Chapter 220
In this sudden confrontation, the rabbits rose and the falcons fell.

From Lin Bin's sudden violent attack, to Xiao Zhuo's block, to Xiao Zhuo's counterattack, Lin Bin's block...

The two sides were attacking and defending, and there were not many real skills, and all the fights were props and pockets.

Then, it was evenly divided.

Li Lei instinctively surrounded Xiao Zhuo, but he still couldn't believe it. Looking at Xiao Zhuo's beautiful face, he said sadly: "Why? You are a beautiful woman, how can you be a thief?"

And this time.

Xiao Zhuo held a shield in his left hand, and a bright red cannon in his right hand.

Lin Bin, who was watching, was stunned for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Zhuo? Could it be that your family name is Zhang?"

Xiao Zhuo ignored Lin Bin's words, but looked at the three of them warily, and said, "I think my disguise is perfect, how did you see through me?"

"Do you think Ni's disguise is really perfect?"

Lin Bin made a move, and the money sword returned to his hands.

Although it is a short blade, under the blessing of true qi, it radiates righteousness and glory, giving people an awe-inspiring and inviolable feeling.

He shook his head and said: "You said before that the grandma tree demon has the power to assassinate the reincarnated person because she got a lot of props from the reincarnated person, but in fact, we fought with the grandma tree demon just now. None of the props have been used, and they are as poor as ghosts, which does not conform to what you said before."

"Secondly, the dryad grandma is obviously weaker than the centipede spirit, but now even the centipede spirit has been thoroughly roasted. The tree demon grandma is a wood monster, and there is no possibility of being alive. But so far, we have never received it. From the reminder from the mission, it can be seen that the one who just died is not the tree demon grandma at all."

"Third, during the battle, Brother Li wanted to save you by the way, but I stopped him with my eyes, and the explosion just now, the underground palace collapsed, and even the five of us had to run for our lives in a hurry, you can't catch up We, in the end, survived the contagion. Could it be that your luck is good? If luck is really good, why did you step on the trap when you first entered the underground palace? With this luck, I really wonder how you survived to such a great age...Oh yes, you are dead...There is no problem."


Lin Bin shook his head and said: "No, you have too many flaws. If I repeat them one by one, maybe I need to sit here with a pot of water and talk to you seriously for a day and a night."

The most important reason is of course not mentioned.

Xiaozhuo was not kind.

Lin Bin was too sure of this.

Compared with the active S-level props like the Bible of All Things, the effect of He's Bi is undoubtedly more passive.

Especially the sentence "A hundred evils do not invade, ten thousand evils are hard to get close to", the description is really general.

But according to Lin Bin's speculation, if he shot him or had malicious intentions, he would be backlashed by luck.

And Xiaozhuo walked all the way...

Or stumble, or step on a trap by mistake.

All the unlucky ones she could have suffered along the way were lost, and Lin Bin knew at that time that He's Bi was probably starting to play its role.

In a sense, this He's Bi can also be regarded as a sharp weapon for hunting down the enemy.

That is to say, Xiao Zhuo hasn't killed him yet, otherwise, I'm afraid the backlash will be even more severe.

But this kind of matter involving the rules of his own props, it is naturally impossible for Lin Bin to speak out to anyone.

He said in a deep voice: "Nth, before Li Si died, he told me that he was bewitched by the beauty of the tree demon's grandmother, which led to a big mistake and wiped out their team... Before I thought Li Si had unique aesthetics, but if the tree demon grandma was you, everything would naturally be explained clearly, you are extremely beautiful, and the lethality against Li is indeed extremely strong."

Li Lei looked at Lin Bin in shock.

He did find something was wrong, but at this moment Lin Bin was speaking so eloquently, he could only say: "Ah yes, I thought so too, you have too many flaws."

"It seems that your goal this time is to kill the tree demon grandma."

Xiao Zhuo sighed faintly, and said: "I didn't expect that the name of the tree demon grandma could be transferred... I specially spared the old woman's life, just to use her as a thunderbolt, I didn't expect your reincarnation Biao can even recognize this, knowing that she is no longer the tree demon grandma, but just my servant."

Her waist, which had been slightly bent because of her humility, straightened up.

Follow her to stand up straight.

The temperament of the whole person is different...

Although still soft and weak, but the whole person no longer has the weak and deceitful appearance before. Instead, his expression is quiet, cold and aloof, and his posture is graceful, which is quite a bit of the relic of the moon palace fairy.

"So you're not Xiao Zhuo at all?"

Li Lei said sadly, "Were you lying to us from the beginning?"

Xiao Zhuo said softly, "My surname is Nie..."

"Nie Xiaoqian?!"

Lin Bin cried out in shock.

"You know me? That's right... Before, if you reincarnated people didn't take action, how could I escape the shackles of the tree demon grandma and stay with Cai Chen?"

Xiao Zhuo.

Or Nie Xiaoqian sighed faintly and said, "From this point of view, the reincarnated person can also be regarded as my benefactor?"

K88 asked in a deep voice: "Nie Xiaoqian? The female ghost mentioned in the previous materials? The mission goal of the first batch of reincarnation teams? But hasn't her mission been completed perfectly? In the end, the reincarnation escorted her He and Ning Caichen returned to their hometown, and they stayed together..."

"Hahahaha, Nie Xiaoqian's story is over. If it ended at that time, it should be the most perfect story in this life."

Nie Xiaoqian suddenly burst out laughing.

Tears flowed from the laughter, and I couldn't straighten my waist, as if what K88 just said was the funniest thing in the world.

Li Lei couldn't help muttering: "Even laughing wildly is so beautiful, it's unreasonable, this kind of can I output to her?"

Nie Xiaoqian laughed for a long time.

Then he rubbed his eyes and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I just heard a funny joke and couldn't help it... What did you just say? Oh, yes, Caichen and I stayed together... Yes, we We are together forever, but do you know what kind of life I live?"

She said coldly: "Caichen's family already has a regular wife, but it doesn't matter. I'm just a ghost, and I can't carry on his family line for him. I am also willing to serve as a concubine, so I work hard every day. I serve my sister, take care of my mother, do laundry and do laundry. Meals, bed making, my sister is not in good health, I go to the cliff to collect medicine for her with a ghostly body, and my mother is old and frail, so I carry excrement and phlegm for her, but so what? I have paid so much , but not even qualified to get a bed at home!"

Just now, Nie Xiaoqian, who had a quiet demeanor like a fairy in the moon palace, suddenly became short of breath, and with her hair flying behind her, she gradually transformed into a ghostly ghost.

She said angrily: "My mother enjoys my service during the day and is at ease, but at night she suddenly starts to be afraid of my ghost body, forbids me to live at home, and drives me to a nearby wilderness tomb to rest, even though I am a ghost , but it is also changed by living people, I stay alone in that lonely place at night, won't I be afraid?"

Lin Bin: "..."

"I begged Caichen several times, even if I live in a firewood house, don't drive me to that dark place, but Caichen is foolish and filial, and obeys his mother. How could he know that wherever the souls of the dead gather, there must be ghosts and ghosts." Appear, I am a foreign female ghost with a weak constitution, how did I suffer bullying there? Especially the ghost king there coveted my beauty and forced me several times..."

Nie Xiaoqian's silver teeth were almost gnawed to pieces.

She said angrily: "But the person I chose with all my heart cares more about what his mother thinks. He doesn't care about my situation at all. He loves me...I know, but he loves his reputation as a dutiful son more, and loves him even more. That harsh and selfish mother, I have painstakingly wronged and wanted them to see my sincerity, but so what if they saw it? Just because they were afraid, they drove me there, and they half cared about my situation Pass?!"

"Is that Ning Caichen still alive?"

Li Lei's eyes were about to crack, and he said angrily, "If he's still alive, I'll kill him!"

"Who knows? Whether it's dead or alive, what does it matter to me?"

Nie Xiaoqian said quietly: "After a few years of this kind of life, I really can't bear it anymore, especially the ghost king exhausted his patience and wanted to use force on me. I had no choice but to stand up and resist. When we parted back then, Caichen I once had a sword pouch given by Lord Yan in my hand, so I secretly stole the sword pouch. With the power of the sword pouch, by chance, I beheaded the ghost king and absorbed his century-old skills to become the new ghost king. .”

She clenched her fist lightly.

Said: "I never imagined that having power would be such a beautiful thing. I have been in the Ning family for three years, working as a cow and a horse, working hard, what did I end up with? I don't even have an inch of my own. Yes, but when I finished my day's work and had to go back to the lonely grave in the wilderness to rest, who would say a good word for me? Love will betray me, but strength will not."

"So you're the new dryad grandma?"

Lin Bin had been murderous before.

But after listening to Nie Xiaoqian's description, he suddenly understood her thoughts.

He sighed: "It seems that all the legendary stories should end at the most beautiful time. If they are forced to continue, what will usher in is only a tragic ending."

"Yeah, sometimes I wonder, if I don't go home with him after making love to Cai Chen, but just reincarnate in this cycle, will he miss me even more?"

Nie Xiaoqian sighed quietly: "But that's not going to work after all. Ghosts and ghosts are evil because they have been in an evil place for a long time, and they will be affected by them unconsciously. After I got the hundred-year cultivation base of the ghost king, I knew... ...I can't go back anymore, if that old villain dares to persuade me again, I will tear her into pieces without hesitation..."

She said: "Since the Ning family can't go back, let's live for myself. I know that the tree demon grandma was injured by the hero Yan, and she will need to sleep for at least a hundred years, so I went back to Lanruo Temple. After learning her cultivation, she married the old Black Mountain demon as his wife and became a brand new tree demon grandma. Even the former grandma can only be reduced to my slave. The old Montenegro loves me and loves me. I am safe, and help me capture Cihang Pudu and let him be used by me."

Nie Xiaoqian spread her hands and said, "I used to fight desperately against Caichen in order to avoid marrying the old Heishan demon, but after going around for a long time, I suddenly discovered that the only person who would really cherish me is this old Heishan demon... The love I longed for, brought me nothing but endless suffering..."

Li Lei rarely refuted, but quietly sighed: "This kind of talk should really be heard by my goddamn puppy love niece, what kind of bullshit is true love, in the end it is still not as good as a good match."

"That makes sense."

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head and sighed: "It seems that what I did finally caused dissatisfaction in that shitty reincarnation space, so they sent you to destroy me? Hahahaha... It's a pity that now I have become a big trend. Zhuo, I just wanted to use them to save some energy, but I didn't expect them to be so useless, so I had to do it myself."

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "How many dishes do you drink like this? Do you think you can deal with the three of us by yourself?"

Nie Xiaoqian smiled slightly.

There was a sense of natural charm, she played with taste: "Oh? Do you want to try it?"

"How to try... what the hell..."

Li Lei let out a cry, but saw Nie Xiaoqian snapped his fingers, and a magic weapon struck him like a broken bamboo.

Nie Xiaoqian said coldly: "Always play hooligans on me, take advantage of me with words, I have had enough of you, don't you know, I have killed a disciple like you decades ago Countless?"

It was obviously discovered by Lin Bin.

But what Nie Xiaoqian hates the most is Li Lei who has always taken care of her a lot.

In particular, what she used was exactly the same way of controlling the sword as Lin Bingang's.

The sharp weapon of the magic weapon is like a flying arrow, as fast as a thunderbolt, and it is a bit more fierce and unparalleled than Lin Bin's flying sword.

Li Lei immediately raised his halberd to resist.

blah blah blah!
There was an extremely dense sound of interlacing weapons.

The two staggered dozens of moves...

Nie Xiaoqian shook violently, and the cumbersome clothes on her body flew in all directions.

Revealing the inner white clothes.

Lin Bin couldn't help being amazed by that heroic appearance, no wonder even Li Si, an old fellow, was obsessed with the beauty of the dryad's grandmother.

Li Lei was almost decapitated, didn't he have any complaints at the moment?
Nie Xiaoqian let out a foul breath and said: "No wonder you dare to come here. Compared with the previous five people, your strength is indeed much better. At the very least, beauty seems to have no effect on you...I mean the two of you. indivual."

Lin Bin asked in a deep voice: "You killed Yan Chixia?!"

Nie Xiaoqian breathed out lightly, and said: "I didn't want to kill him, but the sword pouch was left in my hand, and he sensed it, and found Lanruo Temple... Unfortunately, how did he know that Lanruo Temple is no longer the grandma of the tree demon?" This world is the world of the old demon of Montenegro, although he is my savior, but the old demon of Montenegro is my husband, so naturally I cannot help outsiders."

She waved her hand, and the magic soldier flew back.

He said with a low smile: "But this is also a surprise. I didn't expect that Yan Chixia's cultivation is so high, and her swordsmanship is also amazing. I have worked hard and practiced sword arts all these years. By now, my cultivation level has long been Far better than the tree demon grandma back then, killing the three of you is like picking something out of a pocket."

Say it.

The divine soldiers around him turned into streamers, but this time they attacked K88 directly.

"I come!"

Lin Bin let out a low drink, hiding the sun and startling the salamander out of its sheath.

The two swords fly together, like two dragons exploring the sea, attacking the enemy will save them, directly attacking Nie Xiaoqian, intending to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Seeing Lin Bin with an awe-inspiring expression, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help feeling in a daze...

Maybe it's because the emotion he said before really hit her heart, or maybe the young man in front of him has an awe-inspiring expression and a handsome face, especially the righteousness contained between his brows, which is very similar to the one in her heart that she can't go back for a long time. white moonlight.

But the slight trance quickly turned to coldness.

I can't go back, I can't go back to everything.

Even if that person was in front of her, she would never have any more affectionate memories.

She has tried.

No one can blame her.

Thinking about it, there will be no mercy.

Bai Jing's two-handed sword formulas transformed into each other, and the original single golden sword turned into a hundred, directly deriving into a sword wheel, which blocked Lin Bin's double swords back.

The real way of controlling the sword.

In other words, it is the skill of controlling the sword that has reached the pinnacle of martial arts. In terms of power, it is probably even higher than Feng Qingtian's martial arts.

It is completely different from Lin Bin's Baibu Feijian Shanzhai version of the method of controlling the sword.

But even so, you may not be able to master this sword art very well.

Lin Bin was not surprised at all, relying on his formidable mental strength.

The twin swords of Zhengang and Chaoshen are deployed again.

The four swords fly together... It seems that he has reached the limit of what he can achieve.

a time.

The distance between the two was dozens of meters, and they exchanged sword skills with each other.

The sword energy is sharp, rustling like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

K88 and Li Lei were forced to retreat one after another...

"Fuck, is this the next realm of martial arts?"

Li Lei couldn't help but exclaimed: "How long has my little brother been a reincarnation, and he has found a new follow-up path for martial arts?"

"But this time, if we can help him kill this Nie Xiaoqian, maybe we can get a fortune for Mr. Abin."

A stream of data emerged in K88's pupils.

Said: "According to my observations, the opponent's control of weapons is more like an arm. Although Mr. Abin controls more swords and is more powerful, in fact, the skill and power he spends to control a sword His mind is far higher than this Grandma Nie, but his foundation is too solid and his mental strength is too strong, so he can maintain this kind of evenly matched battle, but if the battle is prolonged, the situation will be unfavorable for Mr. Abin."

"I think it's very beneficial to him."

Li Lei said: "Didn't you notice that while the two of them were fighting, uncontrollable sword energy was flying around, but almost half of the sword energy went straight to this Nie Xiaoqian, but the little brother almost didn't care about it?" Affected by these scattered sword's really powerful, even the broken sword qi after this kind of confrontation can be perfectly controlled."

"Control? Impossible?"

K88 hesitated and said: "According to my calculations, these sword qi are normal excitation reflections, and then fell on Nie Xiaoqian... These are all coincidences..."


Li Lei was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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