when reincarnation invades

Chapter 245 Don't Question the Firepower of Technology Enhancers, This Is Common Sense

Chapter 245 Don't Question the Firepower of Technology Enhancers, This Is Common Sense
The three of them walked towards the populated place along the way.

Along the way, the scenery is picturesque...

But just because it is almost completely in the state of primeval forest, the number of flying insects and beasts encountered is also quite a lot.

And these beasts are extremely ferocious.

Even if Concubine Yan released Hunxi Longyou and used Longyou's aura to intimidate her along the way, it only slightly reduced the frequency of attacks on the three of them.

And among these beasts, most of them are snakes.

Until a few people walked out of the forest and came to a turbulent river.

Lin Bin's gaze was like a torch, and he saw a slender figure on a rock on the other side of the river...

Or snake shadow?

The little white snake's head hangs down, dying, and it looks like it will be washed away by the river at any moment.

Lin Bin gasped in surprise, and rushed over.

Just before the little snake was washed away by the river, he picked it up casually.

The touch of the body is cold and transparent, as if it is about to cool down...

No, the snake itself is cold. This should be its own body temperature, so it is not cold yet.

After saving the white snake, relying on his spiritual sense, he stretched out his hand and dragged it in the nearby grass.

Then he touched an emerald green hairpin.

The emerald green hairpin was hidden in the grass, and it didn't show at all, that is to say, Lin Bin's "Longevity Jue" had a very keen perception of aura, otherwise, if someone else came, he might have to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

Lin Bin showed a strange look on his face, and muttered: "I suddenly feel that I seem to know where this is."

White snake, hairpin, and a lot of snake things.

This should be the secret realm of the origin of the white snake.

It can also be regarded as the prequel of The Legend of the White Snake.

And in this world, there is also the method of cultivating immortals that Lin Bin has been thinking about day and night.

It's just that the so-called Taiyin True Kung Fu is obviously too insidious and evil, and it is not an orthodox practice method at all.

But the evil way of practice has arrived, can the righteous way of practice be far behind?

"What's the matter, boss? Did you find anything?"

Xia Dou asked on the opposite side with his hands on the horn.

"Well, there are indeed some discoveries."

Lin Bin looked around and found that the jungle was lush and there were few people living here, as if no one had ever set foot here.

And judging from the attacks they encountered along the way, ordinary humans shouldn't be able to find them here.

So, did you escape here?

Lin Bin returned to the other side of the river, handed Concubine Yan a hairpin, and said with a smile, "What do you think this is?"

Concubine Yan took the hairpin, couldn't help her eyes light up, and exclaimed: "This, this... I heard people say in the reincarnation forum that there are treasures everywhere in the secret realm, just to see if you can find them. Could it be that this is what you are really looking for? Brother Bin, you can take out an A-level prop with just one hand?"

[Jade hairpin (a-level prop): Baoqingfang produces a superb magic weapon, which can absorb the power of the outside world and transform it into the spiritual energy you need, and can even help the enemy, with infinite power.You need to pay reincarnation points × 2000 points to bring out the secret realm! 】

[Note: Men are not worthy of using me. 】

"Ahhh? Boss... Is this the power of the big boss to master the secret realm?"

Xia Dou's eyes were round and round in shock.

A-level props are so precious, who would have thought that one could be easily picked up?
Lin Bin handed the hairpin to Concubine Yan and said with a smile, "I've given it to you."

He naturally knew the origin of this thing.

But as a reincarnator, if a good thing falls into my hands, it will be mine, so do you expect to return it?

This hosta was first held by the snake mother, and then she lent it to the white snake.

But now, it belongs to his Lin family.

Concubine Yan hastily stretched out her hand and pushed it away, saying: "No... How can Fei Yan accept such a precious thing?"

"The two of us got this thing together. Naturally, those who see it have a share. Either you use it or I use it. Could it be that you let me fight the enemy with a hairpin? That would make the enemy's big teeth laugh, right? You want me to wait until I get out of the secret realm to give you something, and you want to save an extra 2000 points of reincarnation?"

"Anyone who sees it?"

Xia Dou looked at Lin Bin eagerly.

But Lin Bin ignored her.

If you are an outsider, I will not exploit you because President Bai has taken good care of me.

If you want benefits, you have to be yourself.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Although you are strong, but after all, you are too young to enter the secret realm, and you haven't had time to prepare a few suitable props for yourself. This is probably the biggest disadvantage of you aliens compared to the orthodox reincarnation. If you don’t have enough time to grow up, you have to face the same threat as the reincarnation, this hairpin can help you a lot, so don’t be polite to me, of course..."

Lin Bin paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "If you really feel that you owe me favors, you can just make up for me when this secret realm is over..."

Concubine Yan was startled when she heard the words, and vaguely understood what Lin Bin meant.

She took the hairpin with both hands, bit her lip lightly, and said, "Then Fei Yan would like to thank Brother Bin for his kindness."

"Boss, big brother, can you pick up some more props?"

Xia Dou looked at Lin Bin anxiously, and asked, "As long as the function is useful, I can buy it with points... No, I just want to ask, is your S team still recruiting? Look at me." OK?"

Lin Bin smiled immediately.

I was about to speak back.

In the distance, suddenly there was a rustling sound.

Dozens of guards rushed out of the jungle with weapons in hand, and behind them, a jet of black spiritual light roared, and the dense bushes were destroyed wherever they passed.

Until the feet of several people stopped.

At this time, a wide path of more than two meters has been opened up from the direction of time to the feet of the three of them.

A young man in a brocade robe and a veil was sitting on a high sedan chair, walking towards this side with a relaxed expression.

He glanced at the spirit hairpin in Concubine Yan's hand, then at the white snake in Lin Bin's hand, a playful look flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand and said, "If you kill me, I will take back the hairpin and snake." .”


The two guards standing at the front responded.

There was a fierce light in his eyes looking at the three of them, he bent his bow and shot an arrow, and several sharp arrows shot straight at the three of them.

"Are you chasing so fast?"

Lin Bin looked down at the small white snake in his hand...

What he entered was a secret realm that had not been disturbed by anyone.

That is, the current scene is a fragment that once happened in the plot.

Is it the time when the plot was first hunted down?

Because she was too exhausted to maintain her original form, without her own participation, she would have had to deal with the enemy because she was discovered, so that she exhausted the last trace of demon power, and then lost her memory. It was a coincidence The people from Snake Village were arrested and picked up.

It's just that I didn't expect to be cut off by myself.

Then he replaced her and confronted these people.

But it's not bad...

After all, his goal itself is the line of the national teacher. In other words, the target is not just the national teacher, but everyone in the entire national teacher system needs to be completely wiped out.

These people are also among them.

Facing the arrow, Lin Bin fired with his fingers.

Several bursts of energy were bouncing on the tip of the arrow, and the dexterous energy directly made the arrow turn around and shoot towards the guards.

Puff puff……

The sound of several flesh and blood being pierced sounded, and the force of the returned arrow was several times stronger than before. Several guards couldn't react at all, and were directly strangled.


The young man with a relaxed expression showed a bit of stunned expression on his face, slowly sat up straight, and exclaimed: "Is he still a bit capable? That's right, as long as he doesn't rely on his ability to be a bit of a three-legged cat, there is no Who dares to dip into this muddy water...but you will soon know that the trivial skills you think you are self-righteous are nothing more than trivial skills in my eyes.

Halfway through.

His pupils suddenly constricted.

He looked in shock at Lin Bin who had appeared behind him at some point.

A long sword with a flashing cold light rested firmly on his neck.

"Sorry, but I really don't want to listen to your nonsense, I just want to ask if you have any brains?"

Lin Bin asked: "If you have a brain, just obediently lead us to find that national teacher you are loyal to."


The exposed half of the young man's face was swollen and red, obviously very angry because of Lin Bin's contempt.

He shouted: "I want your life!"

Grabbing the formula with his hands, he shouted: "Go!"

The voice fell.

All the golden threads woven from his body came out of his body, turning into rays of dazzling golden light, resplendent and illusory, entangled towards Lin Bin and the others in front of him!

The next moment.

With him as the center, the red petals bloomed in all directions.

The blazing sky covers the seven-layered ring.

Today's Lin Bin can already control this A-level prop freely, and can even play some tricks... Just like now, the four petals slowly stretch out, and then slowly close inward.

It was originally an absolute defense against the outside world, but at this time it formed a tightly closed cage.

Directly trapped the brocade-clothed man inside.

Those thousands of golden threads seemed to have great momentum, but where they passed, they only rippled on the petals of the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring, and they didn't move at all.

Outright, he roared angrily.

Gathering thousands of gold beams into one body, he wanted to directly break the prison cage that imprisoned him.

But at the moment when the golden light long sword came into contact with the blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring.

There was a crisp bang.

The golden sword snapped.

"That's it?!"

Lin Bin sighed a little regretfully. After all, it was a crooked way. He had gone astray from the beginning. Now meeting him, a person who practices orthodox Taoist exercises, is like meeting a nemesis.

Originally, I was thinking about this so-called Taiyin Sutra, Ten Thousand Laws Returning to the Yuan, maybe I can take it away and enlighten it.

But after thinking about it, his "Longevity Jue" with seven elements in one can actually quickly absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world for his own use. In a sense, it is not much worse than the real power of Taiyin.

It saves a lot of trouble.

He clenched his fist suddenly, and the petals gathered sharply.

"Either betray your master's whereabouts to me, or I will read your soul directly here, but in this way, although you will not die, you will become an idiot...you choose..."

Lin Bin paused for a moment, then shouted heavily: "Say!"

this one word.

Already used the supernatural means of the Taiyi Eradication of Sins, Slaying Demons and Body Protection Curse.

Like thunder, it hit the ear of the man in brocade.

He was so shocked that he screamed in pain, his five sense organs were bloodshot, and what was even more frightening was that the petals closed, as if they were going to completely crush him into a pulp in a few seconds!

"Speak! Let me tell you, two hundred miles to the southeast, my master's national ship is there... The master ordered me to chase after more than a hundred miles and then return immediately, but I was greedy for the enemy's mana, so I chased so far rashly !"

He howled in pain.

"Oh, thank you!"

Lin Bin's voice fell.

The palm of the hand suddenly clenched into a fist, accompanied by a loud bang.

There was a sound of bones breaking and tendons snapping inside, and as the petals scattered, only a corpse in agony was left lying there.

Xia Dou was shocked and said, "Boss...is the boss so ruthless?"

"He is in the same way as I barely cultivated, but I follow the orthodox Taoist sect, absorbing the aura of the sun and the moon to supply my body, and becoming one with the heaven and the earth, while he kills and injures living beings, absorbing blood and monsters to practice and transform them into his own. It is the way of harvesting men, this kind of person will die a thousand times without being wronged, so are you afraid of killing the wrong one?"

Lin Bin casually put the white snake into his pocket.

After explaining a few words, he said, "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Get rid of the national teacher, and then complete our mission!"

Lin Bin said: "Didn't I say it? This time the secret realm is an advanced secret realm, so it's not appropriate to stir up trouble too much. If you want to dig deeper into the secrets of this secret realm, you might as well come back later when you have free time. Now, It is only reasonable to kill the target and complete the task directly!"

"The boss is right, I listen to the boss."

Xia Dou didn't dare to speak, because she always felt that the task this time was not so easy to complete.

However, there is no chance.

Her bad luck always felt that after she was with the man in front of her, except for the previous blowout, she never had an attack again.

Immediately, Lin Bin called out the flying sword, asked the two women to stand up, and flew in the direction pointed by the man in brocade clothes.

After half an hour.

The flying sword stopped by the river... The river at this time was no longer a small stream as before, but spread wide, as vast and boundless as the sea.

And in the middle of the river.

A huge five-toothed ship was cutting through the waves and sailing slowly forward.

The momentum looked astonishing.

Especially when Lin Bin and others pressed down the flying sword and landed by the river, they looked like three tiny ants compared to this giant ship.

Xia Dou couldn't help but sighed, "I never thought that such a magnificent ship would exist in this ancient society."

Concubine Yan seriously asked, "How do we get in?"

"Why do you want to go in?"

Su Run looked at Xia Dou and said, "Xia Dou, aren't you a technology enhancer? What is your most powerful weapon? Can you sink this ship directly?"

Xia Dou: "Ah?!"

Lin Bin: "Isn't it possible? Is the saint-level technology-enhanced reincarnation so weak? Then just take out all your weapons and shoot at this ship. No matter how strong the enemy is, they are still flesh and blood. I don't believe that all the ammunition in the entire storage space is poured out, and he can still be unscathed."

Xia Dou said angrily, "Are you going to squeeze me dry?"

Lin Bin asked back, "Do you want to lie down all the way?"

Xia Dou coughed for a while, and said, "Let me explain, what I said before was not because it was beyond my ability, but because you questioned the firepower of a technology enhancer, so I was so confused and angry Yes, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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