when reincarnation invades

Chapter 241 I Was Destroyed

Four of the seven were dead.

Let's rule out the question of whether the reincarnated person will be suspended animation, after all, the possibility of this is really very low...

Lu Linlin is [-]% an ordinary person.

Lin Bin tested her many times with various props, and found that she was no different from an ordinary girl except that she had some unruly thoughts about him.

Afterwards, the only suspects were Lin Bin and Lin Xue.

It's just that Lin Bin's family knows about his family affairs and knows that he is innocent.

But he was even more unwilling to doubt his sister, and even the apostles didn't pursue the matter anymore. In Lin Bin's view, they must have determined that none of the seven people they wanted was there, so It's over.

But now.

Combined with the previous information from Changfeng...no, Nie Feng.

In fact, their organization has a very close relationship with aliens, and even most of the members are aliens.

He didn't say it explicitly, but his words clearly gave him such a hint.

Would Nie Feng's words not be believed?
Of course not...

That is the legendary Super Virgin. Even in the face of the super villain who killed his parents, he can feel compassion, which shows how pedantic he is.

Even though he has undergone many changes during countless times of experience, his nature has already been formed, and there will only be slight differences, and there will never be a big change.

Only then did Lin Bin realize that he had actually overlooked a very important message before.

For example, the existence of Tang Yuefu.

A reincarnated person who has retired, logically speaking, should live in seclusion and never ask about real things.

Just like Teacher Bai, who is a different person, if she hadn't taken the initiative to reveal her identity, Lin Bin would never have thought that Teacher Bai, who had taught her for several years, came from another world.


Theoretically speaking, after she became a reincarnation, Tang Yuefu should stay as far away from herself as possible.

But now, there are a lot of reincarnators around me.

Only Tang Yuefu appeared because of her older sister.

If you think about it a little deeper, the timing of her appearance is actually just after she became a reincarnation.

This timing now seems to be very difficult to stand up to scrutiny.

And the downfall of the Tang family before.

The time should also be after I told Lin Xue about my battle of wits and courage with Tang Tianhao, and when I turned around, Nie Feng and Zang Ma went to destroy the secret realm of the Tang family.

"No way? Could it be that my sister is still a hidden boss? She is really one of the seven, the holder of the S-level props that the apostles wanted to find but couldn't get?"

Lin Xue, who was standing up straight and chatting and laughing with Tang Yuefu, suddenly felt something, looked back at Lin Bin in surprise, and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing, I'm just glad to see you recovering."

Lin Xue blinked, turned around, and sighed in a low voice: "Ah Bin has also reached the age where he is interested in the bodies of the opposite sex, and it's time to find a girlfriend."

Tang Yuefu: "Huh?"

"I'm not talking about you, it's just emotion."

"Oh...it scared me."

Tang Yuefu patted Rourou's chest lightly, the trembling frequency seemed to be her heartbeat at the moment...it really missed it for a while just now.

Lin Bin looked away.

There are still many doubts that have not been resolved.

If she really has an S-rank item, why doesn't she heal her own legs?
Over the years, the enemy has never found her trace. Even if her S-level items cannot be cured, there should be enough means to exchange for some items that can heal her.

And her legs are incomplete, how did she experience it?

Well, it should have been chosen when I left, otherwise, why would she have asked me when I would come back every time I practiced in the past.

Don't you want me to know about this?

Too many unexplainable questions.

But now with Nie Feng's testimonial, Lin Bin can almost be sure that the owner of this hidden S-level item is most likely her sister.

Then should we continue to investigate?
learned the truth.

Instead, Lin Bin's heart suddenly relaxed.

You must know that when he was practicing in the secret realm, what he was most worried about was actually Lin Xue's safety.

Although the disputes among reincarnators do not involve family members, if someone is really driven to a dead end, should we put hope on his principles?

Lin Bin didn't have much expectation for the secrecy function of the Samsara Association...

But if my sister is actually a big boss.

Leaving aside why she didn't heal her legs, anyway, he healed them now.

In other words, the last short board has been made up.

If there were so many strangers around her, he wouldn't have to think too much about her safety.

As for Lin Xue's other identity, he didn't tell him anything...

Lin Bin didn't take it to heart at all.

The siblings have lived with each other for many years, so this level of trust is naturally there.

Didn't he also hide the news from her when he first obtained the status of reincarnation?
In many cases, the concealment is not because of seeing outsiders, but just because you don't want the other party to worry.

I told her because I felt the time had come.

In the same way, she didn't tell me, it must be because the time is not yet ripe.

It seems that there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

Wait until the day she feels mature enough to open up to herself.

Thinking of this, Lin Bin suddenly felt a huge stone drop from his heart.

He got up and walked over.

Hugged Lin Xue directly from behind.

Lin Xue's movements froze, and then she sighed helplessly: "I just said that you have reached the age of being curious about girls, so you just use your sister to explore?"

"It's nothing, I just think about the painful and sad days in the past, and think about the life like this now, and then I suddenly feel very happy."

Lin Bin turned to look at the landlord's wife, and said seriously: "Mrs. Tang, my level is gradually increasing. Although theoretically speaking, the frequency of entering the secret realm will gradually slow down, but in fact, I feel that the frequency of entering the secret realm is increasing. Sooner, when I'm not around, my sister will trouble you to take care of her."

Before, he always felt that he owed the landlady something.

But if the landlady was rescued by Lin Xue and was willing to be her assistant, then it would be justifiable for her to protect her.

"Yeah, you're welcome."

The landlady froze for a moment, then nodded in response.

"I went to practice."

Lin Bin hugged Lin Xue lightly, then turned and walked back.

Still muttering quietly in his heart, Xin Dao will have a chance to remind his sister without any trace in the future, and tell her that Nie Feng is indeed a kind-hearted guy, but he is too pedantic, and he is easily coerced by feelings and kindness.

Where to sit on the buttocks, and from what angle to think about the problem.

Before, he was grateful to Nie Feng for telling him so much news, but now, his buttocks were tilted, and he suddenly felt that Nie Feng's temper...was very bad.

It seems that he will have to beat him well in the future.


This matter is considered to be a temporary end.

Lin Bin finally had enough time to seriously comprehend the mysteries of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.

He has now reached the point where five people form an formation.

And I feel that Yu Li is far from reaching the limit...

You must know that the upper limit of the power of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation itself is indeed far less than that of the Zhenwu Five-Part Formation, but it is better because it has so many changes, two people can form an formation, three people can form an formation, five people can form an formation, and even after seven people , nine or 13 people can form a formation...

Back then when Guo Jing broke into Quanzhen Sect.

What I encountered was a total of 120 eight disciples each forming a formation of 64 people, and they were fighting in the front and back...

It can only be said that the Quanzhen Sect has no successors, clinging to the things passed down by the master, and has really researched a lot of things over the past few decades.

But now, these things are in Lin Bin's hands.

But in Lin Bin's hand, the eight swords of the king of Yue, plus the nine swords of Chaos God, can completely form a nine-sword formation.

Although kung fu can only be honed with water, but the strength can still be increased... If the Nine Swords are completed, Lin Bin feels that he may have no resistance under the whole country.

After a long time.

Lin Bin fell into a state of doing nothing.

Every day after breakfast, I took the phantom sound treasure box to find Concubine Yan, asked her to help me adjust my vocal music, and then practiced with her.

Houhou sometimes comes to rub...

Concubine Shixuan is thin-skinned and embarrassed, but she is really fond of accelerators like the Phantom Treasure Box, so sometimes the two sisters will come together to bother, of course, in the name of visiting Lin Xue.

In just over twenty days.

While Lin Bin's skill improved slightly, his understanding of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation also increased significantly.

But at this time, the essence of the evil emperor relic really began to show its power.

When absorbing the evil emperor's relic, what Houhou got was the most intuitive improvement.

Every time she does double cultivation, she can make great progress in her own cultivation, which is why she is so eager for double cultivation.

But at that time, Lin Bin's harvest seemed to be far behind her, but now speaking for him, he has already left her far behind.

Even if Houhou has used the No. 18 cultivation base of "The Demon Dafa" to forcibly raise her own strength to the level of sanctification.

But for the same sanctification, Kane can fight seven against one, which shows how big the gap between the first level of sanctification is.

With the improvement of the reincarnation, the gap in strength will only become wider, and even at the same level there will be an insurmountable gap.

And during this time.

Lin Bin also pays attention to some outside information from time to time.

For example, the Reincarnation Association has officially launched the arrest of the Black Mountain old demon. Regardless of life or death, if he can successfully get his head back, he will be rewarded with an A-level prop, A-level merit x 1, and 5000 reincarnation points.

This is almost the full harvest of a nightmare-level secret realm experience.

No, with the addition of an A-level item, even the Nightmare-level reward is not as good as the reward offered by the Montenegro old demon.

From this point, it can be seen that the Reincarnation Association should have fought against the Black Mountain old monster a few times later, but the more this kind of task is to capture the enemy in one's own base camp, the easier it is to restrain one's hands, and the Black Mountain old monster is unscrupulous , I am afraid that the association is still the one that suffers.

Therefore, they seemed to treat the old Black Mountain demon as the boss of a nightmare-level secret realm.

But compared to the nightmare-level situation that does not occupy the territory, the Black Mountain old monster is alone and alone, which is simply a god-sent treasure.

Therefore, many reincarnation teams have heard the news and moved.

Many notorious secret hunters also began to search for the whereabouts of the Black Mountain old demon.

Even Lin Bin couldn't help but be moved.

A-level props, control props such as the magic mirror, auxiliary props such as positioning cameras, and even offensive props such as Xuanyuan Sword and defensive props such as the blazing seven-fold ring.

No matter which type it is, it is a very precious treasure.

Now that the Black Mountain old demon is seriously injured, should he use the positioning camera to pick up this bargain...

But soon, he gave up this naive idea.

Capital will never benefit the people below for no reason. Since they suddenly gave so much, it must be that the Montenegrin old demon has some other amazing skills, which made them feel a headache.

So simply throw the blame on the reincarnation below and let them have a headache.

The more this is the case, the more you can't move around.

Especially since he has a feud with the Black Mountain old demon who killed his wife.

Although during this battle, there were some signs that Nie Xiaoqian took the initiative to die.

But if Lin Bin explained what happened at that time in detail, the Montenegrin old demon would probably be even more angry...

It turned out that he was the only one who felt happy, and his existence had always been a torment to her.

Licking a dog is a dog licking when facing a lover, but when facing other people, it can also become a war wolf.

Therefore, Lin Bin forcibly curbed this temptation with great perseverance.

They even contacted Li Lei specifically to tell him not to do anything. He was already a scapegoat, and if he made a rash move, he could easily turn from a hunter into a prey.

Li Lei naturally readily agreed.

He has been cast out of the shadow by the Montenegrin old demon.

For a while, ordinary people didn't notice it.

But all the reincarnators can feel that there is almost an earth-shaking shock in Huaguo's reincarnation circle.

More than a month passed in a peaceful time.

Finally, Lin Bin's peace was broken by a phone call.


"Lei Ju? Are you looking for me?"

Raymond reminded seriously: "During this period of time, have you overlooked something?"

"Huh? Did I overlook something?"

Lin Bin hastily examined himself three times, and carefully considered what important factor he had overlooked. It was so important that he had to be reminded by Lei Ju himself. Could it be that he had committed some serious negligence.

But after thinking for a while, he said in confusion, "No."

"You haven't come to work for two months."

Raymond's anger seemed uncontrollable, he said angrily: "Now, come over to check in immediately, you must be worthy of your monthly salary, right? Hurry up, there are distinguished guests here who want to see you, Don't make people wait too long."

"Guest? Understood, I'll go right away."

Only then did Lin Bin realize that, oh yes, I still have the status of a full-time employee of the World XX Bureau.

Sigh...it's all my fault, Sister Qian, who has brought me down, and fishing at work has become a daily routine.

Lin Bin sighed sincerely.

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