when reincarnation invades

Chapter 235 This Is the Smell of a Good Man

It is said to be cooperation, but it is naturally not worth Lin Bin's hard work to find someone next.

Deng Yang has so many subordinates, could it be that they can eat nothing...

After paying so much money for five insurances, it is natural to use it when it is time to use it.

Don't be idle.

Lin Bin went home to wait for the news.

This trip to destroy the Tang family, he didn't make a real move. Kane directly paralyzed the entire elite of the Tang family.

This also woke up Lin Bin's heart.

The reincarnation space here is not like the reincarnation space I imagined, the casualty rate is so high, which leads to the fact that the reincarnation is almost equivalent to the protagonist with great luck.

Shuttle experience in various worlds, as long as you don't die, you can improve your own strength to an astonishing level.

And the best among them may not be able to achieve as much as him in a single experience in the secret realm, but they are superior in the fact that they have experienced so many worlds. If you save a little in this world and steal a little in another world, the overall experience may not be inferior to him. go.

Just like this Kane, if he fights recklessly with his real strength, Lin Bin may not really have any advantage against him, especially the Ssangyong Phantom Sword does not take advantage of the ghost hand.

That is to say, I got the Xuanyuan Sword recently, otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't even need to fight.

But even so, the sense of crisis in his heart was even heavier.

Whether he is facing the old demon of Montenegro or this Kane, he doesn't take advantage of it. If he wants to compete with them on an equal footing, he must practice all the skills he has mastered to a very high level of proficiency.

Come back home.

Then I started to study Xuanyuan Sword Jue and Tiangang Beidou Formation seriously.

In the blink of an eye, another six or seven days passed.

It was quite peaceful during this period, and Lin Bin finally had enough time to slowly settle his own cultivation, especially combining Xuanyuan Sword Jue with Tiangang Beidou Formation. The mind is so great that it is almost beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

That is to say, the current Lin Bin has absorbed all the essence of the evil emperor's relics, and his energy is unbelievable. Otherwise, he might not be able to support such consumption.

But even so.

After tentatively displaying the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, Lin Bin also felt rare fatigue.

During this period of time, some small episodes also occurred.

For example, after returning from training, Houhou ran to Lin Bin's house immediately, hugged him tightly and hugged him very rarely, which was completely inconsistent with her style of a little witch who didn't give or take advantage of her.

"Brother, you don't know how perverted that world is, a bunch of scumbags gathered together."

Speaking of this matter, Hou Hou had lingering fear on his face, and sighed: "The old scumbag slept with the girl, put on his pants and refused to admit it, and even joined forces with outsiders to beat his wife to death. The big scumbag slept with the apprentice and was not responsible. Blame the apprentice for seducing herself, ruining her martial arts, and taking away their children... The little scumbag slept with his sister and cheated on his younger sister, and he didn't even care about his own flesh and blood, letting an innocent little life die... "

She blinked her bright eyes, tightly hugging Lin Bin's arm tightly.

Said: "It can't be done, I have to inhale the smell of a good man, otherwise, what if I lose confidence in a man?"

Lin Bin: "I didn't expect you to classify me as a good man, should I thank you?"

"Senior brother, you don't need to be polite to others, just let them hug you... Well... Such a warm embrace, so comfortable, such a solid sense of security."

Lin Bin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But looking at the lingering fear on Houhou's face, the so-called nausea is second to none. It is probably because the world view has been baptized, and he is here to comfort and act like a baby.

Naturally, he comforted her very kindly at the moment, and left her to have a light meal at home along the way.


The little girl looked at Concubine Dongjun Yan who was wearing an apron and had the posture of a gentle young woman, and she was shocked from ear to ear.

She said in surprise: "You, you, you... You just lived here temporarily? Why haven't you moved out after so long?"

Concubine Yan smiled and said: "Fei Yan's house is next door, because I am grateful to Brother Bin for taking care of me, so when I have nothing to do on weekdays, I just help him wash and cook to show my gratitude."

Houhou has a delicate appearance, especially her picturesque eyebrows, agile eyes, delicate and cute, just like a cute elf.

But compared to Concubine Dongjun Yan, who was dressed in home clothes and didn't show a little skin, but was charming and charming, she was obviously overwhelmed in terms of temperament.

She watched Concubine Dongjunyan sit beside Lin Bin very naturally, and took the chopsticks he handed over.

Well... the co-author is also a scumbag.

The two of them have such a tacit understanding that they won't believe anything happened.

Not to mention that people have been married and even had children...

Even if something happens, you can completely not take any responsibility, and the final psychological burden is gone, so why don't you just ramp up the output with all your energy?
I'm so small~ I opened my mouth, bowed my head and went to cook.

He couldn't stop muttering that men don't have a good thing, and it's really for the good of others that Master Zhu let him cut off his relationship.

But after taking a few bites, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he looked up at Lin Bin in surprise.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Thousand-year-old centipede meat can improve your skills. I know that you haven't come back from the secret realm, so I specially left it for you. It may not be as fresh as before, but the effect has not been reduced. This meal may be worth it for you." A year of penance."

"Thank you, brother, you are really kind to others."

It is conceivable that if Concubine Yan wasn't by her side, Hou Hou couldn't help but rush over again.


What a joke, such a delicious and effective good thing, my brother still misses me when I am not here, this alone will crush that old and three generations of scumbags more than ten times.

That night.

Wan Wan ate to his heart's content.

By the way, I also had the cheek to pack and take away a lot.

And in the next few days, the frequency of her visits to the phantom sound treasure box was obviously much higher. It seemed that she had the intention of supervising Concubine Yan to prevent her from gaining the moon first.

Lin Bin didn't care about this.

Ever since Concubine Yan moved to live next door, the mother and daughter began to sleep separately...

However, Gao Yue is obviously obsessed with her mother, so from time to time she has to hug the pillow sleepily to find her mother.

Therefore, he really has no chance.

But he doesn't care...

Some things, it is a rare enjoyment not to eat and lick the taste.

They are all adults, some things don't need to be said too clearly, just a look in the church can understand the meaning of the other party.

The feeling of sneaking is more exciting.

at the moment……

It is still mainly to improve the cultivation base.

ten days later.

Deng Yang called Lin Bin, without any politeness, and said bluntly, "I found the Changfeng you were looking for."

"So fast?"

Lin Bin, who was practicing with his legs crossed, straightened his waist even more.

There was a serious look on his face.

He had asked Houhou who was also walking on the same plane before, and even Ilya had asked for help, but after several months, there was no trace of Changfeng, and he seemed to have disappeared.

But who knew that the kingdom of God had already found his trace in less than ten days.

"Who would have imagined that a majestic reincarnation, a powerful time traveler, and walking in another plane, would pretend to be an ordinary farmer?"

Deng Yang exclaimed: "It means that there are so many ghost horses. Otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find this pony...Oh, by the way, this Changfeng pony, who goes out early and returns late in the farmland every day, isn't there someone? As for that photo, I can't believe that he is the person we are looking for!"


Lin Bin was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and muttered, "I didn't expect my previous speculation to be true."

"What speculation?"

"Nothing, when are you going?"

"Let's go now!"

Deng Yang said: "After waiting for so many days, Kane has already been impatient. Really, I have never seen someone who is so impatient to die."

"I'll be right there."

"Get ready, especially your S-class item, bring it with you."

Deng Yang said: "I have S-level props, and Kane also has them. If you don't have them, you will be at a disadvantage, and you have seen his strength. If you want to kill him, the two of us can't hold back."

"Don't worry, I always carry it with me."

Lin Bin stood up and said with a smile, "A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, let alone a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex, so we must not relax."

Change clothes immediately.

Wear a mask made by Lu Miaozi himself.

In the past, Lin Bin's disguise was quite superficial, but since Lu Miaozi, there is a human skin mask made by him.

Lin Bin's disguise was even more perfect.

No one would associate him with Abin.

He called a taxi and rushed to meet Deng Yang.

After half an hour.

When he arrived at the agreed place, he realized that the number of people this time was much less than when he dealt with the Tang family before. There were only seven or eight elite reincarnations, and Kane's men were only Two came, apparently with the idea of ​​borrowing the power of ghosts to preserve their own strength.

Deng Yang said to Lin Bin: "There are only two opponents, so Brother Nine means that soldiers are more expensive than elites, and he has the props to interrogate the real news. What we need to do is to prevent them from escaping, let's go, I'll be waiting for you."

Lin Bin nodded, already understood the meaning of Deng Yang's words.

Lin Bin was acting as a subordinate at this time.

Naturally, he is not qualified to ride in a car with Deng Yang and Kane, and his simple temperament is really not good at such a killer move like Deng Yang, but he can still call Ninth Brother affectionately, Make an appointment to eat and wash your feet at night.

Three cars set off one after another.

Soon, he drove out of the urban area and turned onto a small road that was only two meters wide.

Bumpy all the way, more and more remote.

After driving for more than two hours, the three cars were already far away from the urban area, and the surrounding area was almost surrounded by scattered mountains. The lush farmland seemed to be cut into the green forest, hidden on the uneven mountainous area. , quite a feeling of paradise.

It's hidden in such a place, no wonder I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked for it before.

Lin Bin closed his eyes.

Fine perception...

Sure enough, he felt an extremely secretive aura from behind. It seems that it should be the backhand arranged by Deng Yang.

Lin Bin also closed his eyes and rested his mind, slowly warming up his internal energy.

After a long time.

As the car stopped, Lin Bin suddenly opened his eyes and looked out through the car window. At this time, three cars were parked side by side on a flat ground on a mountainside, and in the distance, he could still see To those farmers who are driving their old oxen to plow the field...

The terrain here is too steep, and a lot of equipment cannot be climbed, so the human farming method of many years ago is still maintained.

And one of the young men, with long flowing hair and a handsome face, is only slightly inferior to Lin Bin.

At this time, he was sweating profusely holding the plow rake, and his movements were extremely skillful. At first glance, he thought he was a young man from a rich family who went to the countryside to experience life. What can you do?

And this time.

Noticing that the car stopped in front of them, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the group of visitors curiously.

Suddenly, the first car was directly torn apart by a black cloud.

From the middle of the black shadows, a figure like electricity and light struck straight at the young handsome man.

"Everyone, spread out, they are coming for me."

Chang Feng let out a cry of alarm, no longer caring about hiding his actions.

Jumping up in the air, he raised his leg and kicked towards Kane who was rushing in the air. The strength of his leg was unpredictable and unpredictable, but it contained unparalleled strength that could easily resist the black light.

bang bang bang...

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have already fought several moves.

Changfeng's strength is obviously much stronger than that group of elders in the Tang family.

In the face of Kane's surprise attack, he went straight to the ghost's hand with a mortal body, but he was not affected by it at all.

And as the two sides attacked one after another, Changfeng only felt a wave of dark and evil thoughts invade his heart.

I know that the person who comes from the other party is not good.

He let out a low growl, and the surrounding wind was stronger.

With heavy leg colliding with the ghost's hand, Changfeng already used his strength to escape to the distance.

"Hahahaha, escape, if you escape, I will kill everyone here!"

Kane sneered, holding the ferocious ghost hands and sharp claws with his backhand. The huge ghost shadow giant claws were accompanied by a rumbling and huge earthquake, which almost shook the entire mountain trembling endlessly, making everyone unable to bear it. A sense of panic and want to kneel.

And the giant claws fell from the sky, attacking all the farmers!
Changfeng rushed back faster than when he fled.

Angrily shouted: "Despicable!"

Lift your leg and step hard on a boulder nearby.

In a loud bang.

He had already held a cold, thick-backed ring knife in his hand.

backhand chop...

The cold ice knife attack the giant claw of the ghost hand.

Boom bursts.

The knife qi had already shattered when it touched the ghost hand, but the icy air attacked along with it, freezing the huge ghost hand into a giant ice sculpture.

"Break me!"

Chang Feng shouted loudly, and slashed out again.

The ghost hand, which had no real substance, was directly chopped to pieces, and countless ice shards spread in all directions.

"Hahahaha... Interesting, this kind of battle is more interesting."

Kane raised his finger to Chang Feng, and said with a smirk: "Come on, do your best to protect these innocent people, there are not many opportunities to be a lone hero, so seize it.

Chang Feng looked dignified.

He shouted: "Do it!"

The voice fell.

Two snake-like vines broke out from the ground and ran along Kane's two calves, binding him tightly.

Another thin figure appeared.

He looked warily at Lin Bin and the others in the car.

"Your target is me, where are you looking?!"

Kane laughed wildly, covered with ghostly blue flames, directly burning the vines to death.

But taking advantage of this difficult situation, the expressions of those people who were still working before were greatly changed in fright, and they fled to the outside in a hurry.

And Changfeng took the opportunity to stand between Kane and the common people. If he wanted to pursue him, he had to cross his line.

Lin Bin and the others also stood apart at the same time, sealing the two of them together with Kane in an invisible space.

"This time, you have no escape."

Kane sneered and said, "With so many people taking action, no matter how strong you are, it's hard to escape from Ascension. It's better to obediently catch them with nothing."

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