when reincarnation invades

Chapter 247 Take 1 Step and Think 3 Steps

The national teacher is already dead and can't die anymore.

With his death, Lin Bin took out the death bible, and clearly saw the sketch of the national teacher emerged on one page of the bible, which was so lifelike.

Apparently, Guoshi has been taken by his death scripture.

After a while...

Concubine Yan also lightly floated back from the boat in their direction, indicating that there was no one alive on board.

Facing a powerful enemy from another world...

Although Concubine Dongjunyan is so powerful, in the Yinyang family, she doesn't think of anyone other than Donghuang Taiyi.

But in the face of these elite disciples who could be brought by the national teacher, although they successfully completed Lin Bin's orders, the whole process was obviously not easy...

Therefore, his body was somewhat stained with blood.

But even now.

The reincarnation watch did not give any response, no matter how Xia Dou fiddled with the reincarnation watch, it was useless.

After struggling for a while, she timidly asked Lin Bin, "Then...that...is it my fault again?"

Seeing the little girl's cautious appearance, Lin Bin couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

It seems that since she got the bad luck collection card, this girl has the idea that whenever something goes wrong in the mission, it is always right to be the first to sum up her mistakes.

"Don't worry, I guessed it a long time ago, the task this time is actually not so easy."

Lin Bin touched her little head with a smile, and rubbed it vigorously, saying that he didn't mean to blame her, and explained: "Our mission is to kill the lineage of the national teacher. Although the national teacher is dead now, But the remnants are still there, and if we don’t clear up these remnants, I’m afraid we won’t be able to complete the mission.”

Xia Dou asked, "Where is the remnant party?"

"It should be in the imperial city."

Concubine Yan said: "Since he is called the national teacher, he naturally serves the emperor, and his base must be in the imperial city."

"Maybe it's not just the imperial city."

Lin Bin thought for a while, and shook out the white snake from his sleeve.

At this time, the white snake was still groggy, and looked unconscious.

Lin Bin slowly raised his hand, using the "Secret of Longevity" to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy into his palm, gradually condensed into a thick white liquid, which he gently injected into the white snake's body.

The white snake's drooping head shook slightly, and with the help of this slightly hot aura, it slowly recondensed from its previous snake-like form into a human form.

"Changed...a snake into a human?"

Xia Dou stared wide-eyed with a pair of smart eyes, and exclaimed, "This is not scientific at all!"

Concubine Yan was not very surprised. She already knew that different worlds have different world rules.

He just thought about it: "Is this the real reason why Miss Xia Dou couldn't control those wild beasts before? These wild beasts not only possess intelligence not inferior to that of humans, but even their bodies are approaching human bodies...they want to Cultivate as an adult?"

"But this kind of practice has a name...that is demon!"

Lin Bin explained.

"Then why did she still wear clothes when she turned into a human? Could it be that they have inherited the shameful concept of humans after becoming a human? But if that's the case, why didn't they wear clothes when they became snakes? ?”

Xia Dou's question was particularly tricky.

Lin Bin didn't know how to answer for a while.

And while several people were talking.

The White Snake got that extremely pure aura, and his previously drowsy mind cleared up a lot. He slowly opened his eyes, until he saw a few figures in front of him...

Her first reaction was to retreat quickly instinctively to protect herself.

Immediately, he smelled an extremely strong smell of blood, and when he looked back, he was shocked.

She naturally remembered what her mission was.

She even remembered that she just had a face-to-face meeting with the national teacher, and was seriously injured by him so that she was almost unable to escape. If she hadn't taken advantage of the trend and turned into her original form, and followed the current with the help of the undercurrent of the river, I'm afraid she has now become a part of the national teacher's skill .

But now, the ship that looked like a devil's den to her was already in the raging flames, and was slowly moving silently towards the river.

And the corpse of the national teacher next to him...

Even if it's just a corpse, Xiaobai can't help but tremble slightly when he thinks of its previous prestige.

She warned: "Who are you?"

While speaking, his eyes instinctively moved to Concubine Yan's hair.

The hairpin given to her by her master has already fallen into the hands of the other party...

No, I have already fallen into the other party's hands before.

Lin Bin replied: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that the national teacher has died in my hands. In the future, there should be no one in the whole world who wants to catch snakes. Of course, if you have existed before If it destroys the ecological balance, then that’s another story.”

Xiaobai asked in surprise, "You killed the national teacher?"

"In fact, I not only want to kill the national teacher, I will kill all the people or demons who are closely related to the national teacher."

"Are you a monster too?"

"No... I'm a human being, but infighting has always been a hallmark of human beings, isn't it?"

Lin Bin said: "So, in order to cut off the remnants of the National Teacher, I need your help, can you?"

"Me? How can I help you?"

After confirming that the people in front of him were indeed the real culprits who killed the national teacher, Xiaobai's previous guard had gradually been lowered... Would she be able to use her vigilance against an existence that could kill the national teacher?
Apart from increasing the pleasure of the other party, it has no effect at all.

Besides, the other party didn't seem to be malicious towards her.

Lin Bin asked, "I want to know where the snake mother is!"

"Master... why did you ask her whereabouts?"

Lin Bin: "Don't you know that your master is actually with the National Teacher?"


Xiaobai's complexion changed drastically, even facing Lin Bin who could dominate her at will, she still said angrily: "You killed the national teacher and saved all of us. I am very grateful to you, but this is not that you can slander my teacher. respectful reason."

"Your master and the national teacher should have a secret cooperation. She regularly sends some experts to assassinate the national teacher. Of course, it is called assassination, but it is actually just delivering food. She can use this to gain a period of peace. Being a teacher is like growing vegetables, he also understands the principle of exhausting water to catch fish, so a certain balance has been reached between the two parties."

"Impossible, Master is not that kind of person..."

"Then why did she still send you to assassinate the National Teacher, knowing that your strength is far from being a match for the National Teacher?"

Lin Bin asked: "If she really wants to kill the national teacher, it should be the best of the entire snake clan, especially when she herself is also mobilized to gather the power of the snake clan to fight the national teacher to the death, but she just sent you... Don't you think this is suspected of scaring the snake? Unless, this is the tacit understanding between the two of them, and you are just a poor victim caught in the middle. "

"Impossible. Master must have her own reasons. What you said is absolutely false."

"I guess you are not the first person to assassinate the national teacher. Where did the people before you go? Why did the snake mother let you go one by one when she knew they were dead? You don't understand the reason in the middle." ?"

Xiao Bai's already extremely pale face quickly turned into panic.

Obviously, she also thought of the irrationality in it.

"I'm asking you now, are you willing to tell us the location of your master?"

The little white face showed a look of excitement, and then he reacted, and said firmly: "Impossible, you are just lying to me."

"Oh, what a stubborn little fairy, no matter...you don't want to say it, and I won't force you, anyway, the national teacher is dead now, and the snake mother has lost the nemesis on her head, and it is estimated that she will come out to make trouble soon, wait for her Show up, it won't be too late for me to kill her... It's just the difference between one day sooner and one day later."

Lin Bin waved his hand.

Then he winked at Xia Dou.

Xia Dou asked curiously, "Boss, what do you see me doing?"

Lin Bin: "..."

This stinky girl who has no tacit understanding.

He had no choice but to use the sounds of nature to transmit the voice: "I asked you to install a locator on her. As a technology enhancer, don't say you don't have this thing."

Xia Dou suddenly realized, her expression remained unchanged, she just nodded slightly.

Xiao Bai asked, "Are you really willing to let me go?"

"You are just a poor pawn in the middle of the two big brothers, and you have no autonomy at all. I will force you to do something, but as a thank you for saving you, I will take this hairpin away. Not yours."

Xiaobai naturally didn't dare to say anything more.

He just glanced at Lin Bin in amazement, opened his mouth, and seemed to want to ask something, but hesitated for a while, and ran away quickly.

After fleeing more than a hundred meters away, she directly transformed into a snake shape, and with a squeak, she slipped into the river lightly like a loach entering a hole...

Obviously, she was not stupid, guessing that Lin Bin might want to quietly follow her and follow her trail to find her master.

Therefore, it turned into its original form and walked the waterway again.

Even if the other party has three heads and six arms, don't try to find her trace.

"This little elf has a lot of eyes."

Lin Bin sighed and asked, "Xia Dou, is the tracker installed?"

"That's not."

Xia Dou raised her nose proudly, "Nano-level, if even a layman like you can see it, why should I hide it from the eyes and perception of that monster? Don't worry, as long as you want, you can find her at any time." trail."

"Well, let's go to the imperial city first, get rid of the remaining remnants of the National Teacher's Mansion, and then find a way to deal with this snake mother. If it doesn't work, we can only use the power of the emperor to deal with these remnants... But this set I'm familiar with it, basically this process should be fine."

"The big guy is mighty!"

Xia Dou looked at Lin Bin with reverence in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he took one step and watched three steps, and even took into account the various details of the mission's failure.

Besides, she still doesn't know anything on her side, but on his side, he has already found out everything about snake mother and cooperation.

But she also has her advantages, never ask if there is anything she doesn't understand.

Complete the task assigned by the boss with peace of mind, and just follow him to lie down and win.

Concubine Yan showed a hesitant look on the contrary, but after hesitating for a moment, she still said, "Brother Bin, Fei Yan thinks this is not good."

"Oh why?"

"We killed the national teacher to scare the snake away, especially brother Bin, you told the goblin girl about our mission before, and she went back and told her master about it. The people inside were also silenced, so they must have known that her disciple was not lying, if she came out to fight us to the death, it would be easy, but I am afraid that she will hide in the dark and dare not show her head, then..."

"Oh? Fei Yan, you have considered more detailed than me, so what do you think should be done?"

"It's better to split up."

Concubine Yan suggested: "Let's divide into two teams. One team will go to the National Teacher's Mansion to strangle the remnants, and the other team will follow that girl right now and go hand in hand to complete the task together."

Speaking of it.

Concubine Yan paused for a moment, then said: "Brother Bin, you can't fail to consider this point. According to Fei Yan's guess, it should be that Brother Bin, you are worried about Fei Yan or Miss Xia Dou leaving you. Our safety will be difficult to guarantee... But Feiyan is not the kind of woman you think, Brother Bin, who needs to rely on others to survive. Even if she acts alone, she can complete the task smoothly. Feiyan is your assistant. It's not your drag and concern."

Lin Bin nodded and sighed: "Maybe it's because my former teammates were too unreliable. I unconsciously worried a little more."

"Brother Bin is willing to worry about Fei Yan, Fei Yan is already very happy."

Xia Dou was next to him and asked curiously: "Then how do we split up? Who is in a group with whom, and who is alone... In my words..."

"Xia Dou is with me!"

Lin Bin glanced at her and said, "If you act together with Fei Yan, I suspect you will directly drag her down to the point of failure of the mission, and you may become the enemy of the whole world..."

Xia Dou puffed up her mouth and complained: "Impossible, I feel like I'm getting lucky this time. Although I'm still unlucky, it's just some harmless bad luck."

"That's because I happen to have a luck item on me. Once your bad luck hurts me, it will be neutralized by my item. So it is reflected that only you are unlucky, but you can't get hurt. I."

Lin Bin dragged Xia Dou forward and said, "And I still need you to help me follow Xiaobai's trail. Let's go, Fei Yan, remember to be careful."

He could see it.

Concubine Yan was actually dissatisfied with him.

She thought she could be alone, but in the end he kept her tied to him, leaving her useless.

She was unwilling to be content with vases, so she proposed to split up and wanted to use actions to prove that she was capable enough to be his teammate...

Of course, her suggestion was actually correct.

Acting at the same time is more conducive to completing the task.

Maybe she was right, he was really too worried.

It may be better to let go appropriately.

And Xiaobai here.

She shuttled quickly in the water, and the wet environment was very suitable for her slender body to play.

Although the speed was fast, her mind was already in chaos...

What the man said made sense.

is that true?

Could it be...Could it be that for the development of the clan, Master had to send out some sacrifices regularly to take care of the overall situation and the safety of the entire snake clan.

Not without this possibility.

Or is it that she is really greedy for profit before cooperating with the National Teacher?
In addition to the thousands of thoughts in her mind, she was more worried about the safety of the sister who grew up with her and practiced together.

If it's really the latter, isn't she very dangerous?
I have to go back as soon as possible, and first persuade Xiaoqing to stay away from that place of right and wrong... The national teacher is dead, and most of the external crises have been eliminated.

Right now, the outside world is safer than the Snake Cave!
While she was anxious, she didn't notice what was behind her, in the sky.

Two figures stood on a sword back and forth, always following behind her.

Xia Dou looked at the white shadow in the water, and said worriedly: "If that mother snake is really as problematic as you said, wouldn't it be very dangerous for this little white to go back and find out her true identity?" ?”

Lin Bin said casually: "The mission comes first, she is not willing to cooperate, should we still worry about her safety?"

The main character?

Because it is the main character to take special care of it?

It's just nonsense...

You know, which secret realm doesn't have protagonists, does it mean that when you see these protagonists, you completely lose yourself and then turn around each other?

If the initial impression is not bad, if you can help, you can help, but if it is against the mission, then there is no problem with completely ignoring or even being hostile.

Since they reincarnated into this world.

Then the protagonist of this world is no different from ordinary people.

Their reincarnators... are the protagonists.

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