when reincarnation invades

Chapter 221 You Can't Be Human, But He Can Be A Ghost

Chapter 221 You Can't Be Human, But He Can Be A Ghost

After gaining strength.

It was the first time in her life that Nie Xiaoqian fought so hard.

She first absorbed the ghost king's century-old yin energy, and then based on this century-old yin energy, she absorbed all the cultivation base of the sleeping tree demon grandmother.

After marrying the old demon of Montenegro, although he was limited by the situation at the beginning, he never allowed himself to slack off for a moment...

The old demon of Montenegro also doted on her very much, and when he heard her idea of ​​wanting to practice, he had no secrets from her.

Because of being weak and drifting with the tide, no one understands the importance of strength better than her.

She practiced harder than anyone else.

Especially later, in order to curry favor with her, the Black Mountain old demon beheaded Yan Chixia and presented her with his skills and weapons.

As a monster like her, she is extremely handy in cultivating the orthodox methods of Taoism, and the speed of her progress is even unbelievable to herself.

Even against these reincarnations, she has full confidence that she can win the battle alone.

Just like this handsome young man in front of him...

It seems that she is also a Taoist hermit. Yujian's method is somewhat specious from hers, but its power is not inferior in the slightest.

But even so, Nie Xiaoqian has full confidence that she can suppress him for life with her thousand years of cultivation.


She didn't lose the wind, and could even feel that if the two really continued to fight hand-to-hand, victory would only be a matter of time.

But in fact, Nie Xiaoqian became more and more frightened as she fought.

Obviously it was just a battle with the young man in front of her, but to her, it seemed like she had been punished by God.

When the two confronted each other, the sword energy scattered outside was originally shot randomly, but most of it was aimed at her fatal vital point...

It's a complete coincidence, she can be sure of this, the opponent simply doesn't have the ability to manipulate the scattered sword energy.

It's ridiculous.

And not only that.

From time to time, her feet slipped suddenly. It seemed that the thick soil was extremely solid, but once she stepped on it, it would be hollow, causing her to almost trip and fall to the ground.

Obviously, she was [-]% sure that she could cast the Qiankun spell successfully, but she tried five times in a row, but all of them failed five times in a row.

Even the true qi in the body that had been completely transformed into the authentic skills of the Xuanmen suffered a lot of backlash after the failure.

Not only did she fail to cause any damage to the enemy, but instead caused her chest to stagnate and suffered serious internal injuries.

It's strange... It's obvious that it failed in the past, but it's just a shortness of breath and it can be calmed down after a while. Why is the price so serious now?

He was even vaguely impetuous, showing signs of becoming obsessed.

It seems that the hidden dangers left by forcibly transforming the cultivation base of the dryad grandmother into the true energy of the Taoist sect are showing signs of completely breaking out at this moment.

The two have been fighting until now.

Obviously she was the one with the upper hand, but the other party was not injured at all. Instead, it was her with dense sword wounds on her body, and she looked as if she was about to lose too much blood and die at any time.

"Don't panic, little brother, I'm here to help you!"

Especially following Li Lei's wild cry.

He rushed into the battle with a halberd in hand.

With a flip of K88's palm, he was already holding a giant sniper rifle that was taller than him, squatted on the ground, and aimed at the three of them.


Nie Xiaoqian thought to herself that I should be the one to panic, right?

He hates that his plan failed, otherwise, if he just showed his chariots and let that trash grandma and Cihang Pudu join forces with him.

No way.

As soon as the explosion sounded, all three of them had means of self-protection, but the tree demon grandma and Cihang Pudu were still sure to die.

Damn, I underestimated the shrewdness of these reincarnators. I didn't expect them to see through their flawless disguise so easily.

One against three.

Nie Xiaoqian was not afraid at all, instead she looked up to the sky and laughed miserably, and said with a big laugh: "God! Are you using someone else's hand to kill me? Hateful! I never took the initiative to do evil, why did I have to fall to this point... …Why……"

She looks crazy.

Screamed: "The dragon roars to the nine heavens, and the sword transforms into thousands!"

The body of the golden Xuanyuan sword split into countless small blades in an instant, and swept towards the three of them at the same time.

One against three.

Relying on the stagnant spirit in her chest, coupled with the shield to protect her body, she was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

K88 tilted his head to aim, and shot one after another, knocking down those attacking flying swords one by one.

It was obviously a sniper rifle, but he completely ignored all the recoil, and fired like an assault rifle.

Li Lei also shouted long and loudly: "Let the water and the sky turn against the wind, weeping flowers!"

With a sharp turn of his wrist, a heavy halberd was almost as light as cotton in his hand. It quickly spun countless water waves into the sky, forming a series of protections in front of him, blocking all the sword energy seventy-eight times. Falling, but still being forced to retreat steadily, unable to advance again.

Only Lin Bin did not back down at all.

The power in the body is urged step by step, and up to now, the mental power has almost reached its peak state.

Following the Four Swords.

The fifth sword Duan Shui unsheathed again.

Although the five B-level magic weapons are far less complicated than the sword energy released by Nie Xiaoqian, they are superior in their solidity.

The five swords are united, and the sword tips are facing each other to form a gorgeous sword wheel in front of him. During the endless rotation, it collides with the opponent's sword energy continuously, making a series of ear-piercing sizzling sounds.

"Rush me!"

The Longevity Qi in the body has almost reached its limit.

Under Lin Bin's control, the five extremely thick flying swords were in synch at different times, sometimes as light as a willow, and sometimes as thick as a mountain.

Life and life are intertwined into a boundless sword net, blocking all Xuanyuan sword qi, and counterattacking its body, Nie Xiaoqian, away.

Nie Xiaoqian looked mad and mad.

Seeing that the sword energy is invincible...

He didn't hesitate to consume his own essence, and released more and stronger sword energy to attack directly.

The intertwining sound of divine soldiers was like thunder and howls, and the figures of the two of them were almost submerged in the boundless sword energy. Not to mention K88 who was hiding in the distance and planned to take the opportunity to kill him with one blow, even those who watched the battle at close range Li Lei couldn't tell who was who.

Only two figures can be seen staggering back and forth until they are indistinguishable from each other.

"Mom, it's the first time I've seen martial arts masters fighting with such momentum! In the future, whoever dares to say that martial arts is weak, I will tear his mouth to pieces."

Li Lei let out a cry, and hurriedly dodged to dodge.

At this time, it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and staying here is just making trouble for Lin Bin...

And he felt that even after fighting to this point, this Nie Xiaoqian didn't seem to have any intention of killing Lin Bin.

Sure enough, he is handsome or something, which is the most annoying thing.

And inside...

The sword qi turbine was constantly reversing, and the inside was dense.

It seemed that some terrible monster had been bred, until suddenly there was a muffled explosion.

In a loud bang.

The wild sword energy was immediately absorbed, and the figure inside gradually became clear.

K88 hurriedly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, but the next moment, the fog did not clear, but his analyzer seemed to have analyzed something.

Slowly put the gun down.

The fog in the interior is gradually disappearing.

Nie Xiaoqian held the shield in one hand and blocked Lin Bin's divine sword, while the Xuanyuan sword in her hand rested on his neck.

But never went any further.

But Lin Bin stood upright to hide the sun, and the four swords of King Yue were scattered all over the place, seeming to be at a disadvantage.

But at the back of Nie Xiaoqian's heart, a small golden sword was shining brightly.

Money Sword!
Lin Bin's current ability, the fifth Yuewang Eight Swords is the limit, but at that time, seeing that he was invincible, Lin Bin already had a little idea of ​​how to use He's Bi.

So go beyond the limits and harness the sixth sword, the Money Sword!
Sure enough, it was crooked, completely out of order, and even when he was in a hurry, his brain felt an unbearable tingling pain, and then all six swords lost control and flew out.

Out of control in the heat of battle.

This should have been a fatal situation.

Especially when Nie Xiaoqian saw the opponent's defeat, she was absolutely unwilling to let go of this opportunity. She held the Xuanyuan Sword in her palm, protected herself with the Zhenjin Shield, and approached Lin Bin.

It's a pity that she never expected that it was this impotent sword that hit a rock when it flew randomly, and then bounced back, piercing Nie Xiaoqian's back.

"you do this delibrately?"

Nie Xiaoqian was pale and fell to her knees powerlessly.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand also fell~falling, and it just happened to fall into Lin Bin's hand.

It's as if she didn't want to kill Lin Bin just now, but took the initiative to send the sword to her palm.

Lin Bin sighed softly, "You are showing mercy."

In fact, he has already prepared the blazing seven-fold ring. If the effect of He Shibi is not as magical as he thought, he will open the blazing seven-fold ring to block the Xuanyuan sword, and then fight with Li Lei. K88 and the two teamed up to kill her.

But Nie Xiaoqian's sword seemed to be inevitable, but she stopped at the last moment.

As expected, He's Bi is indeed an S-level item, and its miraculous effect may not be comparable to the Bible of Everything, but if he had to choose between two S-level items, he would definitely choose He's Bi without hesitation.

The thing that condenses luck is so amazing!
He lightly stroked the Heshibi ring in his hand, and said in his heart that when he goes back, I must exchange all those probabilistic props.

Also, the lightning rod can also be sold.


With this thing, is the probability 50%?That is clearly 100%!

It's just that in this way, the wonderful idea I imagined to die with the enemy is completely in vain...

Damn it, it's all because He's Bi is too miraculous.

"God's will is clear, if you want to take my life by your hand, even if I really kill you, what can I do? And if... If I really kill you, I will reunite with my husband. Although I respect him, But if you don’t love him after all, what’s the difference between staying together and being tortured?”

Nie Xiaoqian smiled resentfully, with a sad expression on her face. She took two steps back and asked in a sad voice: "Young man, let me ask you...you say... am I wrong? It's right to give up resistance and let him bully you? Otherwise, why would you kill me even this day... Isn't it telling me that I'm wrong?"

She obviously misunderstood the previous coincidences, but it was God's will.

Although in a sense, luck is also God's will.

Lin Bin sighed and said, "You just love the wrong person. Ning Caichen never loved you as much as you loved him from the beginning. You are a ghost and cannot become a human, but he is a human. If he I really love you, in fact, I can turn into a ghost..."


Although the heart is extremely sad.

Nie Xiaoqian still couldn't help laughing through tears.

She sighed quietly: "Die, it doesn't matter if you die... or... what I regret the most is that I killed the hero Yan. He came for me, but died at the hands of my husband. Watch your sword path I seem to have a lot in common with his swordsmanship. I buried the bones of Lord Yan in the back mountain... Well, the explosion is so violent, I am afraid that the ashes of Lord Yan will not be preserved. You might as well go and have a look, if... I will trouble you ..."

"I understand."

"Young man, thank you very much, and also, be careful of my husband Heishan, don't tell him that I died at your hands."

Nie Xiaoqian smiled sadly.

The figure gradually turned into a phantom, scattered away, leaving behind thousands of sorrows.

Only Xuanyuan Sword and two booklets were left in Lin Bin's hands at this time.

Lin Bin stepped forward and picked up the brochure.

"Taiyi Eradicates Sins and Slays Demons and Protects the Body"!
"Xuanyuan Sword Art"!
Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and his heart was filled with ecstasy. Is this Yan Chixia's method of eliminating demons?
This is really a sleepy pillow.

And this time.

Following Nie Xiaoqian's death.

The reminder of the reincarnation watch also sounded in the ears of the three of them.

[Secret Realm Mission: Kill the Dryad Grandma]

[Completion reward: 3000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1. 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

[The task has been completed, do you want to return to liquidation? 】

Even the reincarnation table was reminded, it seems that the dryad grandma is really dead.

Seems simple...

But in fact, Li Lei is an elite reincarnator in the Reincarnation Association who is really responsible for fighting difficult battles, and K88 is the vice president of the Technology Enhancement Association.

Plus Lin Bin.

It would be strange if the three of them teamed up and still escaped death.

It is determined that the task has been completed.

Li Lei and K88 also put away their weapons and walked over.

This time, even K88, who doesn't understand human feelings very well, couldn't help showing a little sigh, and sighed: "This Miss Nie doesn't seem to be a villain, but it's a pity that she has gone astray...but like As she said, she can't go astray, she has no other choice from the beginning."

"Oh, dear lady, how can she be a bandit?"

Li Lei's words before were full of jokes, but now they are truly sighing.

He turned to look at Lin Bin, and said with a smile, "Congratulations."

This can also be regarded as the default rule.

What type of reinforcement system exploded is basically allocated on demand.

Although these props are precious, they are of little help to them.

Lin Bin is the only way of martial arts, and Nie Xiaoqian's sword and sword formula are obviously similar to Lin Bin's, not to mention that the main output is all done by Lin Bin.

Even if Lin Bin paddled the whole way.

This thing is also rightfully his.

"This can be regarded as good rewards for good people."

Lin Bin was also full of surprises.

His main purpose of coming to this world is actually to fulfill his promise to Li Si.

It's just that I didn't expect it, but I witnessed the power of K88 and Li Lei.

Although Lin Bin doesn't think his strength is inferior to these two, there is no doubt that compared to their large-scale AOE attacks and their magical ability to induce natural weather, martial arts skills are obviously much more monotonous , is also more restrictive.

Unless he can really do all eight swords flying together.

But even if the will is as strong as Gai Nie's, he can only do the hundred-step flying sword. Lin Bin's ability to fly four swords together is already the limit that human beings can achieve.

After all, this method is too stupid.

As a result, I dozed off here, and a pillow came over there.

The number of flying swords controlled by Nie Xiaoqian is far higher than that of Lin Bin, and the weight is lifted lightly. Obviously, it is the real method of controlling swords, not Lin Bin's stupid method.

"Then I will have the audacity to accept these things. If there are any good things in the future, I will not want them. You two will share them."

Lin Bin put away the booklet happily.

And Xuanyuan Sword.

The golden sword blade shone with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Even if it was held in the hands of the female ghost before, it still does not reduce its majestic prestige.

[Xuanyuan Sword (Class A weapon): An ancient sword that has been passed down for thousands of years!Although it is not the original Xuanyuan Xiayu sword, it also contains infinite power inside, and it is a magic weapon for slaying demons and demons. 】

[Note: You can call me this name, if I say it’s okay, do you believe me? 】

This is truly a sleepy pillow.

Why is Lin Bin so restrained when fighting with Nie Xiaoqian?
To put it bluntly, his strongest weapon, the Shuanglong Phantom Sword, is too lethal against such ghostly things...

Although the quality of Yuewang Bajian is good, it is only at the bottom of B-level, especially the characteristics of these weapons are too low to kill ghosts and ghosts, which makes him unable to go all out.

But if you have this Xuanyuan sword.

Lin Bin thought that from now on, the Eight Swords of the King of Yue would really only be reduced to imperial sword weapons.

But in this way, Yu Jian is not like Yu Jian, but rather has a feeling of Lin·Hero Wang·Bin.

"Not right!"

K88 suddenly said something, which interrupted Lin Bin's joy.

Lin Bin and Li Lei turned their heads to look at K88 and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The tree demon grandma is indeed dead, but if it's just this Nie Xiaoqian, the plane has indeed changed a lot, but it seems that it still can't meet the conditions for upgrading to the red secret realm!"

K88 said in a deep voice: "Besides, Nie Xiaoqian's words are contradictory. She said earlier that she did the red land with her own hands, but later said that she seldom kills. The only thing that makes her feel guilty is that hero Yan... What the hell? Is it a lie in the front or a lie in the back?"

Li Lei: "I am more inclined towards the back. Such a sad beauty, even if she is hurt by someone, she is only complaining about herself. How could she hurt others?"

"Then who did this thousands of miles of red land?"

"It must be her husband!"

Li Lei cheered up suddenly, "Where is her husband? Where is her husband?"

Lin Bin asked: "Black Mountain Old Demon?! Indeed, although Nie Xiaoqian is strong, even if she splits up, I don't think she has the strength to kill five saint-level reincarnations."

"So, although our mission has been completed, the real threat to this secret realm has not been lifted?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Lei's mouth, and he said: "It seems that we still need to venture in again... Fortunately, there is still plenty of time, and we don't have to rush back."

Lin Bin said: "I also need time to memorize this formula, so that returning can save some reincarnation points."

The three quickly reached a consensus.

Although the dryad's grandmother is dead, the crisis... is far from resolved!
(End of this chapter)

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