when reincarnation invades

Chapter 238 My Good Brother

Everything is according to plan.

But who knew that he just shot casually, and ended up wearing such a big black hat on his back.

Sui Fengqi was young after all, he was at a loss for a while, and retorted instinctively: "No... no, didn't you ask me to take action?"

"I asked you to shoot, but I didn't ask you to cut off your hand. Don't you know that Brother Jiu's arm was the real body at that time? I wouldn't think you wanted to kill him if you beheaded him, but you actually chopped off your hand! "

Deng Yang sighed and said: "Oh, the dispute between me and Brother Nine is just a matter of interests. In fact, even if I defeat him and get the S-level item that should belong to me, I will follow my previous promise. Hand over the A-level props we agreed on before, didn't I tell you that the two of us are actually just a gentleman's dispute? In fact, don't look at the two of us fighting for life and death, wait until the matter is over , we are still good brothers drinking and washing our feet, but you..."

He sighed, shook his head and said, "Stick up with the wind, rise up with the wind, I know you have a problem with brother Jiu, but I really didn't expect you to be able to do this. Have you forgotten the regulations of the Kingdom of God? Is the first one strictly forbidden to kill each other? This time, I really can't protect you anymore."

There was a burst of jaw-dropping with the wind.

Looking at the broken body lying on the ground.

Pointing to Deng Yang and wanted to say something, but really didn't know what to say...

Want to call him shameless.

But it is true that people killed themselves, and damn it...Sui Fengqi suddenly noticed three cars in the distance, all facing this side.

Needless to say, the driving record in the car should have captured everything.

This is really impossible to argue with.

Suifengqi's first thought is to cut the weeds and roots.

Then he realized that with his strength, the possibility of being cleared by the opponent was even greater.

No... Since my strength is not enough to compete with him, why doesn't he kill me to claim credit for the organization?
Thinking about it this way, the soul will be blessed instantly with the wind.

Facing Deng Yang, he bowed down respectfully and said loudly, "Brother, please teach me!"

Deng Yang sighed and said: "Oh, there is no way, who let me bring up this cooperation? If I don't care about you, wouldn't it be too shameless for me?"

you know?

Sui Fengqi said bitterly: "Brother, my father died for the Kingdom of God. If I betray the Kingdom of God now, wouldn't my father's sacrifice go to waste? Please save my life, Brother."

"It's okay to save you, but let me explain first, don't call me big brother! We are still equals... You will definitely be the apostle in the future, especially now that the ninth apostle is dead, you can actually take his place. When the time comes, we will have a fair discussion, what do you mean by calling me big brother?"

To replace the ninth apostle?
Sui Fengqi lowered his head and glanced at Kane's broken body, and said pleasantly, "Brother has a solution? But I haven't got the S-level props yet, could it be that brother... No, Mr. Eleven, do you want me to inherit Mr. Kane?" The S..."

But Deng Yang suddenly became angry, and shouted sharply: "Your body is hairy and skinny, and you are the parents who dare not damage it. It is the beginning of filial piety! Your father sacrificed his life for you to obtain S-level items. You are lucky, even for a mere An S-level item will damage your body, it seems that when your father decided to sacrifice himself, you must have been extremely happy that you got an S-level item, and you didn't feel any sadness at all, right?"

"No... Of course not, it's just that there are no S-level props, how can I become an apostle..."

"I'm in a hurry to replace you temporarily. If I were the nominee, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Thank you Master Eleven!"

"Well, what we need to do right now is to get rid of all the subordinates of Brother Nine. The four people who came with him are dead now, and there are three more people. These three people will be handed over to you to deal with." , go ahead, don't keep alive, kill them all, I'll help you dispose of Kane's body, alas... this matter is settled, Brother Nine and I..."

Deng Yang originally wanted to publicize the relationship between the two more.

But after thinking about it, I was a little guilty.

Just keep silent.


Sui Fengqi vaguely felt that something was wrong, or he was not stupid, so he naturally understood that it was a coincidence, and there might be someone behind the scenes.

But now that he is in the middle of the road, it is difficult to turn back.

Even if he understands, he can only go one way to the dark... Fortunately, the other party's mind is not pure, if the eleven apostles really betray him, he can bite back, unless the eleven apostles don't want to be in the Kingdom of God Otherwise, he will definitely not be able to stand the investigation.

But the most important thing at the moment is to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.

At the moment, with the wind rising, he hurried back and galloped away.

"Go and help Suifengqi, remember, all the subordinates Kane left behind, all of them will be wiped out, and then they will be said to have died in the hands of Gu Yuan."


The subordinates drove away two cars.

Leave one for Lin Bin and Deng Yang.

After confirming that there was no one around, a playful smile appeared on Deng Yang's face.

First ran to the car and took out the memory card of the driving recorder.

He smiled and said: "You said before that it is not easy to install a third spy among the apostles, then we can cultivate it by ourselves... From today onwards, Suifengqi will never dare to resist me again. What's the difference between people?"

Lin Bin clapped his hands and praised, "You are the best."

"Hey... relying on me alone is absolutely impossible. This Kane's strength is far beyond my expectations. If it weren't for you, I might really capsize this time."

Deng Yang said with a smile: "Fortunately, everything went well. Next, it's time to share the spoils...Unfortunately, there is only one S-level item..."

"You take it. As an apostle, the power of the S-level props of the Eleven Apostles is really inconvenient. It is more of a symbolic meaning. Keeping this devil's hand in your hand will make you more justified."

Although the Devil's Hand is an S-level item.

The power is indeed extremely powerful, but asking Lin Bin to remove his arm and transplant this...he is absolutely unwilling.

And what if the arm full of death energy and demonic energy conflicted with the "Longevity Formula"?
"Alright, I can try cutting off my own arm and transplanting it. It just so happens that I belong to the blood system. Even if I get tired of using it one day, I can just remove it and the broken arm can grow back. Not to mention how convenient it is." .”

"That's just right, you should also hold the ghost hand. You have a blood physique, and your ability to withstand ghost aura should be stronger than this Kane."

Lin Bin praised: "Your current strength is not weak, but compared to a real apostle like Kane, I am afraid it is still a lot inferior. With these two arms, your strength can be greatly improved. And just like you said, if you are not satisfied, you can dismantle it and replace it with someone else, and this thing will be installed permanently.”

"But in this way, I owe you too much favor, alas... This is not a favor that can be repaid by eating and washing feet, no, I have to make it up to you, wait a minute..."

Deng Yang first groped on Kane's body for a while.

After a while, Lin Bin was handed a compact camera about the size of a palm.

[Positioning camera (a-level prop): Take pictures of the enemy's related things into the camera, and you can track the enemy through the photo, and there will be heat when you approach it! 】

[Note: I am not a police dog! 】

Lin Bin nodded happily, and said with a smile: "Although this thing is only an auxiliary function, it does have a great effect at critical times. Well... I will accept it."

"No, what people pay attention to is reciprocity. No matter how good this thing is, it is only A-level. At most, it can be changed by a ghost. I took this S-level item. I have to give you an S-level item in return. I have it!"

Deng Yang rummaged through his storage belt.

After a long time, he handed Lin Bin a book with a painful expression on his face, and said, "Take it!"

Lin Bin took it.

【Undead Bible (S-level props): The final destination of the dead, hold this book, you can collect the souls of the enemies you killed by yourself in the book, and at the cost of sacrificing a page of the book, summon a powerful enemy to fight on your behalf!By sacrificing all the pages of the book, you can summon all the army of undead recorded in the bible of the undead to fight for yourself! 】

[Note: Are you killing people like hemp? 】

"This... is this the S-level item you inherited from your elder brother?"

Lin Bin suddenly understood why Deng Yang didn't use his S-level props at the critical moment just now.

This item, like the Bible of All Things, belongs to the cultivation system... When I first got it, it had almost no power.

Or simply use it as a one-time prop.

But the power that erupts at that time, I am afraid it will destroy the world!
"Since I obtained this prop, until now, the number of people I have killed can be counted on one hand. This prop can't exert much power in my hands. It just happens to be compensated to you. We brothers are even! "

Deng Yang said with a painful face: "Brothers settle accounts clearly, and brothers who are involved in interests will not go far. I want to be brothers with you for the rest of my life, so it must be fair... No, try to be as fair as possible. This is already my responsibility." It's the limit of what you can do, you are not allowed to refuse, or you won't treat me as your own..."

But the question is, is there something wrong with the way you settle accounts?

Lin Bin was speechless.

Logically speaking, this Kane was killed by the two of us. It is fair for both of us to have one A-level item, but this S-level item has half of mine and half of yours. In theory, you should return half of it to me. S-level props will do.

But this...

Lin Bin suddenly felt that Deng Yang's family might be relatively well off financially, and for him, not suffering a disadvantage was equivalent to taking advantage.

He sighed: "Forget it, I won't take advantage of you. I still have a copy of the blood of the werewolf ancestor and the blood of the vampire ancestor. They are all small C-level things. I don't need them if I keep them. Give them to you." Otherwise, I really can't make it through."

Anyway, it's something he can't use, so if you simply give it to Deng Yang, maybe it can make his blood more pure?
Deng Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words, wondering why: "Alas... I never thought you would be so good at being a human being. Since this is the case, I should give something back..."

"All right, all right, let's not be polite, I will accept this S-level item with the audacity, you must stop exchanging gifts, if you continue to do this, in the end, it is estimated that the two of us can equip each other well. Exchange one more time."

Lin Bin hastily pressed Deng Yang.

By the way, there shouldn't be husky blood in the blood of the werewolf's ancestor, right?

Deng Yang always feels a little lacking now...

However, two unused C-level items make up for half of the S-level shortfall.

In fact, he has already made a lot of money.

Especially the Bible of the Undead, which seems to have great flaws in use, but in fact, if it is used well, it may be more useful than the Bible of Everything.

Wait until he gets the Bible of Everything in the future...wait...Huh?Why do I think the Bible of Everything is in my pocket?
Lin Bin shook his head.

Put away distracting thoughts.

"Take it, take it, don't say anything about the family, if you take this thing, I can connect these two arms to myself with peace of mind."

Deng Yang suddenly looked at Lin Bin with a strange expression, and said: "After inoculating these two arms, I have obtained all the power of Kane, Abin... I am afraid that I will be stronger than you by then, Are you not envious?"

"We're not enemies. It's too late for you to force me to be happy...I'm not the kind of villain who fears you for having you, laughs at you for not having it, hates you for being poor, and is afraid of you for being rich."

Lin Bin thought about it for a while, in order to hide his identity in today's battle, he did not use all seven swords, Xuanyuan sword and magic mirror have not been used yet.

Even if you really got all of Kane's power, it's hard to say whether the two of us will win or lose... After all, Xuanyuan Sword has too much restraint on Yin and evil forces.

"Okay, the spoils are divided, next, it's time to arrange the situation, have you thought about how to do it?"

"Lend me Kane's head."

Lin Bin sighed: "It seems that my good brother will have to work harder next time. Fortunately, he is full of hatred for the apostle now, and he doesn't mind being blamed again. Anyway, if he confronts the apostle now , I will definitely stand by his side and do my best to help him.”

"Are you on his side? I remember that you were the one who wanted to deal with the apostle from the beginning, right? He's so miserable... From an irrelevant outsider, you directly broke him to the C position."

Deng Yang sighed in the same way: "Fortunately, I didn't respond to Suifengqi's "big brother". Now I have discovered that if I am a big brother, if I don't have a strong character, my big brother Xu Feng will end up! Whoever dares to call me big brother in the future, I will call him big brother." Kill someone."

After dividing up the spoils respectively.

The two dispersed their actions.

And this time.

In a luxurious mountain villa.

Gu Yuan was drinking tea leisurely and reading the newspaper.

It seems to be leisurely, but in fact, there are words in his mouth, as if he is talking to someone.

"It's strange, I've been pretending for several days, deliberately exposing myself, why haven't the apostles acted yet?"

"It's really hateful. Now I understand that only a thousand days can be a thief, and there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. Could it be that they have never come, and I have been pretending like this?"


"Mr. Gu, don't worry, these apostles dared to enter the territory of our country to make trouble, we naturally can't let them go!"

"Hey, I'm not in a hurry. I drink tea every day for leisure. It's time to exercise, but it's a waste of your time..."

"It doesn't matter to us. This is a public fund to go out to fish in water and take turns to take turns. We are also happy."

"That's good……"

"Wait, a reincarnation is approaching!"

"What? They're coming?"

Gu Yuan's face froze, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

He and the apostles were at odds with each other. Now that he had seen the living apostles, he naturally couldn't tolerate them leaving the territory of Hua Kingdom alive.

"Wait... No, it's not an apostle... No, it's an apostle... But it doesn't seem to be a living apostle... It's Abin, the reincarnation. He came with a dead body. He was seriously injured. Could it be that He fought with the apostles?!"

"What? My brother?"

Gu Yuan stood up suddenly, and said in surprise: "Could it be...he stepped in for me?"

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