After receiving the task.

The three of them have already noticed that something is wrong with this secret realm...

The task is too easy.

Compared with the group destruction of five saint-level reincarnations, just relying on a recorded tree demon grandma is really overestimating her ability.

Even if there are so many twists and turns in the middle.

The dryad's grandma has already changed, and Nie Xiaoqian is better than the former dryad's grandma in terms of strength and character, but still, she is still not enough to destroy the five saints. Qualifications for reincarnation.

You know, the strength can reach the holy level.

I'm afraid there isn't a single idiot...

Don't think that Lin Bin can play Gu Yuan around, but in fact, it is entirely because of the difference in information. If it is not because of the existence of Deng Yang, an undercover agent, Lin Bin may not be able to fight Gu Yuan in the battle of wits and courage. gain the upper hand.

Similarly, the strength of these five saint-level reincarnations may not be inferior to Gu Yuan, but they ended up almost wiped out in this secret realm.

It is said that Nie Xiaoqian did it all by herself, I am afraid that even ghosts can't be fooled.

"Although the task has been completed, in fact, if we don't choose to return, but continue to dig deep into the relevant clues of this task, it will be of great help to us in obtaining a high evaluation. I don't need to say more about this, little brother It should be very clear, right? After all, my little brother seems to have only one A, and the rest are all S..."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Even if it's not for mission evaluation, I think it's necessary to take a look inside. After all, this world is full of ghosts and monsters. Once the real world is invaded, it will be our family members who will suffer. , How can it be finished? I don't want my sister to go out to buy groceries, only to bump into a bunch of goblins."

Of course, there is a secondary reason.

Nie Xiaoqian's system fit him perfectly.

So, let him give everything... He made a promise, saying that he would not want any good things in the future.

As a result, it will return here.

I still feel a little bit embarrassed, I have to try my best to help them, and I will have a clear conscience when I get this thing.

"About the Black Mountain old demon, I got some useful information from Li Si."

Anyway, Li Si was dead.

Lin Bin can pin the blame on him at will, and some information can naturally be shared wantonly.

He said: "The specific shape of the Black Mountain old demon is unknown. According to its name, there is a high probability that the mountain and stone become a spirit, but the possibility is not high... because if it is really a mountain and a stone, it should not be afraid of the sun, but there is a clear The proof shows that he is very afraid of the sun, so it is more likely that his body is a ghost gathered by wronged souls. It has been entrenched in a place called Wushi City, and the people gathered in Wushi City are all wronged people with strong hostility. One can imagine the strength of Li Gui Xinghun, who can be the overlord of a place like this."

"Oh? Afraid of the sun? Does he still have this weakness?"

Li Lei looked at K88.

"The sun's rays are mainly composed of infrared rays, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, ultraviolet rays, etc. If the Montenegrin old demon is afraid of the sun, then according to my speculation, he is probably afraid of the ultraviolet rays. "

"Simulating light waves like ultraviolet light is not a problem for me," K88 said.

"Then what are you talking about, little brother Abin, how do we enter that dead city?"

"This...the answer may be in this book."

Lin Bin looked at the secret book left by Yan Chixia in his hand, and said: "I may need to study the contents here, Brother K, Brother Li, please go to the back mountain to find the tomb of Yan Chixia for me. If his ashes are still there, please help me to let him rest in peace, after all, I have his inheritance here, and these are the only things I can do for him."

Li Lei gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Understood."

K88 said seriously: "Don't worry, even if the ashes are scattered, with my observation ability, I can still pick them out from the soil and let them rest in the soil again."

"Then trouble you."

At that moment, the three of them acted separately, and the two went to search for Yan Chixia's ashes, while Lin Bin sat cross-legged, carefully reviewing the exercises in his hand.

Yan Chixia is an authentic stranger from the world. He was once taught the unique knowledge of Taoism by Taoist masters. Even Zhiqiu Yiye of the Kunlun School had to inherit from his juniors when facing him. Obviously, the level of the kung fu system he practiced is actually extremely high. High.

In a sense, this is still a martial art.

But it has already transcended the martial arts and reached the level of primordial spirit application...

And the foundation of Yuanshen is Jingyuan.

"In a sense, this exercise is tailor-made for me."

Lin Bin murmured while watching: "It seems that one must keep one's word. If I didn't have the intention of avenging Li Si, I wouldn't be able to get this exercise."

Use the soul to control the sword.

Although it is not as good as the hundred-step flying sword, which is driven by the arms of Qi Yujian, but in terms of level, it is actually better than the hundred-step flying sword.

If you combine the two, you will have the freedom of the soul to control the sword, and the agility of the spirit to control the sword.

An inexplicable impulse suddenly appeared in Lin Bin's heart.

Waiting for Immortal Cultivation Technique?

In a sense, "The Secret of Longevity" is actually the basic foundation of cultivating immortals. Now, with the blessing of He Shibi, the upper limit has been greatly increased, and it also absorbs the aura of heaven and earth into the body. I am afraid that compared with cultivating immortals now, It's not necessarily inferior.

As for the way of controlling the sword, he seems to have mastered it now.

Although it is slightly different from the normal sword control method, has he already stepped on the threshold of martial arts?
Now read more carefully.

In just a few hours, to Lin Bin, it felt like he had undergone an earth-shaking change.

It's as if a farmer who had been plowing the land by hand was suddenly sent a cow...

All kinds of plowing skills have already been mastered by heart. After the most labor-intensive work is done by others, isn't it easy to handle and easy to handle?
In such a short time, Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, from the storage space, the eight swords of Yue Wang flew out at the same time, each flying in different directions, circling and flying, stabbing, cutting, or cutting Or turned out to be an extremely fierce sword array.

After attacking the enemy, the blade flew back and circled behind him to form a unique sword wheel.

Not so long ago, four swords flying together was his limit.

But now that he has obtained the correct method, he has directly achieved the achievement of flying eight swords together, and even feels that the ninth sword is not a problem at all, but considering that everyone who calls eight swords must have the characteristics of the ninth sword, this It is more appropriate to leave the sword for the killer.

The characteristic of abundant essence is really applied here. Before, he could do four swords with brute force, but now he feels that his limit is far beyond the eighth and ninth swords.

"Is this the ultimate evolution direction of warriors?"

At this time, Li Lei and K88, who had finished handling Yan Chixia's ashes outside, came back and saw the bright sword wheel in the sky, with envious expressions in their eyes, and murmured: "Mother, damn old Qin, this stinky motherfucker!" You told me before that martial arts were weak, so I switched to practicing ghosts, but now it seems... so envious..."

"Don't be envious, Mr. Abin is unique, he can be valued by our president, do you think he will be that kind of ordinary person?"

K88 followed behind him.

Said: "Let's go, solve the problem as soon as possible."

When they came to Lin Bin's side, Lin Bin had already put away his magic weapons.

In just a short moment, there was no real progress in skill, but the combat power was greatly improved.

Although he had already found the way to enter the city of the dead, Lin Bin did not immediately take the two of them in, but went to pay homage to Yan Chixia's tombstone first.

Although Nie Xiaoqian was blackened, she obviously still had respect for this chivalrous man who had saved her with his sword selflessly. Therefore, the ashes were carefully preserved and stored in an exquisite gold box.

Although it was affected by the explosion, it was not affected much...

Therefore, the monument can be erected again.

Lin Bin respectfully knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, which was considered to have thanked Yan Chixia for her kindness.

Only then did Xuanyuan Sword come out.

He shouted in a low voice: "Hao Ran is righteous, divide Yin and Yang!"

Infused with true qi, the long-lived true qi and one's own primordial spirit are perfectly integrated on the Xuanyuan sword.

Chop out hard.

It seems to have cut off the invisible shackles directly.

It made Li Lei and K88 click their tongues... Although the severed shackles are invisible, they have the reincarnation table, but they can see clearly that this sword has clearly cut out a passage similar to the reincarnation space. .

It's just vague and uncertain, and there is a crisis of closing at any time.

"Let's go."

Lin Bin stepped in first.

The two followed closely behind.

When re-entering, it is no longer the gloomy appearance before, but a completely dark world.

The sky and the earth are dark, the sun and the moon have no light.

It seems that there is no Qingming that belongs to the normal world here.

"Just a moment."

K88 closed his eyes, pondered for a while, and then opened them again.

Two dazzling rays shot out directly from his eyes... Although they didn't look like sunlight, they should be the ultraviolet rays he mentioned earlier.

If there is no accident, any ghost will be completely purified the moment it shines on this kind of light.

In a sense, if the nemesis of ghosts is really ultraviolet light, then pure ultraviolet light may cause more damage to them than pure sunlight.

This is probably the use of technology to transcend supernatural beings. Some aspects are somewhat restrictive, but certain aspects are also much more convenient.

But Lin Bin thought about another question.

In the legend of the night that he had been to, the werewolf once produced some ultraviolet bullets in order to deal with vampires.

Of course, the existence of Zhanlan Rose made him completely unnecessary for such bullets.

But if he could contact Serena again and get the formula for this bullet, he would be able to sell a lot of bullets, right?
Among the three, K88 is the leader.

Lin Bin and Li Lei were the next two, cautiously probing in front of the City of Death...

Just walk and walk.

The expressions of the three of them were also a little strange.

"Why is this nether world the same as the sun world?"

Li Lei muttered something of unknown meaning, but both Lin Bin and K88 understood what he meant.

The area around Lanruo Temple was dead for thousands of miles, and they walked all the way, but there was not a single person alive.

And now in hell...

If it is said that the City of Dead Dead is really a gathering place for evil spirits and fierce ghosts, then it should be full of ghosts, but in fact, this place is a barren mountain, and then a dilapidated city was piled up with those huge loess rocks.

Apart from gusts of cold wind, there was no strange smell in the air.

The three of them quickened their pace.

Until they came to the deepest part of the dead city.

Although the huge mansion looked desolate and old, it revealed a sense of coldness and murder.

But there is nothing here.

There are no wronged souls, no ghosts, no old Montenegro...

"What's the matter? It feels like the whole Lanruo Temple has nothing but the tree demon grandma and those few minions."

This time, Li Lei didn't even care about his yellow accent. He said in shock, "Where is the old Heishan? Where is he? Could it be that he has been eliminated by Li Si and the others? Impossible... If they get rid of the old Heishan... If it is a monster, then who did they die in?"

K88 said solemnly: "It seems that we have overlooked something very important. There has been no one here for a long time... no, there are signs of ghost activity. The City of Death has become an empty city a long time ago."

Lin Bin looked extremely serious, and said in a deep voice, "I think, I know why."


Both of them looked at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin said in a deep voice: "Idiots have their own stupid methods, but the methods of smart people are generally unexpectedly consistent, because they will choose the path that is most beneficial to them... I once practiced a bit On the other hand, at that time, the secret of the reincarnation space was known by a powerful person in that world. His first thought was to invade the real world, and for this he began to plot against us reincarnators. , maybe he has already succeeded.”

"You mean..."

"I came here because I made a deal with Li Si, he gave me a pill, I came to this world for him, and avenged his teammates!"

Lin Bin's face was extremely solemn, and he said: "At that time, he asked me to meet again in three days. At that time, he would sort out the information about his experience in detail and hand it over to me. He would be able to give me the greatest help..."

Li Lei asked, "And then?"

"Then he died. The doctor diagnosed that it was because he suddenly let go of his obsessions, which led to the lack of will to survive. This led to the deterioration of his injuries and his death. At that time, we did not doubt this reason."

Lin Bin turned his head to look at the two of them, and said, "But now that I think about it, was it all a coincidence? Since he wanted to take revenge, how could he suddenly lose the will to survive without seeing his enemy's body? He Is the confidence in me so great? So big that you just leave it to me and feel at ease?"

K88 and Li Lei said in unison: "Human!"

"Someone doesn't want the world's information to leak out!"

K88 said: "Mr. Abin, are you saying that the Montenegrin old demon has escaped to the real world?!"

"I suddenly felt that maybe Li Si's escape was deliberately arranged by the Black Mountain old demon, because he wanted to escape to the real world by taking advantage of the crack in time and space created after he completed the mission. This is also because everyone else died, except Li Si. The reason you're still alive!"

Lin Bin said: "Besides, all secret realms have level caps. Why is this secret realm about to be upgraded from the killing level to the nightmare level? Could it be that the strength of the Black Mountain Old Demon is about to exceed the level cap of this world? What will he do? Beyond the shackles of this world?"

Li Lei: "It's too simple, that is to escape from this world!"

The three looked at each other.

Nie Xiaoqian, the grandmother of the dryad, already possessed a strength that was almost better than that of a saint-level reincarnation.

So, as Nie Xiaoqian's husband and master, how strong is the Black Mountain old demon?
In particular, he is still a monster, who can absorb the essence of human beings and use it... let such a person mix into the human world...

"What are you waiting for?"

"Come back quickly."

The three chose to return without hesitation!
[Secret Realm Mission: Kill the Dryad Grandma]

[Completion reward: 3000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1. 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

[The task has been completed, and the secret rewards are being settled...]

[Secret Realm Mission Evaluation: S (You have perfectly achieved a solo kill on the target! The mission reward has been increased by 200%) and obtained B-level meritorious service × 2!Reincarnation points 3000×2! 】

[To obtain the A-level secret weapon Xuanyuan Sword, do you need to spend 2000 reincarnation points to bring it back to the present world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 2500 reincarnation points! 】

[Xuanyuan Sword (Class A weapon): An ancient sword that has been passed down for thousands of years!Although it is not the original Xuanyuan Xiayu sword, it also contains infinite power inside, and it is a magic weapon for slaying demons and demons. 】

[Note: You can call me this name, if I say it’s okay, do you believe me? 】

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Extraordinary (Holy Level)]

[Qualifications: Slaughter-level Secret Realm Independent Customs Clearance Experience × 3 (Evaluation: S, S, A), Adventure-Level Secret Realm Clearance Experience × 4 (Evaluation: S × 4 (the first three items are visible data for all reincarnations)
[Reincarnation points: 17600 reincarnation points]


Received an S-level rating.

It means that Lin Bin has officially become a saint-level reincarnation!
And he has won two B-level meritorious service, if Yan Chixia's inheritance is added.

In just one day of reincarnation experience, Lin Bin made a lot of money!
Next to him, Li Lei said in astonishment, "What, my evaluation is only A? Are you kidding me about paddling at the critical moment of the last battle? I... What joke, I can't go up, how can I paddle?"

"It seems that killing that old tree demon grandma still adds a lot of points."

K88 nodded in satisfaction, it seems that his evaluation is not low!

Said: "It's not too late, let's go back and report the news. Calculating the time, Li Si's body should not have been burned, maybe there is still evidence on it."

"Oh...what a pity..."

Li Lei complained.

The three of them stopped talking and returned to the real world at the same time!

(PS: There are more and more follow-up props. If I haven’t written them for a long time, I will release them appropriately to let readers understand the current equipment status of the protagonist. But if it’s coming soon, I won’t use them to count them.)

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