when reincarnation invades

Chapter 248 Terrible, It's Too Early to Pretend

Chapter 248 Terrible, It's Too Early to Pretend
Xiaobai turned himself into his original form, and swam rapidly towards the snake cave all the way...

At this moment, her mind was already in a mess. How did she notice that someone was following her all the time?
she's not stupid...

Even a little smart.

It's a pity that he didn't have much experience in the world, so this cleverness turned into stupidity.

While walking along the way, she carefully reviewed all the years of her life in the past.

Never had this thought before.

But now, after a little bit of dialing by Lin Bin, she found that in those years of her past life, there were too many things that could not withstand scrutiny.

She is not the first to assassinate a national teacher.

Obviously everyone is a failure, but why is her master still happily dispatching one after another, despite the strength of their snake clan being continuously weakened...

Although efforts have been made to explain it from various angles, no matter what kind of explanation it is, it is completely untenable.

After three hours.

She entered the river along the lake, and the pure white snake body looked like a black shadow under the reflection of the water. In an instant, she dived into the deepest part of the lake, crossed a deep mountain in the water, drilled out from the bottom, and emerged again...

It's just that there are holes in the sky.

A deep cave hidden in the underwater world is eerie, but it is the most gloomy environment for snakes.

Xiaobai just showed up here, and was already hugged by someone, mixed with a familiar aura.

A joyful voice rang in my ears, and I said in surprise: "Xiaobai, you are finally back. You went to assassinate the national teacher. I have been very worried about you."

"Little Qing."

When Xiaobai saw this sister whom he had lived with for many years, his expression relaxed a lot, and then he quickly turned serious, pulling her to hide in a corner.

Xiaoqing asked curiously, "What's the matter, Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai anxiously said: "There is no time to explain so much, Xiaoqing, remember, listen to me, you have to leave here quickly."


"Don't ask, go quickly, remember, wait for me by the stream pool where we usually practice, and I will go there to meet you soon."

No matter what the person said is true or not.

If it is true, Mother Snake will become very dangerous. Before, she was overwhelmed by the national teacher, and she needed them to fight for her, but now that the national teacher is dead, who knows what kind of virtue the snake mother will become?
If it is false.

The man's boundless malice towards the snake mother must be true, and with his strength to easily kill the national teacher, the snake mother must not be his opponent.

Xiaoqing's life would be in danger if she continued to stay here.

If the snake mother is really not what she thinks, Xiaobai is willing to die to protect her, but he never wants his sisters to fall into the same situation as him.


Xiaoqing wanted to say something, but was pushed out by Xiaobai, anxiously said: "Stop talking, I have to see Master, what's the matter, I will explain it to you in detail later."

Xiaoqing was pushed out of the cave just like that.

And she took a deep breath, trying to suppress her beating heart, and walked quickly to the deepest part of the cave...

Along the way, you can see similar snakes entrenched everywhere.

What's more, it's a half-human, half-snake monster of a different kind.

The snake tribe didn't have so many monsters, but the snake mother passed down an extremely simple and easy-to-cultivate exercise, so that those snakes with poor aptitude can also successfully practice and open their spiritual wisdom, but also because of poor aptitude, this also led to Today's snake clan is mixed.

Those with high talent, such as Xiaobai Xiaoqing, have already taken human form, but those with low talent, it is impossible to open their spiritual wisdom in this life, but it may not be a good thing to forcibly activate their spiritual wisdom after obtaining exercises.

You can't cultivate a human body, you can't transform into a monster, you can only maintain this inhuman and snake-like appearance.


The minds of these spirits have already been distorted out of shape.

Seeing the return of Xiaobai who was ordered to assassinate the national teacher, they were astonished, but also felt a little regretful...

It seemed that she was a little regretful that she didn't die there.

And she came to the deepest part of the cave, after seeing the snake mother.

"Xiaobai... are you alright?"

Snake Mother has a slender figure, protruding forward and backward. It seems that she should also be a charming and enchanting beauty, but unfortunately the expression on her face is too gloomy, which also causes her to lose the beauty of women on her face. A sinister woman who is scheming about something.

Seeing Xiaobai returning safely, a look of astonishment appeared in her eyes, and then she quickly recovered, and said with relief: "It doesn't matter if you fail. From the beginning, I didn't think that the assassination of the national teacher would be successful. He is too powerful. Can you Returning safely is already the greatest joy.”

Xiaobai: "The national teacher is dead."

"Well, it's fine, as long as you're alive...wait...what did you say?"

The snake mother froze for a moment, and looked at Xiao Bai in shock.

Xiaobai replied truthfully: "The disciple failed to assassinate the national teacher, was seriously injured and fled, but was picked up by a mysterious man. Those disciples all died tragically on the bank of the Cang River, if the master doesn’t believe it, he can send someone to see, those corpses should still be there.”

"Mysterious man? What mysterious man?"

The snake mother stared at Xiaobai, and asked, "Did you witness the death of the national teacher?"


Xiaobai knelt on the ground on one knee, and said: "The disciple was unconscious at the time, and the hairpin given by the master was also taken away by that person."

"It's okay, if the national teacher is really dead, it doesn't matter whether the hairpin is there or not."

The snake mother called out, "Tokipan."

"The disciple is here!"

A muscular, half-human, half-snake gloomy man responded.

"Go and check to see if the national teacher is dead!"


Tokiwa turned around and walked out.

The snake mother said softly: "Xiaobai, it's not that I don't trust you as a teacher, it's really a big matter, you have to be sure and then be sure."

"The disciple understands."

Out of some other kind of thoughts, Xiaobai did not tell Mother Snake about other exchanges between her and Lin Bin.

After half an hour.

Tokipan returned with a very excited look on his face.

Surprised and said: "Master, overjoyed, overjoyed... that national teacher is really dead."

"Oh? So, the national teacher who suppressed me for so many years is really dead?"

Excitement and ecstasy appeared in the eyes of the snake mother, she raised her head and laughed loudly, "That's great, that's great, it's finally heaven won't kill me, heaven won't kill me..."

Toki Pan also laughed and said, "Congratulations, Master, congratulations, Master!"

He has been with the snake mother for the longest time, and although his aptitude is not good, he has the highest qualifications, so he is really thinking about her.

Now that I know this, I am really happy for Mother Snake.

He said happily: "Our snake clan can finally live a peaceful life."

The snake mother smiled and said: "Yes... Peaceful days... But not our snake clan..."

After that, he directly raised his hand and grabbed Tokiwa's neck.

Tokipan's complexion suddenly changed.

Xiao Bai exclaimed, "Master!"

Mother Snake smiled and said: "Hey hey hey, the national teacher oppressed me so badly... The national teacher was still there before, and I still needed you to cover the crisis for me, but now the national teacher is no longer here, us? Who are you and us? "

She gave it a firm grip.

Tokiwa let out a scream, and that thick body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was forcibly transformed into the previous snake body.

And his practice of hard work for many years was absorbed by the snake mother.

"Hey hey hey, share and share, all dharma returns to its source, what do you think I teach you exercises for? Do you really think that I am compassionate?"

The snake mother grinned grimly at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai was surprised: "You...you really have ulterior motives?"

It was just a shallow test, and if Lin Bin's existence was not mentioned, it meant that the death of the national teacher would make Mother Snake no longer have any restrictions.

If she really has ulterior motives, after losing the existence of the national teacher, it will definitely happen.

At that time, if she really thinks about the Snake Clan wholeheartedly, she will tell the matter without hesitation... But who knows that after the news of the death of the national teacher is confirmed, this person is not willing to bear it for a moment.

"You come too, Xiaobai, if you are absorbed by the national teacher, you might as well give me your many years of practice!"

The snake mother laughed and said: "Your pure mana is the most optimistic for the teacher. If it weren't for the higher and higher requirements of the national teacher before, no one in the whole snake clan can satisfy his appetite except you. I'm also reluctant to give you to him... you're still alive, lucky... lucky..."

Her palm was filled with coquettish golden light, which condensed into the head of a cobra, with its mouth wide open, aiming at Xiaobai... Suddenly a strong suction hit.

Xiaobai's complexion changed in shock, his feet desperately rooted to the ground, but he couldn't control his body being forcibly sucked by her.

"Sister be careful!"

Suddenly, a worried exclamation came from a distance.

A cyan snake tail rushed directly into the suction force, wrapped around Xiao Bai's waist, and forcibly pulled her out.

It was Xiaoqing who was supposed to follow Xiaobai's instructions and turned back again to rescue Xiaobai.

"Hey hey hey, escape? Can you escape?"

The snake mother grinned.

These two snake monsters never suck human blood, but they have superb cultivation bases, which can be said to be rare delicacies among the entire snake clan. Absorbing their cultivation bases does not have any shortcomings for her, but can greatly improve her strength. strength.

Other evil spirits can be swallowed whole, but these two must be savored carefully.

"Bring me back!"

The snake mother pointed her hands at the two daughters at the same time, and finally escaped. The faces of the sisters Xiaobai and Xiaoqing who were about to escape became extremely ugly...

It's a pity that in the plot, Xiaobai can face off against the snake mother because she absorbed the whole body of practice from the disciples of the national teacher, and what the national teacher gave to his disciples is naturally better than the exercises he gave to the snake mother.

But now the plot has been completely cut off by Lin Bin before it even started.

Because the two teammates around him are involved in the promotion, he doesn't want to cultivate deeply in this world at all. Of course, the current time period is not worthy of him.

The lunar scripture?

It's just a crooked way. When Fa Hai is born, his skills can be improved...

But for now, completing the task is the first priority.

This also caused Xiaobai and the others to have no power to fight back against the snake mother.

A moment later, she had forcefully strangled her throat with each hand.

"Hahahaha... contribute your cultivation to me."

The snake mother laughed loudly.

The evil energy around them became more and more abundant, and the two girls, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, who had been struggling in pain before, were full of pain, but they could not resist the suppression from the snake mother. After a while, they were both forcibly strangled by the human body, turning into a green One white and two little snakes fell to the ground helplessly.

"come on."

The snake mother laughed loudly and said, "You are really the best panacea for my cultivation, please return them all to me."

With her sharp high-pitched scream.

The more majestic monster aura instantly spread to all directions of the cave. Wherever it passed, it was like a magnet with suction, forcibly controlling all monsters.

Inside the cave, thousands of snake demons lurking are unavoidable.

At the same time, it was captured by this monster.

"What's going on...my evil spirit is out of control."

"It's Master! Master's evil spirit, what is she doing?"


"My evil spirit is losing..."

All the monster races were panic-stricken, and the terrified screams of the snake races were everywhere in the cave.

But at this time, the snake mother has no restrictions, and her attacks are ruthless.

The monster aura cultivated by these monster clans alone is really insignificant, even facing some well-trained fighters, it is difficult to gain the upper hand, but together, it is much deeper than the snake mother's cultivation base .

That is to say, they are of the same origin, otherwise, the snake mother would have been exploded in the first place.

If it doesn't explode, that's good fortune.

The Snake Mother showed a fascinated look on her face, the rapid growth of her cultivation.

She laughed wildly...

Streams of demonic power from penance were continuously absorbed into her body.

After half a column of incense.

In the huge cave, apart from the snake mother, there was no longer a half standing figure.

Only Mother Snake, the aura around her at this moment is not the same as before, like a chasm like a prison, boundless intimidation, even compared to the previous national teacher, it is no longer much worse.

"The world, you can go. The life of hiding in this gloomy ditch is finally coming to an end."

She chuckled a few times, stretched out her hand and turned into a monster snake, soaring into the sky, directly blasting out a deep passage from the thick mountain.

The snake mother rushed towards the sky.

The national teacher is dead, and she is the only practitioner of the Taiyin scriptures. In this world, who else needs her to worry about it?
Out of the sky.

The sun, which he hadn't seen for a long time, turned out to be a bit scorching hot, and even his skin was slightly tingling.

"This is the world under the sun... So many weapons, it looks so comfortable... Huh? Weapons?"

The snake mother's pupils suddenly tightened.

Staring at the several magical weapons surrounding her, they shuttled and wandered around, trapping her firmly in them.

And at this time, on top of her head.

With a smile on his face, a figure said: "It seems that the momentum is quite good. The national teacher didn't cooperate with me before, so I couldn't form a sword formation. Now I just use you to try mine. The power of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation!"

Mother Snake: "........."

She suddenly remembered what Xiaobai said earlier.

A young man took the life of the national teacher...

Oops, the one who patronized the excited national teacher died, and forgot to ask this young man what the hell was going on.

Mother Snake suddenly realized that it was a bit too early for her to say that this world can go anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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