when reincarnation invades

Chapter 231 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 231 Happy Cooperation
at the same time.

A wide airport.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the huge passenger plane finally landed slowly on the parking lot after a long taxi.

As the warehouse door opened, a large number of passengers swarmed out from the exit.

There is no shortage of this time, but they all want to leave this small and cramped space as soon as possible.

"Damn it, I hate the traffic in Huaguo. There are backward facilities like passenger planes. So many people squeeze into one plane. Why don't they travel in their private jets? Isn't it more convenient?"

A tall and majestic man with a height of more than 1.9 meters and white hair was full of complaints and disgust.

Relying on his own strength, he squeezed the surrounding passengers into pieces.

Forcibly squeezed a way to go forward.

It was hard to get out of the crowd.

Seeing the huge Kane lettering in the crowd, he strode over.

And his stalwart figure standing out from the crowd quickly attracted the attention of the pick-up person.

The two sides quickly converged.

Kane's gaze was surrounded by the crowd, and he glanced at the dark, pale man who seemed to be malnourished, and frowned, "Little Eleven?"

Seeing such a big vampire dangling in the sun, he was obviously not used to it.

"Brother Nine is here."

A hearty smile appeared on Deng Yang's face, and he said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, our reputation is too big recently, in order to prevent attracting attention, I specifically rejected Brother Nine's request to come over with your own private jet I have wronged Brother Ninth, I have already arranged a dust-cleaning banquet here, and I will wait for Brother Ninth to arrive, so let's set off right away, by the way, here... Brother Ninth is here alone?"

Seeing that Deng Yang is so good at things, Kane's previous dissatisfaction has also been reduced a lot.

He said: "Of course not, they are all behind..."

Deng Yang asked curiously, "You didn't come down together?"

"Of course, I'm their leader anyway. How can I squeeze in front and they follow me and enjoy the benefits? So I don't let them follow me, let them squeeze by themselves."

Deng Yang blinked.

Xindao, what kind of weird logic is this?

He smiled and said: "It's okay, let's go first, I will leave a brother here to wait for them to become... Ninth Brother, you have come to my place, I don't want to say anything in advance, I have to take care of Ninth Brother first. .”

While speaking, Deng Yang surrounded the ninth apostle Kane and walked to the special car.

Supporting the cordial room has already perceived a lot of information.

He is tall and muscular.

Is it the strengthener of the power system?

But there was a faint dark aura around him...

If he hadn't possessed blood enhancement and had extremely keen perception, he probably wouldn't have noticed this keen feeling.

The gloves worn on both hands seem to contain some unique powers, and should be extremely powerful props.

It is necessary to pay attention.

In just a few moments.

Deng Yang has come to a conclusion...

Double strengthening system, or changing martial arts to other systems, but the foundation of martial arts is still left behind...

This kind of reincarnation is the most difficult to deal with, because it is difficult to target him from his strengthening system. While the martial arts are mediocre, there are no obvious flaws.

Moreover, the dark power contained in its body is deep and powerful. Although it can only sense the tip of the iceberg, it can have a premonition of what kind of powerful power is hidden in it.

If you count the S-rank item with unknown ability.

Sure enough, no one is easy to deal with if he can become an apostle...

The more he got to know Deng Yang, the more fortunate he and Lin Bin were two rookies who were capable to death. I lost my life there.

Eat, drink, sing K, wash feet, massage...

A set of procedures, cordially accompanied throughout the process.

By the time it was over, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

After Kane came back with a full meal and a comfortable massage, the subordinates had already been waiting for a long time.

And seeing Kane's team, Deng Yang couldn't help being slightly startled.

seven people.

All of them are reincarnators above the Transcendent Realm.

Although it has not yet reached the level of the eighth and ninth floors, its strength can be regarded as the best in the Transcendent Realm.

If you insist on it, with the current strength of Youhun and Li Liang's words, there is no problem.

But the problem with me, the apostle, is lurking.

I can jump back, but if my loyal brothers know my true identity, maybe they will follow this ninth apostle to fuck me instead. It seems that an inevitable and irreconcilable conflict between the two parties must be arranged The conflict is either borrowing power from the outside.

Kane didn't know that this eleventh brother, who was washing his feet with him just now, was actually thinking about how to kill him without revealing his identity.

All he knew was that after drinking for three rounds, the eleven apostles, who were partners before, had now become his eleven younger brothers.

Smiling and introducing the identities of these people one by one.

Most of them are his capable generals, and most of them are reincarnated people from China.

Deng Yang had a smile on his face, and couldn't help but spit in his heart.


And when introducing another person.

Deng Yang couldn't help but be astonished, and said in surprise: "You just follow the wind?!"

"Hello, Master Apostle."

Suifengqi was also the only person who was qualified to participate in the Kingdom of God Conference except for the thirteen apostles.

In a sense, he can be regarded as a reserve apostle.

It's just that Deng Yang didn't expect that the real Suifengqi was a young man about his age, who looked quite gentle and delicate, as shy as a student who had just graduated from college.

Deng Yang exclaimed: "I thought that to become a preparatory apostle, at least you have to be a reincarnator with extraordinary strength in the thirties. I didn't expect you to be so young. You are indeed young and promising."

"I only rely on the shadow of my father's generation to achieve my current achievements. Unlike the Eleven Apostles, I have achieved my current achievements through my own efforts, and I don't seem to be older than me."

Suifengqi's attitude is very humble.

In other words, he also knows that before he gets the S-level world props, no matter how much he is a reserve, he is not a real apostle after all, and is still inferior to a real apostle.

Kane laughed and said: "Hahahaha, after all, this S-level world item belongs to Brother Suifengqi, if he doesn't come, what if I get corrupted?"

Sui Fengqi humbly said: "Master Apostle, you are so busy for my affairs, I am too late to be grateful, how could you have such an unrealistic idea?"

"That's right. Anyway, with Xiaofeng here, we can be regarded as a big help. The three apostles join forces, and Gu Yuan is just a mere hand, isn't it?"


In the three-person room, the atmosphere was harmonious.

After a brief courtesy, everyone discussed business.

Sui Fengqi asked: "What do you think, the Ninth Lord, what should we do?"

"It's easy!"

Kane said categorically: "Catch Gu Yuan, torture him, ask him about the whereabouts of that world-class prop, and torture him severely, I'm not afraid that he won't open his mouth."

Deng Yang: "This... Let's just say it's simple and straightforward. The more frills, the more flaws. If it's too simple, it will be perfect."

Kane wondered: "That's what I thought, but it's a pity that my shape is too special. Once I make a move, I'm afraid it will leave a flaw immediately, and the eleventh brother is a local, so it's easy to be exposed once he shows up. I'll leave it to you, Xiaofeng."


Suifengqi hesitated a little when he heard the words, wondering if this would startle the snake?
But remembering that this is the S-class world item that should belong to him, the only clue is on this Gu Yuan. No matter what the situation is, a gap must be opened from him.

If you operate it by yourself, as long as you plan carefully, you will surely hit a hit, and if you hold the snake in your hand, you won't be able to startle the snake again.

Kane's move is indeed suspected of laziness.

But he also put the matter in his hands.

He nodded and said, "Yes, no problem."

Kane chuckled and said, "Well, Brother Eleven and I will cover up for you, especially Brother Eleven, you might as well ask him for more advice then..."

Seeing that the Ninth Apostle was going to paddle, Sui Fengqi didn't take it seriously, but turned his head to look at Deng Yang, and asked, "Master Eleven, can I have a look at the information of this Gu Yuan?"

"Of course, I will... um... send my subordinates to take you to see it."

Deng Yang nodded and said: "Because my eldest brother, our former apostle died because of this Gu Yuan, so we may have more information about this Gu Yuan, and it is inconvenient to carry. You may need to go to see it yourself."

"It doesn't matter, the more detailed the information, the better. It is best to record his reinforcement system, strength, and fighting style."

"It's all there."

"Thank you, Master Eleven."

Sui Feng stood up, bowed respectfully to the two, turned around and left with a ghost member sent by Deng Yang.

Wait until the wind blows away.

Deng Yang looked at Kane in confusion, and asked, "Brother Ninth, what do you mean?"

Just now he wanted to take Suifengqi himself, but he didn't expect Kane to touch him in private.

Kane chuckled and said, "At last, Old Eleven, you know how to measure, and you didn't say such things as why you touch me..."

Deng Yang: "Brother Ninth, what do you mean..."

Kane: "I mean, mean it."

Deng Yang had a thoughtful expression on his face, "These words are a bit interesting."

Kane spread his hands and sighed: "The main task is very boring. The tradition of the Kingdom of God is like this. If a world-class item is born by the sacrifice of a martyr, then this item will be branded with the brand of its descendants. No matter who in the Kingdom of God obtains this item, it must be handed over to its owner, although it can receive a lot of subsidies, but no matter how rich the subsidy is, how can it be compared with S-level items?"

Deng Yang said: "This should be to promote the determination of those martyrs. By sacrificing yourself, you can pave a broad road for the one you love. I think this rule is quite reasonable. Otherwise, after the sacrifice, the loved one will have to die." Without the benefits it deserves, I am afraid that the Kingdom of God will also fall apart."

"This is the problem. No matter how hard we try this time, even if we get an S-level item, this item is destined to belong to the wind."

Kane sneered and said: "Why do you think I agreed with him to come? If he doesn't come, we will all work for him for nothing. When he comes, he will do everything by himself. Whether it succeeds or not, we just help out. The responsibility is not on us."

"Brother Nine is brilliant."

Deng Yang said in shock: "I didn't expect this. So Brother Jiu came here just for paddling. If that's the case, that would be great. Speaking of which, I know several good places to wash your feet. When the time comes, take Brother Jiu to experience it one by one, and I guarantee that Brother Jiu will be satisfied and return home."

"Hey...Look at what you said, Brother Eleven, I'm here because I have a business to do."

A strange smile appeared on Kane's face, and he said, "Actually, I have important things to do when I come here. Brother Eleven, let's cooperate."

Deng Yang was startled and said, "What are you cooperating with? Killing Suifengqi? But...in the Kingdom of God, internal strife is strictly prohibited, especially when he is under our noses. made."

"No, it has nothing to do with him."

Kane leisurely lit a cigar for himself, took a deep breath, and exhaled a smoke ring.

He smiled and said: "We are all apostles, and we all have an S-level prop in our hands, but the world-class props are too powerful, who would think that they have too few props? Remember the boss's order? He wants to take back all the props. Lost S-level props, the problem is... the lost S-level props are not only one in the B-185 secret realm!"

Deng Yang wondered: "This... Ninth brother, you also know that I just became an apostle, and I don't know a lot of information. You have something to say, don't be too vague, I don't understand."

Kane said: "The B-185 secret realm is only a Transcendent Realm after all. No matter how powerful the world-class props are, they are limited. But I know that an S-class prop is also lost, and its power is definitely not as powerful as that of B-185." The world props in the secret realm are more powerful than anything else, so instead of trying to make wedding dresses for others, why don’t we seek an S-class prop that belongs to us?”

Deng Yang's heart twitched slightly, thinking that the more infighting you have, the more chances I will get involved.

He pretended to be very interested and asked: "Is there an owner for this S-level item?"

"Of course, when it comes to this S-level prop, there is a secret behind it. In fact, the reason why our Kingdom of God has disappeared for so many years is also related to this S-level prop."

Kane said: "So if we can get this S-level item, not only can we get an S-level item, but we can even get a reward from the organization. It's just that this item hasn't appeared for many years. If we want to find its trace, It’s not enough to rely on my strength alone, it can only be done by the cooperation of the two of us.”

"Oh? Let me tell you the details, what kind of cooperation method!"

"It's very simple. There is only one S-level item. The two of us cooperate. I provide information and you provide manpower. Each item depends on its own ability. Another person has an A-level item, and then the rewards obtained from within the Kingdom of God must be given to the person who did not get the S-level item for free.”

Kane said with a smile: "In this way, no matter who gets the S-level item between the two of us, we won't lose everything, how about it?"

"Sounds reasonable, but I want to know more information about that S-rank item."

Deng Yang took a deep look at Kane. Before that, he thought that this guy's brain was not easy to use...

To have such an idea is downright stupid.

There is no such thing as an easy thing to become an apostle.

"So you agree to cooperate?"

Deng Yang smiled and said: "Of course I agree, help comes with the wind, I can't get anything, but if I cooperate with you, the worst thing I can get is the reward of the Kingdom of God and an A-level item. I don't care about it." loss."

Kane also smiled and said: "I think so too, after all, I've been staring at that A-level blazing seven-fold ring for a long time."

"Then... happy cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation!"

The two shake hands.

Deng Yang asked: "How do you plan to find that S-level item?"

"It's very simple, the Tang family!"


"That S-level prop and that traitor haven't appeared for many years, but I have received reliable news that not long ago, their traces appeared in the Tang family. This is why I dare to cooperate with you."

Kane sneered and said, "It's really hard for me to find them if they don't show their heads, but if they show their heads, then... are you afraid that you won't be able to catch their tails?"

"The Tang family?"

There was a strange look on Deng Yang's face, and then quickly disappeared.

 The new book "I Hand Over the World of Immortal Cultivation to the Country" by the author's friend Ye Henshui has officially started serialization, everyone is welcome to bookmark and recommend reading oh oh oh... Everyone understands the relationship between us, old iron...


(End of this chapter)

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