when reincarnation invades

Chapter 230 Exchange Enhancement

Chapter 230 Exchange Enhancement
The Ninth Apostle focused on He Shibi.

This incident did not cause much ripples in Lin Bin's heart.

Just like the old Black Mountain demon before, although there was a great grievance between the two, his wise avoidance directly made his own existence disappear from the sight of the old Black Mountain demon. I am afraid that he still does not know how to kill His wife is actually someone else.

Poor Li Lei didn't listen to the advice, and took this big black pot on his back.


Although Lin Bin got He's Bi, the target of the apostle is obviously still focused on Gu Yuan.

If he really wanted to stay out of it, he was still safe.

There are many enemies...

But none seem to be aware of his existence.

Not to mention that there are two extremely trusted ministries in the Kingdom of God. They just discussed him over there, and two phone calls here and there came in to warn him.

Therefore, Lin Bin's current position is not a prey at all, but a hunter.

I thought about it.

Lin Bin took the initiative to call Gu Yuan.

"What? Because of me, two apostles died tragically. The Kingdom of God plans to seek revenge from me?"

When Gu Yuan heard the news, there was a bit of surprise in her voice.

"That's right, I only got this news by chance. Brother, you'd better be more cautious in your actions recently. Try not to go out alone, so as to prevent people from creating opportunities for placing orders."

If it was before.

Lin Bin might really laugh at Gu Yuan and Shenguo fighting each other. No matter who wins, he can sit on the Diaoyutai and laugh at the two of them.

But now that Lin Xue's legs have recovered, Gu Yuan put a lot of effort into it.

Lin Bin was naturally grateful for his favor.

"Hahahaha, brother, you didn't tell me that I didn't even realize that I had indirectly killed the two apostles of the opponent. Thinking about it like this, I suddenly felt that it was easy to relieve my hatred."

But in the face of Lin Bin's warning, Gu Yuan didn't care, instead she laughed.

Lin Bin said solemnly: "It's better to be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. After you killed the two apostles, you dare to take revenge. If they don't take action, it's fine. It will be impossible to guard against it at that time, if you encounter danger, remember to contact the little brother at any time, the little brother just got an extremely fast transportation item recently, and should be able to rush to your side as quickly as possible!"

"My good brother, with your words, the eldest brother's life is worth it, but you have forgotten a very important factor..."

"What factor?"

"Hmph... Since they dare to come, why don't I dare to use myself as a bait to lure them out? Don't forget, the authorities are investigating the clues of the Kingdom of God recently. If they dare to take the initiative... Hehe , brother, you have helped me a lot, I happened to come to wait for a while."

"Huh? I really didn't expect that."

Lin Bin thought in this way, is Deng Yang a mistake?
If they really make a move against Gu Yuan, then the official will be the one who directly confronts them.

At that time, wouldn't it be possible to use the power of the authorities to deal with the ninth apostle?
Thinking about it, Lin Bin asked: "Brother, you can tell the official this news, but don't say that I told you. I hide in the dark and can help you more conveniently. Once it is exposed in the open, it will be more convenient for you." Counting the enemy, it will be difficult to play the role of a surprise soldier, and I heard that there are spies from the Kingdom of God in the Samsara Space Association."

"Hahahaha, don't worry brother, I understand what you said, how could I betray you if you treat me like this?"

Gu Yuan thanked Lin Bin one after another, then hung up the phone.

On Lin Bin's side, he opened the exchange list.

He had accumulated a lot of meritorious deeds before, one was to deal with Lin Xue's legs, and the other was to exchange for an A-level item for himself.

But now, Lin Xue's legs have recovered.

Although walking is still slightly inconvenient, it is not much different from normal people.

As for A-level weapons, he obtained the Xuanyuan Sword in A Chinese Story, which just made up for the shortcomings of the Shuanglong Phantom Sword and the Money Sword, which are highly targeted but also very restrictive.

Then what he needs now is something that can directly improve his strength.

And in his heart, he has already vaguely considered...

Soon, he found what he was looking for.

[Tiangang Beidou Formation (A): The art of combining formations, seven people join forces, communicate with each other, and complement each other tacitly, and can explode with a combat power far superior to its own body!Redemption requires B-level meritorious service × 4!Reincarnation points x 6000 points! 】

[Zhenwu Seven-section Formation (A): The art of combining formations and strikes, which contains seven sets of advanced martial arts. Complementary to each other, it can explode the combat power several times that of the main body!Redemption requires B-level meritorious service × 5!Reincarnation points x 7000 points! 】

Lin Bin was a little dumbfounded.

Is it so expensive?
And it's still A-level, which is really unexpected.

He didn't buy it immediately, but directly contacted the sellers of the two formations in private, asking if they could be cheaper.

Then, a reply was received shortly thereafter.

The seller of the Zhenwu Qiqizhen said that it could be a little cheaper. If you really want it, you only need four B-level meritorious deeds, plus [-] reincarnation points.

The seller of Tiangang Beidouzhen said that three B-level meritorious service can be purchased with [-] reincarnation points.

good guy...

They just opened their mouths to ask the price, and the price has not been lowered here, and they are almost half blooded on the other side.

Lin Bin quickly realized what was going on.

These two sets of formations are unique skills to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds. The combination of the Quanzhen Seven Masters can suppress the Five Masters, and the combination of the Wudang Seven Heroes can explode the combat power of more than 60 Wudang Seven Heroes...

If it is converted to the real world, it is enough for a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm to have the strength to challenge a reincarnation of the Saint level.

Whether he can deal with Zhen Guo-level Lin Bin is unknown, he doesn't know the strength of Zhen Guo-level.

But Nie Xiaoqian's strength itself is higher than Lin Bin's, and her victory is entirely due to the unique characteristics of He Shibi, while the strength of Heishan Old Demon is far higher than Nie Xiaoqian, and she has absorbed a lot of death energy to strengthen it, but she was still suppressed The national-level reincarnator vomited blood and fled...

It is said that it was a fluke to escape.

From this, it can be seen that the strength of Zhen Guo level is definitely far beyond Lin Bin's imagination.

But at the very least, this exchange can double Lin Bin's strength.

It deserves an A-level evaluation.

But it's a pity that these two sets of formations are too restrictive, and it takes seven people to join forces to unleash the strongest power...

Although two or three people can team up in the Zhenwu Seven-section Formation, they must practice specific martial arts to cooperate. It is hard to say whether a team can have seven people, and it is impossible for one or two martial arts enhancers to die.

Stuff is good stuff.

But it is an indisputable fact that the practicality is too low. No wonder the price cut is so wild.

After a moment.

Thinking about it, Lin Bin sent messages to the two of them respectively.

[Abin: Make it cheaper, otherwise, I will buy the Zhenwu Qiqizhen next door →_→. 】

[Abin: Make it cheaper, otherwise, I will buy the Tiangang Big Dipper Array next door →_→. 】

Sure enough, the price came down again.

The meritorious service cannot be less.

But Tiangang Beidou Formation lost another 2000 reincarnation points.

As for the Zhenwu seven-section formation, I don't want to lose reincarnation points, but the meritorious service can be reduced by one B!

The real blood loss jumps the price.

Three B-level purchases of A-level skills, and they are almost tailor-made skills for him.

It couldn't be more simple...

Lin Bin hesitated.

I still chose the relatively weaker Tiangang Beidou Formation!

It's not because the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is cheap, but because although the Zhenwu Seven-section Formation is more lethal, it is also more restrictive.

There must be seven sets of different martial arts that cooperate with each other. Lin Bin is full of energy and powerful, so he can use his mind for multiple purposes, but let him control seven magical weapons at the same time to perform seven different martial arts...

If he can really achieve this level, it really doesn't matter if there is a formation or not.

Tiangang Beidou Formation is different.

The upper limit of the power of this formation is much lower than that of the Zhenwu Seven-section Formation, but its fault tolerance has also been greatly improved. Even though Guo Jing is limited to only one body, he once performed the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation by himself.

Lin Bin has no physical limitations, so it is impossible for him to perform inferiorly.

Selected to buy.

And at the moment when Lin Bin bought it.

In a bungalow in a city hundreds of miles away.

A man showed an excited look on his face, and howled, "Ahhh, finally sold, finally... this breaking formation... finally sold..."

It can only be said that everyone's needs are different.

This Tiangang Big Dipper Formation seems to be tailor-made for Lin Bin, but to other reincarnations, it is no different from tasteless, worth a lot of money but can't sell it, that feeling of starving while holding Baoshan , he really had enough.

And after purchasing the array.

Lin Bin bought another fate coin!
[Fate Coin (C-level prop): Toss a coin, there is a 50.00% chance to recover all injuries, and a 50.00% chance to be bombarded by thunder, which will aggravate the injury.Redemption requires C-level meritorious service × 2!Reincarnation points × 1000 points! 】

[Note: Do you believe in destiny? 】

To be able to restore all states, normally this kind of props must be at least A-level start!
But now it can be bought for only two C-level props.

What's the difference between this and fleece?
To know this kind of face-seeing props, for Lin Bin who is blessed with good luck, its side effects can be completely ignored, and the success rate is absolutely infinitely close to 100%!

Exactly the same effect.

Really big money.

That is to say, the number of fate coins is limited. Otherwise, Lin Bin would have to exchange all his meritorious deeds for fate coins. At that time, he would be able to risk his life with others.

Redemption is fast.

Only half a day.

The Tiangang Big Dipper Formation and Destiny Coins have already been obtained.

Coins put away.

Lin Bin began to carefully appreciate the mysteries of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.

Just a cursory glance, and my heart was suddenly filled with surprise.

Tiangang Beidou Formation was born out of the most profound martial arts of Taoism.

Since Lin Bin became a reincarnation, he practiced Taoist martial arts and had a long-standing foundation.

And just read it once, and already have a lot of understanding.

Although it can't be used on the battlefield yet, its proficiency has already reached 21%!

Obviously, the foundation he laid over the years is still useful after all.

For the next few days, Lin Bin almost stayed at home, studying the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.

In just a few days, he felt that his strength had greatly improved.

And within a few days.

Concubine Yan successfully returned from the secret realm.

Wearing a white cotton knit vest with a large shirt on it, it makes her figure more enchanting and graceful. She wears a tourist cap on her head, covering most of her beautiful face, but the exposed corners of her lips are still charming .

There is no jewelry on the skin on the chest, but the dazzling whiteness is more touching than any jewelry.

"Brother Bin, luckily, Fei Yan has successfully stepped into the Holy Spirit."

Coming to this brand new world, it seems that all the past has really been thrown away.

Concubine Yan hugged Gao Yue, who rushed over and wept with joy, with a smile on her face, and she was intimate with her daughter for a while, then her eyes fell on Lin Bin.

Between those delicate brows, there is no trace of the past resentment, only full of pride and joy, as if waiting for Lin Bin's compliment.

Lin Bin was startled and said, "Why did you experience the secret realm so quickly this time?"

"It's just to complete your own task. As you said, Brother Bin, Fei Yan's strength is almost invincible in that world. Except for the little pressure from Dongfang Bubai to Fei Yan, the others are simply not worth it." Mention."

Concubine Yan looked at Lin Bin gratefully, and said: "Of course, this is also thanks to the information you provided, Brother Bin, which made Feiyan see the foresight, and Hunxi Longyou was able to detect the information in advance. Smoke quickly completed its task."

Lin Bin suddenly realized.

Even in the real world, Hunxi Longyou in the Yin-Yang spell can be said to be impossible to defend against, but in this extraordinary plane, it is almost instant kill.

It is said to be a B-level skill, but in fact its uniqueness may not be inferior to many A-level skills.

As for the so-called feeling a little pressure when facing Dongfang Bubai, it should not be that Dongfang Bubai is stronger than her. It is really her fighting style similar to that of a mage. Assassin type, especially embroidery needles to pierce the surface.

It really put a lot of pressure on Concubine Yan.

But this is exactly what she longed for. She quickly turned pressure into motivation, and then took advantage of the opportunity to improve her cultivation to another level.

Concubine Yan sighed sincerely: "The next trip to the secret realm will be Feiyan's advancement to the secret realm..."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me. We can enter the secret realm together next time, and then we can guarantee that you can get a high enough evaluation... Uh... Unless you are against my fate, otherwise I will [-]% sure."

At this moment, he thought of Lei Jun.

It's not that the teammates are not strong enough, it's that the two clashed.

"No, Brother Bin is very prosperous. Otherwise, how could it be you, Brother Bin, who rescued Fei Yan from the cage and gave Fei Yan a new life?"

Concubine Yan looked at Lin Bin intently, and said seriously: "So Feiyan is also willing to help Brother Bin, as long as Brother Bin uses Feiyan, you are welcome to use it as you like."

"Then you are welcome to join my S team."

Lin Bin stretched out his hand.

The two held hands together.

Gao Yue blinked, and looked at the hands that the two of them held, but didn't let go, but clenched even tighter.

Suddenly a sense of crisis hit my heart, I hurriedly put my arms around Concubine Yan's neck, and said with a smile: "Oh, yes, mother, my brother brought back the delicious thousand-year-old centipede meat, eating it can greatly increase the strength Improve, Yue’er will bring you some, and the secret realm will be safer next time.”

"Oh... oh oh... ok."

Only then did Concubine Yan realize that she had been a little impulsive just now, and actually...

Immediately, she let go of the situation and put her arms around Gao Yue.

She said with a smile: "Before mother was a little uneasy because she didn't understand the rules of the reincarnation space, but after entering a secret realm to understand the process, mother was finally sure, Yue'er, our mother and daughter can finally live a peaceful life."

Obviously, this trip to the secret place gave her full confidence.

The secret realm is not for the reincarnation to escape death, but for them to complete tasks and improve their strength. Naturally, there will be no missions that must die.

Not to mention, her real spiritual pillar is still here.

Thinking about it, she looked at Lin Bin with softer eyes, but Lin Bin couldn't help but feel an inexplicable twitch in his heart.

Sure enough, Concubine Yan said next, "By the way, Fei Yan has been away for a few days, how is the decoration of the new home going?"

Lin Bin's heart moved slightly, and he smiled and said, "Yeah, it's been decorated."

"Then it's time for Fei Yan and Yue'er to move there."

Concubine Yan glanced at Lin Bin lightly and said.

"Yeah, you and Yue'er finally don't have to squeeze into a small bed, and you will sleep much more comfortably in the future."

Lin Bin laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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