when reincarnation invades

Chapter 216 Is this task... so simple?

Chapter 216 Is this task... so simple?
Lin Bin went downstairs and stopped at the gate of Taoyuan Community to wait.

After Raymond got things done.

told him one thing.

After entering the secret realm, everything was up to Li Lei.

Being able to achieve such a powerful achievement in such a short period of time, there is no need to doubt his strength, but as a veteran reincarnation, Li Lei's sense of danger and qualifications are also incomparable to him.

Their cooperation is regarded as a strong alliance.

After contacting Li Lei, Li Lei did not tell Lin Bin where to contact him.

Just tell him that when the time comes, he will drive them directly to the secret realm.

The two agreed on a time of nine o'clock.

When the reincarnation watch on Lin Bin's wrist pointed to nine o'clock.

Accompanied by a piercing horn sound, a white car rushed over at a speed of more than ninety yards amidst everyone's disgust, and stopped directly in front of Lin Bin with a piercing sound of drifting.

Li Lei rolled down the car window, smiled and said, "Little brother, get in the car."

Lin Bin blinked, looking at the beauty posted on the white SUV, with an embarrassed look on his face.

After Li Lei finished greeting Lin Bin, he turned his head to look at the guard, Old Dong, and laughed, "Yo, isn't this Old Dong?"

"Hahahaha, Xiao Li... why are you here?"

"I'm here to pick up my little brother to practice."

Li Lei pointed at Lin Bin with a smile, and said, "This man is my little brother, who lives in your community. Brother, remember to take good care of our little brother from now on."

"Don't worry, isn't this one of your own?"

Seeing Lin Bin, Old Dong smiled and said, "So it's you. I said, why did I feel so kind to you when I saw you before? I didn't expect... Indeed, to be able to play with you, Xiao Li, we must be of the same kind." Don't worry, your little brother will be my little brother from now on."

Seeing the good posture of the two brothers.

Lin Bin was shocked, fearing that the two of them would say something surprising, he hurried into the car and urged a few times.

As long as Li Lei reluctantly bid farewell to his friends, the car ran away.

inside the car.

Lin Bin sighed: "If there is another cooperation next time, Brother Li, you can give me an address at that time, and I can just find it there, so you don't need to pick me up."

Li Leiqi said: "Why?"

"It's not good to waste your oil, Li Ge."

Lin Bin didn't give Li Lei time to retort politely, so he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Brother Li, why do you know Dong Menwei so well?"

"I used to see each other often during maintenance, and those who came and went once became good brothers."

Lin Bin: "..."

He hastily changed the subject again, "By the way, Brother Lin, didn't you say that the three of us broke into the killing-level secret realm together? Who is the third person?"

"It's also a friend of mine, but this friend is incomparable with Old Dong...Of course, in terms of friendship, he is actually more sincere. Of course, I don't mean the sincerity of Old Dong just now. , anyway, you will know when you meet, we are all good friends, friends, they can’t all be friends like you and Lao Dong, there must be a few honest and sincere ones, right?”

Li Lei said with a smile: "At least we were all arrested, and someone has to be responsible for catching us outside. How dare you look for your own family members for such a shameful scandal? Brother, remember, this is a very important thing to pay attention to." matter."

Lin Bin: "..."

You also know it's ugly?
He shut up.

Being pointed at in the face by people and saying that they are friends, but they still can't get angry, because they have included themselves in the category.

But Lin Bin didn't speak, and Li Lei talked about his car with his mouth broken as if he had cut eight petals...

But Lin Bin pretended to be dead the whole time, and from time to time he gave a yell, proving that he was still listening.

In fact, my mind has already gone to the new secret realm.

But after half an hour.

After the third person finally got into the car.

Lin Bin still couldn't help being stunned, and said in surprise, "Brother K?"

"Mr. Abin? I didn't expect to be able to fight side by side with you this time. What a surprise."

The person who came was also surprised, it was K88.

Unexpectedly, he also entered the secret realm as a reincarnation.

After all, the vice president of the Technology Enhancement Association...

Is this to use technology to defeat magic?

At this time, K88 was still wearing a baseball uniform, looking extraordinarily clean and neat, with a kind smile on his face, and said: "If the president knows that your strength has improved so quickly, he will be very happy for you." .”

Li Lei was shocked and said, "You know each other?"

"We've known each other for a long time. In fact, I just wanted to pay a visit to Brother K these few days."

Lin Bin smiled and took out a bucket of engine oil from his storage belt, which he was planning to use for his car.

He handed it over and said, "Look, the gifts are all bought, but there was a little friction with the apostle during this period, so I didn't pay attention to the visit."

"Mr. Abin is still so polite."

K88 said it was polite, but it was really not polite...

The motor oil was indeed to his liking.

"It turns out that little brother Abin is even better than I thought."

Li Lei suddenly felt that his previous instructions were superfluous, and he had already considered this issue by himself.

He smiled and said: "But this is very good. I thought that the three of us still need to get in touch with each other, but I didn't expect that before the secret realm started, we had already hit second base and were about to hit home plate. , if you sprint harder, maybe you will hit Huanglong directly."

Lin Bin: "..."

I shouldn't be thinking wrong this time, right?
Lin Bin glanced at K88 speechlessly, but found that K88 had a warm smile on his face, as if he didn't realize the meaning of these words at all.

and many more……

K88 is a robot, it is hard to say whether it has this function or not.

But K88 seems to know Li Lei very well.

He didn't interrupt his eloquence, but waited for him to release his prehistoric power before asking, "What do you think, Captain, about this secret realm?"

Li Lei turned to look at Lin Bin, "Abin, you are a strategy master, either S or A, do you have any suggestions this time?"

Lin Bin said: "I checked the previous information and confirmed one thing. Normally, this secret realm does not have the qualifications to destroy five saint-level reincarnations at the same time, so when Li Si and the others entered, There must have been some changes inside, and these changes are very dangerous, but because all five of them are dead, Li Si didn't have time to tell us."

"And what we need to do is to find out where the mutation is. The younger brother's opinion is indeed very insightful."

Li Lei praised the useless nonsense.

In fact, Lin Bin's words don't make much sense...

After all, everyone knows what should be known, and these information can no longer be used as a reference, otherwise I am afraid that they will not even know how they died.

At that time, we still have to adapt to the situation.

While talking, the three of them drove away from the urban area, got on the highway, and drove towards the secret place of No. A-125.

Of course, it was Li Lei who chatted endlessly along the way.

K88 habitually keeps silent, and doesn't open his mouth unless necessary... As for Lin Bin, he is as simple as him, and the most fancy trick he can think of is just a mere rice bowl, and he really can't accept his various bold and heavy tastes.

Three hours.

Li Lei kept talking the whole time, not even taking a sip of water.

Until they came to a quiet and secluded mountain forest.

At this time, a large number of outposts had already been set up in the surrounding area, and even armed soldiers guarded the place...

All things added up, this secret realm is surrounded by at least 400 people.

Li Lei got out of the car, clicked his tongue and said, "Yo? Such a big fight?"

"The space of the secret realm is extremely unstable, and there are signs of being torn apart. According to our judgment, if this secret realm cannot be effectively contained within half a month, this secret realm will come directly to our world, and this place The world has changed from the previous white secret realm to the red secret realm, which means that once this secret realm arrives, it will have a great impact on the real world, and may even turn the 13 population of Zailai Town, which is [-] miles away, into a ruin. Maybe."

The person in charge of maintaining this secret realm is a tall man in his early twenties with golden eyes.

After introducing himself, Lin Bin learned that his name is Sun Yiyun.

It is the elite of the Ninth Army Base of the Chinese Army, and those ambushing around are all the generals in the army.

He said: "We will buy time for the evacuation of the people, but the extraordinary power involved in the killing-level secret realm is too high-end, so we are already fighting for the assistance of the Samsara Association. It will take time for those exclusive Samsara patrol teams to arrive, but we I think you should be able to help us win this time."

"Relax, I'm fully confident as far as durability is concerned!"

Li Lei said confidently: "And this time I'm not only going to delay enough time for you, but if you accidentally help you solve this crisis by then, you shouldn't blame me for eating alone and not letting you Would you like a share too?"

Sun Yiyun is obviously not the first time to cooperate with Li Lei, he ignored the ambiguity in Li Lei's words, smiled and said: "It's not such an extremely dangerous situation, and it's not your turn to come forward, if you can really do it, We still owe you a huge favor."

Li Lei asked in surprise, "Huh? Is there a commendation meeting?"

Visible to the naked eye, Sun Yiyun's originally polite face froze for an instant, and then a shadow appeared, and after a while, he recovered his smile and said, "No, but if you want, I can tell our Sergeant Zhou about your The memory of him."

"Hey... let's forget it."

Li Lei waved his hands boredly and said: "At the last commendation meeting, I just wanted to see how the artillerymen's shooting skills were. I was satisfied when I saw it. Our karma is over, so we don't want to see each other anymore."

"If this is the case, we still recommend that you stay away from our Ninth Army base as much as possible, because the keys to the arsenal in the base are now managed by Sergeant Zhou. Cruiser missiles, it doesn't matter if you die, but we will be greatly implicated around us."


Li Lei really didn't say much.

Lin Bin couldn't help but sink slightly in his heart.

Listening to Sun Yiyun's introduction, it seems that the crisis in this secret realm is bigger than imagined.

Successful invasion of the red mystery?

And it's still the plane of A Chinese Ghost Story...

Doesn't this mean that a large number of ghosts, ghosts and ghosts have directly come to the real world?
No wonder even the army was dispatched.

K88 said: "Since the situation is so serious, let's go without delay."

"Okay! Let's go."

Li Lei snorted.

"I'll send someone to see you off."

Sun Yiyun sent three seemingly capable soldiers with guns to escort the three of them inside... It's just that posture, no matter how you look at it, it feels like they are taking the three of them to the execution ground.

Especially those three little soldiers looked at Li Lei's unkind eyes, combined with Li Lei's conversation just now.

Lin Bin can basically figure out what unpleasant things happened.

Come to the entrance of the secret realm.

Sure enough, as Sun Yiyun said, the tearing entrance of this secret realm is much larger than normal secret realms, and the gap is more jagged, like a hideous and ugly scar in the void.

Coupled with the overflow of surrounding breath.

It was an inexplicable feeling that contained a gloomy and cold atmosphere.

It gives people a feeling that the crack and wound will thicken and deteriorate at any time.

"Let's go."

Li Lei showed a look of disgust on his face, and frowned, "This secret place, oh... so dirty..."

While speaking, the three of them stepped into it one by one.

The secret realm this time is indeed very different from other secret realms, and there is a sense of discomfort throughout the process.

Until passing through the secret realm, the three of them set their feet on the ground again.

"It's such an eerie feeling."

K88 raised his head and looked around, then reached out to touch the ancient tree next to him, frowned and said, "It's so strange, it's three o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is shining, but the air humidity here has reached more than 50%. It has been 232 days and fifteen hours without the sun's rays."

Lin Bin couldn't help but groan.

This teammate is really...

He also looked up and looked around.

Indeed, a weird feeling.

The sun is shining brightly outside, but there is a gloomy feeling inside the woods, as if even the sun doesn't bother to patronize this gloomy place.

The surrounding area is shrouded in fog, and the distant scenery cannot be seen clearly... But it is an ordinary forest, but it makes people feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

"Could this be the legendary demon spirit?"

"Let's go, let's find a way to trigger the mission first."

The three of them walked out of the woods and found a trail.

K88 just bent down to observe the ground, and said: "Going south, the number of footprints going south is 12.3 times more than that going north. Many market towns."

"Let's go, with old K here, we don't have to worry about such subtle observations."

Li Lei patted Lin Bin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, I know why among the three candidates, I have to choose an old K. With him here, we will win."

K88 said modestly: "I'm just a robot, and my subtle observation ability is a little better than yours, but in terms of combat power... especially for this kind of monster that cannot be explained by scientific theories, I only know how to use physics to explain it." The attacker should be very difficult to deal with..."

Lin Bin praised: "Physical transcendence is also transcendence, and all fears come from insufficient firepower!"

The three walked forward in the direction of K88.

After half an hour...

Sure enough, the three of them had arrived in a rather spacious and bright town.

But at this moment, the three of them couldn't help but be astonished.

In such a big town, the slab buildings are close together and densely packed, but there are only these buildings left, and there is no trace of human habitation anymore.

"Strange, there are no human beings in this small town!"

Lin Bin's "Longevity Jue" spiritual perception is far less powerful than K88, but he can also detect that there is no human habitation within a radius of several hundred meters.

He was about to drive the flying sword to fly into the sky to check, when K88 turned into a jet engine directly behind it and flew into the sky.

After a while, it fell.

With a solemn expression, he said: "This town is called Fanzhi County. There is a county monument on the opposite side of this county, but there are indeed no living people, not even dead bodies."

Lin Bin frowned.

The last time he encountered such a situation, it was still in the zombie plane where he experienced for the first time.

But at that time, it was because all the people in the town had been turned into zombies, and as daylight came, these zombies needed to hide in the dark to avoid the sun, so it created the feeling of a dead town.

But there shouldn't be that type of zombies here.

Although evil monsters cannot see the sun...

But there seems to be no sunshine here from the beginning.

The three of them traveled amazingly, and half an hour was enough to cover a distance of tens of kilometers.

And during this period of time, although the sun above the head has been releasing scorching heat, it seems to be shrouded in that layer of mist, which cannot be shrouded at all. This kind of dark environment, let alone ghosts, even zombies Can come out and move freely.

"It's weird, but the more this happens, the more it fits my psychological expectations."

Li Lei's face became serious, and he rarely drove. He said, "It seems that there is a crisis in this fog."

"The mission is here."

Lin Bin looked down at his reincarnation watch.

[Secret Realm Mission: Kill the Dryad Grandma]

[Completion reward: 3000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1. 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

"Kill the dryad grandma?!"

A few people looked at me and I looked at you, and they couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on their faces.

This task...

Is it that simple?
(End of this chapter)

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