger can there be in this situation?"

Lin Bin smiled and touched Gao Yue's little head who was tightly hugging her waist and was unwilling to let go, and comforted her, then turned to look at Concubine Yan, and asked, "Fei Yan, are you going to enter the secret realm too?" Do you have any information?"

"Well, Fei Yan went to the Reincarnation Association this morning to check some information. This is just a very common secret realm. Many reincarnation people have entered it before. It is said that the force value in it is not very high, but its No. 1 Dongfang Bubai is extremely powerful, according to the evaluation, it almost has the strength close to the saint level!"

Concubine Yan's always gentle face also showed a bit of anticipation and high fighting spirit.

She said: "Right now, Fei Yan expects her mission to be an enemy to her. In order to break through, Fei Yan really needs a battle of equal strength."

"The East is undefeated?"

Lin Bin said: "I know a thing or two about this secret realm. In fact, every secret realm has a predetermined plot. You can understand it as a fixed number. As a master of the Yin Yang family, you are good at divination and divination. You should be more familiar with it than me." That's it?"

Concubine Yan nodded and said, "Fei Yan understands that everything has already been connected in series like a thread, just like Fei Yan, if Brother Bin hadn't suddenly appeared to disrupt the schedule, Fei Yan would have to wait to reunite with her daughter." I don't know how long it will take?"

"That's the truth."

Lin Bin thought to himself that even the protagonist was offline due to Xuanji's pissing nature.

Are you afraid that the reunion of your mother and daughter will be 20 years later?
He said: "It seems that you have understood what I want to say. Before the reincarnation enters, there is still a definite existence, but after the reincarnation enters, everything is already messed up. Some understanding, I will sort out what I know later, and then tell you."

"Thank you, Brother Bin."

"Why are you being polite to me?"

Undefeated in the East... is the plane of Xiaoao Jianghu.

But which version of the specific plane is different, and the content is naturally very different.

This one is harmless.

Because there is no need to know everything, to tell Concubine Yan the history of the previous development of this world...

For the rest, it's up to her to judge by herself.

She is not a baby who still needs Lin Bin to stuff it into her mouth to feed.

The dignified concubine Yan, even if she entered directly, could basically push everything flat. What Lin Bin did was just icing on the cake, and Gao Yue's heart was actually settled.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Bin's words, Gao Yue felt relieved...

In the end, she went to her mother and acted like a baby, and seemed to know that in the future, Lin Bin should guide her mother as much as possible in order to reduce the crisis.

She also went to do her homework honestly.

And Lin Bin told her in detail the origins of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, the Sun Moon God Sect, and Ren Woxing and Dongfang Bubai.

Concubine Yan's eyes sparkled when she heard it.

She comes from the plane of a hundred schools of thought, although there are occasional disputes among them, each has its own position... just like the two most powerful schools of thought, the peasant family and the Confucian school, one is the common people who work in agriculture, and the other is the common people. The latter are Confucian scholars who study and do not affect each other at all.

And internally they are united.

Where has she seen such a sect with internal and external troubles and mutual calculations?
It feels very interesting...

Naturally, there are more expectations.

That night.

Lin Xue specially made a large table of dishes for the two of them, and Gao Yue realized that not only Concubine Yan, but also Lin Bin was about to enter the secret realm.

"However, this time the secret realm should not take a long time, it may take half a month, or it will come back in a few days."

Lin Bin said with a smile: "The secret realm I entered this time is quite special, the difficulty is not as high as expected, and the end should be faster..."

"Just be careful."

Lin Xue glanced at Lin Bin, and sighed softly: "Every time you enter the secret realm, I'm actually quite worried, but I didn't expect that you seemed to be in a hurry, as if you were born for the secret realm. As born."

"Maybe I'm just right for this."

Lin Bin laughed.

Although the secret realm he entered this time is probably the most difficult secret realm he has entered after becoming a reincarnation.

But Lin Bin's grasp was unprecedented.

Money Sword, Azure Rose, and He's Bi.

Almost half of the props in his hands are aimed at these dark and evil things.

In a sense, if he puts on a yellow coat, he can pretend to be a Taoist priest, and he may even be more professional than a real Taoist priest.

Coupled with the added damage of the vitality of the longevity zhenqi to dark creatures, Lin Bin felt that if a female ghost dared to pick him up, he didn't have to resist, just let her succeed, and he could shoot her alive pair wear.

Just ask if you are afraid.

But props, of course, the more the better.

After all, the Double Dragon Phantom Sword is only a B-level weapon.

And there are limits...

Although the Eight Swords of the King of Yue are also B-level weapons, they can only be regarded as the bottom of the B-level in terms of power.

It has been promoted to the level of sanctuary.

Class B is considered standard equipment, but it is not as rare as in the Transcendent Realm...

Who doesn't have a few B-level props?
the next day.

Concubine Yan entered the secret realm first, and Lin Bin sent her off in person.

The topic about Lin Bin in the forum is hot. The man who has refreshed the speed of improvement from the trainee reincarnation to the saint-level reincarnation, and is known as the fastest man in the All-Reincarnation Space Association appeared at the gate of the secret realm.

It caused confusion among the staff of the Reincarnation Association, and a group of young girls surrounded Lin Bin in the middle.

Some people even asked Lin Bin for his autograph.

That enthusiastic attitude made Lin Bin puzzled for a while, and then he realized that although the world seemed safe, the so-called safety was actually obtained by countless reincarnators desperately trying to contain the secret realm.

The common people naturally know this too... This has led to the status of the reincarnated people, just like the stars in the previous life, and even in a sense they are more popular than the stars, after all, the stars do not contribute to the country They also evade taxes, but the reincarnated people are really protecting these people with their lives.

Although they also want to improve their own strength, they don't care about their deeds in everything.

Just like Li Si who had died before.

They really gave their lives to protect the world.

Just thinking about it, Lin Bin couldn't help feeling an inexplicable heaviness in his heart.

As a reincarnation, he naturally knows more than others.

At present, the reincarnators are still able to control the situation. Huaguo can be destroyed, captured, suppressed, or simply cultivated as a training ground for reincarnation...

For each secret realm, they have their own treatment policy.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Lin Bin, all he needs to do is to complete every task he needs.

But Lin Bin could feel it, and some information was clearly revealed.

The strength of the secret realm is increasing.

At a not-so-slow pace...

Intuitive performance is.

Is it really just because of the aging population that Huaguo is so desperately trying to recruit combat power and contain secret realms?
Lin Bin suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Could it be that the reincarnation is about to be unable to resist?
Not everyone has his improvement speed. More reincarnations are improving themselves step by step. This kind of reincarnation is powerful, but how can it be as convenient and quick as harvesting masters directly from the secret realm? ?

Concubine Yan is extremely powerful, but it seems that she is not as good as Lei Ju.

But after he learned of Concubine Yan's existence, he immediately rushed to recruit her. Could it be that he actually knew some information that he didn't know?

At first, Lin Bin hoped that the difficulty of the secret realm would increase as soon as possible.

Because as long as the difficulty keeps increasing, sooner or later he will come into contact with the immortal cultivation technique he has been thinking about. By then, with his "Longevity Jue" mastered, he will have almost the same physique as the innate Taoist body. ?
Ascension can definitely crush other monks by a large margin.

But now it seems...

The increase in the difficulty of the secret realm is a good thing for him, but it seems to be a fatal crisis for the entire Hua Kingdom.

In other words, it is not only a crisis for China, but also a crisis for the entire Yuanxing.

Together with this idea, there was an inexplicable crisis.

It seems that I need to have a few reincarnated watches in my hand...

Lin Xue must be allowed to go ashore. Right now is naturally the best state, but if there is a day when things cannot be done, then going ashore is the only option to protect her.

Those ordinary people, although Hua Guo will still protect them, will inevitably have a choice.

He smiled and said goodbye to everyone.

Lin Bin returned home, opened the Samsara app immediately, and opened the exchange module.

Pick out the props you want...

As far as equipment is concerned, his current equipment can be considered luxurious among saint-level reincarnations.

But who would think that they have too many good things?

It is necessary to exchange merits into combat power as soon as possible... Otherwise, the merits may depreciate in the future.

Especially after taking Da Huan Dan, he has no props to heal his wounds, so it is still necessary to consider wide use and narrow use.

Soon, he picked out the props he wanted.

[Fate Coin (C-level prop): Toss a coin, there is a 50.00% chance to recover all injuries, and a 50.00% chance to be bombarded by thunder, which will aggravate the injury.Redemption requires C-level meritorious service × 2!Reincarnation points × 1000 points! 】

[Note: Do you believe in destiny? 】

The effect is stronger than the fate coins in the plot, which may be the reason why two C-level meritorious deeds are required for redemption.

Normal medicines such as Dahuandan always have some restrictions on recovering from injuries...

But this kind of thing can be used in a desperate situation.

If you can win, it is definitely the best weapon for counter-killing... As for if you fail.

Lin Bin exchanged another item with his backhand.

[Lightning Rod (D-level item): It can be used in rainy and thunderous weather to prevent yourself from being attacked by lightning. To redeem it, you need D-level Merit x 1 and reincarnation points x 200. 】

[Note: Have you ever done anything wrong? 】

It's cheap, but it works.

Lin Bin exchanged these two items in his heart. If he confronts the enemy with serious injuries, I can directly rush up and throw the fate coin. If I am lucky enough to recover from my injuries, I will draw out my sword and fight him... If you are unlucky and the thunder strikes early, I will take out the lightning rod and let him die with the thunder!
It's cool to think about it.

If in the future, by chance, you can learn the Divine Sword Yulei Zhenjue, then you can directly collect a batch of fate coins, and maybe the power of the Divine Sword Yuleizhenjue can be greatly improved?

After all, if you can even strike the thunder yourself, you can ask if it is powerful or not.

It's just that I haven't found a suitable weapon for the time being...

Lin Bin could only post the announcement directly on the reincarnation forum.

A-level weapons are recruited at high prices.

If satisfied, the price is not an issue.

"Hey... that's not good about the reincarnation space. It's not as comprehensive as the previous reincarnation space. It's scarce. It's too scarce. If I were to take charge of this reincarnation space, the first thing to do is to quickly fill up the mall. It doesn't matter if you don't, you can raise the price a little bit, and when others can't afford it, you naturally don't know the background of the Samsara Space Mall, but at least it's going up, it's not the same as it is now, it doesn't matter what you want. "

Lin Bin sneered.

But also understand.

The difficulty of the current secret realm is actually mostly maintained at the extraordinary level and the killing level, and the B-level props vaguely mean to be flooded.

But A-level props are actually still very scarce.

Even if there is, it is basically digested internally.

Reincarnation people are unwilling to consume... This is also a huge problem. I don't know how the Reincarnation Space Association will solve this problem in the future.

After caring about national affairs for a while.

The props that Lin Bin asked for were delivered directly by the staff of the association.

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Extraordinary (can be advanced)]

[Qualifications: Slaughter-level Secret Realm Independent Customs Clearance Experience × 2 (Evaluation: S, A), Adventure-Level Secret Realm Clearance Experience × 4 (Evaluation: S × 4 (the first three items are visible data for all reincarnations)
[ Merit: Class B merit × 5! D-level meritorious service × 2! 】

[Reincarnation points: 14600 reincarnation points]

[Equipment: Heshibi (S), Blazing Sevenfold Ring (A), Magic Mirror (A), Light Boots (B+), Double Dragon Shadow Sword (B), Azure Rose (B), Money Sword (B), optical camouflage cloak (B), soft hedgehog armor (B), wrist controller (B), Yuewang Eight Swords (B), magic sound treasure box (?)]

[Items: Expanding Fire Seed (A), Holy Blessing Potion (A), Random Teleportation Scroll (B), Primordial Bloodline (B) x 1, Destiny Coin (C) x 1, Blood Ancestor Bloodline (C) x 1, Werewolf Ancestral Bloodline (C) x 1, Changing Capsule (C), Storage Belt Soul Guidance Device (D), Lightning Rod (D)]

【Enhancement: Heshibi】

[Cultivation method:]

[Level B: "Secret of Longevity" (114%) (upper limit: 200%)]

[Grade B: "And the Light and the Dust" (47%)]

[Level B: "Heavenly Demon Dafa" (83%)]

[Level C: Fragments of the Sword Code (96%)]


[Level B: Heavenly Magic Force Field (89%), Tai Chi Sword (100%), Heaven and Earth Lost Color (71%), Sword Heart Illumination (42%)]

[Level C: Ti Yunzong (100%) Taiji Qishangquan (100%)]

During this period of time, Lin Bin's skill has improved a lot.

Although there is no bonus from the evil emperor's relic, but with the phantom sound treasure box, the speed of cultivation is still much faster than that of ordinary people.

Especially with Concubine Yan around.

The phantom sound treasure box is a piece of music with a slight touch, and the effect of each piece of music is very different.

Or it can make people dreamy, or it can make people feel ashamed, or it can make people's blood boil, or it can make people's cultivation base greatly increased.

It was supposed to be explored slowly, but Concubine Yan obviously has her own understanding of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box... At least, she knows what to do to greatly increase Lin Bin's cultivation speed.

Ever since, the object of Lin Bin's double cultivation was changed from Houhou to Concubine Yan.

Of course, during this period of time, Hou Wan still came to rub her hands from time to time.

It didn't matter anyway, so Lin Bin took her with him.

And the direct impact is that in the past month or so, almost half of Lin Bin's thoughts have been put on the battle of wits and courage with the apostles, but his cultivation still has not let go... This point, the magic sound treasure box is actually called merit must.

In the early morning of the next day, all the props were tidied up.

Gao Yue has already gone to morning reading class.

Lin Bin greeted Lin Xue and said, "Sister, it's time for me to go too."

Lin Xue smiled, as if she was sending Lin Bin to an ordinary class, and said softly, "Go."

"Yue'er will be taken care of by you."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

Lin Xue nodded with a smile.

"Well, you should also remember to take good care of yourself, I'll be back soon."

Lin Bin opened the door and left.

It wasn't until Lin Bin's back disappeared outside the door that Lin Xue scratched her face in distress, and sighed softly: "Take care of the children? Sigh... this... is really a headache. It seems that we have to talk to Mrs. Tang Just discuss it carefully..."

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