when reincarnation invades

Chapter 228 The Gathering of the Apostles of the Kingdom of God Conference

Chapter 228 The Gathering of the Apostles of the Kingdom of God Conference
Shi Feixuan rushed over quickly.

The young girl seemed to be in a hurry, with her kung fu, there was still a little sweat on her forehead... It can be seen that she was probably using light kung fu along the way, and her legs were about to burn out.

Facing Shi Qingxuan's dissatisfied accountability.

She could only express apologetically that she had owed some reincarnated favors in order to enter the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty. This time they entered the secret realm to practice. The reason is that the phone has no signal at all.

"It always feels like Senior Sister Wu is teasing Feixuan."

Concubine Shi felt a little distressed as she touched the mobile phone that was covered with a quilt and covered with a film, and she obviously cherished it, and said: "The mobile phone she gave Feixuan is indeed better than the elderly phone that Feixuan was given before. It’s a lot more refined, but the signal is extremely poor, and you can’t get through the phone at every turn..."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "This is not the fault of Wanhou, but the problem of the mobile phone."

"Brother Bin, why do you say that this phone is better than that old phone? The old phone can receive calls anywhere."

Concubine Shixuan asked puzzledly, then suddenly realized.

She smiled and said: "Ah, Feixuan got off topic. Before that, Feixuan had been thinking about her sister's clothes. She thought that it would be too late for her, so she ordered several clothes for her online. If you calculate the time, it will take about two days. It's over, I didn't expect Brother Bin to be so considerate, and he would take the initiative to help my sister buy clothes, Feixuan thanked Brother Bin on behalf of my sister."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Why are you being polite to me? You are guests from afar, and as the host, I naturally want to make arrangements for you inside and out, so that I can serve you comfortably."

Concubine Shixuan smiled beautifully, "It just so happens that Concubine Xuan is also missing a few winter clothes, brother Bin, why don't you help Concubine Xuan choose?"

Lin Bin joked: "It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. I specially invited you yesterday and you were not there. Today I must have you as a treat."

"Ah this..."

Speaking of this matter, Shi Feixuan's previously high mood immediately languished.

He said vaguely, "Okay... well, Feixuan is the host today, so I should apologize to my sister and brother Bin."

"Let's go, I'll take you to the shops that my sister and I often go to on weekdays. The clothes there are quite cost-effective."

Lin Bin walked in with his beautiful sisters...

During the process, Shi Feixuan's high-spirited appearance and Shi Qingxuan's inexplicable guilty attitude made others smell the smell of the Shura field in an instant.

But it was unexpected that the three of them could get along so harmoniously, and there was already a sense of reverence in the eyes of Lin Bin.

And this time.

thousands of miles away.

Koehler Freedom Alliance.

An extremely secret underground base that is difficult for any detector to detect.

Dark hall.

Empty and dark.

Exuding a gloomy and cold air.

The layout of the hall is extremely simple, except for a round table and thirteen seats, there is no other furnishings.

puff~ puff~ puff~
As the lights came on one after another, it brought some faint light to the dark hall.

On the seat, one after another almost unreal figures emerged.

I can't see the specific face clearly, except for the shape of his eyes, almost everything else is covered by black shadows.

In just a few moments.

The thirteen seats were already full of people, and behind the black figure in the middle, there was an additional dark figure standing.

14 people in total.

"How long has it been, there is no apostolic meeting again."

The dark figure sitting in the sixth seat broke the quiet atmosphere by speaking first, and sighed: "I remember I said last time, change the light bulbs to make it so dark, don't we really see the light?"

"Have we seen the light?"

Facing the sixth apostle's complaints, the first apostle's voice was thick and deep, and he said slowly: "From the day you became an apostle, you should understand that in order to gain strength, you actively let yourself sink into darkness. What a shame... In the eyes of outsiders, we are indeed shady bugs."

"So do you need to take the initiative to hide in a dark and humid corner? Why do you care so much about other people's eyes?"

someone asked.

"Hiding in a dark corner is to better protect ourselves. After all, the existence of our kingdom of God has been exposed to the eyes of the public again. You should know what kind of harm the last exposure brought us. I know."

"Sorry, I don't know."

No.11 apostle Deng Yang raised his hand honestly and said.

"If you don't know, you can read the internal history of our apostles when the meeting is over, and then you will understand how much crisis the last exposure brought us."

The first apostle glanced at the eleven apostles, and said: "Actually, you can become the new eleven apostles because of the light of this exposure... Or, the former seventh apostle and the former No. .11 The deaths of the apostles are more or less directly related to our exposure, which is why I called all the apostles together."

"I don't know."

Council of the Thirteen Apostles.

The Seventh Apostle Shi Zhixuan was also among them.

In the first moment of his arrival, he imprinted the postures of all of them into his mind before everyone noticed, but unfortunately, this seat seems to have some kind of isolated observation facility, the shadows are blurred, and even the eyes are blurred. It was so hazy, not to mention his body shape, that he couldn't see clearly at all.

Now it seems that the thirteen apostles should also be on guard against each other to keep confidential information.

It's good news, this gives them a chance to break through.

He said in a deep voice: "The existence of our apostles has been exposed in the eyes of all reincarnations. It is conceivable that once we enter the secret realm, it will inevitably attract conquests by reincarnations. At that time, the difficulty of obtaining S-level items will be reduced." There will be a huge improvement. In this case, we should reduce our sense of existence as much as possible and disappear for a period of time. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to prevent a thousand days from a thief."

The No.11 apostle Deng Yang also said: "But you have brought all of us together at this time, if even one traitor appears among the 13 of us, it is very likely that we will all be wiped out. "

"Don't worry, this space is also an S-level prop. It is just a gathering of all of our consciousnesses, giving us a virtual space for us to communicate. They can't catch us, and they are This meeting is all the more important now that we have been exposed."

The first apostle glanced at the seventh apostle and the No.11 apostle approvingly, and said, "However, you are able to realize this problem in such a short period of time. It seems that you are really standing from the enemy's perspective." After thinking about it, if you can become the new Seventh Apostle and No.11 Apostle, you two may be better than the previous Wang Ling and Nitz."

"The adults are rude."

"You are too generous, I can't bear it."

"Stop talking about gossip, let's talk about business."

The first apostle knocked on the table and said: "To call everyone together, there are two things to arrange, and this is also the main policy of our apostles."

"First, temporarily slow down the collection of S-level items in all planes. The worries of the Seventh and No. 11 apostles are not unreasonable. If you still want to collect new S-level items now, I am afraid that you will encounter other reincarnations." Now is not the time to start a war with the Samsara Space Association!"

The Seventh Apostle Shi Zhixuan asked: "Did the overall shrinking of the defense line disappear?"

"Actually, even without this incident, I plan to slow down a bit. Over the years, although the apostolic organization has grown very strong, and there are even town-level reincarnations born, but too eager to develop Let us have a lot of internal problems, such as the traitors of the apostles, and the S-level props that we have wandered outside all these years!"

The first apostle said: "If we can take back these lost S-level items, it will be no different from obtaining new S-level items, and it will still greatly increase our strength... Hibernation does need hibernation, but temporary Hibernation is not to avoid the enemy's limelight, but to show a stronger self, and it is necessary to stay for a while."

"The lost S-rank item?"

This time it's not just the seventh apostle and the No.11 apostle, even the other apostles are you looking at me and I looking at you...

And some of the older ones already showed a little understanding on their faces.

"Yes, this is also the second thing I want to say, Fengqi, come here."

The first apostle waved his hand.

The black figure who had been standing behind him appeared in front of everyone.

"His name is Suifengqi, he is a new member of our apostle organization, and his father's name is Yunjuan Yunshu, everyone should remember this name, right?"

"Victims of the B-185 mystery!"

The voice of the sixth apostle was slightly hoarse, as harsh as a broken gong, and said: "It is also the secret place that caused our apostles to be exposed."

"That's right, but in fact, the four apostle members who entered during the trip to the secret realm did well, but I didn't expect that the reincarnation Gu Yuan would appear in it, but their strength is not enough to compete with Gu Yuan , This led to the exposure of our apostles, of course, these are things that everyone knows, next, I want to say something that everyone does not know."

The first apostle said: "Yunjuan Yunshu is a martyr, if the trip to the secret realm goes well, his son Suifengqi will not only get an S-level item, but also be eligible to compete for the position of apostle. This is a tradition that has been passed down among our apostles for many years, in other words, the position of the seventh apostle should have been held by Sui Fengqi."

The Seventh Apostle Shi Zhixuan said in a deep voice: "But I have received the inheritance of Lord Nitz, the Bible of Everything..."

He glanced at the young man.

There was a chill in my heart.

It turns out that Xindao is here, and it turns out that you are the mastermind behind everything, destroying our world, taking away our world luck, and causing us to leave our homes.

"Needless to say, we know that you have a world-class item in your hand. In fact, this is also the real reason why you can inherit the seventh apostle, because possessing an S-level item is a prerequisite for becoming an apostle. Although he got the qualification to compete for the apostle, in fact, he didn't get a world-class item."

Shi Zhixuan, who was feeling a surge of hatred in his heart, immediately listened to the words, and said in surprise: "What?"

"Is it strange? The world is almost destroyed, but we have not seen the shadow of world-class props. This situation is very rare, but it has not happened."

The first apostle explained: "According to our understanding, it should be that this secret realm has actually given birth to the prototype of a world-class prop. In other words, the luck of the world has already gathered on the real thing. Luck does not flow to us, but directly to that object."

"What does that mean?"

Involving his own world, Shi Zhixuan couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple. We sacrificed four reincarnations this time, but in fact, we made wedding dresses for others. If anyone got the prototype of the world item in advance, at this time, the world item should have evolved. It has become a world-class prop."

The first apostle said resolutely: "It's ridiculous, our Kingdom of God has always been plundering, but this time we have suffered such a big loss. The apostle's right to compete can be temporarily given up. Suifengqi is still young and can wait, but the world Super props must be handed over to him, this is the tradition of our Kingdom of God, once an accident occurs, who will be willing to be a martyr at that time?"

No.11 apostle Deng Yang asked: "Then is there any clue about that world-class item?"

"This item is either in the hands of the surviving natives, or in the hands of the reincarnated people who have entered that secret realm. This is the only clue. Unless the other party takes the initiative to confess, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to find the clue, but in the end Doing mental calculations without intention, I am afraid that the person who got the world-class props will not think that we have already begun to track down his whereabouts, as long as he has the heart, he will definitely show his feet!"

The first apostle said coldly: "Also, those people from the Great Tang plane, they must all be wiped out, and only in this way can the S-level item be completed, but this matter is not enough. Hurry up, wait until you find that world-class prop, so as not to do the stupid thing of making wedding dresses for others.”

Shi Zhixuan nodded.

A strange thought inexplicably popped up in my mind.

World-class props?

He always felt that there should be some inexplicable reason for this matter and that little villain.

For a moment, Shi Zhixuan was thoughtful.

Deng Yang immediately interjected: "Leave this matter to me."

"No, I have absolute confidence in your ability."

The first apostle glanced at Deng Yang, and said: "Ghost has suffered two apostles' deaths in succession, plus the casualties of the elite backbone, the loss is already great. The ghost organization was responsible for this matter before, so it is not good to let you Paying for it... leave this matter to the Nether Organization of the Ninth Apostle."

Speaking of it.

The first apostle paused, and said: "There is one more thing. This is not the only S-level item that is missing. At that time, you can investigate the S-level item from ten years ago. If we can get that item If we get it, there is no doubt that it will maximize the strength of our apostles, and then, even if we face the Samsara Space Association, we don't have to be afraid anymore!"

"Understood, I will investigate."

The ninth apostle nodded and said, "You can rest assured to wait for my good news."

The first apostle continued: "I will ask Suifengqi to assist you. After all, it is an S-level item belonging to him, and he is qualified to participate in it."

"Thank you, Master Apostle."

"Actually, I have a clue about the world-class props in the B-185 secret realm. The Ninth Apostle can think about it."

Seeing the first apostle's veto, Deng Yang didn't force it. He said: "You should also know some of my personal grievances. During this period of time, I have been investigating this information, and then I really got some extremely reliable information. clues."

"Oh? What clue?"

Deng Yang said seriously: "Gu Yuan, this person has entered the secret realm of the Tang Dynasty, and after he came out, he wished to kill our apostles quickly. Whether it is my elder brother Xu Feng or the seventh apostle Miss Nitz, their deaths are very important. It has something to do with Gu Yuan. To be honest, even if we really destroyed some of this person's plans and plots, but our apostle is so powerful, he won't come up and die forever, right? So I doubt that there will be something else in the middle What are the factors in it?"

"Oh? Like?"

The ninth apostle asked earnestly after hearing the words.

"For example...he got that world-class item?"

Deng Yang said: "Of course, this is just my speculation, but I think it is very reasonable. Is it possible that Gu Yuan got that world-class item? And because the people in that secret realm have not died yet, it caused The world-class props can’t do all the work, and he needs to behead the apostle to take revenge, so as to make the world’s consciousness complete?”

The ninth apostle nodded and said, "Oh? This conjecture is quite reasonable. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Gu Yuan to let our apostle lose two apostles one after another in just two months."

Deng Yang smiled and said: "If you are interested in the Ninth Apostle, we might as well meet in reality. I still have some extremely detailed information on my side. Maybe I can make a little contribution?"

"It makes sense."

The tone of the Ninth Apostle and Deng Yang has become much closer.

He also smiled and said: "Then, I will stop bothering you."

"It's ok."

Even though Deng Yang couldn't see his expression clearly, he could still see that he was smiling extremely happily just through those blurred eyes.

In fact, Deng Yang sighed secretly, Abin, Abin, I can only cover you up to this extent...

Try to use a guess and push things to others.

Otherwise, I am afraid that you will become the direct target of the apostles.

(End of this chapter)

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