when reincarnation invades

Chapter 236 New S-Class Items

Chapter 236 New S-Class Items

Changfeng stood with a knife in his hand, his expression full of dignity.

The cultivation he showed is completely different from when he cooperated with Lin Bin.

The origin of his family has allowed his strength to improve extremely fast, especially the support of many natural and earthly treasures from other worlds, as well as the concept of martial arts, so that he has accumulated a lot of strength.

Under the explosion of true energy accumulated over the years...

Up to now, its strength is much stronger than ordinary saint-level reincarnation.

In particular, the unique family-inherited secret knowledge allowed him to get rid of the limitation that martial arts experts could not attack from a long distance. The cold sword's aura was so cold that it could cut everything within 40 meters.

But in the face of this man of unknown origin with a ghostly aura around him, even though he had played all his cards, he never took advantage of it for a moment.

Especially when the other party came step by step, the gloomy aura around him was also rising steadily. After a few steps, it had risen to the point where Chang Feng was terrified.

"Come on, if that's all you have, you can call the coffin shop now and order a coffin that fits your size."

Kane hooked Chang Feng with his ghost hand, and said with a sneer, "Or are you planning to surrender? There is an old saying in your China that those who know the current affairs are heroes... Surrender is not ashamed..."

"The idea is hard, it's hard to handle, and it's shoulder-to-shoulder!"

The long wind whistled, stomped the ground hard, and jumped high into the sky. The strong wind gathered and transformed the boundless chill. A 40-meter-high ice blade carried the force to smash Huashan, and slashed straight towards Kane.

The attack was menacing, and before the saber energy arrived, Kane's foothold was already sunken.

Kane laughed wildly, raised his hand to hold the skates, and protected his whole body with a ghostly aura. Although the cold air penetrated every hole, it couldn't get close to Kane's body at all.

But behind him...

The long-haired young man shouted: "Look at my rose thorn whip blade!"

Several vines full of roses attacked Kane's vital points at the same time from different angles.

"How dare you make an axe with a little trick of carving insects?"

Kane sneered, the ghost hand gradually extended to his shoulders, and the whip blade wrapped around his body, but there was no trace of blood. Instead, it gradually withered due to the touch of ghost energy, and did not cause any damage to the enemy at all.

"Come here for me."

On the contrary, the young man was held by Kane with the whip blade and pulled hard. He lost his balance and was dragged towards Kane in a stumble.

"Look at my Fenghua round dance array!"

The long-haired man didn't panic at all. Although he flew in the direction of Kane, with his thin body, he might not be able to last two or three rounds in close combat.

But he had other means. The withered and falling petals suddenly turned into sharp blades, and at the same time, they spun and strangled Kane.

At this time, Changfeng's 40-meter ice skate was blocked, and the awe-inspiring knife aura suddenly turned into softness around the fingers, and the cold blade unexpectedly showed dozens of sharp and unparalleled knife auras out of thin air, interspersed with rose petals at various angles, and the two sides joined forces , In just a short moment, a lore formation has been formed, without any gaps for evasion, directly approaching all the vital points around Kane.

at the same time.

Fengshen's legs are also as fast as a gust of wind, and his moves are continuous.

However, Chang Fengyi was so bold that he wanted to rush into the siege of the formation and fight with him in close quarters.

"Jie Jie Jie... Well done, well done."

Kane still had the upper hand facing the two at the same time, but the price was obviously not small. At this time, the ghost hand had eroded all the way from the previous wrist, to the shoulders, chest, and now even the neck. The curved tendons.

But he was very pleased to see the opponent's distressed appearance when he was forced to play all the cards.

There was endless laughter, especially the ghost energy not only helped him to attack the enemy, but also eroded himself, making him more murderous.

One against two.

Especially the opponent is still a long-range, one close-combat team with an extremely tacit understanding.

But it was still unspeakably miserable to be suppressed by him.

Especially Changfeng, the combination of the knife and the legs, the knife is more powerful than the legs, and the legs are more sharp than the knife, like a gust of wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the power is incomparable.

For a moment, he couldn't tell the difference between the knife and the leg, and any enemy would be in a hurry when encountering such an attack that was so fast that it almost exceeded his reaction.

But Kane's ghostly aura permeated the surroundings, as if countless eyes were monitoring the surrounding movements.

Take all his actions into his eyes...

Not only did it block the dripping water, but it also took advantage of the gap to fight back, causing a lot of damage to Chang Feng.

Although his body was also cut into countless small wounds by Dao Qi Qiangwei, and his blood flowed profusely, looking extremely miserable... But at this time, the blood flow actually aroused the tyrant's desire in his wrist even more. The ferocity is even more arrogant.

Ignoring Xueyin, he chopped off his shoulders, tearing out a deep scar with bone visible.

Kane took advantage of the attack to strike forward, clenched his ghost hand into a fist, and slammed into Changfeng's chest fiercely, just as he collided with Changfeng's legs.

A battle of sheer force and force.

Stand tall.

Chang Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, and was sent flying out viciously.

After landing more than ten meters away, he still couldn't stand still, and staggered back and forth further and further.

With one blow, Kane had a ferocious smile on his face, and was about to say something with a sneer.

But watching the long wind recede farther and farther, farther and farther away.

He suddenly discovered something, his face showed an angry look after being teased, and he said angrily: "Bastard, you are playing hard, do you want to escape?"

Turn around and look.

Sure enough, the body of the Tibetan horse who was fighting with him just now gradually turned into petals and scattered, and his real body appeared in the distance, fleeing in two different directions with Changfeng. go.

The enemy's strength is too strong, and only one person makes the two of them almost powerless to fight back.

Not to mention that there are more than a dozen people watching the show... Once these people also make a move...

Changfeng and Zangma are not stupid, they naturally seized the opportunity and escaped if they could.

Kane chased after the two of them, but sadly found that his two short legs couldn't run those two monkey-like creatures at all.

Immediately roared angrily, "Brother Eleven, stop them!"


Seeing that both sides are already in a lose-lose situation.

Deng Yang and Lin Bin exchanged glances and shouted, "Do it!"


The swords of Duan Shui and Zhen Gang were like shooting stars, and with a sharp sound of piercing through the air, they hit Kane's back heart.

A loud bang.

The ghostly hand transformed into a shield, and had directly blocked the two sharp swords, but the momentum was still there. Even though Kane stood on the ground with his feet, he was still forced back several meters, and two deep slashes were plowed on the ground. soil trough.

A bit of anger appeared on Kane's ugly face that had already condensed countless purple veins, and he said coldly: "Eleventh brother, although it is said that the competition is fair, it is too early for you to betray the water now, isn't it?"

Obviously, he regarded Deng Yang's attack as a competition to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

"If I really wait until the S-level props appear, it will be too late for me to make a move."

Deng Yang followed the other party's words and said with a light smile: "Ninth brother, don't blame me, you also said fair competition, then I borrow the power of my ghost organization, you can understand, right? Now that these two people have been found, go on You just need to follow the vine to find out, Brother Nine, you are useless."

"Hey hey hey, that's right... I underestimated you before and thought you were too spineless, but I didn't expect you to wait for me here, okay, okay, you're right, now I have found these two Man, all we need to do next is follow the vine, brother eleven, you are useless."

As he said that, Kane controlled it with his ghostly hand, turned into two demonic qi, and eroded towards the two swords.

"Look at my two swords combined!"

Lin Bin let out a long roar, since he couldn't call out moves, so he made up a random word.

The twin swords of Zhen Gang and Duan Shui drew a wonderful curve in the air, like two masters of the martial arts strengthening system, they avoided the erosion of ghost energy lightly, and attacked Kane's vitals.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Kane gasped in surprise.

For a moment, he was forced back again and again by the two unmanned long swords. No matter how powerful the ghost hand was, it couldn't touch the two swords at all, and was directly restrained by them.

next moment.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly fell into a silent black and white.

Step into the holy.

The cultivation base has been greatly improved. Today's Lin Bin's cultivation base is extremely high, and then he uses the world to fade, and the effect is completely different from before.

Kane opened his mouth, but was astonished to find that even his hearing was severely restricted, as if a person could not speak in water.

Only the two swords still had color, attacking his vitals.

Kane let out a low growl, feeling threatened by these two swords, it was even more stressful than facing Changfeng and Zangma at the same time before.

For a moment, the ghostly black color of the ghost hand became heavier, almost spreading to his whole body.

A layer of ghost energy protection was formed on his body, and the two swords were as powerful as a bamboo, but it was difficult to cut through the ghost energy protection.

Really great!

Lin Bin didn't use any more means, not even the two swords that he usually used to conceal the sun and startle the salamander, because he didn't want to reveal his true identity.

And with the strength he has shown so far, it is enough.

Deng Yang is obviously well aware of this...

He laughed loudly and said, "What's the matter, the brother I invited failed to output the whole process? Whether our ghosts can get another S-level item depends on us today, everyone!"

If Deng Yang turns his back on the water, the members of the Ghost Organization will never follow in his footsteps.

But the two apostles compete for an S-level item. Even if this matter is mentioned in front of the first apostle, it is fair and reasonable. Everyone is for profit. No one is more noble than the other. Naturally, it is stronger. Whoever wins!

Thinking of it this way, everyone in Ghost was full of fighting spirit.

Yelling, he rushed towards Kane, and even the several subordinates brought by Kane were directly surrounded by ghosts' masters.

Those who can come here are all the elite among the elite, with high strength.

Now shoot at the same time.

The technology enhancer directly raised two heavy machine guns, and the fierce artillery fire directly submerged Kane.

Even the strengthener of the spiritual power system directly stared at Kane with fixed eyes, seemingly wanting to kill him with his eyes, but in fact, his spiritual power was already like a vast ocean, launching a wave of attacks on him. Another wave of flushing.

The magic way strengthener muttered words.

A series of majestic flames turned into giant dragons, circling and attacking Kane.

Extraordinary reincarnators each have their own strengths.

At the same time, the momentum is astonishing.

Deng Yang laughed even more, and tore off his clothes vigorously, exposing his entire upper body to the sun, and then cursed angrily.

The body suddenly began to swell.

He turned into a giant who was more than two meters tall, and his face changed drastically. Although it was not ferocious, there were black battle patterns on his face, which gave him a somewhat desolate and ancient fierce aura.

The huge wings spread out behind...

His whole body turned into a flying arrow and struck towards Kane!

In the mouth, he shouted even more: "Years!"

Bloodline companion skills.

At the same time, the time of oneself and the enemy is accelerated, and the lifespan of the blood race is infinite, so it will not be damaged.

But Kane's skin really started to show some old wrinkles...

Lin Bin retreated.

The two swords returned to their sheaths, with a look of wonder on their faces.

I didn't expect Deng Yang's strength to be so strong, coupled with the coordinated attack of the entire organization, under this kind of offensive, he could only use the blazing seven rings to forcibly resist, and then return The unskilled Tiangang Big Dipper Formation came to resist.

If there is no Tiangang Beidou Formation, his own strength is definitely not the opponent of these reincarnated people.

Immediately, there was a burst of inexplicable relief.

His speed of progress is too fast. For example, Zhu Yuyan and others were actually much stronger than him before, but now, they have been severely suppressed by him ~ under him.

But this Deng Yang didn't have any foundation, but his strength didn't widen the gap, but kept up with his pace.

This gave him a feeling that he was not alone.

Even today's Lin Bin can feel the pressure, and Kane is obviously unavoidable, not to mention he is still in a state of injury... He really didn't expect that Deng Yang would be so anxious, he didn't even look at the S-level props Seeing that, he couldn't wait to attack him.

Caught off guard, he was seriously injured.

However, after being seriously injured, there was an even more vicious backlash...

"Get out of here!"

Countless attacks were all blasted on him, and a burst of smoke filled the air, mixed with Kane's painful wailing.

In the smoke and dust, there was an extremely angry roar.

Mixed with a loud bang.

A boundless, cruel and dark force spread in all directions. If the previous power of the ghost hand was unknown and greedy, then this brand new force is absolutely deep darkness.

Not mixed with any evil intentions...

But it is the purest evil and evil.

"A group of idiots dare to attack me without knowing my cards. Deng Yang, your stupidity is beyond my imagination!"

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and everyone joined forces, indeed causing a fatal injury to Kane.

But it didn't make him completely lose the ability to fight as expected.

At this time, his left arm was completely exposed in front of everyone.

A red and black, slender but more ominous claw than the ghost hand was exposed.

It glowed with a faint blue light, which was completely different from the purple black of the ghost hand, but as the ghost blue appeared, the corrosion of the ghost hand before it gradually receded, as if it was full of fear for the ghost blue.

And on top of his back.

A gigantic demon figure that seemed both virtual and real seemed to be inlaid on his body.

As Kane slowly stood up straight, the phantom of the demon on his body became taller and taller.

"This is your S-class world item?"

Feeling the boundless breath, Deng Yang's body couldn't help trembling, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes.

Absolutely pure darkness.

Really want.

Lin Bin, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, and said in surprise, "The devil's hand? Nero?"

He couldn't help but instinctively touched the blue rose in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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