Chapter 225

Inside the crematorium, an extremely fierce battle broke out.

"Return my Xiaoqian's life!"

The black mountain old demon's eyes were about to burst, and he roared angrily.

He came to this world not because he abandoned Nie Xiaoqian, but because he was too worried about her safety before he came to explore...

Willing to explore for her, his feelings for her can be seen from this, it is obvious that he loves her very much.

But who knew that even though he had done all the cloth hands within his ability, he still couldn't save her life.

this moment……

The pain of losing his wife broke out in his heart.

Break through the town?

Negotiate with Huaguo?
Sleeping and flying in this world?

Yi Ren is gone, what is the use of this power?
Under the extreme anger, the old black mountain demon didn't care about it any more, and forcibly absorbed all the power into his body...

If this power is digested slowly, it will at least help him break through the township level. After all, it is the resentment accumulated by countless reincarnated people when they died tragically!

The strength of the reincarnated person is extraordinary, and it is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people. The benefits of this power, to a certain extent, are even more beneficial than turning thousands of miles into red ground before.

But now, the Black Mountain old demon forcibly absorbed this power that surpassed himself into his body by virtue of his natural skills.

Even though it had already caused him a lot of damage, he had completely ignored it.

Just to kill the enemy who killed his wife.

And after paying such a high price, within a short period of time, he obviously also gained power beyond the saint level.

This time...

Even A-level targeted props are difficult to exert their full power.

The Jingshishu was torn apart by life and death. The eyes of the black mountain old demon were red, like a dead ghost from hell, staring at Li Lei, and shouted: "I want your life!"

Li Lei's face changed in shock, and he shouted: "Hurry up, dismiss everyone in the hospital, we underestimated the strength of the enemy, be careful not to hurt innocent people!"

next moment.

The huge and boundless evil spirit has completely surrounded them.

From time to time, I could hear the pained screams of the reincarnated people, and the extremely angry and painful screams of the Montenegro old demon.

The black smoke expanded until it covered the entire hospital affiliated with the Reincarnation Association...

And it's getting worse.

Until there was a clear shout from the sky.

"Dare the monster to make trouble!"

From above the sky, the scorching golden light shot straight into the thick billowing black smoke and dust. This golden light seemed to be a domain, extending a passage beyond space and time.

A figure was as fast as lightning, rushing from within the golden light into the tumbling black clouds.

In an instant, the churning black cloud stagnated suddenly, and then exploded in pieces.

The country-level reincarnation guards guarding the reincarnation space association took action in person!
The low growl of the Montenegro old demon is not inferior at all...

In the black smoke and dust, the golden light burst and the black mist rolled.

It can be seen that the fight between the two sides has reached the height of life and death in an instant.

But all this has no meaning to Lin Bin.

After half an hour.

Lin Bin received a call from Li Lei.

It's only been 10 minutes, his voice is hoarse, with a heavy exhaustion, as if he has been rounded dozens of times.

He called hoarsely, "Hey, little brother."

"What's wrong, Brother Li, someone cooked it?"

Li Lei sighed quietly: "Little brother, I really should have listened to you before."

Lin Bin left after warning Li Si, the head of the Reincarnation Association, that there might be problems.

Before leaving, he even gave Li Lei a warning.

Their task is to clear the secret realm of the A-125 plane.

Now that the secret realm has been cleared, their mission has been completed.

The follow-up Black Mountain old demon has nothing to do with them...

The Black Mountain old demon is a saint-level powerhouse himself, and after absorbing the essence and blood of thousands of miles of life, his strength will inevitably reach an extremely terrifying level.

They can't afford to compete with this kind of enemy, so they should leave it to professional people to deal with the headache.

But Li Lei felt that the high-quality widow and widow resources were squandered by the old demon of Montenegro, especially because he was deceived by others, and wanted to take revenge in anger...

Of course, the greater possibility is due to the trust in the Jingshishu, thinking that under the Jingshishu, there is no possibility of any mistakes, and no matter how strong the Black Mountain old demon is, he can only be awarded the head.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have listened to you. We saint-level reincarnations can't get involved in this muddy water. We have drawn a wave of hatred in vain and been severely beaten. If it weren't for my fate, Maybe it’s really folded in.”

Li Lei sighed, "It's all over now, I really have to sleep with one eye open in the future."

Lin Bin's pupils shrank, and he said in surprise, "The Black Mountain old demon has escaped?"

" are right, the old black mountain demon can hide from everyone and enter the real world, so it is absolutely impossible for him to be easily dominated by others, especially his strength is far beyond imagination, and in the end it is Zhen Guo The super reincarnation Mr. Zhou personally took action, although he succeeded in wounding him, but he escaped with props!"

Lin Bin asked, "Has he broken through to the town level?"

"Probably not yet. He just forcibly reached the township level temporarily with some kind of evil method. However, according to Mr. Zhou, he was seriously injured in this battle. If he survived by luck, breaking through the township in the future is almost impossible. The iron board is nailed, Abin, we killed his wife, if he breaks through to the town level, he will definitely be the first to look for us."

Lin Bin thought for a while and asked, "Is the Zhen Guo level very strong?"

"Let's put it this way, the power of Zhen Guo level is far better than that of becoming a saint. If the reincarnation of the Saint level is just a high-level wage earner, then the level of Zhen Guo level has evolved from the previous chess piece to the chess player's level." realm!"

Li Leiqiang smiled and said: "Of course, it's not without good news. At least for a long time to come, we will have full motivation to improve our strength. Otherwise, wait until the old demon of Montenegro recovers from his injuries, haha...haha Hehe... But don't worry, little brother, I didn't betray you, so you should be safe."

"I didn't expect such a moth to come out of ordinary breaking into the secret realm."

Lin Bin sighed.

Asked: "Can't you find him before he recovers and kill him?"

"Of course, this is what I will decide to do next. I am the best at beating dogs in the water. This time, even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will dig him out!"

Li Lei's fighting spirit suddenly became high.

"By the way, where is Li Si's body?"

Lin Bin suddenly remembered the most critical question and asked.

"This... the Black Mountain old demon controls Li Si's body to exert power above the national level, causing his body to be torn apart. We have arranged for people to restrain and burn it."

Lin Bin sighed, and sighed softly: "Remember to help him and his family arrange a high-end cemetery, let's bury them together, money is not a problem, I will pay for it."

"Understood, I will arrange this matter."

The two hung up the communication.

The escape of the Montenegro old demon only shocked Lin Bin, but did not make him too flustered.

The two are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

He didn't participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Black Mountain old demon because of this idea. His strength still has no advantage against Nie Xiaoqian. It was done by the old demon of Montenegro alone.

The strength of the Black Mountain old demon was already superior to that of the tree demon's grandmother and Cihang Pudu, and now that he has obtained so much blood, it is immeasurable how strong he is.

Lin Bin actually yearned to fight against the strong, but he didn't want to add trouble to himself.

He has a family here, if possible, it's better not to be remembered behind his back as much as possible.

If you want to challenge, who can't you find?

Both K88 and Li Lei are formidable opponents. Wouldn't it be good for everyone to stop at this point?I have to provoke an old monster...

Li Si is the most direct lesson from the past.

The matter of Li Si also caused a great shock in his heart.

According to Lin Bin's original idea, he actually wanted to find Li Jingjing after completing the task in the secret realm, and tell him in an understatement tone, I have a deal with your father, and now I have completed it, your father can also do it under Jiuquan Rest in peace.

I heard from Li Si that Li Jingjing is his fan.

As an idol, it's not easy to let your fans down.

But who knows that the development of reality never depends on people's willpower.

Li Jingjing has been dead since the beginning, and the Black Mountain old demon is more ruthless and ruthless than imagined...

Although the deal with Li Si had been successfully concluded, the other party's miserable fate still made Lin Bin feel as if he owed something.

"In the future, every year and festival, as a friend, there will be a stick of incense from you, so you can go there with peace of mind."

Lin Bin closed his eyes and stopped thinking about it...

after an hour.

"Yo, little brother Abin, you're back so soon?"

Old Dong, the guard, saw Lin Bin and greeted him with a smile.

"Well, I'm back."

Although Lin Bin was in a complicated mood, he still forced himself to say hello with a smile on his face.

Old Dong chuckled and said, "Look at your eggplant-like complexion, why, you were arrested? Oh no, you went to practice, why, the practice didn't go well? Or did you have to destroy the flowers so you're depressed? "

Although he was driving a yellow car, in a sense it did speak to a part of Lin Bin's mind.

Nie Xiaoqian still maintained her true heart even though she was blackened, and her final death had a kind of determination to take the initiative to die.

Lin Bin said with a smile: "The mission went smoothly, it's just that the process was a bit tortuous..."

"Okay, that's right, keep it."

Old Dong smiled and gave Lin Bin a red envelope, which made Lin Bin startled for a while.

"That's not interesting. Since we are Lao Li's friends, we are naturally like-minded people. Why don't you tell me when your sister's leg is cured. There are not many red envelopes. It's just a small thing, just to win the prize."

Lin Bin said pleasantly, "My sister's legs..."

"That's not true. I saw her lead a little girl to buy vegetables with my own eyes, and she walked nimbly."

"I've been away for a few days, and I don't know much about the situation at home. I accept the red envelope, thank you."

This is why Lin Bin has been deliberately making friends with the old Dong before. The security duties seem to be inconspicuous, but in fact, things big and small in the community cannot be hidden from their eyes, especially the old Dong and the community. There are many old ladies who have deep friendships, so how can there be any trouble in the community that can hide the eyes of those old ladies?

Through him at that time, Lin Bin will be able to better understand what happened during his absence.

Knowing that Lin Xue's legs have fully recovered...

Lin Bin was immediately pleasantly surprised, and all the previous melancholy was thrown away.

After a few words of politeness, he bid farewell to Old Dong and hurried home.

Push open the door.

Gao Yue hadn't finished school yet, but there was already a strong aroma wafting from the kitchen, gradually spreading to the living room.


Lin Bin let out a cry of surprise and rushed into the living room.

Sure enough, he saw a slim figure, wearing a delicate light white lace apron, busy in the kitchen.


"Sister! Has your leg recovered?"

Lin Bin let out a cry of surprise.


Lin Xue turned around in confusion, and when she saw Lin Bin, a look of panic appeared in her eyes instinctively, and then turned into a look of freedom.

She was surprised: "You...Bin...Abin, why are you back?"

"The task of the secret realm is completed, and I will naturally come back."

Lin Bin answered casually, and looked carefully at Lin Xue's slender legs.

There was a look of surprise on his face, and he exclaimed: "The effect of the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill is much better than I imagined. I didn't expect you to be able to do it after I have just walked here for two days. It's great to be back in this state, come on to the couch, and I'll check your leg for you."


"Ah what... come here..."

Lin Bin forcibly pulled Lin Xue to sit on the sofa.

Putting her legs on top of his own, and braiding the trousers up, revealing those delicate and slender calves.

Stretch out your hand to gently caress it, and enter the interior with true energy to test...

There was a strange look on Lin Xue's face, but seeing Lin Bin's delighted eyes, a gentle look appeared in her eyes, and she didn't say anything more, and said softly, "Abin, I'm fine now."

And Lin Bin carefully walked Lin Xue's legs inside and out with his true energy and palms.

There was a look of astonishment on his face, and he said in surprise: "Is the recovery effect so good in just two days? It feels much better than normal people."

"Maybe... Maybe the outbreak of the drug effect is increasing?"

Lin Xue said: "After all, I don't know the specific effect of this elixir, I just feel that my body is recovering quite well..."

"Yes, the slight atrophy of the muscles before has completely disappeared now."

Lin Bin gently caressed Lin Xue's leg, with a sigh of regret on his face, and sighed: "It's been so many years, finally... Sister, we don't have to go to the hospital for reexamination every month anymore, no, now Still have to check it out.”

"No need, Mrs. Tang has accompanied me to check it before, and the condition is very good."

Lin Xue took back the legs curled up on Lin Bin's lap, put on pure white cotton socks embellished with pink bears, and reprimanded: "Also, Abin, although we are siblings, after all, men and women There is no..."

Lin Bin laughed, and said speechlessly: "Now you know that men and women are different? I used to wash your feet for you, no matter how many times... But after you recover, you really need to pay attention, but that also has to be done. After I'm sure your leg won't relapse."

"Of course, I just remind you that it's okay to treat me, but you can't be so rude to other girls."

"Isn't this nonsense?"

"Well... I have to pick up Yue'er after school."

"Wait, it's still early, let me touch it for a while."

Lin Bin sighed and grabbed Lin Xue's leg in socks again.

He said with emotion: "Sister, you don't know how much I paid for your legs, or what I have seen because of this elixir... Fortunately, we are all fine. It'll be fine."

Lin Xue pursed her lips lightly.

Looking at Lin Bin holding her feet with a sigh.

Finally couldn't help but sighed faintly, said: "Okay, then just touch for a while, there is still soup in the kitchen, and Yue'er is still waiting for me to pick it up..."

"Let's go together."

Lin Bin gently caressed your leg fondly, and sighed: "Just because I am so obsessed with trying to cure your leg, I feel that I am almost becoming a foot control. Now people look at the feet first."

"Is that why you like that hu... hou hou so much?"

"It's just that she is easy to bully and likes her reaction after bullying her. After all, a child like Feixuan is too honest, so I can't bear to bully her."

"Then you still..."

"What else?"

"No... nothing..."

(End of this chapter)

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