when reincarnation invades

Chapter 227 Don't You Feel Guilty?

Cihang Pudu, with supernatural powers, is probably even better than the tree demon's grandmother.

In the killing-level secret realm, they are all called BOSS-level characters.

If he hadn't met an opponent like the Black Mountain Old Demon who could crush him, he would never have become Nie Xiaoqian's servant...

And a character of this level is almost covered in supplements.

Therefore, when Lin Bin took out the centipede meat that had already been roasted over the original fire from the storage space, the rich aroma immediately made everyone unable to hold back their mouths, even the landlady who had the worst appetite I couldn't help but licked my lips, looking at Lin Bin with a little longing in his eyes.

After that, it is natural to feast on it.

Even if she was as quiet as Shi Qingxuan, she couldn't help but eat a few more mouthfuls than usual, until she felt her stomach was so distended that she could barely bend over.

But what Lin Bin said was indeed true.

The centipede meat is delicious, and it contains the essence of heaven and earth spiritual energy. After eating it in the stomach, it is warm and even the true energy in the body shows signs of speeding up.

I wish I could go back and meditate right now.

After dinner.

Yi Liya still followed Gao Yue into her room. The two little girls didn't know what game they were playing, and they laughed endlessly.

Lei Jun, Gu Yuan and others bid farewell.

Shi Qingxuan originally wanted to help in the kitchen, but was pushed out by Lin Xue, and she didn't know anyone in the living room, she just felt at a loss, so she could only go to the balcony to pretend to have a hair dryer, but actually avoided being in the same room with other people embarrassment.

Lin Bin was amused by the innocent appearance of a cub who couldn't find its roots.

He walked over.

"Bin...Brother Bin..."

Shi Qingxuan let out a soft cry.

Lin Bin sighed: "It's true that Feixuan suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason. Take this thing back and freeze it in the refrigerator first. Give it to her when she comes back."

As he spoke, he handed over a carefully packaged deli centipede meat.

Shi Qingxuan did not refuse.

This is for Shi Feixuan.

And after eating this food, I realized how much this food has improved my own skills, not to mention that Lin Bin offered it to her, she would definitely follow it.

Even if Concubine Shixuan is not around, Shi Qingxuan has to squeeze some juice from Lin Bin's body to feed her sister even if she is cheeky.

Shi Qingxuan said sincerely: "Brother Bin really cares about Feixuan."

Lin Bin sighed: "There's no way, let's hide and eat without taking her. To be honest, I really feel like I've betrayed her."

After the words fell, the two couldn't help being startled at the same time.

Shi Qingxuan just instinctively felt that this was not quite right, but Lin Bin understood the ambiguity, and hurriedly changed the subject with a smile, and said, "When I answered your phone before, I felt like a resentful woman, complaining about Feixuan's behavior. For other things, leave you in the cold..."

"That's the way it is."

Speaking of this, a hint of resentment appeared between Shi Qingxuan's delicate brows.

Youyou said: "Datang Town has finally been rebuilt, and I have planned to take a good look at this world, but Feixuan suddenly disappeared, and I am really alone... Although there is no difference between good and evil now, But after all, I have a special status, besides Feixuan, I don't have any other friends to be close to, just like today's guest at brother Bin's house, it's not that I don't want to try to dress up as plainly as possible, it's because I don't have any suitable clothes at all."

As he spoke, he noticed Lin Bin's strange gaze.

Shi Qingxuan hurriedly changed her words: "Of course, it doesn't mean that I don't have heart-to-heart talks with you, Brother Bin, but you have a lot of things to do every day, and you meet each other in a hurry every day. In fact, I have been in love with Brother Bin for a long time. Now that I can talk to Brother Bin like this, I'm happy too."

"I understand your idea."

Speaking of this, the two were speechless for a while.

The only connection between Lin Bin and Shi Qingxuan was Shi Feixuan. When talking about her, they could talk endlessly... But after this topic is over, if they want to find another topic, they will inevitably be suspected of being cold.

Even though Shi Qingxuan was very grateful to Lin Bin and wanted to make friends with him.

And Lin Bin also cared a lot about Shi Qingxuan, after all, it involved his Heshibi's power, and he had the obligation to take care of them.

But for a while, there was still nothing to talk about.

After a moment of embarrassment, Shi Qingxuan took the initiative to find something to say: "By the way, I haven't thanked you yet. You helped us reunite our father and daughter before, and our sisters owe you a huge favor. Unexpectedly, you rescued us again. If it weren't for you, he might be trapped in the enemy's siege and it is difficult to get out."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"do not you know?"

Shi Qingxuan chuckled lightly and said: "Thanks to you, we were able to contact him, otherwise, we would not have known that he had lurked into the Seventh Apostle's secluded country, and with the help of your friend, Brother Bin, He is now the seventh apostle."

"It turned out that he had already succeeded."

Lin Bin said displeased: "He didn't tell me."

"Maybe it's because he has some prejudice against you, Brother Bin."

Shi Qingxuan covered her lips and smiled lightly, and said with a smile: "He was willing to tell Brother Bin about his plan, it must be because he trusted Brother Bin quite a bit, but Brother Bin turned around and sold him out..."

Lin Bin complained: "Nonsense, I did it for your own good. I have already said that there is a difference between closeness and closeness."

"So how grateful I am to Brother Bin, he should hate Brother Bin so much."

As Shi Qingxuan was talking, God looked at Lin Bin seriously, and his tone turned soft, and said softly, "But brother Bin didn't bow down for the S-level props, and he didn't choose to marry his daughter because of his temptation, such a noble character , I really admire it.”

Speaking of this, there was a gleam in her eyes, and she said: "S-level props are so magical, the apostles are willing to destroy the lives of the whole world in order to obtain S-level props, but Brother Bin is not even willing to wrong Feixuan. , I have a good brother-in-law."

Lin Bin was surprised: "He even told you this?"

"It's not something shameful. When Feixuan heard about it, her eyes were watery and almost dripped."

Lin Binxin said don't talk about her, don't you too...

on the balcony.

The two chatted casually.

They want to get close to each other, and Lin Bin is like a social cow, and he can get along with everyone very well.

They got acquainted quickly.

At this time, Lin Xue, who was already tidy and chatting in the living room, stared blankly at the two chattering and laughing on the balcony.

Especially Shi Qingxuan, she was still holding her arms guardedly before, that was her instinctive action when facing strangers, there was no way, she was really timid to face strangers.

But I didn't expect that after such a short period of time, the distance between the two of them has been shortened a lot.

The way she talked and laughed made her feel relieved, but also had an inexplicable...

The feeling of being left behind.

The landlady's wife Tang Yuefu sat beside Lin Xue, glanced at the two of them, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "NTR in person? Ex-wife crime?"

Lin Xue asked back, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, just bear with it for another two days. No one thought that he would come back so quickly. It seems that he is really at home in the secret realm."

"Oh, that's the only way to go."

The party ended at ten o'clock.

Everyone bid farewell one by one, Lin Bin drove the car himself, and sent the female relatives back one by one...

It's not that they relax because they all have good strength. After all, the stronger the strength, the more terrifying people who dare to attack them will inevitably be.

Yi Liya's small mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, and her big brother, big brother kept screaming.

For this good guy who can not only help her avenge and find her enemy, but also treat her to a delicious meal, and introduce her to a good friend of the same age by the way, she is almost full of favor.

A young girl who pretends to be young seems to be an 8 or 9-year-old girl on weekdays.

Shi Qingxuan was also very satisfied with Lin Bin's thoughtfulness, and thanked him again and again...

Then, after a long period of hesitation and deliberation, before getting out of the car, he made a rather embarrassing request to Lin Bin.

"It's just that the weather has been cold recently. Actually, I haven't bought any clothes to keep out the cold. I planned to wait for Feixuan to come back, but she hasn't heard from her now. I heard that there is a way to buy things called online shopping. Can you please Can you help me choose some clothes to keep out the cold online? It doesn’t need to be fancy, just plain ones will do.”

Shi Qingxuan added quickly: "Of course, I will reimburse the expenses. It's not good for you to pay for clothes for me. I really resist talking to strangers."

After she finished speaking, even she herself felt a little embarrassed.

If it was before, she might not be ashamed to bother Lin Bin, and would honestly wait for Shi Feixuan to come back.

But after chatting for a long time before, Shi Qingxuan obviously noticed Lin Bin's good impression of her, and the two got closer.

Anyway, it's my brother-in-law, I just use it for a while, Feixuan shouldn't care, right?

Lin Bin couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

Even he didn't expect that the legendary Qingxuan family members were still social terrors...

But as the person directly related to He's Bi, he has the full obligation to take good care of her.

"No problem, but if I buy clothes online, I will only buy Taobao's popular models, and the size is not easy to control. How about this, I have to be free for the next few days. I will take you to the mall tomorrow. I have to try the clothes to know if they are suitable." Not suitable. I know some stores, which are actually more affordable and beautiful than those on the Internet.


Shi Qingxuan blinked.

He hesitated: "Then... I will trouble you..."

"It doesn't matter, we are all our own people, so you don't have to be polite about such a small matter."

After Lin Bin and Shi Qingxuan set a time for the next day.

Then drove back home.

At this time, Lin Xue had already fallen asleep sleepily, much earlier than usual.

Lin Bin didn't bother her any more, he just covered her with the quilt thoughtfully, went into her bathroom and checked around, and everything like the auxiliary handrails used before can be removed.

Up to now, he still has a dreamlike feeling.

Is this the end of this matter?
It went smoothly beyond his imagination...

Even the S-rank item that has never been shown, is it nothing?
"In short, don't let your guard down."

Lin Bin went back to his room. Although he was exhausted all day, he did not rest, but silently recalled Yan Chixia's inherited exercises.

Now he has really mastered Eight Swords Flying Together, but this is far from his upper limit.

The next thing to do is to minimize its consumption...

Maybe one day in the future, he might be able to fly all swords together?
Although this would require him to save up enough weapons, at present, eight weapons are enough.

I have been enlightened for a long time.

Confirm it with your own "Secret of Longevity".

That night, Lin Bin was sleepless all night.

Early the next morning.

Tell Lin Xue that she is going to accompany Shi Qingxuan to buy some clothes.

Then, under her complicated eyes, she first sent Gao Yue to school in person, and then drove to Datang Town.

At this time, Shi Qingxuan had already been waiting at the door of the house for a long time.

Today, she didn't put on that fluttering long dress again, but her hair was hanging down naturally, and she put on a small white shirt on her upper body, covered with a beige cardigan, and a pair of straight and slender jeans on her lower body ...it seems quite charming.

With such a conservative attire, it goes without saying that she is wearing Shi Feixuan's clothes.

"Get in the car."

Lin Bin patted the co-pilot and said with a smile: "I was also negligent. I forgot that although you need to hug each other to keep warm, you also need to understand this brand new world. Without guidance, it is really easy to make some common-sense mistakes. Let’s go, I’ll take you around today and play everything a normal girl should do.”

Shi Qingxuan originally wanted to take the back seat.

But seeing Lin Bin's familiar appearance, she had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat honestly.

With a smile that was half cautious and half nervous on his face, he had already scolded himself countless times in his heart...

He drank half a glass of wine that day, but got so drunk that he agreed to his brother-in-law's decision to invite him to go shopping.

Looking back, it was simply too much.

But it's done.

She could only ask embarrassingly, "Where are they going?"

"Desserts, milk tea, and shopping, especially a few specialty stores that are more suitable for your temperament, just look for me. I bought my sister's clothes for her before. I have a lot of experience in helping girls buy clothes. As for the amusement park, I won’t go to it. It’s not as exciting as our own lightness kung fu. If you really like this kind of game, I can take you flying with the sword. By the way, do you want to watch a movie? Haven't seen the movie."

Shi Qingxuan: "I thought you have so many female friends that you often watch movies..."

Lin Bin sighed: "I used to have no money to watch, but now I have money and no one to accompany me... My sister is not interested in these, are you interested?"


Shi Qingxuan showed emotion, then shook her head and said: "Forget it, I will let Feixuan watch it with me next time, by the way, I will be responsible for all the expenses today, I don't want to waste your time and let you spend money..."

"Alright, let's go, little rich woman."

Lin Bin stepped on the accelerator.

Shi Qingxuan also smiled when she called this rich woman...

Indeed, in order to reassure these aliens, Hua Guo gave them a particularly generous subsidy.

Especially for those with higher prestige, the subsidy will be higher.

Although Shi Qingxuan never spends money on weekdays, the sum of her various subsidy deposits may have reached an astonishing seven figures.

Lin Bin joked while driving: "You don't have to be so polite with me, you know I may need to rely on your father a lot in the future, now that I finally have the chance, why don't I flatter his daughter? "

Shi Qingxuan also smiled and said: "It's better to shoot Feixuan, the effect is better, and it can also increase the favorability by the way, it's so good to kill two birds with one stone."

But inexplicably, the timidity of being in contact with an unfamiliar environment gradually disappeared in the chatting between the two of them.

What's it like to go to the mall with a lot of money in your pocket?
Lin Bin had never experienced it before.

He only thinks the puff tastes good, but 28 yuan for one is too expensive. Just buy one for his sister, and he doesn't need it. But in fact, his sister never monopolizes it. They are shared by both siblings. Same puff.

The same is true for milk tea. The luxurious decoration in the store makes him even feel hesitant to hold back when he sees it... He wants to drink it, but after careful consideration, soda water is more satisfying to quench his thirst.

There are also those luxuriously decorated restaurants, which start at a few hundred yuan. For Lin Bin, the snack street in the back street may be more to his taste.

But this time...


Entering the mall, first place two ice creams.

I bought ten puffs, except for the food for the two of them, the rest had to be brought back to Xue Lin.

There is also the Assassin chocolate, which costs more than 100 yuan and fifty grams. At first, the siblings bought a little bit, but they charged more than 160. The distressed Lin Bin gritted his teeth when he ate it.

Now you can also let go and eat.

Not long after entering, Lin Bin complained unwillingly, "No, I have to call my sister over."

"Yeah, yum, hurry up and call Sister Xue over here."

Although Shi Qingxuan was very interested in this kind of gorgeous and luxurious shopping mall, but there were couples cuddling up and down walking around, and the couple sitting next to each other even gnawed on each other like no one else was there.

Make her feel uncomfortable.

I wish I could quickly insert another one between the two...

But Lin Bin dialed the phone here.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xue refused.

"Well, it seems that my sister doesn't have the intention of pretending to be a face."

Especially the damn chocolate assassin, hundreds of dollars a catty, but the price is marked in grams. He still remembers the contemptuous look of that waiter...

Just bought so little?

After a while.

Shi Qingxuan's cell phone rang again

She connected to the cell phone.

After a while, she cried out in joy.

"It's Feixuan. She came back and asked me where I am now. She wants to come and find me."

Lin Bin laughed and said, "That's really good... Today's lunch has been settled, and we have been away for so long, so we have to let her treat us."

"That's right."

Shi Qingxuan glanced at the half-eaten ice cream in her hand, and then at a couple next to her who was licking an ice cream.

He glanced at Lin Bin again, and at the same time felt a little guilty, he suddenly felt sincere admiration.


He is not guilty.

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