when reincarnation invades

Chapter 218 Self-injection?

"Aiya...Aiya, why did the girl make such a big gift?"

Sure enough, Li Lei couldn't bear it first, and hurried forward to support her.

Immediately, an intoxicated look appeared on his face.

Admired: "So soft... No... What a poor girl, the wind is cold and the dew is heavy, but the girl's clothes are so thin, look at her arms are so cold from the cold, come and warm yourself by the fire."

This weird response made the woman in white couldn't help but look dull for a while, and said dully: "Aren't the three young masters reincarnated? If not, then run away quickly... Sigh..."

She paused, and said melancholy: "Now the area is thousands of miles away, and there is nowhere to escape, even if you want to escape, you... how did you come here? Didn't you notice the weirdness around here? "

K88 asked: "Girl, is there anything weird going on around here? And you... I can tell at a glance that you are not human, you have neither body temperature nor heartbeat, what kind of species are you?"

"Hey, old K, why are you so serious? What if you scare the little girl? How can a pretty little girl have evil intentions?"

Li Lei hastily reprimanded him righteously.

K88 sighed, "Can't you see that she's not human?"

The girl wept and said: "Naturally, my family is not a human being. My family has already been killed by the tree demon's grandmother, and now it is only a soul body. It was controlled and driven by the tree demon's grandmother at will, and I can't resist. , but there is nothing to do..."

Li Lei's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Arbitrarily controlled? How can I do it arbitrarily?"

Girl: "Huh?"

k88: "Ghost? This is obviously unreasonable. According to the knowledge in my mind, the so-called ghost is actually just a magnetic field. Although it can indeed affect human beings when the magnetic field is strong, but in this clear form like you Appearing in front of us... I would take the liberty to ask, girl, is this your original appearance?"

Girl: "........."

She was visibly confused.

I was confused by the weird questions asked by these two people.

Lin Bin sighed. As teammates, these two are indeed quite reliable.

But as human beings, one is too inhuman, and the other is too obsessed with sex.

He said: "You two don't talk too much, this girl obviously knows something, can't we inquire about the information first? Girl, what is your name? Why are you here looking for us?"

Seeing that someone finally asked about the pond.

As if she had been pardoned, the girl hurried to Lin Bin and knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said respectfully, "Xiaozhuo, my servant, is a slave of a female ghost under the tree demon's grandmother, and her daily task is to help her search for male spirits. Yang, for her to practice, I have the courage to find the three young masters today, I was ordered to come here to seduce the three young masters, and when the three young masters are fascinated by sex, absorb the essence of the three young masters for my grandma to practice..."

Lin Bin and K88's eyes fell on Li Lei unconsciously at the same time.

Li Lei said angrily, "What do you see me doing?"

He stepped forward again to help Xiao Zhuo up.

Lianxi said: "Oh, it's so pitiful, such a beautiful woman is forced into prostitution, girl, you are young, have you ever thought about not doing such a thing?"

Lin Bin thought, here comes the two hobbies of men.

Pull the women of the Liang family into the water, and persuade the wind~dust women to be good.

Xiao Zhuo said bitterly: "The reason why my family won this opportunity is to get out of grandma's control... My family knows that Lanruo Temple is now a dead place for thousands of miles. If there are any living beings, they must have extraordinary abilities. It may be possible to meet the legendary reincarnation, if so, the slave family may be saved, so the slave family rushed to grab this opportunity before the sisters."

Lin Bin took a deep look at Xiao Zhuo, thinking Xiao Zhuo?

Could it be the heroine of A Chinese Story?

But the time interval between Qiannv No. [-] and No. [-] is almost a hundred years.

Or Xiaozhuo had actually been doing it for decades before he met Shifang, the three main characters of A Chinese Story...

Not impossible.

He asked: "I have also heard about Lanruo Temple, saying that there are monsters making trouble here, but it is only limited to this temple, but this time, I passed the small town around Lanruo Temple, and I clearly found that the town There is not even a single person in the village, could it be related to the red earth you mentioned earlier?"

"Young master is really smart."

Xiao Zhuo smiled wryly and said: "Grandma really only dared to catch some people with evil intentions around Lanruo Temple at the beginning, until later, she accidentally met some reincarnated people, and killed those reincarnated people through insidious means, and got With the treasures and gifts on them, their strength soared, and even the old black mountain demon didn't pay much attention to them, and their behavior became more and more rampant. After Cihang Pudu reached an alliance, the two teamed up and expanded from ten miles at the beginning to hundreds of miles, thousands of miles... until now, they have died for thousands of miles around, and there is no soul, all of them have entered the belly of the two of them."

K88 was surprised: "They actually killed so many people?"

"In the beginning, grandma was still a little scrupulous. She always waited for them to become lustful and greedy before killing people and sucking their blood. This way, she could minimize her own sins... But since she received the gift from the reincarnated person, she Acting more and more unscrupulously, the number of people killed is also increasing, and finally it has become the current situation."

"Grandma the Dryad killed the reincarnation? Obtained their inheritance, which led to her great strength?"

The three of Lin Bin exchanged glances with each other.

They all saw the clarity in each other's eyes...

If this is the case, it seems to be able to explain why all the holy-level reincarnation teams are wiped out in the hands of the dryad grandma.

After all, reincarnation props are hard to guard against.

Especially when it appeared in the hands of an already shrewd and black-bellied tree demon.

In this way, it can also explain why Li Si has a deep affection for the dryad's grandma... There is no such thing as a prop that connects the two together and makes them love each other.

Lin Bin took a deep look at Xiao Zhuo and said, "If this is the case, then your existence should be useless to her, right? After all, the purpose of your existence in the first place was to help her abduct those lustful men. But now she doesn't care about that anymore..."

Xiao Zhuo smiled wryly and said: "So our status in grandma's mind has also dropped again and again. Up to now, we have almost been beaten and scolded by him. If we hadn't been used to hunt those reincarnated people, we might have been killed by grandma." It was given to Cihang Pudu and eaten as his snack."

Li Lei's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Oh? So, does that mean that the dryad grandma wants you to seduce the reincarnation?"

Xiao Zhuo nodded.

Said: "In the beginning, we had a sister named Xiaoqian, who was rescued by the reincarnated person and was able to escape from the shackles of grandma, so grandma thought that the reincarnated person must have pity and pity in her heart, so keep us and deal with the reincarnated person It couldn’t be more convenient.”

K88 nodded.

Indeed, he knew from the very beginning that there was indeed a team of reincarnators whose task was to help a female ghost named Xiaoqian escape from bondage.

But now it seems that this gave the tree demon grandma an opportunity.

Li Lei asked: "So, the three of us appeared, and you came out to lure us, is it the tree demon's plan?"

"Yes, it's just that even though the slave family is a ghost now, it was a living person after all. It was already necessary to lure and kill people for her before. Now that we have seen more than a million deaths and injuries, we... also know that if we continue like this, we will wait until the reincarnation After she can no longer help grandma, she will definitely sacrifice us all without hesitation, so we have all begun to seek a way out."

Xiao Zhuo's beautiful face was full of bitterness, and he said: "The reincarnated person who is regarded as a possession by grandma is our only hope, three sons, if you are really reincarnated, I have the audacity to , please get out of here, grandma is no longer the grandma she used to be, her strength is terrifying, coupled with the help of Cihang Purdue, she is even more powerful, even the old monster of Montenegro should stay away, if the three young masters save the monster If you want to get rid of the devil, I dare to persuade the three of you to leave now before grandma makes a move."

"Oh? You want us to leave now and take you away?"

Xiao Zhuo wept and said: "As long as the three of you are willing to take the slave family away, the slave family is willing to be a cow and a horse, and repay the three young masters..."

Li Lei wondered: "Is it just a cow and a horse? But I don't like this kind of post... woo woo woo... What are you doing, little brother..."

He has been caught by Lin Binzhi.

heard here.

It seems that the situation has become extremely clear.

The reincarnators got off to a bad start, and a certain item was taken away by the dryad grandma... Afterwards, she probably hid her name and recharged her energy. She was tempted, which triggered internal strife among the reincarnators, and wiped out all the five saint-level reincarnations.

And after the group is destroyed.

Obtaining all the gifts from the four saint-level reincarnations in one go, also boosted the tree demon's grandma's confidence.

Appetite expands accordingly.

With Lanruo Temple as the center, it radiates to the surrounding area... Up to now, in just a few days, it has covered thousands of miles, and it has become a deadly place.

"It seems that although our enemy is only an aborigine, her methods may be more powerful than ours."

"What should I do?"

While speaking, the eyes of the three fell on Xiao Zhuo at the same time.

Lin Bin asked: "Xiao Zhuo, let me ask you, how does Grandma Dryad plan to deal with us?!"

"She has already laid a net in the underground palace of Lanruo Temple. The slave family will find a way to introduce the three young masters into it, and then join hands with Cihang Pudu to close the net and catch the three young masters!"

"Really? If that's the case, then you can lead us there."


Xiao Zhuo was taken aback, and looked at Lin Bin in astonishment.

Lin Bin said: "You lead us into the trap, and after the tree demon grandma and the others show up, we will kill her. Is this a trick?"

"What kind of scheming is this?"

Xiao Zhuo persuaded: "Young master, I know that you, as a reincarnation, must have amazing skills, but the life of a reincarnation in your hands is indeed quite a lot..."

"It doesn't matter, since we dare to come, we naturally have a good chance of winning."

Lin Bin stepped forward.

Helping Xiao Zhuo up, he said earnestly, "Where can I escape to? The dryad grandma has eaten thousands of miles away, and her appetite will become bigger and bigger. By then, the whole world may be reduced to her. The hunting ground, we can leave at once, but if you escape for a while, you cannot escape for a lifetime..."


"Don't worry, Miss Xiaozhuo, we are very powerful."

Li Lei snatched Lin Bin's hand, supported Xiao Zhuo, and said, "Let's go, let's go, when you get into the trap, just remember to remind us, and even if we really fail, you will still have credit for it." .”

"This... If the three sons really have amazing skills and think they can defeat grandma, then the slave family can only be bold."

Xiao Zhuo stood up gracefully.

It seemed that he broke free from Li Lei's hand without thinking about it, but Li Lei held it too tightly.

With a stabbing sound, a large piece of the frivolous dress was torn...

"Ah... I didn't mean to..."

An embarrassed smile appeared on Li Lei's face.

Xiao Zhuo smiled and covered his thighs without leaving a trace, and said, "It's okay, this will better reflect the eagerness of the three young masters."

Li Lei showed a look of reproach on his face, and said angrily: "Jing nonsense, the three of us are all upright gentlemen, it's okay to seduce the tree demon grandma, but you must not misunderstand..."

"Yes, the slave family will naturally not misunderstand."

Xiao Zhuo said respectfully: "Young masters, please come with me."

At the moment, let her lead the way.

Lin Bin and the others followed closely behind...

Just go along the way.

Li Lei stuck close to Xiao Zhuo, pretending to be courteous to support him from time to time.

However, Xiao Zhuo could hardly walk the road, and he couldn't help but fall when he stepped on something slippery from time to time, and then he was rescued by Li Lei as a hero... In a short distance of a few miles, it was Li Lei won more than a dozen chances to be a hero to save the beauty.

The area of ​​Lanruo Temple is not large, but the back mountain forest has been untouched for hundreds of years, and it is already extremely vast.

The four of them walked for more than an hour, one foot deep and the other shallow.

It is considered to have come to a cave that leads directly to the ground...

Xiao Zhuo warned: "This is the entrance to the underground palace. If you enter the inside, you will start to step into grandma's trap. The three young masters must be careful."


The four of them walked towards the cave ahead, led by Xiao Zhuo.

As soon as he entered, the surrounding environment was pitch black.

It took quite a while before the sight of the three returned to normal...

And Xiao Zhuo still introduced: "Going forward, there are some traps that grandma has set up before, which was originally intended to target those attacking masters, but after grandma got a lot of props, she was full of confidence. I have already begun to stop maintaining these traps, but even so, the danger is still not small, but the three young masters don't have to worry, all the traps have been involved by the servants, and the organs are all in the hearts of the servants, as long as the three princes follow the footsteps of the servants , it won't... ah..."

Before she finished speaking, she let out a scream and stepped on a mechanism.

The four of them heard the sound of the mechanism being stepped on at the same time, accompanied by the sound of thick ropes being pulled.

A boulder tied with ropes hit Xiao Zhuo straight from the front with howling pressure.

Xiao Zhuo: "..."

"Miss be careful!"

Li Lei rushed forward, picked up the long halberd, and a wave of water hit the stone in front of him, buffering the momentum, then retreated back holding Xiaozhuo, reached out and touched her nose affectionately, and reprimanded: "Little confused melon, Can such low-level mistakes be made? Why don't you go ahead."

Xiao Zhuo: "Huh? I clearly remember..."

"Let me go ahead."

K88 said: "If it's just a trap of this level, it wouldn't be difficult for me to observe..."

Saying that, he took the lead.

Sure enough, the organ was not touched again.

And Xiao Zhuo looked at his footsteps, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that some wild beasts broke into the underground palace and disrupted the previous mechanism, which caused me to make a mistake."

"Yeah, we understand."

Lin Bin and Li Lei nodded, obviously no longer believing the defense of this seemingly shrewd but actually a little brainless female ghost.

The four of them walked for hundreds of feet, the terrain was steep, and they went straight into the ground... The four of them had already penetrated hundreds of meters underground.

And the surrounding environment is getting wider and wider.

It can be called the underground palace, and it really has heaven and earth inside.

Until you come to a wide platform.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, a wild and indisputable laughter sounded.

Above the underground palace.

A figure as tall as an ancient cypress tree suddenly appeared in front of the four of them.

"Grandma... grandma..."

Xiao Zhuo's face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't help taking two steps back.

Immediately, his foot slipped, he stepped on a raised stone, and fell to the ground.

But at this moment, Li Lei couldn't care less about him.

He stretched out his hand to hold the halberd, and with a playful smile on his face, he said, "I finally showed up. It seems that the task this time is easier than I imagined."

The voice fell.

Under the feet of the four of them, the sky shook suddenly.

The originally flat land was torn out with countless hideous gaps.

A huge centipede, as thick as three or four people hugging each other, poked its head out from under the ground, revealing its ferocious mouthparts, and its arrogant laughter shook the ground like thunder.

"Hahahaha, you actually took the initiative to fall into our trap, stupid human beings, you are looking for your own death!"

"Grandma the Dryad! Cihang Pudu!"

Lin Bin showed a serious look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "They are really united together."

"Isn't this saving us trouble?"

There was a wild smile on Li Lei's face, and the water around him was boiling... What he took was obviously the way of strengthening water elements, mixed with a little martial arts, which looked quite messy.

And K88's hands deformed, directly turning into two heavy machine guns, aiming at the huge martial arts above.

Xiao Zhuo screamed out in shock.

Even if he was tripped, he didn't even bother to get up, he repeatedly bent backwards and retreated...hidden far away...

But at this moment, no one cared about her anymore.

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