when reincarnation invades

Chapter 246 This hatred is still very strong

Chapter 246 This hatred is still very strong
The five-toothed warship sailed slowly across the lake.

The speed is not too fast.

But wherever it passed, fish and shrimp suffered, and under the shadow, it seemed as if a mountain descended, with infinite pressure.

The big ship is mighty, and the soldiers on the fleet did not relax at all, and they were on alert throughout the whole process.

Such a team is almost an invincible force in this backward era.

But who could have imagined...

A force from another time and space has already quietly set its target on this battleship.

"Boss is really disgusting. How dare you underestimate the firepower of a technology enhancer. How is this different from making fun of a woman with flat chest?"

At this time, Xia Dou was wearing a beret, her lively eyes were blocked by Harley glasses, and her exposed mouth kept chanting.

And this time.

Along the river, she has already filled all kinds of powerful weapons.

Various weapons such as bombardment guns, electromagnetic guns, beam guns, and positioning strike systems...

At this moment, Xia Dou was pouting his buttocks and stuffing heavy shells one after another into the barrels lined up in formation.

On the contrary, Concubine Yan who watched was amazed.

Although she had never seen the power of modern weapons, she just looked at the icy muzzle of the formidable and flickering gun, and Lin Bin who had already been hiding far away.

She tactfully followed behind Lin Bin, watching Xia Dou busy there alone.

He stroked the hairpin that had been inserted obliquely in his hair at this time.

Concubine Yan hesitated for a moment, but she still took the initiative to hold Lin Bin's hand.

To her, the value of the hairpin as an A-level prop is only the lowest.

What really matters to her is the meaning behind the hairpin, which is his care for her, and his value and expectation for her.

After a moment.

The two saw the tiny arms protruding from the grass, and they made a gesture of thumbs up, indicating that they were OK.

Lin Bin nodded heavily, signaling that she could attack at any time.

Concubine Yan asked worriedly in a low voice: "Brother Bin, do you think these cannon fires can take the life of that national teacher?"

Lin Bin: "I think it's too bad. In fact, this Xia Dou is really unlucky. She has such an S-level prop on display. Her firepower is indeed very fierce. But in a sense, she is really unlucky, because this The secret realm can be called her nemesis."

After all, the armed forces of real technology have come to the fantasy world of cultivating immortals.

It cannot be said that there is no achievement. All fears come from the lack of firepower. As long as the firepower is sufficient, any threat can be easily eliminated.

However, Xiadou's firepower...

It's too biased.

They are all powerful weapons.

Although coupled with her ability to manipulate wild beasts to protect herself from the mainland, she can also protect herself in other secret realms.

But in this secret realm, this ability was directly abolished.

All the stronger beasts have already cultivated their spiritual wisdom, and they don't want to see her so-called control at all.

If she was allowed to mess around in this secret realm by herself, with her small body, maybe a little monster could take her life.

If you want to pass the test, you have to cooperate with others.

It's no wonder that when she was promoted, Bai Yuekui thought of him immediately. After all, she was looking for teammates, and she must be looking for the most suitable one.

Between emotions.

Boom, boom, boom~...

The ground beneath the two of them suddenly trembled violently.

Like an earthquake, the animals in the mountains and forests all raised their heads vigilantly, and then seemed to realize the danger, and quickly fled to the distance.

next moment.

Countless artillery fire shot straight into the sky, all falling on the huge battleship.

The five-toothed warship was too huge to dodge, and it was completely reduced to a target at this moment...

Just for a moment.

Mixed with the roar of boundless and blazing gunfire, and the broken wood and debris flying across, raging flames were already erupting on the battleship.

"Enemy attack!"

"Quickly form a defensive formation, there is an artillery attack..."

"Cannon... Where is the cannon fire?!"

On the big ship, the soldiers were well-trained, even if no less than a hundred people died directly in the first wave of attack, they did not panic at all.

Instead, the most correct defense was organized immediately.

But it's a pity to face an attack they don't understand at all...

Their so-called correct defense made them the best targets.

"Hey, hit the target!"

Xia Dou gave a low laugh, made a handsome poss, raised one hand to the sky, and snapped his fingers.

A huge bomb twice as long as her head fell straight from the sky and landed on the battleship.


Mixed with a loud bang, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the battleship was directly blown into two pieces from the middle.


"The enemy comes from heaven!"

"God's punishment... have we been punished by God?"

The battleship tilted to either side.

The soldiers were unable to stand firmly, slipped one after another, or fell directly into the fire, burned by the flames stained with gunpowder, screaming in pain, and fell into the water if they were lucky, but they could not escape the end of death. Get on the huge battleship that is slowly pressing towards them.

In such a short period of time, it is an extravagant wish to escape.


Concubine Yan had already opened her eyes.

Although the five-tooth warship is far from being comparable to a mirage, it is already a huge ship beyond the imagination of the ancients. It turned out that under the bombardment of this wave of artillery fire, it was so shattered.

But right now.

Above the broken ship, black clouds gradually gathered.

Slowly, a huge figure formed, with a dark face, where is there even the slightest human figure?

It's just that his eyes are as fierce and vicious as a falcon, and he is clearly a national teacher.

After showing up, the national teacher immediately stared at the source of the firepower.

His clothes were not damaged at all. Obviously, although the attack just now seemed terrifying, it didn't affect him even in the slightest...

Even, perhaps quite by chance, the main goal was avoided altogether.

Xia Dou's eyes were moist, and he took out the bad luck point card. Needless to say, it has just increased by five points.

This damn bad luck...

"The witch is dead!"

The national teacher yelled angrily, this five-toothed ship does not belong to him, but is held by the Tang Empire, but he used it with his own power, but now it is destroyed here.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the Holy One in the future.

In anger, he shot mercilessly.

The letter pointed to Xia Dou.

Countless black talismans came out, circling and dancing in the sky, and the momentum seemed extremely frightening... A moment later, it turned into a black tiger and bit Xia Dou.

"Ah, ah, help, big brother."

Tears burst from the corners of Xia Dou's eyes, and she ran towards Lin Bin covering her head.

"Cooperating with this girl, the output is as fierce as a tiger, and the output is not enough for two hundred and five... This didn't even break the enemy's skin, it was purely to draw hatred and pull people out."

Lin Bin yelled: "Fei Yan, you go to the ship and kill everyone on the ship, this national teacher is handed over to me!"

"Crimson Smoke understands!"

Concubine Yan nodded, her figure floated like smoke, and she ran towards the broken battleship in the distance.

Their task is not to kill the national teacher, but to kill the national teacher's line...

This also means that it is not just the national teacher who needs to die, but all those who practice the national teacher's skills.

Fortunately, Concubine Yan is not the kind of holy mother who can't see blood.

Especially in the secret realm, in order to complete the task, many times it is indeed to do things against one's will.

She didn't hesitate at all...

Lin Bin let out a low whistle, and raised his left hand to Xia Dou.

The blazing sky covering seven rings directly covered Xia Dou's back.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the blazing seven-fold ring was shattered under this blow, and the second petal grew along with the trend, resisting the remaining momentum of the attack.

Xia Dou exclaimed in surprise, "Boss..."

"Hide behind me."

With a wave of Lin Binxin's hand, the seven swords were unsheathed at the same time.

"Oh? He's still a fellow?!"

The national teacher sneered and said: "Damn it! Ha..."

He growled lowly.

When the talisman missed a hit, it immediately disintegrated and scattered, turning into countless arrows, which directly hit Lin Bin.

Bah bah bah~~~! ! !

The seven swords hovered in the air, impenetrable.

All the talismans were stopped, but the blow of the national teacher also made Lin Bin's Tiangang Big Dipper Formation that was about to take shape directly unable to take shape.

Lin Bin gasped in surprise, apparently he did not expect the strength of the national teacher to be so strong...

"Come again!"

It's hard to meet a strong enemy.

Lin Bin's heart was also very hot, he stretched out his hand and bit his finger, smeared blood on his palm, and shouted: "The world is boundless, the universe uses the law!"

The blood-red palm thunder blasted towards the black cloud in front of it!

In a loud bang.

Fu Yun was suddenly blasted out a huge gap.

The Eight Swords of the King of Yue are like shooting stars, and they took advantage of the gap to cross the gap and attack the national teacher!

"Get up!"

The national teacher sternly shouted, and a huge copper banner floated behind him, and the spiritual light was powerful, accompanied by the crisp sound of the spiritual bell.

A golden barrier was formed in front of him.

Class B weapons passed by one after another, causing ripples.

"not bad!"

Lin Bin thought of trying a trick in his heart.

Chang Xiao said: "The dragon roars to the nine heavens, and the sword transforms into thousands."

The seven divine weapons suddenly split into countless sword lights, and everywhere they passed were densely packed with sword shadows.

"This... what kind of trick is this?"

The national teacher was stunned.

Although the technique of controlling the sword is wonderful, he can't...

But to him, it is not some kind of magical technique.

But this split sword light.

He looked at Lin Bin with salivation, and said with a low smile, "You are... a real cultivator?! Hahahaha... There is nowhere to be found, and it doesn't take much effort to get here. The real Xuanmen orthodox cultivation method, this national teacher has been looking forward to for a long time!"

Obviously, he also knew that what he practiced was a crooked way. Although it can prolong life and increase merit, it is difficult to achieve the real fruit.

It's just that I have been searching for it for many years, but I have never made progress.

But now I see Lin Bin.

He laughed loudly, "Since you're here, let's stay."

The giant banner behind it showed its original shape, it was actually a ghost banner made entirely of skeletons, the aura on it turned into a blue ghostly aura, which turned into giant claws of aura, and grabbed Lin Bin.

Lin Bin didn't move, but stretched out his hands to hold Xia Dou's waist, pinching her under his arms.

The figure disappeared without a trace in an instant, and appeared several meters away.

Even the space between the sky and the earth is gray.

The huge banner that was spinning endlessly seemed to be blocked by something, and the momentum of spinning suddenly became stagnant.

He no longer holds back.

Still control the Seven Swords.

But he held the golden Xuanyuan Excalibur in his palm, and shouted: "Take my sword!"

The figure flickered one after another, without any track to be traced, with one arm around Xia Dou, and the other holding the sword, he slashed at the national teacher.

"Hahahaha, what a magical weapon, mine, mine, all mine!"

The national teacher's eyes were even more drooling.

The palms changed one after another, the giant banner twirled endlessly, and the faint blue aura spread around, forming a field of hundreds of meters, directly including Lin Bin.

But the ghostly blue aura couldn't infect Lin Bin no matter what.

Sensing the invasion of ghostly energy, Xuanyuan Sword suddenly shined brightly...

At this time, Lin Bin had already pushed to the side of the national teacher.

Slashed down with a merciless sword.

The national teacher let out a low growl, and the ghost banner behind him swirled in front of him to resist, but was cut in two by a sword.


The national teacher was stunned, obviously he didn't expect that the Ghost Banner, which he had refined thousands of souls, could not withstand the power of this sword!
Seeing the next sword continue to strike.

His face changed drastically, and he hurriedly dodged to force back.

But Lin Bin started out in martial arts, and now that he is in front of him, he immediately has the upper hand.

Xuanyuanjian's sword energy is freely swaying, and the seven swords are shuttled in front of him, as if controlling the seven swords with one sword. Although it is not the Tiangang Beidou Formation, it is like eight people joining hands to strike one person.

The sword light was bright and moving, and the sword shadow was continuous. At close range, Xia Dou, who was looking directly at it, was dazzled and fascinated, and his face showed obsession.

He muttered: "Is the boss so awesome?"

"Asshole, bastard!"

How rampant and proud the national teacher was before, how embarrassing he is now.

It never occurred to him that the young man in front of him seemed to be only in his early twenties, but his cultivation base was so profound, and his practice contained endless vitality. He was the nemesis of his ghost.

Now the magic weapon is destroyed.

It was too late to set up a formation to fight him to the death.

After a few moves, even the hair crown was cut off by a sword.

He shouted angrily: "Come here, quickly get my map!"

No one answered.

In a panic, he looked back, only to see a person standing at the bow of the ship.

Her long hair was fluttering, and her face was so beautiful that she looked like a banished fairy, but the white face was stained with a little blood at this time, which seemed to add a bit of coquettish and charming temperament to her.

And at her feet...

A group of corpses lay all over the place.

They are all his capable disciples and servants!
The enemy is ready!

"Damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

The national teacher suddenly became furious, and roared angrily, and his palms glowed with a ghostly blue ghostly brilliance, obviously intending to make the last fight.

But Lin Bin Xuanyuan's sword light was suddenly released on the opposite side.

Lin Bin's figure suddenly disappeared without a trace...

The next moment, he appeared behind the national teacher.

Immediately, the seven swords sneered several times, piercing into his body fiercely one after another.

The national teacher's eyes widened in shock, and he stared at Lin Bin in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that he would lose so cleanly.

"You did a good job, I had a great time fighting!"

Lin Bin boasted, and tapped his head lightly with the long sword.

The national teacher tilted his head and rolled down like a ball.

There is no more sound.

"Dead...is this dead?"

Xia Dou cheered excitedly, "Yeah, that's great, I didn't expect my task to be completed so quickly."

Is this too fast?

But the next moment, she shook her watch in a little confusion, and asked, "It's strange, why didn't there be a reminder?"

(End of this chapter)

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