when reincarnation invades

Chapter 226 Interpersonal relationships still need to be maintained

Chapter 226 Interpersonal relationships still need to be maintained
" elder brother……"

When school was over, the person who came to pick her up changed from Lin Xue alone to Lin Xue and Lin Bin.

Gao Yue cheered and threw herself into Lin Bin's arms.

In just a few months, Gao Yue has changed a lot.

At this time, the little girl had let go of those two classic little buns, her delicate long hair was combed into a soft ponytail, and her round, fat baby face was extremely delicate.

Even the chubby Huaguo school uniform couldn't conceal her beautiful appearance.

How can she still have the slightest characteristics of the classical little girl in the past?

Only the elegant and quiet temperament that still exists in her body proves that she has been taught very well...

"Brother Bin, you finally came out of the secret realm."

Gao Yue excitedly rubbed and rubbed against Lin Bin's arms, her face was full of joy.

For her, Lin Bin's return is more than just her favorite brother coming back.

It also means that the mother who entered the secret realm with him should also return from the secret realm soon. After all, the two of them entered at about the same time, and Lin Bin has come out. What is she still doing there?
Thinking of this, Gao Yue couldn't help jumping with joy.

"Let's go."

With a quiet smile on Lin Xue's face, she watched Lin Bin and Gao Yue get close with tenderness, and only opened her mouth to speak when they walked over holding hands.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Bin took Lin Xue's hand and said with a smile: "I'm going back, I have a surprise for you, this time I went to the secret realm, I got some delicious barbecue, the centipede that has been cultivated for thousands of years, the meat is delicious Strengthen your body, nourish yin and nourish yang, treat diseases when you are sick, and increase your merits when you are not sick. Let the landlady and the others come over later. They will take care of you during my absence. Now that you have good things, you still need them Thank them well, oh yes, there are also Houhou and Yuyan who need to get in touch..."

Lin Xue cast a glance at Lin Bin, and said, "You still said you don't like Houhou, and you think of her as soon as you get something good."

"After all, there are a lot of things. A centipede with a length of more than [-] meters was partially blown off, and the remaining three people are enough to eat several meals."

Lin Xue asked: "Then you...don't you have any other friends to call?"

"Of course there is."

Lin Bin took out his mobile phone and said, "Shi Feixuan... Well, you may not know me, sister. In a sense, she is a competitor of Wanwan. Of course, I mean martial arts, but right now martial arts She may not be as good as Houhou, but in terms of character, she is much stronger than Houhou. She has been busy rebuilding their homeland during this time, and she is probably exhausted. Make up for her."

With that said, he dialed Shi Feixuan's number.

After a while, he put down his phone and complained: "But I'm too conscientious, I want to take all the responsibilities on myself, I don't have time for myself, I can't get in touch with her even if I want to get together, wait a minute, I will contact you Let her sister."

Lin Xue asked in surprise: "Do you still have her sister's contact information?"

"Of course, I still have my father's contact information, but I can't get in touch easily."

Lin Bin replied casually.

After a while...

There was a light and pleasant voice from the opposite side, and he said softly, "Hello? Is it Brother Bin?"

Shi Qingxuan and Lin Bin had no private communication.

However, Shi Qingxuan's gratitude to Lin Bin was not much lower than that of Concubine Shixuan, so she called Lin Bin like her younger sister.

"It's Miss Qingxuan, is Feixuan here?"


In Datang Town, Shi Qingxuan, who was drying clothes on the balcony, suddenly became angry when she heard the words.

Clamping the mobile phone between her fragrant shoulders and cheeks, she complained while putting on her clothes: "Who knows? She is also a wild student. These days, she leaves early and returns late, and sometimes she simply does not return at night. A girl's house I can't get in touch with my family all day long, and I don't know what I'm doing in a mysterious way. When I ask, I just have some important things to deal with, and I don't say the specifics... Even my sister has to keep it secret, alas... I feel like a sister Suddenly he grew up."

"That's it. After all, she came to this world earlier than yours. Maybe she already has some contacts of her own? In this case...Miss Qingxuan, if you have time tonight, come to my house for a gathering. Well, I got some gains from the secret realm..."

Shi Qingxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and hesitantly asked: "Is this appropriate?"

She and Lin Bin had only heard of him before, but they didn't know who he was. Later, they came to this world and received his great favors one after another, but they didn't have much chance to communicate with each other. If Shi Feixuan was still there, she would come to visit with her sister Very reasonable, but only my own words...

She always felt that the friendship between the two was not so deep.

"What's wrong with this? It means that there are a lot of trivial things during this period, otherwise, I would have come to visit a long time ago. Now is a rare good opportunity for everyone to communicate and get acquainted."

Lin Bin was different from what she thought. He was now bound to the Datang plane, and it would be a good thing if he could get closer to Shi Qingxuan.

"OK then."

Shi Qingxuan hung up the phone with a look of hesitation on her face. After coming to this world, she has been rebuilding her homeland. It is almost the first time to be a guest at someone else's house... Especially the difference between a guest in this world and a guest in another world. It's different, in other worlds, if you go there and play a song, the other party will naturally be astonished, and you can perform the etiquette without even showing your face.

But in this world, it's not easy for her to run to Lin Bin's house and tell him that she came empty-handed. I'm really sorry, how about I give you a flute.

It's so abrupt.

Presumably he doesn't care about her flute...

so what should I do now?
Should I bring some presents?

But she really didn't know what gifts to buy by herself.

"Ah, Feixuan, why did you disappear at this time?"

Social fear Shi Qingxuan fell into a deep entanglement.

On Lin Bin's side, he contacted Wanhou and Zhu Yuyan respectively, and found that they had also entered the reincarnation of the secret realm.

It seems to have to wait for the next time.

But Xu Qian is still there.

Hearing about the thousand-year-old centipede meat, she immediately became interested and patted her chest to express that she would definitely come.

There is also Lei Jun's family. In the past, he visited Lei Jun's house several times, and his sister-in-law treated him very warmly. Now that he has something good, it is natural to consider it.

And Thunder Bureau...

This kind of situation is not suitable for calling the leader over, when the time comes, carefully pack a large portion and send it over.

It can also be regarded as a thank you to the leadership.

And Deng Yang...

It's also a sarcasm.

At that time, in the secret realm, he had a deep friendship with Wei Yong, and he and Deng Yang were hostile to each other...

Now he has formed a deep friendship with Deng Yang, but he has not been in touch with Wei Yong for a long time.

However, this situation was expected by both parties.

Although there are fewer topics, it does not mean that the friendship has decreased.

Still have to send one.

You can also get in touch with Ilya, and invite her over for a casual meal as a personal friend, and you can also get closer to the relationship between the two parties.

This was his sharp weapon against the apostles, and when she shouted at the apostles, she ran faster than anyone else.

The revenge of killing his brother is understandable.

And Gu Yuan, a good big brother...

Lin Bin originally just used him as a tool, after all, his previous behavior was too disgusting.

But people have closeness, no matter how hateful Gu Yuan is, when he really thinks about him.

Lin Bin also had to take care of this favor.

After doing this calculation, Lin Bin suddenly discovered that he had already had so much communication in the field of reincarnation space.

And when Lin Bin hung up the phone.

Turning his head to look, he saw a smiling face.

At some point, Lin Xue was already smiling like a flower, apparently in a very happy mood.

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "Are you so happy?"

"Because seeing you have so many friends, as a sister, of course I am very happy for you."

Lin Xue stretched out her hand and patted Lin Bin's head lightly, and said with a smile: "However, after calling so many friends, it's not enough to just eat centipede meat. I'll go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. You can take Yue'er back first."

Saying that, she walked back with cheerful steps.


Lin Bin muttered, the siblings depended on each other for life, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong with this older sister.

But this time period was just after his legs recovered, so he couldn't help but feel suspicious, could it be that...

Is this Lin Xue's real temperament?It's just that I used to forcibly suppress it because of inferiority...

Thinking of this, Lin Bin felt even more pity.

He smiled at Gao Yue, "Let's go back too."


Gao Yue looked at Lin Xue's leaving back, blinked her eyes, put her hand into Lin Bin's palm actively, and said with a smile: "Brother, let's go."

"let's go!"

Lin Bin took Gao Yue's hand and walked home together.

That night.

Lin Bin's house was bustling with noise.

That is to say, Lin Bin's home and Concubine Yan's home are connected, so that the previous 140 square meters were directly expanded to 300 square meters.

Otherwise, with so many people rushing in at the same time, I am afraid it would have been overcrowded.

Xu Qian was the first one.

With a hearty smile on his face, he handed the bag to Lin Bin and said with a smile, "Little brother, it's not appropriate to come to the door empty-handed. A small gift is not a respect."

"It's fine for people to come, give me something... um..."

Lin Bin looked at the barbecue sauce in his hand, speechless.

He is really a professional foodie, and as expected of someone who has watched him for a while, he really knows enough about him.

Knowing that he prepares barbecue but does not prepare barbecue ingredients...

But Xu Qian is probably the only one who has the cheek to take barbecue dipping sauce as a gift.

Then there are Lei Jun and his wife.

"Sister-in-law is here."

Lin Bin greeted him enthusiastically at the first time, first hugged Lei Jun cordially, and then held his sister-in-law's hand.

Lei Jun was first pleased with the progress the two had made during this time, especially since Lin Bin had become a saint-level reincarnation, and he was about to undergo an assessment...

The two brothers are making rapid progress.

Then it was a pity that the two of them couldn't cooperate during this period of time. It would be fine if they could cooperate with Lin Bin in this promotion.

Lin Bin was speechless. If you don’t cooperate with me, you are [-]% sure of success. If you cooperate with me, you are [-]% sure of failing...

It's really difficult because you really want to cooperate with me, your brother can see it, but you can't see it?
Chatted for a few words, let them go in for free activities, and then attracted Lei Jun's dissatisfied complaints, why is this place so big, but his home is only 140 square meters...

So unfair.

Lin Bin laughed twice, thinking that you can find someone to live with you, but the sister-in-law may not agree.

Gu Yuan also arrived soon...

Also practicing martial arts, ingredients such as thousand-year-old centipede meat are not only delicious, but also a treasure that can improve their skills. He has now competed head-on with the apostles and can improve his strength as much as possible, so naturally he can't care courtesy.

Especially behind this centipede, the news of the death of his old friend's family is also involved.

"Brother, you did a really good job this time. I heard that you helped Lao Li buy a first-class tomb. He owes you a huge favor this time."

Gu Yuan patted Lin Bin's shoulder with a sigh.

As old friends, facing the death of Li Si's family, Gu Yuan felt even more sad.

"It's not just him who owes favors."

Lin Bin thought, if it wasn't for fulfilling my promise to Li Si, I wouldn't have obtained Yan Chixia's inheritance of skills.

If some things are really missed, it may really be hard to get a chance in a lifetime.

One drink and one peck, it's like God's will!

Ilya was not very polite, and came with two claws empty.

Entered the door and said sweet big brother, and then ran to her room with Gao Yue to play games.

When she is not involved in business, her IQ is infinitely close to 10 years old, and she is naturally extremely playful with Gao Yue.

Shi Qingxuan was the last to arrive.

Wearing a long blue dress, plain gauze covering her face, her hair lightly curled up, her appearance is beautiful and beautiful, ethereal like a fairy.

She gently removed the veil from her face.

Smiling softly to Lin Bin, "Brother Bin, let me give you a... No... I'm here as a guest. It's my first time visiting. I really don't know what to bring. If there is any improper etiquette, please also Haihan."

As he spoke, he handed over the milk in his hand.

"You're welcome, it's like coming home here."

The miraculous effect of He's Bi made Lin Bin now see the people in the Datang plane as if he saw his family members.

It was inconvenient for men and women to hold hands, so they pulled her in by her sleeve.

He smiled and said: "That girl, you have been rubbing against my evil emperor's relic a while ago, and now she has broken through to the No.18 level of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and she is so frightened. You can also carry her behind your back and eat a little bit of cooking, let me tell you , This thousand-year-old centipede meat contains the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon. If you eat a few more bites, it can be worth years of penance. You are welcome with me. We are all one family. Come, let me introduce my sister to you. If you are bored, you can come here often. Talk to my sister, you are all beauties, you should have a common language."

Shi Qingxuan staggered and was dragged in by Lin Bin.

Then I saw a room full of people.

I can't help but want to find a corner to cat...

In the end, he was dragged directly to the kitchen by Lin Bin.

At this time, in the kitchen.

The landlady was cooking some side dishes in the kitchen, and Lin Xue was holding hands when she saw Shi Qingxuan appearing at the kitchen door.

There was a bewildered look on his face.

It was the landlady who came forward with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "This is the Qingxuan you often mentioned, I didn't expect to be such a handsome girl... Sigh, I didn't realize that you are such a good-looking girl, Abin, surrounded by you... They are all beauties like this, but it’s the first time she’s here as a guest, why are you dragging her to the kitchen, take her out to sit, dismember the centipede meat, and eat it right away.”

"It's just an introduction to my sister."

"I'm too busy right now, and it won't be too late later. The kitchen is small, so I can't be too busy."

The landlady pushed and shoved the two of them out.

Lin Bin nodded and said, "I see, I'm sorry to bother you, remember to clean up and leave it to me later."

"no, I'm fine."

"Hey, after all, I summoned you, how can I keep you in a panic...and you, sister, thank you for your hard work, I will help you wash your feet and massage tonight."

Lin Xue hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and smiled, "Okay...Okay."

Landlady: "........."

(End of this chapter)

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