when reincarnation invades

Chapter 233 The Tang family continues without misfortune

Chapter 233 The Tang family continues without misfortune
During this period of time, the Tang family did not live comfortably.

If you lose the secret realm, you will also lose the mining rights of the secret realm items.

As far as the Tang family is concerned, although it will not have any impact in the short term.

But the mastery of the secret realm is equivalent to a ticket, allowing everyone to see their bright future, so they are willing to cooperate with them.

But now, in the dignified Tang family, the secret realm has been completely destroyed in front of everyone.

It was as if they had been ruthlessly punched in the face, but during this period of time, they didn't even find out the origin of the enemy.

Really confused...

And the destruction of the entrance to the secret realm was just the beginning.

What is really scary is the subsequent impact and spread of this incident.

this day.

The seven elders of the Tang family gathered again for an internal meeting.

In the past, a meeting like this would only be held when the Tang family faced life and death. All the elders and patriarchs would get together and use their wisdom to find a way to avoid the greatest risk for the Tang family.

But in this short period of one or two months, such meetings have been held four or five times in succession.

You must know that among reincarnated families, although they don't get together to keep warm, they seldom associate with real reincarnated people because of their natural superiority over ordinary reincarnated people.

Instead, they cooperate with each other in various fields, thus forming an economic circle that no outsider can insert~.

The circle is prosperous and business opportunities are everywhere, but if you are not qualified, no matter how much money you have, you will not be able to enjoy this bonus.

The so-called qualifications...

Naturally, it refers to the entrance and exit of the secret realm!
The Tang family is different from other reincarnation families.

The difficulty of their secret realm is extremely low, but they produce all kinds of incomparable magical props, so in terms of mining difficulty, it is much simpler than ordinary secret realms. Other aristocratic families are even heavier.

But how many benefits he enjoyed at the beginning, now the backlash is so serious.

Therefore, after the Tang family lost control of the Wuhun Secret Realm.

The Samsara family has withdrawn from cooperation with the Tang family in various fields, and even formed a whole new circle, completely excluding the Tang family...

In particular, the divestment of the various aristocratic families directly made the economic situation of the Tang family even worse.

This meeting is obviously also discussing this issue.

It was only discussed several times in succession, but nothing came out of the discussion.

After the current Tang family loses their secret realm, unless they find a suitable replacement secret realm in the first place, otherwise, their decline is already doomed...but sooner or later.

"Sima Buping of the Sima family has already taken the woman he raised outside and his little bastard back to the Sima family."

Tang Wuqing, one of the seven elders of Tang Dynasty, said expressionlessly.

This sentence seems to have nothing to do with the current situation of the Tang family, but in fact, Sima Buping's official wife is Tang Xiaoyan, the biological daughter of Tang Wuqing, the elder of the Tang family.

Although the other party had a concubine before, they still acted in a cover-up manner, and everyone still maintained the peace on the surface.

But now he is brazenly taking the mistress and the illegitimate child back to the family...

It was as if he didn't take the Tang family seriously.

Another elder, Tang Zhongjie, also sighed: "During this period of time, several properties of our Tang family have opened similar businesses in the surrounding areas, and both prices and services are better than ours. According to the survey, it should be Those few did it."

"You didn't realize that every year on the seventh day of July, our reincarnation families gather together to discuss cooperation in the second year and deepen the relationship between all parties. But this time, no one contacted us. I took the initiative Asked, but they said that this year's party was canceled because of an accident."

Tang Tianyun asked: "What accident?"

Tang Huaili replied: "Some time ago, didn't the Liberty Alliance discover a secret realm that was at least at the level of killing~killing? In order to monopolize this secret realm, those people killed all the Chinese people present at that time They wanted to block the news, but they failed in the end. Those bastards said that so many people died in our country, they were unwilling, and decided to observe three months of silence for those heroic spirits, and there must be no gatherings!"

Speaking of this, he paused, and said angrily: "But in fact, they just changed the gathering place. For this reason, are they cheating us by treating us like children?"

"It may also be that they don't take us seriously anymore, so they don't even need to think of a plausible excuse."

Tang Yingxiong sighed: "It's not that there is no good news. Next, there should be no more bad news, right?"

When he said this, his tone was full of self-deprecation.

There will indeed be no more bad news.

Up to now, the second batch of reincarnated people entering that B-192 secret realm has been finalized to enter.

But their Patriarch still didn't have any news, which meant that Tang Tianhao was almost certain to be dead... This is of course good news in normal times, they can regain their own power.

But now the Tang family is facing a life-and-death crisis.

If the strongest Patriarchs could come back to preside over the overall situation, they wouldn't be so passive.

"Indeed, there will be no more bad things..."

Tang Zhongjie also sighed, and said in agreement.

But this reply was only halfway through when there was a loud bang.

The gate of the Tang family was already whirling towards the hall like a whirlwind board, cutting down countless broken trees and broken branches wherever it passed.

"Get out of the way!"

Tang Tianyun shouted loudly.

Sitting at the top, Tang Yingxiong raised his hand and directly grasped the spinning door panel.

An angry look appeared on his face, and he shouted: "Who?! You dared to break down the gate of my Tang family. Do you really think that Huaguo is helpless?"

"Hahahaha, you reincarnated people are the most law-abiding people. If it weren't for the existence of Hongyun, I'm afraid the real world would have been messed up by you. Now you are here to talk to me ?”

in laughter.

Led by a tall figure, more than ten figures strode in.

Isn't it the ninth apostle Kane?
He sneered and said: "But you Tang family is arrogant, and I'm too lazy to care about you, but you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't touch people from our kingdom of God."

"Kingdom of God? Apostle!"

Tang Yingxiong's pupils shrank suddenly, and he secretly scolded himself for crow's mouth.

He said coldly: "Since when did we have anything to do with your kingdom of God?"

Behind Kane, Deng Yang, who covered his whole body in black, mocked in a low voice: "It's ridiculous. I witnessed the cooperation between the Tang family and the apostle before, but now I turn my face and deny anyone?"

Tang Yingxiong twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "The cooperation was decided by the former patriarch Tang Tianhao privately. What does it have to do with our Tang family? If you have any opinions, you can go to him. What's the point of showing off your power here?"

Kane waved his hand and said: "I'm not here to find someone to settle accounts, I'm here to ask for compensation!"


Tang Yingxiong and others looked at me and I looked at you, and an ominous premonition instinctively emerged in their hearts.

But Kane didn't give them so many chances to react. He clenched his fists and said with a sneer: "But judging by your virtues, you can tell that you belong to the itchy and cheap type. If you don't give them a hard beating, you won't grow old." Honestly hand over what I want."

"Then teach them a lesson."

Behind Kane, Deng Yang proposed.

"Then let's do it."

A wild smile appeared on Kane's face, and he laughed loudly: "The Samsara family is so famous, let me see your abilities today... Hahahaha... If you really beat me, maybe you can still win!" Maybe it will let you escape unharmed."

He slowly took off the glove on his right hand.

Show the inner palm.

It was actually a purplish, muscular and vigorous arm, and the outer skin was covered with ferocious horny skin. How could it look human at all?


Deng Yang couldn't help murmuring in a low voice, he thought those gloves were some kind of powerful prop... But he didn't think that it was a prop used to seal his arm, which was quite unexpected.

Lin Bin's eyes also lit up.

He knew more than Deng Yang, just looking at the ferocious appearance of this palm, he knew the origin of this ghost hand.

What a ghost!
And as the seal was lifted, the ghost hand gradually spread.

Compared with Teacher Hell's single ghost hand, he actually transformed his entire arm into a ghost hand. I am afraid that the lethality is even more terrifying and powerful...

"What kind of cat or dog dares to bully my Tang family. Damn it, immediately block the gate of the Tang family. Today I will let these people come and go, let them see that my Tang family is not down yet!"

Tang Yingxiong let out a loud shout.

In just a few seconds, many Tang family reincarnations have surrounded Kane and others.

Obviously, they suffered from being caught off guard last time, and now almost the entire Tang family is impenetrable... It's just that they didn't guard against the wave of people who came to attack before, but instead waited for these apostles.

It can be regarded as wrong and wrong.

"They all have the status of reincarnation, not ordinary people, you are welcome to kill them all!"

With Tang Yingxiong's long drink.

More than [-] Tang family elites were surrounded by soul rings, and dazzling lights flashed one after another in the huge courtyard.

Months of being oppressed, discriminated against, ridiculed...

Now there is finally a source of catharsis.

Tang Yingxiong let out a low growl, and waved his hand to hold a silver hammer that was much bigger than his head.

Leaping forward to hammer Huashan Mountain, he smashed it down towards Kane, the leader of the many apostles.

"Hahahaha, the family of reincarnation is really a family of reincarnation, and the rotten ship has a three-point nail, maybe it can give me a good time."

Above the ghost hand, black air is everywhere.

The purple-black ominous air almost permeated the entire Tang family, and Kane directly blocked the opponent's B-level weapon with his palm while laughing loudly.

The evil spirit even followed the silver weapon and turned towards Tang Yingxiong.

The saint-level reincarnation, facing Kane, couldn't make a single move, and was directly suppressed.

"Come and help me catch the thief and the king first!"

Tang Yingxiong roared.

Several elders behind him rushed out at the same time, each manifesting their own soul ring weapons, and attacked Kane.

Kane fought against the crowd with one opponent, still laughing endlessly.

On the arm, purple and black air filled the air. He was originally tall and majestic, but compared to the ferocious state of the ghost hand at this time, he still looked a lot slender.

"Let's do it too. Brother Ninth of the province said that we are cheating and cheating... This time we will completely destroy the Tang family, but remember that we can only attack reincarnations, and don't hurt ordinary people. The grievances between reincarnations are generally Live slime is dealt with, but once ordinary people are involved, even if you can survive the increase in the difficulty of the secret realm, I will not help the law enforcement to deal with you."

Deng Yang turned around and gave instructions to his subordinates.

Of course, it is more likely that he gave orders to his right-hand assistant.

More than a dozen elite reincarnators organized by Ghost, as well as Kane's subordinates rushed towards the Tang family at the same time.

In a sense, this can be regarded as public revenge, right?

Lin Bin thought in his heart that the attack was much more ruthless than the other apostles.

The reason why he and the Tang family are still in peace until now is because he never took the initiative to attack the Tang family, and because the secret realm of the Tang family was suddenly destroyed, they didn't care about avenging Tang Tianhao at all.

In fact, if Lin Bin once showed the magic mirror in the real world.

I'm afraid everyone in the Tang family will immediately understand that it was he who killed their Patriarch.

There may not be any revenge for the Patriarch, but they will definitely try their best to take back the magic mirror.

From this point of view, it will be a matter of time before the conflict between the two parties breaks out...

That being the case, it would be better to avenge the Tang family publicly and let the Tang family collapse!
Moreover, he can use the Tang family to get a glimpse of Kane's true strength, and use the enemy to defeat the enemy...

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Lin Bin simulated the strength of a person who is at the peak of the Transcendent Realm~Peak Reincarnation. For him now, he can reach this level with just a casual sword, and the corner of his eye is always behind Kane.

Watch him fight against four Saint-level reincarnations and three Transcendent-Peak reincarnations with his own strength.

The ghost hand had only spread to the shoulders before.

But when the battle was in full swing, the purple palms could not stop spreading, until the neck was also infected and turned into a purple-black color.

But he was not affected at all.

In other words, after Kane entered the fighting state, his whole person was violent and bloodthirsty, and his fit with the ghost hand was obviously much stronger than other people.

The battle came quickly and ended very quickly.

Kane alone suppressed the most high-end power of the entire reincarnation family.

Just half an hour later...

The Tang family was already littered with corpses.

But those who die are reincarnations.

The ordinary Tang family has already been driven aside.

This can also be regarded as the dividing line between reincarnated people and ordinary people...

The life and death of the reincarnated person is ordinary, and ordinary people are not involved, so they are not under the management of the superintendent, but belong to the reincarnation association.

As for the disputes among reincarnators, unless the quarrel is too much, the Reincarnation Association will generally let it go, and this is obviously the confidence that Kane and the others dare to do it.

The ghost organization has a lot of influence in the local area, so it can easily disguise the situation as the appearance of a personal grievance between the two parties...

After a while, six of the seven elders of the Tang family died tragically.

The only surviving Tang Tianyun was lying on the ground covered in blood. The reason why he was still alive was entirely because Kane deliberately spared his life.

At this time, upon hearing Kane's request, he stared at Kane with a pair of unbelievable eyes.

He shouted in a crying voice: "Do you want to find out the whereabouts of those two reincarnations? You want to tell me, what are you doing, we are looking for them too... You have a way, tell me, Why don't you say it? Isn't it good for us to join forces to deal with them? Why do you want to beat us..."

Kane blinked in confusion when he heard the words, then turned to look at Deng Yang.

That's right...the two sides actually have the same purpose and can cooperate completely.

Why didn't they make this idea from the beginning, but just called in to get clues?

(End of this chapter)

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