This is the result obtained by the apostles after several days of careful reference to the information provided by the death of the former seventh apostle Nitz.

After all, the other times were more or less mixed with conspiracy, intrigue and calculation.

Only this time is a real battle with real swords and guns.

This also led them to a conclusion.

There is a reason why Gu Yuan was able to kill four apostles one after another.

Although his personal force is indeed commendable...

But in fact, its strong network is also indispensable.

Just like the one against Nitz.

He unexpectedly summoned so many helpers, even the strangers in the plane walking were recruited by him.

Over the years, the Kingdom of God has been sending people to monitor the overall movement of the plane, but that time, they didn't notice anything.

It can be seen that the action was not an overall action of walking in the plane, but the spontaneity of some members inside.

The most troublesome of them is a certain reincarnation named Abin.

Almost as long as this reincarnated person fights between Gu Yuan and the Kingdom of God, he will fight at the forefront like a bloody horse boy.

Shi Zhixuan emphatically emphasized that this son is indeed Gu Yuan's number one loyal steward, and having him by his side is almost equivalent to making Gu Yuan even more powerful.

Deng Yang immediately suggested cutting off Lin Bin's son.

Shi Zhixuan said with regret on his face that getting rid of this son first was indeed the right choice, but if it happened at this time, it would be easy to startle the snake.

If Gu Yuan finds out at that time, relying on his cunning and cunning, he may not know what kind of reaction he will give.

After all, the ninth apostle, Kane, was caught by Gu Yuan ahead of time, and ended up in a tragic end.

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone agrees...

He said that it is best to wait until Gu Yuan places an order.

And now, the time has finally come.

"In this way, the Xiaoxiao plan can finally be launched."

Because there is a bird in Gu Yuan's name, the plan this time is to eliminate owls... And as far as the plan negotiated by the apostles is concerned, it is also called an unprecedented ultra-luxury lineup for Gu Yuan .

Using an S-level prop in the hands of the first apostle, a secret realm that has been entered many times is used to make a new secret realm look like a new secret realm, and then transferred to the territory of Huaguo.

In this way, the two parties will inevitably loot and compete for the ownership of this secret place.

And they assigned a master to wait for him in the secret realm...

From this we can see how much they paid to deal with Gu Yuan.

Even the s-level props were used more than once, and a secret realm was permanently lost.

And for this operation, they had already started planning in advance half a month ago.

For example, this brand new secret realm has actually been sneaked into by someone...but in the end it ended up being seriously injured and dying.

If it wasn't for the emergency escape props, he might have died in the secret realm by now.

And after he came out, he only left one sentence!

"Martial God of War!"

The apostles obviously also understood why they became enemies with Gu Yuan...

Speaking of which, it was actually just a coincidence.

Because Gu Yuan wanted to find a tome called the God of War Illustrated Book in the secret realm, but by chance, they killed the only person who might know the location of the God of War Illustrated Book.

The two sides thus enmity.

It's just a coincidence, but this one is just an exercise in a secret realm of the extraordinary level, but it caused their kingdom of God to lose four powerful apostles.

That being the case, let him become the God of War, and let him be the God of War if he loses.

The people of the Kingdom of God naturally understand the rules of the secret realms very well... Many secret realms are likely to be related to each other, but there is only a few decades of time difference.

A name of the god of war.

It's hard to guarantee that Gu Yuan won't be filled with anticipation.

They could only use this method to make Gu Yuan take the initiative to enter the urn, so as to dispel his doubts.

"Let me act this time!"

Shi Zhixuan took the initiative to invite Ying and said: "Master Nitz's death, I still can't let go of it from now on. This time, I will definitely avenge Lord Nitz... personally take the life of that Gu Yuan with my own hands."

"No need."

The first apostle said: "You don't need to act this time. I will set up a net in advance in the secret realm. If you also enter it, you will inevitably die!"

Shi Zhixuan exclaimed: "Oh? Is it so dangerous?"

"Huh... I can guarantee that as long as Gu Yuan dares to enter it, I will definitely let him go without returning! Becoming a saint? Even at the first level of the town, I am afraid it will be hard to escape."

The first apostle sneered lowly.

Shi Zhixuan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and even Deng Yang suddenly relaxed.

Fortunately, this kid, Abin, has already entered other secret realms to practice, and to be praised so much by the first apostle, I am afraid that this secret realm must be a place of death and no life. If he really enters, then they have to It is also very troublesome to find a way to catch him.

If the fishing is really successful this time, only Gu Yuan will be caught in it...

Huh?Who is Gu Yuan?

Do they know each other?
Hmm, totally fine.

Then forget it.

And in fact...

Totally targeted conspiracy.

It really hit Gu Yuan's death spot hard.

"Martial God of War?!"

On this day, Gu Yuan, who was still habitually browsing the news on the reincarnation forum, was attracted attention.

There are many who can be called the God of War.

But Martial God of War...

Naturally, he couldn't help his mind swaying and thinking about it.

Could it be that a secret realm connected to that B-185 secret realm appeared?
If this is the case, although the secret realm B-185 was destroyed, wouldn’t it be possible for me to pass through another secret realm and successfully obtain the God of War catalog again?
Gu Yuan's family knows her family affairs.

His strength has reached this stage, even among the saints, he can be called the number one person.

But that's about it.

Practicing the "Longevity Formula" was wrong, if he hadn't found a solution in the secret realm elsewhere.

If anyone in the secret realm of B-185 is replaced, I am afraid that they are already dead and cannot die anymore.

But even if he was lucky enough to pick up his life and come back, he is destined to be unable to break through the cage of the holy level, Zhen Guo?It was just an unattainable dream.

But if you can get the God of War catalogue...

Once the mind moves, it is difficult to control it.

He seriously began to investigate a lot of information about this secret realm, and the more he investigated, the more he was surprised to find that the martial arts development in this secret realm was really very close to the B-185 secret realm that he had been to twice.

"A new secret realm, I don't know about my brother... no, he has already entered another secret realm to practice."

Gu Yuan sighed, if it was a brand new secret realm, if Abin was still there, he could definitely form a team with him, and he would be able to freely enter it without using it at any cost.

But now.

I don't know when he will come out. It seems that he can only act on his own.

Gu Yuan immediately got through to Zhou Qing, the president of the Samsara Space Association branch.

Fortunately, he has other connections.


How did Lin Bin know that in order to deal with Gu Yuan, the Kingdom of God waited for him to leave.

At this time, the three of them had directly entered the secret realm.

A brand new secret realm.

It is narrow and smooth, and when you enter it, you can clearly feel the tightness.

Lin Bin sighed as he walked, "I really miss this feeling of entering for the first time. When was the last time... Sigh... As a member of the World Administration, Lei Ju is really kind to me. Changed I can't tolerate this kind of thinking of fishing!"

Xia Dou asked curiously: "So, boss, do you like the secret realm that has been entered by many people, or the secret realm that has not been spoiled by anyone?"

Lin Bin said casually: "Theoretically speaking, I prefer this kind of one that hasn't been tossed and ruined by others, so that I don't have to think about the thoughts of other reincarnations. After all, who knows who will enter the secret realm with you?" Is it a human or a ghost? What hook did they leave behind for you to take the bait?"

"It seems that the boss likes challenges. Indeed, this kind of plot where the difficulty is unknown and everything is unknown can better reflect your ability, boss!"

Xia Dou said with a look of admiration, "It's very similar to my boss."

talking room.

The three of them have successfully entered the secret realm.

Suddenly, the previous haze and darkness were swept away, and there was a clear sky.

"Ah... so fresh air!"

Xia Dou couldn't help but let out a long breath, and said with satisfaction: "This is the fresh air from nature... I can't take enough breaths."

"Not only does it have a natural taste, but it also has a fishy smell."

Lin Bin wrinkled his nose.

After the completion of "The Secret of Longevity", his five senses were sensitive, and his sense of smell even surpassed that of a police dog.

Therefore, he could smell the faint fishy smell among the vegetation, which was extremely pungent, even vaguely...

"Come out."

Concubine Yan gave a low voice, pinching out the formula with her ten fingers extremely dexterously.

A ball of golden light sank directly into the grass, and then dragged towards the outside...

A black poisonous snake as thick as an adult's forearm has been pulled out by her, and looking at its direction, it is impressively coming towards them.

Xia Dou was so frightened that she couldn't help shivering.

He muttered: "There is a snake, it's long, thick and slippery, hey... so disgusting..."

"Can't you manipulate beasts?"

Lin Bin signaled Concubine Yan to throw the black snake in front of Xia Dou, and said, "Try to manipulate it first, let it follow us, and it can also protect you."

"What, let me control it? No... ok... ok..."

Looking at Lin Bin's expression of being completely unmoved by her.

Xia Dou immediately understood.

The boss in front of her not only has a personality like her boss, but he probably also has an uncompromising temper.

She dejectedly pointed her hand at the black snake.

After a while, the originally weak look suddenly became surprised, "Huh? It failed?"

Lin Bin frowned and said, "Failure? Could it be that you didn't want to?"

"Nonsense, how dare you doubt my integrity!"

Xia Dou didn't dare to say: "I am born with this ability. The lower the IQ, the stronger the degree of control. In theory, the snake's brain is so small, so it should be easy for me to control it. Unexpectedly, it is... strange , although my luck is very bad, but a skill with a 100% success rate, no matter how unsatisfactory it is, there should be no possibility of failure, right? Or is it that my bad luck has increased?"

She hurried to check her unlucky point card.

Then it was surprising to find that the score did not increase.


Lin Bin immediately became interested when he heard this.

Forcibly controlling the black snake with the technique of a hundred-step flying sword, he had already picked up the black snake, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said: "It seems that this black snake has no effect on us, if that is the case, let's release it." .”

The voice just fell.

He suddenly changed his tune: "It's not very good, let's bake it."

The snake's body instantly became stiff.

The next moment, a scarlet light suddenly radiated from the eyes, biting towards Lin Bin's neck.

Then he was beheaded directly by a sword.

Blood is splattering...

The black snake's body fell powerlessly to the ground and twitched non-stop.

"You can really understand us."

Concubine Yan said solemnly: "So, the reason why Miss Xia Dou failed to manipulate is because the IQ of this snake is too high, almost comparable to that of us humans?"

Lin Bin shook hands and said, "It's evil spirit!"

Ever since he practiced the Taiyi Curse of Exorcising Sins and Slaying Demons and Protecting His Body, the inheritance technique left by Yan Chixia, he has been extremely sensitive to the evil spirit of this animal spirit.

"However, the strength of this snake demon is so weak, not much stronger than ordinary snakes, and it can even open up its own spiritual wisdom..."

Lin Bin said thoughtfully, and couldn't help pondering in his heart.

In the Qiannv plane, martial arts are still used to enter Taoism. Although there are many monsters, most of them are monsters formed by the condensed resentment of the dead. Those who can become human beings as spirits have great abilities.

Such as Cihang Pudu, such as Grandma the Dryad.

It's just that in this secret realm, even such a weak monster can evolve a spiritual intelligence that is not inferior to that of human beings. The popularity of monsters may be even more than that of the Qiannv plane.

In a sense, compared to A Chinese Story, it is a little bit beyond.

Combined with the topic that Lei Ju lamented that the new secret realm has been greatly improved...

Lin Bin suddenly felt something.

Ordinary secret realms will probably be eliminated soon.

Similarly, the upper limit of the difficulty of the secret realm will probably increase accordingly.

The immortal cultivation technique he was looking forward to should not be far away.

And this time.

Xia Dou suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Ah, the mission is here."

The reincarnation clocks of the three of them all rang.

They looked down, and sure enough, they saw a few lines of small characters clearly appearing on the reincarnation table.

[Secret Realm Mission: Kill the lineage of the National Teacher! 】

[Completion reward: 3000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1. 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

"Kill... the national teacher?!"

Lin Bin was thoughtful, but found that among all the relevant plots he knew, there were too many related to the national teacher.

Isn't Cihang Purdue also a national teacher?

But without exception.

Anyone who dares to be called a national teacher is a person with a few brushes.

"Let's go, let's find out first. This secret realm involves the promotion of the two of you, Fei Yan and Xia Dou. It's better not to cause trouble as much as possible, and clear the level as soon as possible."

Lin Bin walked forward first.

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