when reincarnation invades

Chapter 224 It's Not Me, It's the World

Chapter 224 It's Not Me, It's the World

Li Lei's hand that was caressing Li Jingjing's shoulder suddenly froze...

A look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Look down.

Facing a pair of cold and shadowy eyes.

Li Jingjing asked coldly, "Have you touched enough?"

Li Lei's first feeling was nausea, and then he flew into a rage.

If this woman is really the old demon from Montenegro, doesn't it mean that the woman who is being held in his arms at this time is actually a leader?
Thinking about it this way, the various intimacy moments before made him sick.

"Asshole, cheat my feelings... let Shuitian... um..."

The gun blade just came out.

Because the distance was too close, he was directly grasped by someone.

Li Jingjing said coldly: "I asked you something, don't you know the answer?"

Li Lei: "........."

The next moment, a violent explosion exploded in the heroic spirit room.

When Lin Bin and K88 arrived.

More than a dozen well-trained reincarnations have already appeared in the surrounding area. These people obviously have an extremely lethal formation, sealing off all escape spaces.

At this time, it was above the mid-air inside the venue.

Li Lei was holding a Tang saber in his hand. His saber skills were wide open and closed, with nine points for offense and one point for defense, which was even more wild than the long halberd.

The woman on the opposite side of the straight kill retreated steadily.

It seems that it has already gained the upper hand.

It's just that on the ground at this time, there is also a body that looks exactly like Li Lei's...

It looks like the primordial spirit is out of the body.

Is this the state of death?

Lin Bin was stunned, and couldn't help admiring Li Lei's fantastic idea. He usually used a long halberd to attack the enemy, and the enemy would think that to deal with this kind of enemy who could attack from a distance, he had to approach him.

Who would have thought that he would be so ingenious that he completely reversed the normal state of the god of death and the state of the initial solution, and secretly practiced such a powerful sword technique. Sure enough, there is no one who can become a saint-level reincarnation.

"Even this ability to press the bottom of the box is revealed. It seems that Mr. Li Lei has been pushed to the limit."

K88 sighed sincerely.

But Lin Bin's eyes fell on Li Lei's body next to him, looked at the messy shirt, and sighed: "I think it may be that anger has reached its limit!"

I wanted to step forward to help him.

But watch the battle for a while...

Only then did Lin Bin understand why these reincarnators didn't make a move.

Not only did Li Lei have the upper hand, but also because his saber technique at this time was like a madman. It seemed that he had sacrificed his sanity in exchange for absolute attack power.

At the very least, the performance of the Black Mountain old demon may not be any worse than that of Nie Xiaoqian.

But in the face of Li Lei's attack at this time, they retreated steadily...

"How dare you lie to my feelings, go to hell."

Li Lei roared angrily.

Chop out hard.

The thick saber aura extends for more than 40 meters long, sweeping thousands of troops in one stroke, the saber aura is vertical and horizontal, and its power is unstoppable.

The forced Montenegrin old demon has no countermeasures at all.

In other words, at this time, the hospital has obviously used some props against dark forces to oppress her, and black air is constantly emitting from her body...

But as soon as the black air left the body, it was directly purified and completely unable to exert its effective merits.

K88 said: "It seems that we don't need to make a move. He can take it all by himself. The Montenegrin old demon probably hasn't adapted to this brand new body. What we need to guard against is not to let her escape."

Lin Bin nodded.

Such a deadly crisis was just vanished into nothingness.

It can be called a great good thing...

But is Montenegro so weak?
Although Yan Chixia is an aborigine, she is familiar with the exercises he practiced.

Lin Bin can almost conclude that his strength will definitely not be inferior to those of the Saint-level reincarnation, especially for ghosts and monsters...

But even he died in the hands of the Montenegrin old demon.

Lin Bin really couldn't put him together with the woman in front of him who was clumsy under Li Lei's knife and the old black mountain demon.

Especially if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Finally, in the face of Li Lei's extremely rampant attack on Mount Hua, the Black Mountain old demon finally couldn't stop him anymore. Although he tried his best to get the demonic energy out of his body and wanted to counterattack, the oppression of the dark aura in the hospital became more and more severe. Even the Ssangyong Phantom Sword in Linbin's storage bag felt trembling.

Cut in two.

The Black Mountain old demon was chopped into two pieces...

Accompanied by a shrill scream, as the body was cut open, no blood flowed from the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon, instead it turned into a boundless black mist and spread towards the surroundings, and then seemed to be forcibly torn apart by some invisible pulling force , spreading in all directions.

A good body just dissipates into the invisible.

Li Lei let out a long breath, slowly closed his eyes, and fell down...

As if being attracted, he entered his body.

He slowly opened his eyes, with an unconcealable exhaustion on his face.

He sighed: "This catastrophe is really terrible. After going through this catastrophe, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape the backlash of my psychological shadow for at least a year."

Lin Bin walked over and asked, "Go in?"

"Don't talk about such a terrible thing, no... If there is, I will have at least 30 years."

Li Lei got up weakly.

It can be seen that the state of Shi Zhan just now put a lot of pressure on him, but as he said, it is more likely that the heart is injured more.

And this time.

Those reincarnated people who held the line also stepped forward to dispose of the remaining corpses of the Black Mountain old demon.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his 40s.

He stepped forward.

He stretched out his hand to Li Lei with a smile on his face, and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Li, you have made a great contribution to the Samsara Association. When we learned that the Black Mountain old demon may have controlled Mr. Li Si's daughter , rushed to her home immediately to control her child. Sure enough, that child has been eroded by the dark force. If you hadn't discovered the clues, when they stabilized, I'm afraid it would cause great damage to the real world. impact."

"Thank you, I feel it. I don't need to shake hands. I'm allergic to men now."

Li Lei leaned on K88 and sighed: "It's good that no damage is caused. I have entered the A-125 plane and know that the power of this enhanced system is too lethal to ordinary people. It only takes a few days." A thousand miles of red land has been created in just a few days, it's just... as long as it's okay, and, leader, I want to apply for a work-related injury."

Lin Bin opened his mouth and asked, "Li Si's grandson is also dead?"

"Yes, Mr. Abin."

Lin Bin fell silent for a moment.

He inexplicably remembered the conversation he had with Li Si a few days ago.

Li Si didn't even want to die when he was injured to such an extent. He said that he could earn more money alive than dead, and even he was reluctant to use the elixir for healing injuries in his hand. He just wanted to use this elixir for a fortune. Money, to give his children and grandchildren a better life... I am afraid that when he died, he would never have thought that his daughter and grandson died earlier than him.

His obsession has long since become empty.

He looked back at Li Si's body.

Lin Bin frowned and asked, "What about Li Si's body..."

"It must be cremated as soon as possible. Mr. Lin, didn't you say that you detected a dark force called Yaoqi in his body? In order to prevent a greater impact, all related things must be burned. "

"I see……"

Lin Bin was thoughtful for a moment.

Burn it if you say it.

Just half an hour later.

The corpses in the room were sent to a special cremation room.

"It's so miserable. I heard that this reincarnated person was also a proud person before his death, but it's a pity that he ended up like this. Moreover, before he died, his daughter and grandson were also dead."

"Hey, reincarnated people are really beautiful in front of people, but they are also really bleak after death. This is really the end of being reduced to the destruction of the whole family."

The staff discussed and pushed Li Si's body to the burning area.

Although he is already a lonely family and the lights are out, but after all, he sacrificed for the common people...

Li Si's body was not treated casually.

Instead, the staff carefully cleans up, changes clothes, and makes up.

It's best to try to let it go decently.

After packing up and preparing, the staff began to prepare other corpses.

Reincarnation itself is a profession with a lot of casualties.

Many reincarnated people died tragically in the secret realm, and even the corpses could not be found, which can be regarded as miserable... But most of them suffered from extremely serious internal injuries, even though they desperately returned to the real world, they still died of serious injuries .

Therefore, Li Si was far from the only one to be burned in this batch.

And as the staff gradually began to get busy...

Nobody noticed.

Li Si, who had already been put on death makeup, looked serene and serene after no one supervised him around.

Actually slowly opened his eyes.

The pupils are lifeless, faintly black.

The stiff body slowly sat up and looked around.

Turning a blind eye to the corpse lying beside him.

There was a stiff and weird smile on his face, and he said with a low sneer: "Hey hey hey... It's such a strong death energy, such a deep resentment, and the reincarnated people who are qualified to come here are all weak in strength, so many reincarnations Those who were burned to ashes here, if you don’t notice it, it doesn’t mean I can’t notice it, I’ve been lying in the room of heroic spirits for so many days, and I’ve finally achieved my goal.”

Especially the backhand that I temporarily set up, unexpectedly played a huge role.

He thought of Li Jingjing, the ghost servant who was transformed by him with demonic energy.

Originally, he just wanted to find someone who could help him cover up. After all, he had absorbed a thousand miles of vitality, and his strength had indeed greatly improved.

But if you want to move forward in this unknown world, it's better to keep a low profile...

After all, his purpose is to make a stand, first create a foundation in this world, and then bring his wife.

I think he has practiced hard for thousands of years, but he has no way to improve.

If it wasn't for the existence of these reincarnations, he might still think it was his problem.

Now he knows.

The fault is not him, but the world.

If he wanted to escape, he had to break away from the shackles of that world... Then, he worked hard and finally did it.

To destroy the enemy's reincarnation, deliberately let one person go, and then lodge his soul in the opponent's body.

Take advantage of this time to crazily understand the knowledge of the world.

Then, I guessed this good place...

He himself is a collection of resentment and hostility. If he can absorb all the resentment and yin energy, his strength can be increased by at least [-]%.

At that time, you will be able to set foot on the so-called township level of the reincarnation.

At that time, you will have the capital to negotiate with this world.

The plan went smoothly. Although Li Si's death was a bit abrupt, it did not cause any major setbacks.


"How was my identity revealed?"

Li Si, or the old black mountain demon hiding in Li Si's body, did not immediately absorb these grievances.

Instead, he slowly frowned, with a look of worry in his eyes, and said worriedly: "Those reincarnated people still entered my world, and they came out alive... This is different from what I planned with Xiaoqian before, could it be Xiaoqian? Did something happen to Qian?"

I dare not bring my wife here.

It is because this place is unfamiliar, and in that world, it is his territory, so he specially surrendered Cihang Pudu and the tree demon grandma, and made them Xiaoqian's servants.

Coupled with his wife's current cultivation base, even if she encounters a reincarnation, with her intelligence, she can easily destroy the enemy.

Wait until he's settled here...

He immediately went over and took her over.

Wouldn't it be beautiful for a husband and wife to practice together in this world, improve themselves, and be a couple of gods and immortals?

But now...

"Forget it, it's justified to be promoted to the township level as soon as possible. When I reach the township level, I can go back to my world to visit Xiaoqian in an open and honest manner."

The Montenegrin old demon got up and walked towards the most deadly place.

But only a few steps away...

Suddenly, a scorching white light directly pierced the pitch-black environment, reflecting everything around it as if it were daytime.

Even the dark death energy was instantly dispelled.

The light fell on the Black Mountain Old Demon, and immediately emitted a burst of burning white smoke.

The Black Mountain old demon wailed in pain, and hurriedly retreated to avoid the light...but it was accompanied by the sound of a switch.

One after another beams of light shone down from above.

Let the Montenegrin old demon be exhausted...

Accompanied by a long laugh.

"Hahahaha, Black Mountain old demon, I can tell you have ghosts at a glance..."

Li Lei, who had personally beheaded the clone of the old Black Mountain demon before, had a hearty and excited smile on his face, and the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

He laughed and said: "I knew that Li Jingjing was indeed a woman, but she was infected by you with a demonic aura. Damn...such a beautiful innocent wife...Innocent people, you actually want to do it. Today I want On behalf of the Reincarnation Association, judge you!"

The Montenegrin old demon was forced back again and again.

Soon cornered.

The opportunity to be promoted to the township is in front of him, but he has no chance to absorb it.

Looking up, illuminated by this dazzling holy light.

There are dozens of reincarnated people around, each holding various weapons.


The purpose of sending him here is to let him show his flaws!

The Black Mountain old demon roared: "It seems that you all knew that the previous one was just my old suspicion, but I am a little puzzled, where did I show my flaws?!"

Li Lei was about to speak.

K88 grabbed Li Lei, who was obviously overexcited, and said seriously, "Don't forget Mr. Abin's reminder..."

"Oh, by the way, don't explain too much to the enemy."

Li Lei sneered and said, "Old Black Mountain Demon, just let me be depressed to death in ignorance."

The Montenegro old demon took a deep breath and said, "Okay... I don't ask how I was exposed, I just ask, you two have entered my world, right? What about Xiaoqian? How is she?" gone?"

"This is..."

Li Lei instinctively looked to the left.

But at this time, Lin Bin was already gone.

Only then did he realize that Lin Bin withdrew after suggesting that there might be something wrong with Li Si's body.


If this guy is there, he can naturally look at him without any psychological burden, and then he doesn't need to say anything.

But now that he is not here, if he said bluntly that he was killed by my teammates, wouldn't that be an act of selling teammates?

and many more.
He should have expected this problem a long time ago, so he ran away in advance, right?

It's no wonder that Li Lei thinks of Lin Bin so much, because he feels that both of them are of the same style...

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

But Li Lei's hesitation gave the Old Black Mountain Demon the signal.

"She's dead, right?!"

A ruthless look appeared on the face of the old Heishan demon, and he said viciously: "You killed her, didn't you?!"

"Ah this..."

K88 said sternly: "That's right, everyone who kills can be punished, and the tree demon grandma does all kinds of evil, so naturally we won't let her go!"

"I want your life!"

The Montenegrin old demon roared angrily.

The blazing and boundless monster energy instantly sputtered in all directions like explosive flames.

Wherever he passed, the huge crematorium trembled endlessly...

For a while, even the A-level prop Jingshishu showed signs of being torn apart.

And this time.

Lin Bin, who had already gotten into a taxi and rushed home, looked back at the black flame that exploded.

There was a look of amazement on his face, and he smacked his tongue and said: "It's so powerful, Nie Xiaoqian is already strong enough. Compared with this old Black Mountain demon, she is much more fragile. Fortunately, I ran away early..."

After all, the task has been completed.

The Montenegrin old demon had nothing to do with him.

In this case, he even killed his wife... Shouldn't he just run away and wait for someone to come and fight him hard?

(End of this chapter)

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