when reincarnation invades

Chapter 234 Do You Feel Much More Comfortable Thinking That Way?

Chapter 234 Do You Feel Much More Comfortable Thinking That Way?

Kane gave Deng Yang a reproachful look.

It's all the fault of this guy, the tone of the words is completely typing in and forcing clues, and even he was taken into the ditch in the end.

But they neglected that these two people were not only people they wanted to kill quickly, but the Tang family even hated them even more...

You must know that the secret realm of the Tang family was destroyed in the hands of these two people, and they wished that the whole world would be against these two people.

If they come to explain their purpose, maybe they can add a powerful assistant to themselves.

At the very least, if he can connect with the Tang family, maybe he doesn't even have to cooperate with Deng Yang.

The Tang family can also play the role of local snake.

At that time, he will get S-level props, and the Tang family will have to take revenge...

In this way, the Tang family is actually a better partner than the No.11 apostle.

Just looking at Kane's eyes, Deng Yang understood what he was thinking.

Deng Yang explained: "Ninth brother, you are thinking too much, these high-ranking courtyards have high standards, if we don't get rid of them now, do you believe that you can't even see the faces of these old men? Cooperation? They only think about how to squeeze you dry, how to cross rivers and demolish bridges... To cooperate with them, you have to keep one eye open even when you sleep, because you have to be careful of the stabs from behind."

"It makes sense."

Kane laughed and said: "It's more enjoyable to cooperate with the eleventh brother. At least we can compete fairly in this way. I don't have to worry about the backstabbing from behind."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Tang Tianyun.

Coldly asked: "Since you know our purpose, why don't you obediently hand over to me all the information you have about those two reincarnations?"

Tang Tianyun's lips trembled, and he said angrily: "You...you are too deceitful, even if we don't cooperate, at least you should tell your purpose before you start, maybe this dispute can be avoided?"

Lin Bin comforted: "You can completely assume that the casualties of your Tang family were actually caused by those two reincarnations, and after so many sacrifices, you finally succeeded in sending the information to the real enemies of the two reincarnations." In your hand, don't you feel a lot more comfortable just thinking about it this way?"

Deng Yang: "And there is a saying that it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Although the Tang family was powerful before, you could not be the master or the master. It is not like now, people with higher status than you are dead. Although the current Tang family has weakened a lot, at least you are the master of the house, right? From this point of view, you should be grateful to us."

Tang Tianyun: "......"

This time, even Kane felt that what Deng Yang said was a bit bullying.

He coughed and said, "Eleventh Brother, be careful with your words. We should put the task first. If we get mad, we won't get anything."

"Alright, hurry up and get it."

Tang Tianyun glared at Lin Bin and Deng Yang angrily, but he has never been swayed by emotions, just like now he is full of hatred for these two people, but he still feels that what they say...in fact, it is true Not without reason.

Right now, the Tang family has existed in name only.

All he needs to do is survive.

After half an hour.

"We have been investigating the origins of the two reincarnations during this period of time, but their movements are too fast, and we have not obtained any useful information. I am not lying about this, because if we really find their traces If it is, it may not be your turn to take action, and we will avenge ourselves. After all, the hatred of destroying the secret realm is even greater than the hatred of killing the father and taking the wife, because they are equivalent to killing The father of all of us slept with the wives of all the Tang family."

While explaining to several people, Tang Tianyun said: "You want information about those two people, but what I can give you now is the surveillance at that time."

With that said, he stuffed a videotape into the player.

Kane asked: "Can you see the figures of those two people clearly?"

Tang Tianyun replied: "It's ok, but it's just the face, I still can't see clearly."

"That's fine. As long as I can see the figures of those two people clearly, I can find their traces."

Tang Tianyun had a pleasant expression on his face when he heard the words, but thinking of the current situation of the Tang family, he couldn't help but sighed a long time, and said: "If you go in directly, tell us that you can help us find the two destroyed If we are the enemies of the secret realm, we will directly treat you as guests of honor, how can there be such a life and death?"

At this moment, in his mind, he had already regarded Kane in front of him as a psychopath.

Kane ignored him and stared at the screen in the monitor seriously.

These pictures have obviously been seen many times, and there is no useless picture for one more second. At the beginning of the picture, there are two figures covered with black veils, and they are passing by various monitors at an extremely fast speed. He didn't mean to hide his figure, but his speed was as fast as lightning.

If the supervisors were not paying special attention, they might only see two black shadows before disappearing.

Corresponding to the speed of these two people is the defense of the Tang family, which can be called a decoration.

There are many reincarnations in the Tang family, and there are no less than ten people at the holy level.

But no one was here, and such an important place was driven straight in. Watching the two throw something into the secret realm, the entrance of the secret realm began to swell and expand, and then slowly shrank and disappeared.

Lin Bin looked deeply at the two figures.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, the fist in his sleeve couldn't help but clenched lightly, a slightly shocked expression appeared on his face, and then turned into a natural one.

Kane sneered and said, "You still want to cooperate with me? If I knew that the Tang family is such a waste, I should have called you directly from the beginning and made you submit...Eleventh brother, you even specially investigate intelligence or something, it is too much for these people." Save face."

As Tang Tianyun said, while the two moved extremely fast, they also perfectly avoided all the frontal angles of the surveillance. Coupled with wearing masks, they could even see the male and female figures. Not sure, let alone face.

Kane took out a camera and adjusted one of the frames.

With a click, he took a picture directly.

Said: "Let's go."

"Is that all right?"

"Yes, as long as they are photographed by my positioning camera and the photos are developed, they will naturally be found."

Kane said: "Time is precious. I'll take a few more photos. When the time comes, I will use your staff, Brother Eleven, to assign staff to all places in this city and surrounding cities, especially the Samsara Space Association. The two must be reincarnations, so they must return to the reincarnation association, let's wait on the sidelines, not afraid of him running away."

Deng Yang suddenly realized that this was the reason why he was willing to cooperate with him.

He needs a lot of unobtrusive hands...

"Don't worry, Brother Nine, leave this to me."

Deng Yang glanced at Lin Bin, seemed to realize something, and said, "Brother Ninth, go back first, and let me deal with it here."

"Well, keep your hands and feet clean."

Kane exhorted casually, turned and walked out.

Tang Tianyun seemed to realize something, and said in shock: "Wait...no...you don't believe what you say..."

His legs were slightly bent, and he wanted to use his soul skills to fly out immediately.

But the next moment, an extremely thick black mist lingered, covering his five senses, but Tang Tianyun didn't care, no matter what was blocking him in front of him, as long as he broke through all the barriers, the black mist would still be boundless Endless?

Then, he took the initiative to rush towards an extremely sharp long sword.

The long sword didn't move, and there was no sound of wind.

Tang Tianyun was obscured by the smoke and cloud, so he couldn't see anything, so naturally he couldn't notice it.

The sharp blade passed directly through the throat.

The last time Lin Bin and Deng Yang teamed up was the last time.

At that time, in order to deal with Wang Ling, the two Xiaomengxin almost went all out, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. Now that both of them have stepped into the holy level, the tacit understanding is obviously stronger than before.

After all, Tang Tianyun was also a saint-level reincarnator. Facing the combination of the two, he didn't even make a decent resistance, and died tragically.

"Kill all the reincarnations of the Tang family!"

Deng Yang's voice was deep and cold, like the sun without any warmth on a cold day.

He instructed his subordinates: "Then pretend to be seeking revenge, remember not to let people find out..."


The subordinates went to do it immediately.

"That's what we call cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots."

Deng Yang said with a smile to Lin Bin: "Congratulations, you can finally use that mirror prop in this world openly, and the Tang family will no longer pose a threat to you."

"Thanks to you this time."

Lin Bin sighed: "I was still thinking about how to deal with the Tang family. I killed their patriarch, and the two sides were already dying, but I didn't expect them to lie down before I made a move. These two assists are really great. Helped me a lot."

"Twice busy? The second time is of course me. I'm afraid you won't be able to remember this meal for the time being. I'll let you honor it later. But the first time...do you know these two people?"

"I do know."

A serious look appeared on Lin Bin's face, and he said, "One of them once experienced in the secret realm with me, and the two of us are close friends, but we didn't get in touch again..."

Deng Yang admired: "You don't even show your face, and you can recognize who it is with such a blurred figure. You two must be true love."


"Let's go, find a restaurant and talk slowly, this time I don't accept transfers, I'll ask you to wash your feet after eating."

an hour later.

In a fly house, the two finally sat together for the first time.

I ordered a duck blood vermicelli soup, fried pork red, and cold donkey blood, but in the end I was concerned about Lin Bin's taste, so I ordered a rice noodle meat for him.

Two barrels of draft beer.

After clinking glasses, Lin Bin said: "One of the two people's reincarnation name is Changfeng. According to my speculation, he should not be an ordinary person, but a stranger. In fact, the main purpose of his entering that secret realm was to be in the secret realm. Protect me in the hands of the apostles, because at that time, the apostles are planning on me!"

"But now, you are sitting with the apostle, chatting about the details of the person who protects you."

Deng Yang smiled and said: "I'm afraid you couldn't imagine the scene now."

Lin Bin shook his head and smiled, and said, "It's not this that shocked me, but the fact that the apostle wanted to deal with me at that time was related to an S-level prop!"

Deng Yang's expression became serious, and he asked, "You mean, the S-class item that Kane was looking for that was lost many years ago is actually related to the S-class item that you were plotted against?"

Lin Bin nodded.

There was a slight sense of crisis in my heart again.

He originally thought that what happened that time was over. Of the seven people who survived back then, only three survived now.

But as Deng Yang took over the new apostle position, the Kingdom of God never targeted them again.

But now it seems...

According to the tone of Deng Yang's description to him before, the effect of this S-level prop is even more miraculous than ordinary S-level props.

Deng Yang took a deep look at Lin Bin, and asked, "Could it be that... the two S-level props that our Divine Kingdom plans to plan are in your hands?"

"Don't make trouble, He's Bi is indeed in my hands, but I haven't even seen the shadow of that S-rank item."


Naturally, Deng Yang would not doubt Lin Bin.

He frowned and said, "Then you're the one to blame... Wait, you said you were always looking for this Chang Feng? You just couldn't find it?"

Lin Bin: "In order to find him, I planted two hidden nails in his organization, but in the end, there was no sign of him, can you believe it?"

Deng Yang: "You are really good at installing nails. There are two in the Kingdom of God, and two in that plane. It's currently a two-to-two tie. The last vote is crucial..."

Lin Bin kicked Deng Yang and complained: "Don't be kidding, I feel heavy in my heart."

"I'm not kidding, I know what you mean, you are worried about your sister's safety, but you are also concerned about it, it's messed up, don't forget that Kane who is in charge of this matter is still in our hands, and we borrow his props Zhizhu, we can still find the Chang Feng you are looking for, isn’t this killing two birds with one stone? By the way, you wanted to find out about Kane before, how did it go?”

"His hands have the power of ghosts, so there should be evil spirits in his hands, but while he is controlling these ghosts, he is also suffering from the backlash of these ghosts. You should have noticed that his arms are getting more and more corroded during the battle. , almost to the neck at the end."

Lin Bin naturally knew the abilities and weaknesses of the ghost hand for a long time, and he slowly revealed some of the information he knew in the form of speculation.

"But after the battle, the corrosion was quickly suppressed back. It seems that within a certain extent, the corrosion can be completely reversed, but I don't know if the corrosion can be reversed after the whole body is corroded?"

"Well, and according to my guess, the glove should be a seal, but if he encounters an enemy attack, he won't have time to take off the glove. If he doesn't make up for such a big weakness, he can't become an apostle, so he must have another strengthening system. Or simply have powerful props to make up for this weakness!"

"There is also a bracelet on his wrist, which is also a sealed item, a double seal. It seems that he is also very afraid of the ghost breaking away."


Deng Yang took a deep look at Lin Bin.

Both of them had weird smiles on their faces.

Although there are still S-level props.

But didn't Nitz also have S-level props back then, but she was still dead.

Now that both Lin Bin and Deng Yang have S-level items, it seems that it is not a problem to deal with an S-level item.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Deng Yang answered the phone.

Nodding a few times, he said: "My ninth brother is looking for me. He has developed more than 20 copies of the photos. I will send people to gather in all the places where Changfeng may appear, and try to find them as soon as possible. Tell him, on your side, should you continue to follow me, or..."

"I'm going with you."

Lin Bin stood up and said, "S-level props, you must guard against them!"

"Well, remember not to make up the last knife this time. The last knife is reserved for my partner, not for you. This time the risk is very high. With you here, I am more at ease!"

"Don't worry, you've already called him brother, are you afraid you won't be able to kill him?"

Deng Yang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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