when reincarnation invades

Chapter 223 Lurking

Chapter 223 Lurking
at this time.

in the real world.

The entrance to the a-125 secret realm is impregnable, and has been transformed into a temporary military base, and everyone is ready to fight.

With just one order, the fierce artillery fire can directly plow the area of ​​tens of miles into wasteland.

It's just that even with such powerful equipment, it still can't hide the anxiety in the hearts of the soldiers...

After all, the killing level secret realm is scary enough.

Now this secret realm actually has the meaning of rising to the nightmare level.

It can be seen that there must have been some extremely terrifying mutations inside. The killing-level secret realm alone is already extremely terrifying, so this kind of mutation...

They really don't think that this kind of conventional artillery can play any role in deterring the invasion of this secret realm.

Of course, the main reason for my anxiety is...

But at the last moment of the invasion of the secret realm, there really was not a single time when they successfully killed the enemy.

It's like a monster movie in a certain country, in order to deal with the monsters, this team and that team were established, but which monster was solved by these teams?
Fortunately, the secret realm that was about to get out of control before, after the three entered.

Gradually, there were signs of gradually calming down.

This was beyond their expectation, and even their originally uneasy mood calmed down.

"It seems that these three people have done a good job."

Sun Yiyun let out a deep breath, although he knew that the containment of the reincarnated people was actually just drinking poison to quench their thirst, unless the world was completely destroyed, otherwise, the invasion of this secret realm was only a matter of time.

But isn't what people are best at avoiding problems?
But this side just relaxed, and a piece of news over there instantly made their nerves tense up again.

"Lieutenant Colonel Sun, it's not good, there are signs of tearing at the entrance of the secret realm!"

"What? Isn't the secret realm temporarily contained?!"

Lieutenant Colonel Sun was shocked.

The staff of the Samsara Association said: "The information sent by the Samsara Table was detected, and their task has been completed. It seems that they are going to return."

Sun Yiyun: "Can you stop panting so much when you speak next time?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "It seems that although Li Lei's character is extremely poor, his ability is still trustworthy, and he completed the task in less than a day. It seems that this time The evaluation is quite high... Let me see... Wait... A? Two S's and one A? Li Lei is the lowest..."

Sun Yiyun paused.

He took out his phone and took pictures of the information on the device without hesitation.

The bottom of the three?
It's ridiculous. It seems that they really overestimated Li Lei before.

It's not that his ability is too outstanding, but that the overall excellence of the reincarnation has exceeded imagination.

This is a proper dark history, if you see him in the future, you can use this picture to criticize him...

Let's see how crazy he is.

As a reincarnator, it's too bad that he still can't get an S-level evaluation.

Next to him, the staff seemed to have sensed Sun Yiyun's intentions, and opened his mouth to explain, but after thinking about it, let's forget it.

After a moment.

The space ripples at the entrance of the secret realm became more violent, and three figures walked out of it.

Sun Yiyun went up to meet her, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect your mission to be completed so quickly. Thank you, Class A...ahem...Mr. Li Lei...you have successfully contained the secret realm."

"We didn't contain the secret realm!"

Li Lei said in a deep voice: "The factor that caused the mutation of the secret realm is not inside the secret realm, but outside the secret realm. He has already come to the real world!"


Lin Bin said: "Immediately send people to thoroughly investigate whether there is a second entrance to the secret realm A-125 within a radius of [-] miles. The real culprit who caused the destruction of the reincarnation team has already followed the survivors' footsteps. He has come to the real world, and now we don’t know where he is hiding, what we need to do most now is to completely seal off his retreat.”

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone's face suddenly became violent.

Taking advantage of the physical examination for the three of them.

Lin Bin gave a detailed account of the things discovered in the secret realm.

After learning that an old monster who has practiced for thousands of years has come to the real world, and this old monster has the ability to absorb the vitality of living people to improve its own strength.

Everyone gasped...

Sun Yiyun asked: "I will send someone to investigate thoroughly immediately, what should I do next?"

"Li Si died less than seven days ago. His body has not been cremated yet. There should be clues on it!"

After the physical examination is completed and it is confirmed that the three of them have no problems.

Lin Bin said: "You are responsible for finding another entrance to the secret realm. We have to rush to the hospital immediately."


Everyone quickly agreed on a strategy.

The situation is very urgent, but after all, it has been several days, and something has happened long ago.

Not to the point of burning his brows.

The three got into Li Lei's car.

Hit the accelerator...

The car drove towards the reincarnation hospital.

Hours later, the three returned to the hospital.

At this time, the Heroic Spirit Room was already full of people.

Although it has only been three or four days now, those who should come to worship, after coming once, go back and do whatever they want...

Now only Li Si's only daughter, Li Jingjing, is guarding here.

I saw the demure and weak Li Jingjing wearing a white scarf and a filial piety.

Li Lei sighed and rushed forward first.

And after hearing that her father might not have died of serious injuries, but was murdered by someone, Li Jingjing's expression changed instantly, and she was almost untenable.

Then he was supported by Li Lei.

She naturally had no reason to disagree with the request of the three of them to check Li Si's body.

Lin Bin and K88 took the initiative to walk towards Li Si who had been frozen in the transparent crystal coffin.

K88 fundus data emerged.

After scanning for a while, he shook his head and said: "No, he has too many injuries, and there are six fatal injuries among them, and now he has lost his vital signs, so it is impossible to judge which injury caused him to lose his life. "

Lin Bin put his hands on Li Si's frozen dead body.

Immortal Qi poured into...

What entered seemed to be a rotten tree, and there was no reaction at all.

But he was not in a hurry, but just felt it slowly.

Anyway, the longevity zhenqi is extremely pure and endless, and he is not afraid of squandering it at all. He can persist in this indoctrination method for seven days and seven nights, but in the end he had to give up because he was too hungry.

Ten or so minutes passed...

Until even Li Lei had finished comforting Li Jingjing.

Coming closer, everyone held their breath and looked at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin opened his eyes suddenly.

Said in a deep voice: "I sensed a remnant of evil spirit similar to Nie Xiaoqian's in Li Si's heart. It was very weak, but it was at least twice as pure as Nie Xiaoqian's evil spirit. I'm afraid it's impossible to check this level with a machine. What came out, if it wasn't for my Changsheng Zhenqi's sensitivity to this kind of dark power, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to detect it... The heart was invaded by such a strong demon power, unless he followed the dark strengthening system from the beginning, maybe he wouldn't be able to detect it... If you can support it, you will surely die!"

Li Lei asked a key question.

"The kind that can't last in the real world?"

Lin Bin nodded.

Li Lei frowned and said: "It seems that our guess is correct. The old black mountain demon has really escaped, and even after he escaped, he monitored Li Si for his own safety. After thinking about it, kill him immediately... No, it doesn't make sense..."

"It should be to protect Nie Xiaoqian, because in the eyes of all reincarnations, Nie Xiaoqian is a pure and infatuated helpless female ghost, the kind who needs everyone's help. Reminiscing that this grandma is not that grandma... Once she can't calculate whether she has intentions or not intentions, Nie Xiaoqian's strength does not have an advantage in the face of reincarnated people, especially if he is not by her side to protect her."

Lin Bin sighed: "Although the Black Mountain old demon kills people like hemp, he has to admit that he is infatuated with Nie Xiaoqian. He is such a dog... In fact, if he hadn't killed Li Si, I'm afraid we may not have imagined that he has escaped to the real world."

"That is to say, no matter where the Black Mountain old demon is hiding, he must have appeared in Li Si's ward, especially Li Si was killed by him after meeting with you. It can be seen that he must have appeared in this During the period of time, he may have made a disguise. If he is really a collection of resentful spirits, then he should be able to change into any form he wants, but as long as the number of people is limited, it may not be impossible to quickly transform He was picked out."

K88 ran out quickly.

Said: "I'm going to get the monitoring right now. The Black Mountain old demon just came to this world and doesn't know much about the real world. He might not think of deleting the monitoring."

Just do it.

Finally found the clues, especially Li Si's death provided the most intuitive evidence, confirming that this is not just the dream of the three of them, but a fact that has actually happened!
Li Lei stayed behind to guard Li Si's body to prevent any accidents.

Of course, the reason why he took the initiative to invite Ying is probably to comfort Li Jingjing in all likelihood.

Although it is relatively reliable to start a business, but now there are two more reliable teammates.

He can also paddle properly.

Incidentally, he had to contact the headquarters.

Soon, the Samsara Space Association who got the news immediately dispatched elite troops to seal off the entire hospital.

The golden-yellow item barrier blocks everyone's entry and exit... Obviously, even the Samsara Association is extremely afraid of a thousand-year-old demon who has surpassed the level of the holy level and reached the level of the town.

In terms of call monitoring, K88 is obviously more professional.

He just turned his finger into a USB flash drive and poked it into the computer.

After a while, the monitoring of the time period that Lin Bin and the others needed was directly picked out.

inside the camera.

Lin Bin took the elixir and left.

Li Si fell into a deep sleep because of his injuries and exhaustion. How could he have lost the so-called will to survive?

Then, the doctor on duty Zhao Zixuan came in to conduct a routine examination for him.

After a while, nurse Wang Zixuan changed his dressing.

Li Jingjing guarded the whole process, and then, the nurse Zhou Zixuan helped Li Siduan to collect urine.

The picture is normal, and some of the normal are weirdly abnormal.

Then, at exactly eleven o'clock that night.

Li Si died.

He walked so quietly that they didn't discover his death until half an hour later.

K88 asked in a deep voice: "Except for Li Jingjing, these three people are the only ones who have the opportunity to come into contact with Li Si. Will the murderer be among them? Do I need to retrieve all the information of them? "

"no need."

Lin Bin said: "The nurse's movements of changing the dressing are very smooth and skillful. The face can be disguised, but the skill proficiency cannot be disguised. Let the old black mountain demon stab someone with a needle. ... Wang Zixuan should be fine."

"If this is the case, the doctor should be fine. Some of the very professional terms he said are theoretically very suitable for Li Si's condition. The name of the medicine can be learned, but he can learn to treat people with Western medicine so quickly. This is not in line with the character design of the Montenegrin old demon."

K88 heard Lin Bin's judgment method, and quickly imitated it.

"In that case, Zhou Zixuan, the nurse, can also remove the suspicion. After all, the Black Mountain old demon is a demon king. With no suspicion of being exposed at all, he doesn't need to help people poop and urinate, oh yes, he even wipes people's butts. "

"So, the only suspect is..."

Lin Bin and K88 looked at each other, and they fell on Li Jingjing at the same time.

Lin Bin said in shock, "Oops...Brother Li is in danger."

"With Li Lei's ability, self-protection shouldn't be difficult."

"What I mean is that Brother Li's strategy ability is too amazing. He must have already entered, right? If the Montenegrin old demon blindly hides his identity, and it's hard to resist..."

K88: "Huh?"

Lin Bin knew that he had slipped his words, and hurriedly changed his words: "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

It's a pity that K88 looked at him with a bit of admiration, and murmured: "I always thought that the two of us were incompatible with Li Lei, but I didn't expect that I was incompatible with you two, because Am I perverted enough?"

"Sure enough, you can understand his usual driving. Brother K, you have learned badly, and you still pretend to not understand."

The two of them had nothing to worry about Li Lei.

I am also an old reincarnation, if I am not aware of the enemy's malice and am attacked by someone, then I really deserve to die...

As for whether Li Lei entered or not, Lin Bin and K88 naturally didn't care.

Send Li Lei a message to be careful about Li Jingjing.

Then, the two walked quickly to the heroic spirit room.

And this time...

In the Heroic Spirit Room, Li Jingjing, who was saddened by her father's death and had hidden secrets, was pale and haggard, looking quite pitiful.

Seemingly unable to support her body, she almost snuggled into Li Lei's arms.

After all, Li Lei still had a little conscience, so he didn't really make a move.

Of course, there may be a bigger reason than her husband lying here, but her father...

Therefore, his main purpose is to first cultivate the favorability and prepare for the future.

Divorced young women, filial piety, single mothers...

This attribute is a fortress of abuse.

Therefore, even if he knew that the timing was inappropriate, he had to hit the assists first to prepare for the next home run.

The home plate is not good, but when I first support it, I touch it and rub it, pretending not to know my innocence.

Li Lei is too familiar with the game.

Hang up the phone that rang suddenly.

Li Lei said softly: "Sister Jingjing, your body is so cold... It seems that you have suffered a lot these days staying here, alas, that bastard really doesn't know how to be considerate of you, even because your child didn't follow you Abandoning you after taking his last name is really too much."

"Brother Li, you are really a good person..."

"It's a pity that good people don't get rewarded. Otherwise, why wasn't I the one who met you?"

Li Lei hung up the continuous phone calls.

Gently rubbing Li Jingjing's waist with pity on her face, she sighed: "If I were in his position, I would definitely not mind having our child take your last name... It's a pity that we didn't even know each other at that time. What a pity……"

"Brother Li... It's time for me to get up, let me go."

"Okay, I didn't mean to take advantage of you, but seeing your soft appearance, I couldn't help but want to give you some comfort..."

Li Lei picked up the phone which was beeping non-stop irritably, and connected it.

Before he could speak, Lin Bin's voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Brother Li, be careful, Li Jingjing is probably the old demon of Montenegro."

Li Lei, who was holding Li Jingjing in his arms, was taken aback when he heard the words, and tilted his head, with a bewildered look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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