when reincarnation invades

Chapter 229 You don't understand the excitement of closing the net

Chapter 229 You don't understand the excitement of closing the net

If Deng Yang knew that the excuse he came up with to cover Lin Bin was actually infinitely close to the truth, maybe he would admire himself very much...

Except that the candidate was changed by him and became Gu Yuan to take the blame, there was almost no difference from the truth.

However, considering Gu Yuan's hatred for the apostles, he would be very happy to take this blame. After all, Gu Yuan is afraid that the apostles will come to trouble him, so that he can repay the rubbing shoulders with the God of War catalogue. And past revenge.

Lin Bin didn't know about all this.

He is at the most relaxed time in this period of time.

One man and two women.

The three of them wandered wantonly in the shopping mall, especially Shi Qingxuan, who had just arrived and had to buy all the clothes from inside to outside.

Concubine Shi Xuan was also extremely frugal in her daily life, and she basically wore two sets of clothes alternately. Unlike Wan Hou, who almost squeezed the oil out of the licking dog, the clothes on her body were basically unwashed, and she was thrown away after wearing them all once.

This rare opportunity, she was also very generous.

The two girls are born clothes racks, each chooses the clothes he likes, and in the end it is Lin Bin who gives his opinion... As long as he says it looks good, they will buy it immediately.

It seems that there is a bit of rivalry.

On the contrary, it greatly satisfied Lin Bin's vanity.

That night.

Concubine Shixuan treated guests, and the three of them ate a steaming hot pot meal together.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that the three of them went home unsatisfied.

When I got home, it was already past ten o'clock.

During this time period, Gao Yue had finished her homework for the day and went back to her room to sleep.

Lin Xue, however, rarely took a rest, sitting on the sofa and waiting for Lin Bin.

Seeing Lin Bin come back, a peaceful smile appeared on her face, and she said with a smile, "You're back from the date, are you happy?"

As he said that, seeing the big bag of puffs in his hand, the smile on his face became brighter, "At least you still have a little conscience, remember that you have a sister waiting for you at home..."

"Look at what you said, why did it seem like I haven't seen you for several days, when did I forget you?"

Lin Bin sat beside Lin Xue affectionately.

Taking out the puffs and feeding them to her lips, Lin Xue opened her mouth to bite and sucked lightly.

He smiled and said, "The puffs in their house are still so sweet..."

"Yeah, I remember you used to really like to eat, but the family's financial situation is not good enough to afford it. This time I can guarantee your puffs are free."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "I still remember your taste very clearly, you are so childish, and you like to eat such sweet things."

"Because my father used to buy this for me to eat..."

Lin Xue's eyes were filled with sobs, and she sighed softly: "In fact, he doesn't know what I like at all, but he insists that children must like sweets, so he bought me the sweetest snacks. I don’t know, I had a hard time eating it at that time... I was too tired, but now that he’s gone, I suddenly realized that I actually like this kind of sweetness.”

"Dad often buys puffs for you? How come I don't know about this?"

Lin Bin said angrily: "He never bought it for me! After so many years, I didn't even know that he still has the problem of patriarchy?"

"It's not what you think……"

Lin Xue suddenly laughed, paused, and sighed: "You were young at that time, how could you know that he secretly opened a small stove?"

Lin Bin said indignantly: "Wait next time I burn less paper for him, let him know my anger."

Lin Xue shook her head and smiled.

Taking the puffs that Lin Bin handed over, he ate them bit by bit.

She was obviously waiting for Lin Bin to come back.

Seeing him made me feel at ease.

After eating the puffs, I went to brush my teeth and planned to go to bed...

Just got up and took two steps.

Lin Bin's voice came from behind, and he asked worriedly, "Why do your legs feel inflexible again?"

"It's nothing, I was a little tired yesterday."

Lin Xue's expression remained unchanged, and she smiled and said: "Our house has never been so lively since the death of my parents, so I am a little too happy. Let's go, I said yes yesterday, but I was too tired and went to bed early."

"Okay, my Longevity True Qi has a great effect on the recovery of injuries."

Lin Bin hurriedly followed behind Lin Xue.

Massage to dredge with true qi.

Lin Xue might indeed be very tired, and while talking with Lin Bin, she slowly fell asleep before the massage was over.

Lin Bin didn't wake her up, so he left the room quietly, and went to Gao Yue's room to take a look. The little girl was sleeping soundly with the pillow between her hands.

Help her cover the quilt.

Then he returned to his bedroom.

After washing up, he took out the phantom sound treasure box, tuned to the appropriate channel, and then fell into the pleasure of improving his skills.

The night is dark and the moon hangs high.

The moonlight was shining brightly, shining on Lin Bin through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Lin Bin's spirit became extremely excited, and he felt like he was absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon to improve his own strength.

In particular, there is an old black mountain demon lurking in the dark, who doesn't know if he will stare at him, which makes this kind of strength increase rapidly, and makes him feel a sense of security that is greatly improved.

at the same time.

Tens of miles away, in a hidden alley.

A young man dressed in black had a gloomy expression on his face, completely exposing himself to the moonlight, desperately absorbing the energy of the surrounding moonlight into his body to repair his injuries.

It's just that the injury is too serious.

After absorbing it for a while, his complexion turned paler, and he spat out a mouthful of blood clots with internal organs.

Panting: "Is this the strength of a real Zhenguo-level reincarnation? It seems that I need to find a new opportunity as soon as possible to break through Zhenguo, so that I can have a chance to avenge Xiaoqian!"

Thinking of the lover who had passed away, he felt an uncontrollable heartache in his heart.

Even the pain in the body was suppressed a lot.

Taking a deep breath, after absorbing it for so long, the injury has improved a lot.

He braced his weak body and staggered into a deeper place...

The hunting of the reincarnated people is too suffocating. It is a blessing to be able to have such a little time to breathe. If you don't leave, I am afraid that you will never be able to leave.

And in another quiet town.

In the room, the two sisters who just came back packed the clothes they bought today.

It seemed that some embarrassing topic was mentioned, Shi Qingxuan was flushed with embarrassment by the concubine Shi, relying on the fact that she had just taken the thousand-year-old centipede meat to improve her strength, she went up to tear her mouth bitterly.

The result was quite unexpected, and she was easily suppressed by Shi Feixuan, and then she was shocked to find that...

Shi Feixuan's strength has also greatly improved, even greater than her.

After the laughter, the two sisters quickly cuddled together and whispered, but they didn't know whether they did it deliberately or unconsciously. The topic of the two sisters would always extend to Lin Bin unconsciously. .


in the room.

Lin Bin didn't know how long he had practiced.

Until the state of forgetting things and me was interrupted by a rush of phone ringing.

Lin Bin looked at the name on the phone.

Stone House!
"What is he looking for me at this time?"

Lin Bin muttered in surprise and connected the phone.

Then, there was a muffled voice from the opposite side.

"In the next time, you'd better be careful."


Lin Bin couldn't help being taken aback by such a nonsensical sentence, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shi Zhixuan: "The world-class props in the secret realm of B-185 are lost. Naturally, it is impossible for the kingdom of God to turn a deaf ear to it. Recently, the kingdom of God is on the cusp. It is inconvenient for them to enter the secret realm to snatch new world-class props, so they plan to retrieve this item. Lost item."

Lin Bin's heart moved, and his tone remained unchanged: "But what does this have to do with me?"

"Oh? Does it have nothing to do with you? That would be great. To be honest, I am anxious to find a new world-class item. If this world-class item is not in your hands, then I will talk to the first apostle. Apply, how about cooperating with the Ninth Apostle to find that item and give it to you?"

Lin Binqi said: "Give it to me? Why?"

"Because I have promised you the Bible of Everything before as the dowry for Concubine Xuan to marry into your Lin family, and now even Qingxuan has become your target, so I naturally have to prepare an equivalent dowry for her."

Shi Zhixuan's voice could not hear any emotion or anger, but it was calm but reminded Lin Bin of a volcano that was about to erupt.

He innocently said: "Ah? I don't quite understand what you mean."

Shi Zhixuan: "The town of Datang is full of people from the B-185 secret realm. It's easy for me to put one or two eyeliners in it. You took my eldest daughter away in a grandiose manner, and went out without knowing what to do, and then Sending my eldest daughter and younger daughter back at the same time, what did the three of you do for a whole day?"

Lin Bin explained: "Evil King, you have misunderstood me. Things are not what you think."

Shi Zhixuan smiled and said: "No need to explain, Qingxuan scolded me severely before, saying that I was too self-righteous and always thought that I decided their future for the sake of the children, so I basically don't plan to take care of them now. It's a lifelong event, and even if you want to emulate Ehuang and Nvying, as a father, I won't stop you, as long as the two sisters are happy."

Lin Bin was shocked and said, "Aren't you angry?"

Shi Zhixuan: "As long as you have the ability to stop my assassination and prove that you have the strength to protect the two sisters at the same time, it's fine. After all, you can't even stop my attack, let alone protect the two sisters at the same time." .”

Isn't this still angry?

Lin Bin couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

And Shi Zhixuan was obviously just trying to warn Lin Bin.

It has no other purpose.

The warning has been reached, so he didn't bother too much in this regard, and said: "By the way, I just became a new apostle here, and I need something to stabilize my position. I want to borrow some things from you. I don't know. Can you give up your love?"

Lin Bin asked, "Oh? What is it?"

Shi Zhixuan said word by word: "Heshibi!"

Lin Bin suddenly smiled wryly.

The other party was no longer hinting, but expressing it face-to-face.

"How did you guess that?" he asked.

"If the things gathered by the world's luck are really lost and their whereabouts are unknown, then I will not make too many associations, but the apostles are not fools. They have long known that this item must have fallen into the B-185 secret realm or entered this secret realm. In the hands of the reincarnated person, these two points alone are enough for me to confirm that the so-called confluence of luck must be He's Bi! And it's no secret that He's Bi is in your hands."

Shi Zhixuan said: "I should have guessed correctly, right? I said why you are not interested in my Bible of Everything. My feeling is that you already have an S-level item in your hand."

Lin Bin sighed sincerely: "Evil King, you are too shrewd to have no friends."

"Don't worry, I didn't betray you. The Eleven Apostles even pinned the blame on Gu Yuan, but if the enemy really intends to investigate, he probably won't last long. Remember not to expose it."

Shi Zhixuan had no intention of telling Lin Binduo.

It seems that contacting him is really just to warn him, and then to warn him incidentally... It's just that the first warning is for his two daughters, and the latter warning is for his safety.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone neatly.

"Old Shi, do you really think of me as your son-in-law?"

Lin Bin looked at the hung up phone with a strange look on his face.

And just a few minutes after Shi Zhixuan hung up his cell phone, another call came in.

Deng Yang.

Lin Bin connected.

Immediately, his sharp voice sounded from the opposite side.

"The item in the B-185 secret realm was lost. The Kingdom of God sent the Ninth Apostle and the Ghost Organization to retrieve the item. Do you want to do something big and kill the Ninth Apostle?"

Just this sentence revealed the gap between him and Shi Zhixuan.

Only relying on some clues, Shi Zhixuan successfully deduced that the world-class props must exist in Lin Bin's hands.

Deng Yang has not noticed that this prop is in his hands.

But it was precisely because he didn't know that he would take the initiative to ask whether he should take the initiative to kill this ninth apostle.

Lin Bin asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure, I'm not familiar with the ninth apostle at all, I don't know his strengthening method, I don't know his specific strength, but even if the apostles are not compared in terms of strength, if they are only ninth, their strength should not be stronger Where to go! The only headache is to become an apostle, and at least one world-class item above S rank must be in hand. I was able to kill my elder brother because of the sneak attack, and the No.11 apostle's S The first-class props are a bit special and cannot be effective in that environment, otherwise, we might have had a certain difficulty in succeeding at that time."

Deng Yang said: "And the Ninth Apostle must also hold an S-level item in his hand, so it is difficult to kill him, but we have all entered the holy level in this life, and I hold an S-level item in my hand , I am thinking that the chance of success is not low, especially since I should have already gained the trust of the other party, there is a lot of room for manipulation!"

"Yes, if you have the right time, contact me anytime!"

"Don't worry, I've always been cautious in doing things. If I'm not sure, I won't expose my undercover identity rashly."

Only now did Deng Yang speak his inner voice, "I haven't played enough yet."

Lin Bin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"By the way, is there a possibility to find a way to turn the ninth apostle into ours? Or find a way to install a person among them, and then after the ninth apostle is killed by us, he will inherit his position, just like the seventh apostle..."

"Do you think that everyone is an evil king, who can go deep into the enemy's camp without revealing any flaws?"

Lin Bin was speechless.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the time comes. It's good if it can be done. If it doesn't work, it's a great gain to weaken the enemy's powerful general. With your approval, I will be at ease here and die."

Deng Yang hung up the phone.

With an excited smile on his face.

The so-called lurking, the so-called undercover, isn't the most exciting moment when the net is closed?

At the moment, the large network cannot be closed, and it is also possible to close a small network first to enjoy the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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