when reincarnation invades

Chapter 219 This Man Is Too Dishonest

Chapter 219 This Man Is Too Dishonest
The decisive battle came so suddenly.


After knowing the enemy's base area, if you go to the door with all your heart to deliver it, it is naturally more reasonable for the two sides to fight hand-to-hand.

K88 download shock mode.

The whole person has almost become a weapon arsenal, countless missiles with long fire tails, attacking the distant land.

Centipedes hide deep underground, and their attack methods are hard to guard against.

But after all, it's just a spirit and not a ghost, just treat it like a big centipede...

All fear stems from lack of firepower.

And K88 has never been afraid, because his firepower alone is comparable to that of a digital technology enhancer.

Bang~ bang~ bang...

The artillery roared and bombed everywhere.

Mixed with a burst of shaking.

The earth trembled violently, and the huge underground palace trembled under the power of K88.

"Let the water and the sky roll back, Ginger!"

With Li Lei's wild cry, even though he was underground, the halberd in his hand still summoned a large number of huge waves.

What he strengthened was the way of Zanpakuto of Death Plane.

But in fact, Zanpakuto is just a tool in his hands.

His halberd technique of opening and closing is as strong as a wave... It seems that he has learned another set of halberd techniques that have been tempered in battle, and blended it with Zanpakuto.

Leverage the momentum of the water to help the gun!
Although he usually plays foolishly, but now that he is serious, his momentum is still higher than that of K88.

Saint-level reincarnations have extraordinary strength.

In other words, the number of reincarnations who can reach the holy level by virtue of martial arts alone is actually very small.

as now...

The two strengthened in completely different directions, but they cooperated seamlessly.

Although the dryad grandma and the centipede spirit set up traps on their own initiative, they did not expect someone's offensive to be so strong.

In addition to being able to barely stalemate with these two at the beginning.

With the output of the two regardless of the meal.

The huge underground palace was in danger of collapsing for a while.

"Damn... are you crazy? Don't you care about your own life?"

How could the dryad's grandma have expected that the underground palace that was used to imprison the three people would become a place to restrain them. The three of them seemed to be planning to die together, and they wanted everyone to be buried alive in this underground palace .

"Run away!"

The dryad grandma and the centipede were horrified. Although they were ghosts, they had already cultivated their real bodies. If they were really buried alive hundreds of meters underground, they would have to spend a lot of time climbing out. It takes less work...

Especially this kind of bombing method, I am afraid that even the soil can be cooked.

When the water evaporates...

Just now, the two giant monsters who were aggressive and wanted to make dumplings for the three were frightened by the desperate fighting style of the two, and fled towards the outside without hesitation.

But he hadn't escaped very far.

The two beams of light directly forced the two of them to leave.

With a long howl sound.

"Look at my eight swords flying together!"

The two swords of the Hidden Sun Shocking Salamander split like two shooting stars, flashing a moving brilliance across the dark night sky, and directly slashed at the two of them.

Although Lin Bin's methods are not as exaggerated as the two people's outward appearances, they are better in that they are more restrained and deep, making it hard to guard against.


The tree demon's grandma exclaimed, seeing this method of controlling the sword, her heart was instantly brought back the memories of many years ago.

The thought of jealousy suddenly arose.

He raised his hands high and shouted, "The devil world is coming!"

Countless ghostly tree vines entangled with it, forming giant shields in front of him.

chi chi chi...

The startling salamander sword was mixed with countless sharp sword auras, directly piercing through the wooden shields one after another.

The sharp and restrained sword energy made the dryad's grandmother's face even more ugly, and he roared in a low voice, and the last wooden shield was suddenly reinforced several times thicker, which was considered to be able to stop the startling salamander sword.

But Centipede Jing's performance is much better than him.

Facing the Sun-covering Divine Soldier.

He manifested his figure, folded his palms together, and chanted the Buddha's name in his mouth, and lotus sprouted at every step. Countless lotus flowers were like three thousand small worlds, layer upon layer and converged in front of the magic soldier.

Although the sword is powerful, but it overcomes strength with softness, and under the entanglement, it will let out the castration of the sword of concealing the sun, which is better than the tree demon grandmother.

It's just that the two of them didn't dare to relax for a moment...

Just two magic weapons are already so powerful.

The opponent has eight swords flying together...

Where are the other six swords?
If they came at the same time, they would have no power to resist.

But waited and waited, but did not see the power of the other six swords. Instead, countless giant sharks made of water vapor emerged from the monstrous water waves, rolling and biting towards the two of them in the turbulent waves. .

"Damn it, I was fooled, Eight Swords Flying Together has only two swords..."

"This man is too dishonest."

The two of them didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, the dryad grandma entangled countless tendrils, and directly entangled these giant sharks into pieces.

But this giant shark seems to be inexhaustible, as long as the water vapor remains, even if it is entangled, it can still regenerate new giant sharks, and it can't be killed at all.

The two dare not procrastinate any longer.

Fly directly into the sky.

The collapse of the underground palace will only happen overnight, if you chase after him later, you may be too late to escape.


The three chased in the direction of the two at the same time.

Two fronts and three rears, all at extremely fast speeds, accompanied by a large amount of rubble falling non-stop in the underground palace... At first they were still chasing each other, but in the end, they turned into running for their lives.

It took more than an hour to walk when I came.

But when he left, he only walked for a few minutes.

In front of him, he could already see the bright moon and stars.

And just a few breaths after the five people escaped, the huge underground palace finally completely collapsed under the joint destruction of the five people.

"These three lunatics!"

The dryad's grandmother looked back fearfully.

When the heart is outside, it is still our geographical advantage. At that time, the three of you will never be allowed to escape... How can we not avenge the destruction of the underground palace?

Just as he was thinking, he saw three people chasing after him.

He turned a blind eye to the three of them...

At the same time rushed toward the sky.

Straight past the two of them.


Both Grandma Dryad and Centipede couldn't help but gasped in bewilderment. The three of them attacked them like mad dogs before, how did they come to the top, but suddenly changed their temper and ran away in a hurry ?
"I'm going to start."

K88 shouted.

Countless information streams appeared in the eyes, and the voice became mechanical and dull, like a system notification sound.

【start up! 】

As the two words fall.

Amidst the loud noise, several huge missiles converged towards the center from all directions of Lanruo Temple.

The backhand laid before.

The original intention is to be able to leave a way of retreat for both to perish. Once encountering any unexpected crisis, they can directly break the situation with missiles.

But after knowing that there are dead places for thousands of miles around, there are no living people.

Then how to force the dryad grandma and others to the ground, and let them be bombed honestly is the biggest problem.

Fortunately, this problem is not a problem at all...

Grandma Dryad and the others never expected that the desperate attack of Lin Bin and the other three seemed to be a desperate attack, but in fact, it was just to get the two of them back to the ground.

It is now successful.

"protect yourself!"

K88 yelled.

The skin on his body gradually turned into a metallic color.

"Little brother, I hope you weren't bragging before."

Li Lei also turned into a pool of water with a bang, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Lin Bin smacked his lips, concealed the sun sword and returned to his feet, and his whole body soared into the sky.

The right hand leans forward towards the bottom.

The blazing sky covers the seven-layered ring.

The soft~soft and pink~tender petals stretched out.

The protective power equivalent to seven city walls is just like that under Lin Bin's body.

Before Grandma Dryad and Centipede realized what was going on, they heard bursts of violent roars that were even worse than before.

Then, there was a burst of dazzling white light that completely drowned the sight of the two of them.

The entire Lanruo Temple was completely immersed in that white glory...

Amidst the roaring noise, a mushroom cloud slowly floated from above Lanruo Temple towards the sky.

Under the majestic power of technology.

This Lanruo Temple, which once made countless people tremble with fear, was completely erased from the entire land after just a few seconds.

And a violent mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Lin Bin has already pinched his own random teleportation scroll in his hand, just wait for something wrong to activate it immediately, this is not the time to be distressed about props.

But in fact, the defensive power of the Blazing Sky Covering Seven Layers Ring was stronger than he had imagined.

Although the impulsive force that was so huge that he couldn't resist directly blasted Lin Bin high into the sky, he didn't even have any concussion injuries... It's just that in the process of falling, he hurriedly used the method of a hundred-step flying sword to control the sword. Re-drive.

Only then did he manage to stabilize himself before landing on the ground.

Hovering in the sky for a while...

After watching the violent explosion, Lanruo Temple was full of gunpowder smoke.

The place where the three of them had warmed up and ate before no longer existed, and even those old and ancient buildings had been completely moved to the ground under the explosion... No... It should be said to be a deep pit.

The former Lanruo Temple has now become a huge circular basin.

Lin Bin fell down slowly.

Not far from his feet, in a pile of scorched earth.

A palm sticks out directly...

K88 struggled to crawl out from inside, saw Lin Bin, and praised: "Mr. A Bin is really powerful, such a powerful explosion didn't hurt your fine hair."

"It seems that everyone is fine."

Next to it, a mass of soil was constantly arching and arching, and a puddle of muddy water flowed down from the soil, slowly gathering into the appearance of Li Lei.

It's just covered in mud and looks like a clay doll.

He raised his halberd.

The tip of the halberd sprayed water like a shower.

Li Lei just took a shower in front of the two of them, and changed into clean clothes.

"I don't know if those two old devils are dead or not."

"Look for it!"

The three act separately.

Soon, on the ruins of Lanruo Temple that had been plowed seventy or eighty times, a huge bombed-out corpse was found.

The huge centipede had been divided into more than a dozen sections at this time, exuding a strong burnt aroma.

It seems that no matter how monstrous the magic power is, it is difficult to resist the high-tech bombing from modern weapons, and...

"smell good."

Lin Bin couldn't help swallowing.

without him...

The old centipede essence that has been cultivated for hundreds of years, almost every piece of meat is the essence... Especially the centipede can be eaten without the need to disembowel and remove the head.

The three looked at each other.

K88 smiled and said: "Although I don't need to eat it, the president is actually very good at appetite, a centipede that has been around for hundreds of years, take it back and give her a taste."

At that moment, the three of them quickly opened their storage space and put away the centipede that had been raised for hundreds of years.

Wait until the division is over.

Only then did the three pay attention to the business.

Haven't received a reminder from the reincarnation table until now.

"It seems that the dryad's grandma hasn't died yet."

Lin Bin said: "This old woman's life is much tougher than that of a centipede. I don't know where she is hiding now, but she was caught off guard by being blown up so suddenly that she would have to peel off her skin if she didn't die. Now is the time The best time to kill her..."

"Damn it, it was so fun to fry just now, it's hard to find it now. It is said that the tree demon grandma's body is a tree. If it changes back to its body, wouldn't we not be able to find it at all? After all, trees all look the same. Not as easy to find as centipedes."

Li Lei sighed regretfully, and said, "It's a pity, Miss Xiao Zhuo... oh... such a beautiful beauty... is gone..."

"I...I'm still alive..."

A faint sound came from the ground.

Li Lei's eyes lit up, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he called out, "Miss Xiaozhuo, where are you?"

A muffled voice said, "I was buried underground."

"Okay, I'll pull you."

Li Lei turned into flowing water again, flowing downwards, and after a while, he pulled up a dead soul.

It was Xiao Zhuo.

Seeing the disheveled and embarrassed Xiao Zhuo at this time.

Li Lei kindly took out the halberd in his hand, and asked, "Miss Xiao Zhuo, do you need to flush the mud off your body? If you dislike the difference between men and women, I can help you drive them aside."

"No... no need."

Xiao Zhuo had an awkward yet polite smile on his face, and asked with concern: "By the way, the centipede spirit is dead, what about grandma..."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Don't worry, Grandma the Dryad is dying too."

Xiao Zhuo was pleasantly surprised: "Oh? Did you find her?"

"Well, I haven't found it just now, but now, I have found it."

The voice fell.

Lin Bin sent it off with his fingers, but everyone couldn't react in time.

With the method of controlling the sword with a hundred-step flying sword, the money sword turned into a golden streamer and stabbed at Xiao Zhuo's chest.

By surprise.

Even K88 and Li Lei didn't react.

But Xiao Zhuo's pupils shrank suddenly, and he dodged the attack at an incredible speed.

Lin Bin's reaction speed was also not slow.

Lift up the blue rose.

A shot hit Xiao Zhuo's face.

Xiao Zhuo raised his arm, and there was already a red, white and blue five-pointed star shield on it, accompanied by a sharp sound.

The attack completed by accumulating energy was directly bounced off by this inconspicuous little shield.

Then, she raised her other hand to Lin Bin.

The red mechanical palm gun began to charge.

There was a loud bang...

The soft petals in front of Lin Bin were slightly concave, and the attack was also bounced back.

Although K88 and Li Lei still don't understand what happened.

But seeing Lin Bin make a move.

The two immediately surrounded Xiao Zhuo...

Lin Bin sneered and said, "Grandma the Dryad! This time, you won't be able to escape."

(End of this chapter)

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