when reincarnation invades

Chapter 237 I Can't Protect You This Chapter

Chapter 237 I Can't Protect You This Time

This time it was really flooding the Dragon King Temple.

Lin Bin never expected that he and Kane had the same props from the same person.

Only then did he understand why Kane dared to use the ghost hand wantonly without being afraid of the ghost hand's backlash.

The relationship is actually because he has a bigger hole card...

The blood of the devil Sparta.

From Nero's Demon Hand.

And he also has the ability to demonize.

Although the Tyrant Ghost is strong, but facing the hands of the legendary demon, he is obviously inferior by more than a notch.

"Hahahaha, come on, let's fight, let's fight!"

After being demonized, Kane's expression became even crazier.

"Master Kane, don't panic, we are here to help you!"

Accompanied by a long whistle.

In the distance, several figures who had been hanging from a distance rushed towards this side, and it was impressive that those subordinates who had been entangled by Deng Yang's men had broken free at this time and rushed towards Kane. Come here, I want to join my apostle.

But after the phantom appeared behind Kane, he seemed to lose all his sanity.

The originally tall and majestic body was bent down, as if the phantom was extremely heavy.

His eyes were even more glowing scarlet, how could the bloodthirsty vertical pupils have any brilliance of humanity?

Facing the subordinates who came to help, Kane's palm had an ominous blue light, and the next moment he directly held it out.

It's like accumulating energy.

After a brief pause, his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed away.

Accompanied by several shrill screams...

Those subordinates have been directly torn to pieces by Kane.


Kane stared at Deng Yang, opened his mouth to lick the blood dripping on his face from his subordinates, and rushed towards him with a grin.

After demonization, the incomparably powerful power has risen to more than one level. Even if all the elite powers who came here this time were ghosts, it was hard to resist his power.

Deng Yang waved his huge wings behind his back, and retreated to the rear, not fighting him recklessly.

But even if the blood race itself is agile and vigorous, coupled with the strengthening of the werewolf's powerful strength, his speed is actually inferior to Kane's by more than a notch.

next moment……

Kane has appeared in front of him.

"Want to kill me? I want your life first!"

Kane grinned, obviously not losing his mind as expected.

True Devil's Claw grabbed Deng Yang's chest.

"Do you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Deng Yang let out a low growl, his body suddenly swelled a few minutes, his body gradually grew hair like steel needles, and his face became even more hideous.


Two monsters that look like humans but are not humans have collided together.

A contest of absolute power.

Deng Yang was pushed back again and again, and his feet plowed out two deep pits on the ground... But with the dual bloodlines blessed by the ancestor bloodline of the werewolf, he was not completely defeated in the contest of strength like Changfeng.

But obviously, he is also at an absolute disadvantage.

"Go away!"

Kane suppressed Deng Yang, saw the surrounding ghosts coming to make trouble, roared angrily, and the phantom behind him turned to face the back, and swung several claws one after another, mixed with fierce demonic energy.

These subordinates who wanted to rescue their leader were torn apart by the devil's grasp.

"Don't come here, this is not an enemy you can deal with!"

At this time, Deng Yang's body had swelled to the point where it was almost the same size as the devil, but compared with the Spartan blood, his Yuanzu blood was obviously inferior...

That is to say, the other party only relied on the arm to erupt. If the original owner had really changed, I am afraid that he would have been crushed into a flesh by now.


Suddenly, a small money sword fell from the sky.

Like a meteor, it stabbed straight at Kane's head.

Kane laughed wildly, suppressed Deng Yang with one arm, and slammed his other hand on his waist and abdomen with a bang, and Deng Yang was thrown flying by him like a cannonball.

Then he raised his hand to block the golden sword.

Take the sword with bare hands!
With the blessing of his amazing dynamic vision, his chance of success is [-]%.

He had even anticipated the next move, took the opponent's weapon, and then used it as a hidden weapon to throw at Deng Yang, beheading him with the enemy's hand.

The movements can also be regarded as chic and handsome.

But the next moment...

The devil's claw held the weapon, and there was a puff of white smoke.

Kane screamed in pain, and the phantom was in a broken state...

With a low growl, his demonic energy became stronger.

The ghost hand followed suit.

Turn all the body except the devil's claw into a ghost state.

It is obvious that he wants to break the money sword with force.


Although B-level weapons are extremely targeted, they are obviously incapable of dealing with world-class props and ghost hands that have started at least A-level.

Lin Bin was not surprised.

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword tightly in his hand, he slashed at Kane with a sword, and even shouted in his mouth: "Take me to the Four Elephant Sword Formation!"

Before entering the Qiannv plane, the four swords were his limit.

But now, for Lin Bin, controlling the four swords is as easy as his arms, and he can even arrange the four swords into a mysterious sword formation...

This can be regarded as one of the reasons why the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is worse than the Zhenwu Seven-section Formation. Even two swords, three swords, and four swords can be formed into a formation. Cutting, the power is obviously stronger.

The four swords of Zhen Gang, Duan Shui, Luan Shen, and Zhuan Po all struck Kane from different angles, passing through the sound of Xuan Ao piercing through the air.

After Kane is demonized, he can almost be immune to the damage of all weapons below C level. However, although there are many of these weapons, each of them has a cold light, which seems to be able to break his defense.

In particular, these sword blades are like slippery loaches, and they are entangled with each other, criss-crossing and almost weaving into an endless giant net, leaving him with no choice but to escape in embarrassment.

While Lin Bin blocked Kane with the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, he rushed behind Deng Yang and stretched out his hand to support his back. The method of Tai Chi unloading force made a perfect circle, and supported him to turn around in a circle. Removing that huge force can be regarded as helping Deng Yang reduce the greatest damage.

"Thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I would have broken bones and tendons all of a sudden."

Deng Yang patted his chest with lingering fear, and exclaimed: "It will take at least a minute to heal the injury, it's terrible."

Lin Bin suddenly had the urge to throw this thing at Kane.

"I didn't expect his S-level props to be so powerful!"

Deng Yang looked at Lin Bin and said, "Where's your hole card? Why don't you show it? Or is this sword array your hole card?"

"My hole card is a passive skill."

Lin Bin naturally understood that Deng Yang's so-called hole cards were actually S-level props.

He said disdainfully: "I have full confidence. After this battle, if he can't kill me, he will be punished by the world!"


Deng Yang blinked, wanting to say what kind of nonsense prop is this?

Afterwards... isn't it afraid that you won't survive afterward?

And what the hell is the world's punishment?

Lin Bin asked back: "Don't talk about me, where are your S-level props?"

"Don't look at me, I really do."

Deng Yang said: "However, my props are too powerful, and I can directly summon an army of dark undead. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Hua Kingdom will not be able to accommodate me... So I can't use it unless it is a last resort. Why do you think the former apostles would not carry it? The S-level props come to our Huaguo? To put it bluntly, he knows that he won’t need them at all.”

The two turned to look at Kane.

At the same time, a look of jealousy appeared in his eyes.

Speaking of powerful, the characteristics of S-class world props are not insignificant, but the limitations of the two of them are extremely great.

And Kane in front of him roared again and again in the face of the four-sword siege, even with the addition of the masters of the ghost organization, they couldn't take him down.

Unless you go all out, you will use all your nine swords!
But the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation has just been obtained, and it is not proficient enough...

Lin Bin looked extremely solemn, but his voice suddenly rang in Deng Yang's ear.

"I know his weakness!"

Deng Yang looked at Lin Bin whose lips did not move in surprise.

"This is the sound transmission of the sound of nature. The sound can directly sound in your heart. If you have something to say, listen and I will say it."

Lin Bin said: "According to my judgment, the Devil's Hand is an S-level item, while the Ghost Hand is an A-level item. Leaving aside the Devil's Hand, the Ghost's Hand actually has a lot of flaws, just like his whole body now. Almost all of them are turned into ghosts. Theoretically speaking, he will be killed by the ghost hand. The reason why he can keep calm is because of the existence of the devil hand. The devil hand can easily suppress the ghost hand. That is to say, as long as the devil As long as the hand is still there, he can use the power of the ghost hand unscrupulously without worrying about backlash."

"You mean..."

"Guess why he didn't just use the stronger demon hand? There must be some restrictions on the use of S-level props?"

Deng Yang's eyes lit up, and he understood Lin Bin's meaning.

He screamed loudly, "I will fight for the opportunity for you, you must wait for the opportunity!"

After all, he has risen to the sky again, with huge wings like blades, slashing towards the demon below.

Lin Bin stood still with a calm demeanor.

Seeing Deng Yang fighting with Kane again, but his strength is inferior to Kane's, and now that Kane is demonized, the gap in strength is even greater.

But Deng Yang has the blood of the werewolf and the blood clan at the same time, and also has the blessing of the blood of the Yuan ancestor, so his resilience is amazing.

Even if the bone is broken, it can be restored in a few seconds.

The fierce battle between the two sides seems to be evenly matched...

In particular, the splash of blood made the battle even more anxious.

And Lin Bin has been watching from the sidelines.

Until a moment later.

His eyes tightened.

The four swords came out again, and when Deng Yang and Kane were facing each other and retreating respectively, the four sharp swords broke through the layers of energy gushing outward.

It directly stabbed at the vital parts of Kane's body.

Kane sneered. He had also heard the phrase "buy the opportunity" before, so he was always on guard.

Seeing Lin Bin dispatched now, he was about to fight back.

But he was directly entangled by a black soft whip...

It was Deng Yang who retreated, his arm suddenly changed into a soft rope, wrapped around Kane's chest, and he rushed back with all his strength, hugging Kane tightly.

Chi Chi Chi.

The four sharp swords pierced directly through Kane's body.

But when he was on guard, the four swords were all painless, piercing his legs or hands and other places.

Lin Bin rushed forward.

The money sword in his hand pierced hard into his chest.

But it was blocked by the Tyrant's skin...

The three of them were tightly entangled together, and with the strength of Lin Bin and Deng Yang, they managed to barely control his movements.

"Hahahaha, but that's all, you still can't deal with me!"

Kane laughed wildly. At this moment, it seemed that the two of them restrained him, but the devilish and ghostly aura was extremely corrosive, and after a while, the two of them would be corroded to death.

Deng Yang raised his head suddenly, and shouted, "Rise with the wind, if you don't make a move now, when will you wait?"


Kane was taken aback.

And Sui Fengqi, who had been hiding in the dark to watch the battle, felt momentary anxiety in his heart when he heard the words, and immediately made up his mind.

When the name is called...

It represented a complete split between him and the ninth apostle.

If he didn't act again, even the Eleven Apostles would be offended by then... Anyway, this Kane didn't take him seriously, so why should he care about anything?
Even if there is a big mistake, there will be No.11 apostle in front of it.

Thinking about it this way, Suifengqi didn't hesitate any more.

Seeing the three stalemate...

He soared up to the sky and reached out to grab his chest.

He actually pulled out a stone sword that was more than two meters long, and slashed straight at Kane below.

He screamed in his mouth: "Master Apostle, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame you for not paying attention to my affairs from the beginning... But Mr. Eleven is willing to help me get back my world-class props!"

After all, he swept his eyes and saw that Kane's whole body was entangled, only the devil's arm was exposed, which was the only gap.

He slashed at that arm with a sword.

There was a loud bang.

The demon's arm shot up to the sky, and was directly softened and lengthened by Deng Yang's other arm, which was caught and held in his hand.

Kane lost his demon arm, his expression froze.

All the place except the head and arms had already been turned into a ghost, but it seemed to be suppressed by something, and this spreading trend couldn't spread to his head and arms at all.

But now the devil's hand is cut off.

The power of the tyrant ghost is no longer restrained by any restraint, and spreads rapidly, spreading to Kane's whole body.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Kane howled in pain.

The next moment, the power of the tyrant ghost began to rush left and right in his body, and there was a loud bang.

in front of everyone.

He was directly blasted apart violently, and the blood mist filled the air. The ninth apostle died without a whole body!
Sui Fengqi looked down at the weapon in his hand in shock, blinked his eyes, and thought to himself when did I become so powerful?

And Deng Yang's complexion changed drastically, he looked at Suifengqi angrily, and shouted: "Suifengqi, I know you have a grudge with brother Jiu, but how could you kill him? Don't you know, apostle Among them, is internal strife strictly prohibited?"

Suifengqi: "What... what? No... Didn't you tell me to do it?"

"I asked you to shoot and wound him, why did you kill him with one sword?!"

Deng Yang sighed for a long time, and said, "Infighting is strictly prohibited in the Kingdom of God. This time, I can't protect you either."

With the wind: "......"

(End of this chapter)

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