when reincarnation invades

Chapter 243 The stumbling block is finally gone

Chapter 243 The stumbling block is finally gone

Another few days of rest.

During this time, both Lin Bin and Concubine Yan were not idle.

With the help of the power of the phantom sound treasure box, he worked hard to improve his own cultivation...

Listening to the melodious vocal music, Lin Bin felt that his mind was much more sensitive.

The effect of comprehending the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is also much faster than before.

Phantom Treasure Box, as?No. [-] props, there must be a big secret hidden in it.

But as they left the world of Qin Shimingyue, this thing became an accelerator for Lin Bin and the others to practice. Of course, various music has different effects, and Lin Bin and Concubine Yan need to learn more about it. In-depth development will do.

This time, it didn't take too long.

Seven days later...

"Sister, this time because I'm helping a friend pass the secret realm, and Fei Yan also needs to participate in this assessment, so I decided that this time the secret realm should not cause too many disturbances, and just make sure it can reach a level of B or above. Now, and then return directly! So I estimate that the shortest is six or seven days, and the longest is half a month. The sheep are also herded..."

He vaguely had some guesses about his sister.

Therefore, before leaving this time, Lin Bin didn't even need Lin Xue to ask, and he had already taken the initiative to inform him of his itinerary this time in detail and concisely.

Lin Xue laughed and said, "Why did you say it so clearly?"

"I'm afraid you are worried, and now your legs have recovered. If there is any place you want to go, you can rest assured that the landlady will take you there. It doesn't matter if you come back a few days late. You should also have your own Life, anyway, with the landlady around, I don't worry about your safety at all."

Lin Bin felt that he was too considerate.

This level of insinuation...

It was as if she was telling her, go ahead and practice, don't save me face.

"Okay, I see, you remember to be safe."

Lin Xue gently stroked Lin Bin's head, and said softly.


Lin Bin turned to look at Concubine Yan.

At this time, Concubine Yan was still hugging Gao Yue who was full of reluctance. The little girl was acting like a baby with her mother with snot and tears at the moment. When she turned her head and saw Lin Bin, she felt even more sad.

Lin Bin hugged her affectionately.

Turning to look at Concubine Yan, she said, "Let's go."

"Well, Fei Yan obeys Brother Bin's instructions...or is it better to be called Captain?"

"Whatever, it's just a title. Anyway, this team is just the two of us, and the two of us don't pay much attention in private."

Under the Yiyi farewell of Gao Yue and Lin Xue.

Lin Xue took Concubine Yan into his H9, kicked the accelerator and drove towards the Science and Technology Association.

When I arrived at the Science and Technology Association, I hadn't entered the door yet.

Xia Dou had already been waiting at the door with a huge suitcase for a long time, when she saw the car, she jumped and waved, "I am here."

Lin Bin opened the door and let her sit in the back seat.

Xia Douyou couldn't help but exclaimed: "Boss, you are so fast. I thought you had to prepare for ten and a half months. You already asked our boss for several research projects to get some extra pocket money. No Thinking it's only been a few days..."

Lin Bin turned around and said casually: "After all, you are all advanced to the secret realm, so one more thing is worse than one less thing. Hurry up and pass the level to get rid of this big stone in your heart."

"I just like the confident look of you, boss!"

Xia Dou laughed and said, "It's no wonder our boss doesn't even trust the mercenary teams, but only trusts you. That's great... Eh, wait, us?"

She squeezed forward from the middle, and then met a peaceful face.

Concubine Yan smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to gently touch her small head that came closer, and said softly: "My name is Concubine Yan, you can just call me Concubine Yan, I never thought that Miss Xiadou, at such a young age, has already Reaching the limit of extraordinary strength, and having the qualifications for the entrance examination, is truly remarkable."

Xia Dou blinked and said blankly, "What a beautiful sister."

"You're cute too."

Concubine Yan looked at this little girl who was not much older than her own daughter, her eyes became more kind.

But Lin Bin thought about another question.

Hou Hou once told him that if a woman calls herself "I" when facing others, but calls herself something different when facing you, then it is very likely that this woman is flirting with you... Believe it or not, she is also an idiot Women, no one knows women better than women.

So what she called Fei Yan before was all flirting with me?

Lin Bin glanced at Concubine Yan...

Suddenly it felt... It really is better to be a charming young woman. At least he knew that it was just fun when Wan Wan was a dick, but when he found that Concubine Yan was a dick, he got a little excited.

Immediately coughed a few times in a hurry, and said: "Okay, we are about to set off, this time the secret realm is a brand new secret realm, everything is unknown, so although I have a quick fix in mind, I still have to It's better to get to know each other's strengths, um...Miss Xia Dou..."

"Just call me Xia Dou, boss."

"You don't have to be polite, our temporary team, you can just call me the captain, I can't afford to be a boss or something."

Xia Dou said disapprovingly: "Nonsense, I invaded your world XX bureau last time, but I saw your record and data with my own eyes, which are much more detailed than the official release... Boss, your data is even worse than my boss's." Luxurious."

Lin Bin asked: "Since you already know my abilities, it would be great. Miss Yan, she also has martial arts enhancements, but she is more inclined to spells and spells. What kind of skills do you have?" What about strengthening?"

"Technology enhancement!"

Xia Dou patted her small chest and said proudly, "Did you see my big suitcase?"

Lin Bin glanced at it and asked in surprise, "There are weapons inside?"

"Of course not, it's full of my luggage, a change of clothes and so on."

Lin Bin said speechlessly, "Then what do you mean by letting me see?"

"I want to remind you why I don't use the storage space for this suitcase. Do you know why? Because my storage space is already filled with various types of weapons."

Xia Dou said proudly: "And unlike those ordinary technology enhancers, I also have the ability to resonate with beasts, and I can control some beasts with not so high IQs for my use, hehe... Otherwise, what age do you think I am?" To become a reincarnator whose strength surpasses the extraordinary?"

Concubine Yan exclaimed, "So powerful?"

"Of course, although you can't boast about yourself, it's wrong to be too self-effacing, so my strength may not be as good as yours, but don't underestimate me because of this."

"In this case, why did President Bai ask me to take you into the secret realm?"

Lin Bin asked: "Based on the strength you described, basically unless you encounter a secret realm that is extremely restrained, otherwise, there will be no problem even if you use it alone!"

It can not only control fierce beasts, but also summon weapons.

It's like a combination of big gun + summoner.

Although it can't be said that there are no flaws, but the strength is definitely far better than the average reincarnation.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yuekui even wanted to find a strong bodyguard for her... He doesn't care so much about his own daughter, does he?

"Hey... who made me unlucky."

Xia Dou's proudly puffed up chest suddenly drooped weakly, and dejectedly took out a card from his hand, handed it to Lin Bin, and said, "Look."

Lin Bin was surprised to find that it was a prop.

[Bad Luck Points Card (S-level props): You can accumulate bad luck when you are unlucky and turn it into points, which will be accumulated automatically and used to exchange for lucky points! 】

[Note: It's really not my fault that you are unlucky, but it's actually pretty good to be unlucky! 】

"S-class item?"

Concubine Yan couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Looking at Xia Dou's eyes, she couldn't hide her surprise. She, Concubine Dongjun Yan, has a noble and mysterious status, but as a reincarnation, she is a poor one.

Up to now, I don't even have a decent prop in my hand.

Although Lin Bin doesn't mind subsidizing her a little bit so that she can get rid of her poor status...

But she has her own reserve.

She was helped a lot by Lin Bin before, which already made her feel that the love she owed would never end in this life.

How could she be willing to just be a Teng Man attached to Lin Bin?
Therefore, she expects to get what she wants through her own efforts.

Because of this, I couldn't help being surprised to see this young girl casually taking out S-level props.

"Yes, it is very powerful."

Xia Dou said: "So if you team up with me, if you encounter a bomb that is about to explode, whether to cut the red line or the blue line, don't hesitate to let me do it. There is absolutely no mistake...and the last shot Opportunities, the most critical chances, can all be given to me, and the success rate can reach 100%!"

Concubine Yan exclaimed: "That's amazing, wouldn't this mean that you will never make a wrong choice?!"

Lin Bin: "But if you have this item, the bad luck should not be an active choice but a passive choice, right? For example, once you enter the secret realm, you will be plagued by bad luck. You can't decide the increase of this point at all. ..."

Xia Dou: "..."

Her previous proud expression collapsed again, and she said aggrievedly: "You know again, so my boss won't let me ride in her car now, it's obviously a good car before, as long as I sit in it... she Already had six tires replaced, two windshields, plus..."

The voice did not fall.


The car, which was driving extremely smoothly, suddenly turned to one side.

Concubine Yan was startled and said, "It's not that smart, is it?"

Lin Bin hurriedly took hold of the steering wheel, and then turned back... After a while, he parked the car.

Get out and check.

Needless to say.

The left front wheel had a big hole because it hit a stone, and it was emitting scorched smoke right now.

Concubine Yan's cherry lips parted slightly, and the expression on her face looked cute and cute.

This is the first time I have seen the magical effects of props.

Didn't expect it to be this way.

She exclaimed, "Is it such a coincidence?"

Lin Bin glanced at the small card in his hand, the value on it was originally 149!

But now, it becomes 151.

Whether it has anything to do with this matter, of course, can be guessed with the butt.

He sighed: "I really wronged you."

Not long ago, Deng Yang laughed at the efficacy of He's Bi.

In the end, he didn't expect that within a few days, he saw something even more effective than He's Bi.

Miracle is indeed miraculous, concentrating all good luck in one point...

It's just that he used his usual bad luck to save up, and then exchanged for himself a chance of absolute victory. Whether this is a profit or a loss, I'm afraid only the person concerned knows.

"Hurry up and put this prop away. Fortunately, I still have a spare tire. It won't be a big problem to make it to the entrance of the secret realm."

Lin Bin took out the spare tire from the trunk and took out the jack. Although he had no experience in using the spare tire, with his current strength, he could use it forcibly without any problem.

After a moment.

He clapped his hands and said, "Let's go."

"I still recommend trying not to drive."

Xia Dou timidly looked at the mountain road ahead, surrounded by mountains on one side and cliffs on the other.

She said: "I'm really worried that your brake cable will have a problem. You are all martial arts enhancers, no problem, but I really can't."

"Don't worry, my luck is actually very good."

Lin Bin thought and Choi should be able to bless me...

After a while.

Look at the road construction, no traffic signs.

Lin Bin had to sadly admit that unless Xia Dou was hostile to him, He Shibi would never be able to protect him.

"Forget it, I'll contact a friend of mine and ask her to help me drive the car back to World XX Bureau. I'll take you two Yu Jian to fly there."

Lin Bin first called Bu Shuang.

Hearing that Lin Bin was going to order her, Bu Shuang's voice was a few plus signs louder than usual, saying that there is no problem at all, put it on my heart, and promise to take care of your car from beginning to end.

Then he waved.

The widest True Steel Sword flew out and stopped at the feet of the three of them.

He sighed: "It's a bit cramped for the three of you to fly together, you two can overcome it... I don't believe it, what kind of bad luck score card can make me fall from the sky?"

"That's right, Sister Yan, please help me, my sense of balance... ah ah ah..."

Following Lin Bin's sword, he rushed into the sky.

Xia Dou couldn't help screaming in horror from the thrilling feeling like riding a roller coaster.

This time there were no surprises.

Not surprisingly……

If this kind of accident happens again, it will be a life-threatening crisis for Lin Bin.

Naturally, He's Bi would not allow it.

Although this luck confrontation is really strange.

But the three finally managed to reach their destination.

And at the same time as the three of them entered the secret realm.

"Received reliable news that Abin has entered the secret realm!"

Within the Kingdom of God.

"Oh? Really? That's great. This Abin is obviously Gu Yuan's right-hand man. If you want to take Gu Yuan's life, you must first remove Abin who is not the target. At that time, you will lose your right-hand man." , I'd like to see how Gu Yuan can fight us alone!"

"Yeah, this time we can finally set up a real killing game against Gu Yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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