Chapter 242
Leadership calls.

Coupled with the fact that he was already guilty and guilty, Lin Bin rushed to the World XX Bureau without any delay.

As the door of Lei Meng's office was pushed open, Lin Bin showed a loyal expression on his face at the right time, and asked: "Lei Ju, I heard that you were looking for me, so I rushed over immediately... oh ? President Bai, are you here too? Brother K..."

"Mr. Abin, hello."

A friendly smile appeared on K88's face.

After experiencing the experience of the Qiannv plane together, his smile when facing Lin Bin was a little less polite than before, and a little more cordial.

Raymond couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but he carefully hid the past.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Lin Bin's late arrival and early departure.

But right now in front of outsiders, he still wants to give Lin Bin face.

He just knocked on the table and said, "President Bai has something to ask you, so it's not good to keep her waiting, so I called you specially to ask you to come back."

"President Bai?"

Lin Bin glanced at Bai Yuekui who was sitting leisurely on the side seat.

In fact, he and her haven't seen each other for a while... Goodbye now, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and it can't be compared in the same day.

Because of this, in Lin Bin's eyes, where is a beautiful woman sitting there?It is clearly a humanoid tyrannosaur.

The strength contained in that thin body is shocking... Lei Jun, who has strengthened the Huyulu system, is as fragile as a child in front of him.

"President Bai, you are too polite."

Lin Bin had a friendly smile on his face, and said with a smile: "If you want to find me, ask Brother K to call me, and I'll go to visit in person right now? Brother K has my contact information, right? ?”

K88 nodded and said: "Of course, it's just that the president insists on coming to the door in person, so it's not easy for me as a subordinate to stop me."

Bai Yuekui supported the Tang Dao in his hand, his silver hair covered most of his eyelids.

But you can still see the deepness in her eyes... the calmness and freedom to unscrew your celestial spirit cover at any time!

"If you want something from someone, naturally you have to come to the door in person."

She picked the milk and fruit on the ground with a knife, and said, "I also brought a gift!"

"President Bai is too polite. If you need anything, just give me an order. How can you be so unreasonable? Let's not mention that you, President Bai, helped me a lot when I was weakest. As far as my relationship with Brother K is concerned, I don't have any objections either, and..."

Lin Bing paused, and relying on his outstanding memory, he said: "I remember that President Bai said at the beginning that you might be useful in my place in the future."

"You have a pretty good memory. That's right. I gave you kindness at that time, and it was indeed for this moment."

Bai Yuekui said: "Actually, the reason why K88 in the secret realm became teammates with you last time was actually a deliberate arrangement by me."

Lin Bin: "What?"

K88 apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Abin, I didn't tell you the truth. In fact, it was Chairman Bai who wanted to verify your performance in the secret realm with his own eyes after checking your evaluation in the secret realm. As it turns out, Your performance is very good, even better than Li Lei, who is a veteran saint-level reincarnation."

"Support me since I was the weakest? Now you still have to personally review me?"

Lin Bin was surprised and said, "So solemn, isn't it because you intend to let me save the world?"

"It's just for you to bring someone for me when you go to the secret realm next time."

Bai Yuekui took out his mobile phone and said, "Come in."

After a while, a clear and pleasant female voice came from the phone, with a little embarrassment, she said cautiously: "Then... that, boss... I may not be able to come in."

Bai Yuekui frowned and said, "What are you doing again?"

"I, I, I didn't do anything. I was just curious. I hacked into the World Debris Early Warning and Detection Bureau, checked some of the information I wanted to see, and then I was arrested."

The voice on the other side was crying, and explained: "I have already explained, I have no malicious intentions, I just invaded for fun, I didn't mean it...It's because my fingers don't listen to me..."

Bai Yuekui: "..."

"Give me your phone."

Lei Meng took the mobile phone from Bai Yuekui and said, "Little girl, just tell them that Bureau Lei ordered them to let you go..."

"Hey, yes, Chief!"

The voice on the other side immediately became energetic, as if he could feel the moment when the other party found a backer.

K88 said apologetically, "I have caused you trouble."

Raymond shook his head and said, "It's okay, she is the first person in history to call our World Administration's name correctly. From this point alone, she is our eternal friend of the World Administration."

K88: "........."

After a moment.

A petite girl with short hair in a forehead-length shawl walked in with cautious steps.

Hehe smiled and said, "Boss, did you call me?"

"It's her!"

Bai Yuekui ignored her flattering greetings, and said to Lin Bin: "I hope you can take her into the secret realm next time to experience it and help her become a saint-level reincarnation."

Lin Bin: "This is..."

"Hello, boss, my name is Xia Dou, and I am an alien. I have been following the boss since the original world fragments."

Xia Dou looked at Lin Bin more and more satisfied, and said with a smile, "I just hacked into the World Administration's system secretly and browsed your specific records. Human beings who are still strong, the next experience in the secret realm, I will count on you."

Lin Bin took a look at this little girl who looked very familiar, and asked, "So President Bai, you mean that you want me to take her to get a B-level or higher evaluation in the next killing-level secret realm?"

Bai Yuekui: "That's right."

Lin Bin: "I won't ask the secret realm employment team, relying on your strength, Chairman Bai..."

"I will directly bring her into the nightmare-level secret realm. Without her, my confidence in clearing the secret realm is [-]%. With her, it may drop to [-]%."

Bai Yuekui said: "I need a person whose strength is at the Saint-level level, but whose combat power is far more than Saint-level, so as to ensure that after being neutralized by her, he can still have the ability to clear the secret realm. Our Science and Technology Association is not without it." Capable people, but their abilities are repeated, and technology enhancement is very useful in some scenes, but it is completely useless in some scenes, so I need a character who is a panacea."

Xia Dou was dissatisfied: "Boss, what are you talking about? Am I such a waste? I am actually very good."

"Shut up, I've seen too many rookies like you who are good at playing and love to play. If I didn't have some kind of fellowship with you, I would really let you fend for yourself in the secret realm."

Bai Yuekui glared at Xia Dou.

She was so startled that she trembled for a while, and then she picked her fingers and muttered in a low voice, such as what is it that when playing your game, did you accidentally overwrite your save file, as for being so angry, etc. and so on.

"So it is."

Lin Bin looked at Xia Dou who was giggling at him.

Is this what it feels like to have a background?

Even the bodyguards in the secret realm are arranged...I'm really envious.

He turned to look at Raymond.

Raymond: "See what I do? Whether you agree or not is up to you."

Lin Bin said: "I have no problem, but I can't guarantee it. I can only say that I will do my best."

"It's enough for you to do your best."

Bai Yuekui nodded, and said: "Then she will be handed over to you. When you enter the next secret realm experience, just remember to contact her."

"Hey hey hey, I have quietly added my number to your phone, remember to contact me when the time comes."

Xia Dou waved at Lin Bin very kindly, and said with a smile, "We will have a happy cooperation when the time comes."

As he said that, he took small steps and followed behind Bai Yuekui.

"Mr. Abin, take your leave."

K88 said goodbye very politely, and also followed behind them.

In the huge office, only Lei Meng and Lin Bin were left.

Lei Meng knocked on the table and said, "You have to be careful about the secret realm this time. President Bai said it was disgusting, but she was able to make arrangements in advance for her two years ago, which shows how much she really values ​​this man named Xia." Dou’s little girl, don’t let her become popular in the secret realm.”

"No one can guarantee that this kind of thing will happen, especially I don't know her strength well, but as long as she can honestly obey my orders, it is basically safe to get a B-level in the secret realm next time."

"Well, it's true that you didn't say anything."

Raymond said: "I called you here this time. In fact, there was indeed something important to do, but now it seems that the plan may have to be temporarily changed."

Lin Bin asked, "What plan?"

"During this period of time, a brand new secret realm has appeared, and the stabilization speed of this space secret realm is much faster than the normal speed of the secret realm."

Lin Bin asked: "Lei Ju, you mean..."

Raymond did not answer, and continued: "Not only that, since half a year ago, the time from the appearance of the space cracks in the new secret realm to its stabilization has been advanced from the previous month to 20 days, and in the past six months, XX around the world A total of 23 new secret realms have appeared in the round, and according to subsequent detections, more than 14 of them are at the extraordinary level, and five of them have reached the killing level! Do you know what this means?"

"There are only four ordinary secret realms?"

Lei Meng said: "No... there is only one ordinary-level secret realm, and the other three are nightmare-level secret realms."

Lin Bin was surprised: "So few? If so, where will the newborn reincarnation practice themselves?"

"That's right, even you are aware of this problem, which shows that this problem is really serious."

Raymond said: "The reincarnated people may be about to have faults. In the near future, the reincarnated people before the extraordinary may not have the opportunity to enter the secret realm to experience themselves! Of course, this is not something we need to worry about, but the difficulty of the new secret realm The sharp increase, the first to be affected is our World Administration, during this period of time, the deaths and injuries of the World Administrations in various places have been extremely heavy."

He sighed: "During this period of time, the difficulty of the newly released secret realms in various places has increased. I originally planned to let you do your best and enter a brand new secret realm to practice, but I didn't expect that you would suddenly bring a An oil bottle, from this point of view, it is more appropriate for you to enter the regular secret realm to practice."

"No, let me do it."

Lin Bin's heart was moved when he heard the words, and he hurriedly took the initiative to ask Ying: "The losses of the World Precautionary Bureau in various places are not small, so we have to be more cautious. I think I still have some experience in entering strange secret realms. give it to me."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Lin Bin said: "Since Xia Dou can participate in the advancement to the secret realm, it means that her strength has at least reached the peak of the extraordinary. I am afraid that President Bai will be concerned about things like dragging. Actually, how could there be such a thing?" An idiot who is good at playing and loves to play? And even if there is, I will be more comfortable in the brand-new secret realm without other reincarnators doing things."

"If that's the case, you probably don't have much downtime."

"No need to rest, I can go through fire and water for Lei Ju at any time, shrouded in horse leather."

"That Concubine Yan..."

"She also just arrived at the secret realm of promotion, so she simply dealt with it together."

"One drag two lines?"

"Concubine Yan is not a drag, but a help. I have officially invited her to join my team. In a certain way, she can play a considerable role for me."

"Okay, you are no longer a newcomer reincarnation, and it's time to bring in a newcomer, everything is up to you to decide."


Lin Bin nodded seriously.

After going back.

Lin Bin immediately informed Concubine Yan about this matter.

It was Gao Yue who was the most shocked.

She was surprised: "What... what? Are you going to enter the secret realm again so soon? And it's brother, you go in with mother... Wait..."

A strange look appeared on Gao Yue's face, and she asked tentatively: "Could it be that you two are secretly doing something behind my back in the name of going to the secret realm? I've been watching Douyin a lot recently, That's what some parents do, they fight in front of their children, then they make up after going out and then go to barbecue, don't you two..."

He practiced with Lin Bin, especially Concubine Yan, who also told Gao Yue some details about the secret territory before.

Knowing that the degree of danger is not as high as imagined, Gao Yue is not worried anymore... no, rather, she is even more worried.

these days.

Ever since she moved to a new home, she always felt that the atmosphere at home was weird, and her mother always wanted to avoid her, and she didn't know why.

Entering the secret realm this time, isn't that just avoiding it completely...

Although she is still just a little girl, relying on her eagerness to learn, as well as the explosion and divergence of information on her mobile phone, Gao Yue can't understand some knowledge that should be understood.

She asked a little melancholy: "Brother, do you still like me after you come out?"

Concubine Yan said angrily, "Yue'er, what are you talking about?"

"Yue'er, you think too much."

Lin Bin also said: "And it's not just the two of us, there may be a related party who will get involved..."

Gao Yue immediately asked alertly: "Come in? Who?"

Lin Bin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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