Chapter 232

Kane obviously came prepared.

He had already investigated all the details thoroughly, and even had his own detailed plan.

The reason why he wants to cooperate with Deng Yang is that, firstly, the cooperation of Deng Yang, a local, can reduce a lot of troubles; To catch his attention, the difficulty is not generally high.

In this case, it is better to play Yang.

Pull him directly into the battle, and the two sides cooperate.

According to him, even in the worst possible outcome, it won't cost anything... Even an apostle can't help being tempted by an A-level item.

And Deng Yang listened to his narration and plan, with a serious look on his face, nodding his head from time to time, and showing admiration on his face.

The two negotiated for more than an hour.

Deng Yang also gradually understood a lot of information about this S-level prop.

And Kane deeply felt that the eleventh brother in front of him was really good at being a human being, compared to his predecessor Wang Ling... no, the former predecessor Wang Ling was really better. I don't know too much.

By the way, isn’t the position of the Eleven Apostles changing too quickly?

It seems that we should cherish the time spent with this eleventh brother.

As the two hammer out all the planning details.

Kane finally couldn't hold back his drunkenness, put his arms around the young lady Deng Yang had arranged for him, and went back to his room to experience it.

And Deng Yang showed a contemplative look on his face.

After a long time, he also got up.

Go to the information hall of the organization.

At this time, Sui Fengqi was browsing through a stack of thick and heavy materials in the information hall.

He looked very carefully, flipping through the pages word by word...

Noticing Deng Yang's approach, Sui Fengqi got up respectfully and asked, "My lord Eleven, where is my lord Ninth?"

"He was drunk and went to rest."

Deng Yang said something casually, obviously the two were about the same age, but at this moment he acted like an elder, and asked with concern: "How about the information about this Gu Yuan?"

"Eleventh Master is too careful. These materials are very detailed. Although I haven't finished reading them, they are just the initial descriptions. They have already described the details of every secret realm that Gu Yuan has experienced. Even The skills that Gu Yuan may have mastered are all deduced clearly."

Sui Fengqi said gratefully: "If I were to check this information myself, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find it so completely even in a few months. If I can really get back that S-level item, the Eleventh Master will take the credit for it." Wei."

"The information is very detailed?"

Deng Yang snorted and said, "You don't need to read it."

Sui Fengqi said in surprise: "What? I don't understand what you mean."

"What do you think of Gu Yuan's strength?"


Sui Fengqi showed a dignified look on his face, and said: "The martial arts system has very limited enhancements, so many martial arts enhancers will switch to other enhancements after they reach a certain level. With the perfect coordination of martial arts, the lethality that will erupt will far exceed that of a single reinforcement system, but this Gu Yuan, he can go to this step with a single martial arts reinforcement, which is absolutely amazing."

"At last you didn't underestimate him just because he strengthened the martial arts system."

Deng Yang asked: "Then if you fight him alone, what are your chances of winning?"

Sui Fengqi said bitterly: "My age is similar to Eleventh Master, but I don't have the extraordinary talent of Eleventh Master, and until now I'm only at the seventh stage of Transcendent, even if I meet those ordinary For a saint-level reincarnation, my chances of winning are not very high, let alone a veteran saint-level reincarnation like Gu Yuan, if I am fair to him, I am lucky to be able to escape."

"That's why I said you don't need to read it, you are not his opponent at all, and you are destined not to get that world-class item during this trip."

Deng Yang sighed: "Don't you understand yet? Kane has no intention of helping you at all. An S-level item that is destined not to fall into his hands, he would rather that item never belong to the Kingdom of God. This point You should understand too, right?"

Sui Fengqi stood up suddenly, and said in surprise, "What did you say?"

"In this line, the first apostle gave him two tasks. One is to help you find your S-level item, and the other is to search for another S-level world item that has been lost for many years. If he can find it That S-rank item, then that item belongs to him!"

Deng Yang said: "If it were you, which task would you focus on?"

Sui Fengqi's face was extremely solemn, he took a deep look at Deng Yang, and asked: "The Eleventh Elder, what do you mean by telling me this?"

"The Ninth Apostle wants to cooperate with me, relying on my connections and his information to find this S-level item, and we have agreed that if anyone obtains that S-level item, then he needs to compensate another person An A-level item as compensation, so that both parties will not return empty-handed."

Deng Lao Liu sold Kane backhandedly.

He sighed: "So I won't help you, and Kane won't help you either. If you deal with that Gu Yuan alone, it is probably more likely to be in his hands."

After Suifeng was initially shocked, he quickly calmed down.

He took a deep look at Deng Yang, and asked: "I want to know, what do you mean by saying this to me, Mr. Eleven?"

Deng Yang said: "It's very simple. I don't know how much homework Kane has done to get that S-level item. Now he proposes to cooperate with me and compete fairly. But do you think I have a chance of getting that S-level item?" How big is it?"

Sui Fengqi pondered and said: "It seems fair, but in fact, he has already taken the lead by a long time. Eleventh Master, you are more likely to end up with an A-level item. I suspect that the Ninth Apostle is not even that good." All the A-level props that are used to compensate Eleventh Master for you are ready."

"What you can think of, how can I not think of it?"

Deng Yang sighed: "A-level props are indeed very precious, but if compared with S-level props, they are nothing, so I am more inclined to cooperate with you than with the ninth master."

Sui Fengqi listened to the stringed song to know the elegant meaning, and asked tentatively: "One S-level prop for each person?"

"That's right, that's exactly what I mean. You do your best to help me obtain that so-called S-level item, and correspondingly, I will also do my best to help you obtain the S-level item you deserve."

Sui Fengqi said seriously: "You should do your best to help me obtain the so-called S-level item, and correspondingly, I will also do my best to help you obtain the S-level item you deserve!"

Deng Yang shook his head and said, "I go first!"


"I am an apostle. Although you are a future apostle, you are not after all. Cooperation cannot be fair. Naturally, you will suffer a bit."

Deng Yang said: "And Kane is thinking about that item. If I can't get it as soon as possible, he may be the first to get it. And your item is looking for it now and after a few years. In fact, there is no difference." What's the big difference, why, the props are different from your wife's, are you still afraid of falling into someone else's hands and being played to pieces?"

"This... how can I be sure that you will not break your promise?"

"It's very simple. Once you appear, it means that there will be a rift between me and the Ninth Lord because of this S-level item, but it doesn't matter. Our relationship is not deep enough to hand over an S-level item. At this point, since I offended the ninth apostle, unless I don't plan to mess around in the Kingdom of God, I will never easily offend another apostle, even the future apostle!"

Deng Yang spread his hands and said: "I am already one of the thirteen apostles at a young age, it is impossible to defect to the organization, right?"

"What should I do?"

Suifengqi was obviously persuaded by Deng Yang.

"It's very simple, what to do now, just wait for my notice. I am confident that the power of my ghost is enough to eat the Ninth Apostle, but I still need hidden stakes to insure it!"


Sui Feng thought about it, and found that this matter was actually not bad for him.

If Kane really didn't intend to help him from the beginning, it means that he was doing his own thing, and even took up a quota that should have been used to assist him...

After all, the main purpose this time was to obtain his S-level item, and he didn't help, and he even occupied the quota to prevent others from helping.

Why are you being polite to him?
Deng Yang smiled and said: "Keep reading, God knows the content of today's chat, you know me, you must not leak it to anyone?!"

"Don't worry, even if I die, I won't disclose any information to the third person. Don't worry, Mr. Eleven!"

"I'm relieved with your words."

Deng Yang waved his hand and walked back.

After returning to his room, he closed the door and windows, and then enveloped the surrounding area with the power of darkness to ensure that no one could eavesdrop.

Only then did he take out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Bin.

As soon as it was connected, he screamed excitedly.

"Good news, great news, this time with the ninth apostle, there is also a reserve apostle named Suifeng Qi. I have successfully inserted a nail between the two of them. If it is done properly, Maybe we can use his hands to kill the ninth apostle, and maybe blame him on his head!"

Lin Bin: "Oh? Tell me in detail what's going on."

"It's very simple, no no no no..."

Deng Yang told Lin Bin all the information he knew before in detail.

Surprised and said: "This is really sleepy. I didn't expect such a force to be hidden among the reincarnated people, and there is still an S-level item snatched from the hands of the Kingdom of God. At that time, we can completely let them snipe. Clams fight each other, we will benefit again, and even find the scapegoat, it's perfect!"

"Is there another faction that is the target of the Kingdom of God? It has mastered S-level props, and this faction has enmity with the Tang family?"

Lin Bin thought, isn't this me?

He remembered the news he had inquired from Houhou before, that the Tang family was invaded by a powerful enemy and the passage to the secret realm was destroyed.

At that time, he gloated a lot. After all, the Tang family was in a state of desperation, so there was basically no time to trouble him.

It's just that he didn't expect that the degree of unluckyness would exceed his imagination.

It's okay to be targeted by him, and an unknown force has been provoked... Now even the apostle wants to attack him first.

Deng Yang said distressedly: "My plan is self-consciously perfect, but I still hesitate when to do it. In theory, it is more appropriate to kill them directly, but it is always a pity not to take the two S-level items..."

Lin Bin said: "The S-class item that Suifengqi wants to find is in my hand."

"Indeed, you definitely want S-level props. In fact, the two of us can be one by one... wait... what did you say?"

Deng Yang was shocked and said, "You also have S-level props?"

"It's not intentional to hide it from you, it's just that I'm also very confused."

Deng Yang could even hear the expression of helplessness on the opposite side's hands, and the opposite guy said: "I didn't do anything, I was practicing in the secret realm, and I was suddenly reminded that I got the S-level props, and I was also very confused. But I can’t let it go when I get it, can I?”

Deng Yang: "I suddenly felt that you didn't tell me, maybe it was to take care of my self-esteem. After all, I betrayed my elder brother and inherited his inheritance. There is an S-level item. You just picked it up. ... Sigh... I suddenly feel a little glad that I turned an enemy into a friend with you before, otherwise, with your invincible luck, I might die without knowing how I died."

"I'm also very lucky to have a friend like you. If you were my enemy, I might be in a bad situation."


The two chatted for a while, and soon came to a plan.

Act according to their plan, and by the way, just wait until the critical moment and bite back. Whether they are mentally calculating or not, their chances of success are quite high.

Ever since, three days later.

"Don't worry, Ninth Brother, this time, I have brought the most elite combat power of our entire ghost, and I will definitely satisfy you. At the very least, if there is any mistake, it will definitely not be my ghost."

"Oh? I heard that one of your ghosts is called Li Liang, who is quite powerful. Could it be..."

"Ahahahaha, Mr. Li is old and has high qualifications. Unless it involves the life and death of the entire ghost, he will not make a move. Let's experience the mood of the elderly who want to retire."

Deng Yang smiled and patted the handsome young man next to him, and said: "But this is my most trusted right-hand man, Yanzu, he is also very strong, and he is infinitely close to becoming a saint." It’s level, and I secretly arranged a lot of people to cover us, but they’re just helping us, after all, with our two apostles attacking at the same time, isn’t it easy?”

The man called Yanzu showed a flattering smile to the ninth apostle.

"That's right, hahahaha... By the way, what are Suifengqi doing these days?"

Kane suddenly remembered Suifengqi, logically speaking, he should take the initiative to ask him for help, and he even prepared his speech.

But who knew he never came...

It made him feel like he was punching cotton.

Deng Yang replied: "He has been investigating Gu Yuan's information for the past few days. I have arranged for him to accompany him with a dozen helpers. It is estimated that the young people are young and energetic, so they feel that they don't need us to help, right?"

"Hahahaha, young people, it's understandable to be aggressive. Let's go, that kid is so fighting spirit, we can't be left behind by young people. If he really does it, we haven't done it yet." Done, I have no reason to stay here."

Kane strode forward.

It seems that he has become the leader of this operation.

Deng Yang didn't rob him, but exchanged glances with his capable subordinates.

followed behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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