"This is the hemostatic grass you want. How is your injury?"


In a hidden mountain depression.

The two who were chased and fled in a hurry finally found such a stable resting place, and began to treat their wounds separately.

Zangma is not a simple human being, and it is extremely easy for him to conjure various medicinal herbs.

However, Changfeng Gaoshen, with high attack and low defense, was forced to be the main T to face the enemy head-on with Kane, so he suffered a lot of injuries.

"Fortunately, it's just some skin trauma."

Changfeng took the herb and applied it to the wound on his body.

With a sigh of relief, he sighed: "This man's arm is very weird. In order to prevent being approached by his strength, I can't use it with all my strength. It's a blessing to suffer such an injury, but it's just a pity. , and implicated the people of that Baixi Village, I want to recover as soon as possible, and I will go back and have a look later, and I have to make sure of their safety before I can rest assured."

"Let me go."

Zang Ma said softly: "But no matter what the situation in Baixi Village is, we won't be able to live there anymore. Do you have anything you want me to bring out for you?"

"No, I'm alone, nothing...who!!!"

It's only half way through.

Changfeng's expression suddenly changed.

Even Zangma's expression became extremely calm in an instant, and with a wave of his hand, several vines with sharp thorns wrapped around them, forming an extremely tight defense in front of the two of them.

"Don't be on guard, I'm not an enemy!"

Outside the col, the shadow of fire flickered.

The silhouette of the person reflected was also distorted and swaying endlessly. As he walked in, the shadow gradually elongated, bringing a heavy sense of pressure to the two of them.

In the battle with Kane, both of them suffered serious injuries, and now they are approached by the enemy.


Holding the thorn-bladed whip, his eyes glowed like red beasts, and he said in a low voice: "You said you are not an enemy? But I have already smelled your breath. During the day's battle, you were also Beside...why...are you planning to kill the grass and roots?"

Changfeng had a strange look on his face.

He waved his hand and said, "Zangma, don't be on guard, it shouldn't be the enemy who came."


"It's my friend."

"At least you consider yourself my friend."

It was Lin Bin who came.

Got a grade A prop to position the camera.

Finding someone has become extremely simple for him. He directly took the photo he took before. It was obviously just the back view of the person who came, but an icon mark appeared. Follow the icon, the photo will also be used The degree of hotness to remind the distance from the target.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being an A-level prop.

Although it is not a fighting type, but with this item, it is too easy to find someone in the future.

Lin Bin, who was very satisfied with the props after a small test, was in a good mood.

He complained to Changfeng: "At that time, I obviously added a contact friend, but you were fine. If you contacted you later, there would be no news. If your name hadn't turned gray, I might have thought you were dead. Maybe even in the secret realm... Chang Feng... No, I should call you Nie Feng, right?"

There has been speculation in this regard before, but it is not yet certain.

But now I see that fierce and fierce kick, and the 40-meter blue long knife.

Lin Bin is now almost completely convinced.

Long wind.

Or Nie Feng.

A wry smile appeared on his face, and he sighed: "It seems that you, Abin, have investigated me."

Zangma looked at Lin Bin in surprise, and asked, "Is he Abin?"

Lin Bin keenly heard the hidden meaning in his words, and asked, "Why, is there any difference between Abin and others?"

Zangma asked, "Why did you hang out with those people?"

"It's very simple. Those people are my targets, but what are they looking for? I thought that the snipe and the clam would fight for the fisherman's profit, but I didn't expect that they were looking for you! From this point of view, They helped me a lot before they died."

Lin Bin said: "And the village is fine. Kane and his subordinates have been killed by us. If you want to live back in the future, there is no problem. There is no exposure there."

Nie Feng said gratefully, "Thank you, Abin."

"you are welcome."

Lin Bin said.

Nie Feng: "..."

Lin Bin: "..."

After a while, Lin Bin asked, "And then?"

Nie Feng asked back: "What then?"

Lin Bin sighed, and said: "I have always heard that Nie Feng, the head of the Divine Wind Hall, is kind-hearted, but I didn't expect it to be just a lie. If I hadn't killed Kane for you today, you would have fled to the ends of the earth. It's useless, didn't I say it? He has tracking tools in his hand, you have already been locked by him, and not only you will not escape death, but even the people in Baixi Village will suffer from unwarranted disasters. To put it bluntly, it’s not too much to say that I have the grace to save your life, right?”

He spread his hands and said, "But the way you repay your savior is to thank you? No practical expression?"

Zangma said: "I have a B-level item in my hand, if you want it, I can give it to you."

This is the normal reincarnation.

For the Saint level, one or two B-level props can already be called rich.

Like the S-level and A-level ones, the taste is all for me.

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "That's not what I want to know."

Nie Feng asked: "Then what do you want to know?"

"Why did you attack the Tang family?"

Lin Bin said: "Before I thought you had other grievances, but when I found you among the shooters, I was sure that this time it should be the same as the last time in the secret realm. Protect me, right? After all, this timing is too coincidental, I just killed the head of the Tang family, and your side directly abolished the secret realm of the Tang family and cut off their roots."

Nie Feng: "..."

Lin Bin: "So let's talk cliche, who are you protecting me at the request of?"

Zangma shook his head and said, "Sorry, Mr. Abin, we can't talk about it."

Nie Feng also smiled wryly: "I'm sorry, Abin, the other party has saved my life, so I can't betray her."

Lin Bin sighed, "Didn't I be kind enough to save your life?"

Hearing this, Nie Feng fell into silence. After a long time, he sighed: "The secret realm where I was was attacked by the apostles back then. I was their main target. Later, their mission failed, but by chance, I With the help of an apostle's reincarnation table, he came to the real world."

Tibetan horse shouted: "Mr. Feng!"

"I'm just telling Bin what I can say."

Nie Feng said: "Plane Walking is an organization for aliens to keep warm, and it can be said to be tit-for-tat with the apostles, but in fact, Plane Walking is not a panacea, especially since the Kingdom of God has multiple S-level props, only relying on the power of Plane Walking It is simply not enough to compete with them, and sometimes, even they may not be able to save people in time."

Lin Bin asked thoughtfully, "So?"

"When I first came to the real world, I was still attacked and killed by the apostles. At that time, I was seriously injured and almost died. Later, I was rescued by someone. The other party not only saved me, but also taught me how to live in reality. To survive in the world, I joined the plane walk at the suggestion of the other party, but in fact, I have never forgotten the grace of saving my life, so if He needs it, I will naturally repay His kindness .”

Lin Bin: "Male, female, she or an animal?"

"I have no way to repay the grace of life-saving guidance, so how can I betray him?"

Nie Feng said: "You can understand it as another organization other than the apostles and walking, which is not official, and even deeper than the apostles and walking in the plane! But in a sense, this The organization is very loose, because most of us spontaneously surround him. We aliens have no roots in this world. When we suddenly meet someone who is willing to help us, we naturally regard him as a relative. "

"I see. I see. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Nie Feng shook his head and said, "That's all I can say."

"Thank you!"

Lin Bin turned and walked out.

Nie Feng asked: "You just left?"

"Otherwise? Anyway, the reason why you were exposed was because you attacked the Tang family, and the reason why you attacked the Tang family was to clear up the crisis for me. In a sense, your catastrophe this time is still Because of me, can I still frame you up and torture you?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, by the way, don't deliberately refuse to ask you to drink again in the future. Let me tell you, Kane's tool for finding people has fallen into my hands. I think it will be easy for me to find you. You can't run away." Lost."

Watching Lin Bin's figure leave.

Zang Ma frowned and said, "You told him too much."

"Otherwise? If it wasn't for him, even if the people in Baixi Village would not have died directly at their hands, who knows what kind of cunning means those reincarnators have against them? Once these people have suffered any damage, we will never die." Death is hard to atone for."

Nie Feng sighed for a long time and said, "And maybe he may not understand what I mean?"

"If he couldn't understand this, he wouldn't be where he is today."

Kurama let out a long sigh.

Complained: "I really miss the days when I was a demon fox. At that time, I had no conscience, and I didn't feel guilty about everything...it's not like now... oh..."


Anyway, the matter of the apostles finally came to an end.

A Kane died.

No matter how crazy the Kingdom of God is, it is impossible to take revenge. At this time when the security is high, you must either think of another way, or wait for the limelight to pass.

Lin Bin can finally go home and enjoy a leisurely life for a few days.

In particular, Zhu Yuyan and Shan Meixian, mother and daughter, have also returned from their experience...

Lin Bin even went to their house specially to help the two of them clean up the dust.

It's just a pity that Shan Wanjing happened to catch up with Shan Wanjing's mother who had returned from training and wanted to tell her something, so in the end only Zhu Yuyan stayed by Lin Bin's side.

But it's not bad.

It's still the same room, different people, and such a relationship, which is enough to satisfy Lin Bin, who is still very innocent today.

Although some things are expected, but if you really get it, it may be the same.

It's better to keep the freshness and anticipation before getting it.

Lin Bin was not in a hurry.

Can't make it...

It's as if there isn't an ambiguous concubine Yan at home?
Sooner or later it's all yours, so don't be so anxious.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Gao Yue, a little girl, is so obsessed with her mother that sometimes she doesn't cling to her mother, but instead clings to him instead.

He has already stepped into the sad state of being disturbed by children ahead of time.

That night, he returned home happily, with a different style, which made him feel very satisfied.

During this period of time, apart from occasionally whipping Zhu Yuyan and Shan Meixian.

Others, he was not idle, but seriously considered some very important information that Nie Feng told him.

It seems that Nie Feng's words are just telling Lin Bin some about his experience, but in fact, there is still a lot of information hidden in the words.

It is not a person, but an organization, but compared with the apostles and walking, it is relatively looser, and it also hides more secretively.

But most of its members should be aliens.

This organization even has a certain overlap with Plane Walking, just like Nie Feng is both this organization and Plane Walking.

That is to say, when aliens first came to this world, not only would they be recruited by the plane walk and the official, but some would also join this mysterious organization?

Thinking about it, he dialed Houhou's phone and asked, "Wanhou, when you first came to the real world, did you come into contact with any other organizations besides walking in the plane?"

"Other organizations besides walking in the plane?"

Wan Hou blinked, and was about to answer, but Lin Bin suddenly waved his hand and said, "Forget it, there is no need to answer, there must not be."

Think about Nie Feng, think about Tibetan horses...

This organization seems to be recruiting people with a kind heart and a conscience.

It would be foolish of him to even think of asking Houhou.

Hou Hou suddenly puffed up in dissatisfaction, and complained: "I always feel that he has been severely insulted by you. Did you call him specially to trample him?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's just that I think I know you better. It's better to ask Feixuan than to ask you."

The two exchanged a few words casually.

Lin Bin hung up the phone and completely nestled in the sofa.

Looking into the kitchen.

With a smile on her face, Concubine Shixuan helped Lin Xue and learned how to cook from her.

Even Lin Bin didn't know when she formed such a deep friendship with Lin Xue...

During this period of time, the two girls seemed to be sisters, and Concubine Shixuan often went to and from his house...

Even Shi Qingxuan has become a frequent visitor here.

But this kind of sudden friendship, I didn't think it was a big deal before, after all, it's hard to explain the friendship of women.

But now.

Combined with the sudden appearance of Tang Yuefu before.

Lin Bin suddenly felt that he was a little dark under the lights?

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