when reincarnation invades

Chapter 217 Chaotic Plot

Before the three of them came, they had learned about the related tasks through their own channels.

Of course, they have heard of the reputation of the dryad's grandmother...

In fact, the task of the first batch of reincarnations to enter is to liberate the female ghosts imprisoned and driven by her from the hands of the tree demon grandma.

And according to their description.

In the process of carrying out this process, they also met a scholar by chance, which led to a marriage with a love between human and ghost.

As for the big boss of the villain, the dryad grandma, they teamed up with a wandering knight and seriously injured her... It was just because she was not their main target after all, so it was considered that she escaped with her life by chance.

But even so.

Without decades of recuperation, it is impossible for this dryad grandma to come out and make trouble again.

And for this dryad grandma, those reincarnations also gave their evaluation.

It occupies a favorable location, but it absorbs too much dark energy, and it will be greatly restrained during the daytime...

With this shortcoming, although the strength of this dryad grandma is strong, it is far from being invincible!
"Among the first batch of reincarnations to enter, one named Ding Yuan is my good brother. We often go to the 4S shop together to learn about driving skills."

Li Lei said: "I know him well, he doesn't say exaggerated things, he is even very modest... Last time he said he could last for 3 minutes, but in fact I counted for him, and he lasted for a full three and a half minutes Well, he is still modest in such matters, so it can be seen that his evaluation must be very pertinent, and he may even overestimate this grandma tree demon."

"Could it be because of the old black mountain demon that the reincarnation encountered when he entered for the third time? Compared with the tree demon grandmother, there is no doubt that the black mountain old demon who doesn't know the details is stronger. They only confronted him head-on for a short time, and then they staggered, and they still didn't know enough about him."

K88 also raised his puzzlement.

"Yes or no, don't you know if you go and have a look?"

Li Lei said: "The base of the tree demon grandma is in Lanruo Temple. We can take a look at it in a fair manner. If we really meet the tree demon grandma, we can kill him directly, which can be regarded as saving some troubles." Necessary trouble, with the strength of the three of us, even if we really encounter that black mountain old monster who doesn't know the details, we may not be powerless."

"It is indeed a very simple plan, but it is also necessary to make additional responses."

Lin Bin said: "After all, in terms of absolute strength, I don't think the last team of five saint-level reincarnations will be inferior to the five of us, and the tacit understanding may be much higher than ours. The enemy's treacherous tricks led to the wounded, but only one of the five escaped, and it was not even counted as escaping, because he died not long after he came out... It can be seen that there is definitely something happening in this secret realm that we don't know The change, uh...Brother K, what are you doing?"

"This question is very simple."

At some point, K88 had a huge shell that was almost taller than his entire body.

He smiled and said: "Before we entered Lanruo Temple, we arranged more than a dozen of these city-destroying missiles in advance. Once I found something wrong, I could directly start and let these missiles launch collectively. Twenty times is not a big problem..."

Seeing the astonished expressions of Lin Bin and Li Lei.

He laughed and said: "It's as if technology has a lot of restrictions on this magical combat system. Why do I still come here? In fact, this restriction is mutual. I don't know their details, they are the same I don’t know me either. If you don’t know the specific principle of this professional missile, even if you tell the dryad grandma where the backhand we set up, she won’t be able to disassemble it. That’s the end of an early explosion.”

"This can also be regarded as a clever plan, but... uh..."

Li Lei looked at Lin Bin worriedly, and said, "Of course I'm not afraid of these missile attacks, let alone you, old K. I guess these missiles may not be able to break your skin, but once they are triggered, how can Abin be attacked?" no……"

"You don't need to worry about me. If we really reach the point of using these things, we must be at the end of the road. Naturally, I have the means to save my life."

Lin Bin thought to himself that I still have a small nuclear bomb in my hand.

But this K88 is so powerful, it seems that I can save a lot of energy.

For the first time in his life, he realized how easy it is to practice with reliable teammates, those former teammates... don't mention it.


Datang Town.

Wearing a white light skirt.

Wan Wan, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed in his room and closed his eyes to practice, suddenly couldn't help but let out a cute little sneeze.

She opened her eyes angrily.

Those bright eyes were full of displeasure, and he said angrily, "I knew it, it must be that the senior brother encountered some unsolvable problem, and I remembered that I came...Damn it...it didn't even call me when I entered the secret realm!" Do you really think of me as a temporary team member?"

She kicked it angrily, and complained: "Damn it, I want to grow up quietly in a place you don't know, and then I will surprise you hard."

Then continue to practice hard.

After Shi Feixuan appeared, she suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Could it be that it was too arrogant to break through No.18 of the Heavenly Demon Dafa before, and it was too early to jump back?

Anyway, she felt that the favorability she had accumulated with great difficulty seemed to be unable to catch up with Shi Feixuan who kept doing good things over there to create character settings.

With K88 present, the three quickly found the exact location of Lanruo Temple.

The small town the three of them entered was surprisingly the place where the original plot started, and it was only ten miles away from Lanruo Temple.

After finding Lanruo Temple, the three of them did not immediately enter.

Instead, split up.

Li Lei went to confirm the location in advance, and then K88 went to the location he selected to deploy the missiles in turn, striving to maximize the number and completely surround Lanruo Temple before entering.

Lin Bin flew into the sky and looked down at the entire Lanruo Temple from the sky, wanting to check for traces inside.

See Lin Bin flying with the sword.

On the contrary, both Li Lei and K88 couldn't help being surprised.

Apparently, he had never seen such a fast way of transportation. Li Lei even expressed that he was willing to exchange his 80G super high-quality seeds for more than ten years with Lin Bin for this method of controlling the sword.

Lin Bin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The Hundred-Step Flying Sword is indeed powerful, but in the face of the Saint level, there is actually nothing too mysterious about it.

The reason why Lin Bin was able to develop it into many tricks is entirely because he absorbed more than [-]% of the essence in the entire evil emperor's relic.

As a result, his mental strength and state are far superior to ordinary people.

After all, if one lacks strength, one can cultivate, but if something like Jingyuan is vented, it will be vented...it's hard to make up for it.

So if Li Lei really wants to exchange, Lin Bin will not hide his secrets, but is it too much for you to exchange 80G seeds with me?

My own collection has more than 1T.

Wait...seeds? !

Lin Bin coughed a few times, and said: "Brother Li, if you are interested, we can discuss with each other, whether to exchange or not, that's called communication... What do we brothers care about? Anyway... A good man lives a safe life."

As for Li Lei's indulgence all the year round, it is likely that his essence has already been leaked. It is estimated that if he casts the hundred-step flying sword, his power will be at most equal to that of Gai Nie. I am afraid it is useless. Lin Bin is selectively forgetting this. up.

"Hahahaha, brother understands me, understands me."

Li Lei laughed and gave a thumbs up.

At the moment, the three of them went to their own business.

In order to prevent being attacked by the enemy, Lin Bin flew a thousand meters away in one breath, and then flew into the range of Lanruo Temple...

With his eyesight, even a thousand meters away can be seen in the slightest, without any influence.

But it is basically impossible for the enemy to sneak attack him.

Flying around Lanruo Temple, I didn't see anything special.

Although the inside is eerie and terrifying, the ominous aura almost soars to the sky...

But the three of them walked for dozens of miles, and the surrounding environment was almost the same as this Lanruo Temple.

In comparison, Lanruo Temple made people feel a bit more secure because of its quiet environment.


Lin Bin had nothing to gain, and suddenly his heart moved, and Jian Guang turned into a shooting star, flying away towards the distance.

Below, Li Lei, who was looking for a suitable ambush location with the eyes of a professional soldier, looked up enviously at the fleeting sword light, and sighed: "It's so fast."

All three of them moved very quickly.

after an hour.

They gathered at the gate of Lanruo Temple.

"The world has really changed in a very bad way."

Lin Bin said solemnly: "Just now, I flew to the surrounding area for a full hundred miles, but found that not only this town, but even all the surrounding villages and towns, there were only empty rooms left. Not a single creature, let alone a human being, not even a dog."

"It's just right, and I don't have any scruples when I start to do it later."

K88 each sent a remote control.

Said: "The arrangement has been completed. I have made three remote controls in total. You keep one each. This will prevent me from being directly captured by the thief and the king first. After entering Lanruo Temple, once we fall into the situation of fighting each other Then, no matter who encounters an irresistible crisis, these missiles can be detonated by pressing the button. Mr. Abin, if you have a tool to avoid these missiles, remember to put it in a place within easy reach. Once it explodes, you only have A few seconds of reaction time."

Lin Bin took the remote control and said, "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't make up his mind. No matter how precious the props are, they are for people to use. If you lose them, you lose everything."

"Then let's go."

After confirming that everything is ready.

The three of them walked in the direction of Lanruo Temple.

Along the way, the wind blows.

The rustling of the leaves by the cold wind was like the sound of unconscious ghost cries.

The expressions of the three of them remained unchanged, and they drove straight in all the way.

along the way...

The ghost cries became more and more miserable.

Finally, Li Lei couldn't help frowning, and complained: "What's the name of the ghost? The atmosphere is already gloomy enough. Do you still have to add some drama to us?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

A long halberd appeared in his hand, and at the same time as he slashed forward with all his strength, a wave followed the long halberd into a wave and rushed past.

The waves covered an extremely wide range, almost submerging the forests on both sides.

Wherever I go...

The strange wind stopped immediately.

"Sure enough, I said it was man-made."

Li Lei put away the long halberd with a smile, and said, "It seems that we have come to the right place this time."

K88 worried: "If this is the case, I'm afraid it will startle the snake."

"If there is no accident, we may have been discovered by them when we set foot in that small town, or this dead place."

Lin Bin strode up the steps and said: "There are many groups of reincarnations in this world, and they can't be defenseless against us reincarnations... Or, it's really convenient for us to be surrounded by a dead place, but some kind of In a sense, isn’t it that they are creating a suitable battlefield for themselves?”

"It's reasonable, what we can do right now is to block it with soldiers and cover it with soil."

The three of them kept walking.

K88 closed his eyes and began to scan the surrounding creatures.

And Lin Bin also amplified his own spirituality to the limit, trying to find suitable clues from these clues.

But alas, nothing.

In other words, the enemy's hiding is too clever, even if they know that they are hiding in Lanruo Temple, they still can't find them.

And this time.

In a boudoir embroidered red.

Grandma Dryad was sitting there by herself, gently embroidering the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

She has a demure demeanor, as if she is not interested in everything outside, her eyes are just staring at the rusty handkerchief in her hand.

One stitch at a time, very careful.

After all, if he makes even one mistake, the decades of hard work will be in vain.

"Grandma, they have entered the temple."

An old man with long beard pushed open the door and said respectfully to the tree demon grandma.

"What's the hurry? All the creatures in a thousand miles around have been eaten by my husband. Now three living creatures have finally come. Wouldn't it be too bad to eat them in such a hurry? Just like last time, if it wasn't If you act in a hurry, how could those reincarnated people still escape alive?"

The old man hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground respectfully, and said in a trembling voice: "This old servant knows his mistake."

"Hmph... that man escaped, it might not be the husband's plan, but he will definitely pass the information back this time. Although only three people came this time, they are prepared. If you are holding on to deal with the five If you use human thoughts to deal with them, you will be reduced to the point of death, and I will not save you again."

"Yes, the old slave knows."

"Go on, everything is going according to plan."

The dryad's grandmother continued to quietly weave the embroidered handkerchief in her hand, but there was an inexplicably deep look in her eyes.

At this time, the three of Lin Bin had arrived at the main temple of Lanruo Temple.

The once sacred place, but now even the copper furnace has been corroded.

The beams are full of cracks, and cobwebs are everywhere.

It seems that no living being has been here for a long time.

The three of them searched around, but couldn't find any useful information...

He simply tore down the beams of the side hall, built a fire in the main hall, and then took out the food and ate it.

Li Lei even took out a beer.

It means that he will never get drunk after a thousand drinks, and a little wine will not cause trouble.

K88 also took out the barrel of engine oil that Lin Bin had given him before, and slowly licked it up.

The three of them each have their own self-confidence, even if they are in the enemy's camp, they don't have to be on guard all the time, be cautious...

Instead, they talked and laughed.

Of course, Li Lei was mainly talking and laughing over there, and Lin Bin and K88 couldn't get in the way at all.

As the three of them gradually satiated with wine and food.

the sun is fading...

The night was getting darker.

Surroundings, the feeling of coldness gradually became heavier.

The dense fog lingered and penetrated to the bone marrow.

"Interesting, I really don't know how this kind of breath comes from. If you can master the method of making this kind of breath, wouldn't you even save the air conditioner in summer? Plus, if you can make your body so cold... Sigh... ..."

Li Lei gasped in shock, and said in surprise, "Isn't this just ice...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Lin Bin quickly covered his face, and said displeasedly: "Brother Li, it's fine to drive indiscriminately, but don't say such explicit words? Yesterday you just met with old Dong, and you're afraid I was banned again, let's save some morals today."

Li Lei broke free from Lin Bin's hand and complained, "I'm just expressing my yearning for this gas."

"If this is the case, you can ask the Lord for advice."

Lin Bin raised his chin and pointed to the gate outside the Lanruo Temple.

Said: "Someone is coming."

K88 frowned and said, "But I didn't notice it."

"Because the one who came was not a living person."

The detection range of K88 is much wider than that of Lin Bin, but it is more about monitoring the heartbeat and body temperature of the surrounding environment so as to prevent all living things from approaching.

Even if it is as strong as Lin Bin, I am afraid that there is no way to deceive him within 300 meters without being noticed by him... It can only be said that the robot is too cheating.

But for this kind of ghostly words with no heartbeat and no questions.

Really got Lin Bin's inspiration.

The "Secret of Longevity" is full of vitality, and it is extremely sensitive to this kind of death.

The three turned their heads to look outside the hall at the same time.

A white shadow floated in quietly, with clear facial features, worried brows, and watery eyes.

Her beautiful hair is loose, and her long skirt is meandering, floating step by step, just like the moonlight pouring down, which makes her look even more sympathetic.


Li Lei was stunned, the beer in his hand dropped to the ground, and he said in shock: "Dead, dead, it's such a peerless beauty who mastered this skill. I didn't expect my confidant to have a woman... Damn, I Suddenly I don’t like being active anymore, I like being passive.”

K88 instructed: "Be careful, those who come are afraid of being unkind."

Lin Bin didn't speak.

Just watching the woman getting closer and closer to the three of them, tears flowed before she spoke.

The appearance of bowing his head and weeping makes people feel pity in his heart.

The girl ran up to the three of them, choked with sobs and fell to the ground facing them, sobbing: "The three benefactors have finally come, I beg the three benefactors to save my life, I am willing to be an ox and a horse, Repay the great kindness of the three benefactors!"

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