Bang! ! !
On the endless blue lake, there was suddenly a monstrous huge wave, like a galloping sea.

A huge and majestic black snake with horned scales all over its body descended from the sky.

It should have landed in full force, but at this time it was in complete embarrassment.

It slammed into the lake water fiercely, and behind it, there were several unparalleled sharp sword lights.

The sword energy is vast and magnificent, resplendent and splendid.

The cultivation system of this snake mother seems to be of the same origin as the national teacher, but the subtle changes are far beyond comparison.

Because of this, when facing the national teacher, although Lin Bin had the absolute upper hand, the national teacher was not powerless to fight back. At least, he could see that the Eight Swords of the King of Yue must contain a set of extremely mysterious A magical sword formation, and once the formation is formed, he will surely die.

Therefore, he tried his best, even if he died, but Lin Bin's Tiangang Big Dipper Formation was not formed.

From this point of view, it can also be seen that his strength is not necessarily inferior to Lin Bin's, but because his cultivation is heretic, and when he meets Lin Bin, who is orthodox in Taoism, he is naturally restrained.

But the snake mother is different.

Absorbing the power of many snake monsters, its absolute power may not be inferior to that of the national teacher, but it is overwhelming.

Lin Bin easily formed the seven swords into an array, trapping the snake mother in it.

This can be regarded as the strongest conventional method that Lin Bin can display at present.

It can also be regarded as letting the snake mother understand what is beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. No matter whether she is light and agile with a human body or a pig with a snake body, she can never get rid of the restrictions of the formation.

The formation of seven swords has no physical limitations. I am afraid that even Wang Chongyang, who had imagined this formation before, did not expect that the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation could display such powerful power.

Facing the powerful snake mother who is not inferior to the national teacher, she has been cut to the point of bleeding by the sword energy in just a few breaths. If it weren't for the amazing toughness of her demon body, she might have died to the point where she could no longer die.

"Okay! Let's do it again."

Lin Bin stepped on the long sword and controlled the seven sharp weapons of the magic weapon. He descended from the sky and rushed towards the snake mother.

Although the snake mother has turned into her original form at this time, the sadness in her eyes is visible to the naked eye...

She was really about to cry.

I think she has been cautious all her life.

After being oppressed by the national teacher for so many years, now that he finally found out that the national teacher was dead, he was complacent and absorbed all the skills of all the disciples into one body.

But before he had time to stretch his bones, he was grabbed and hammered so hard.

And she can see it...

The only reason she can survive until now is not because of her rough skin, but because the other party is trying to practice swords with her.

The strength of this person is even more powerful than that of the national teacher.

"I admit defeat, I am willing to be the mount of the fairy head, drive it day and night, and never dare to be disobedient, I only ask the fairy head to spare my life!"

She was unwilling and angry, but in the end it turned into a helpless pleading for mercy.

But the opponent's sword didn't stop even for a moment because of her begging for mercy.

chi chi chi...

There were several sharp sounds.

The huge snake's body was directly pierced by the sharp sword, nailing her seven inches to the ground fiercely.

Lin Bin descended from the sky, with an unsatisfactory expression on his face, and sighed, "That's it?"

The snake mother is indeed not weak.

Theoretically speaking, even a boss-level character in the killing-level secret realm has the power to fight against him. Even if he loses, the gap between the two sides will never be too big.

But with the blessing of the essence of the evil emperor's relic, Lin Bin can now really achieve the combination of seven swords.

Casting the formation with one's own strength, although the power is not as powerful as seven saint-level reincarnations performing this formation together, it is far superior in terms of dexterity and change.

Once deployed.

The power of the formation made the snake mother almost completely powerless to fight back.

Seeing that the snake mother was beaten and almost lost all fighting spirit, Lin Bin stopped procrastinating and cut across the sword.

There were several sharp sounds.

The tough and almost indestructible huge snake body was forcibly divided into sections by him.

Lin Bin slowly fell from the sky.

Looking at the huge snake head on the ground that is gradually losing its spirit...

The Bible of the Undead became slightly hot again, obviously absorbing the snake mother into the secret realm.

Lin Bin was not surprised.

With his current strength, Mother Snake can't even rank in the top three among the many enemies he has encountered... In addition, his combat power has been greatly improved.

In the killing level secret realm, there are probably very few enemies who can match him alone.

Nightmare class?
Lin Bin suddenly thought of the old Black Mountain demon who was still at large, and then shook his head to wipe away the slight impulse in his heart.

Li Lei once said before that the gap between the reincarnated people at the national level and the holy level is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and he really can't afford to fight against such a powerful enemy.

"This is the end?"

Xia Dou, who had been hiding in the distance before, came over quietly, her gaze swept across the almost blood-red river water curiously, and she exclaimed in disbelief, "This old hag won't be resurrected." Bar?"

Lin Bin: "Why do you ask that?"

"Because it's very strange that there was no accident at all, and the battle was not interrupted by anyone."

Xia Dou danced and gestured, "The boss has taught me a lot about this matter. Either someone suddenly entered a battle that was evenly matched, or an enemy who had already been defeated suddenly burst into a second stage transformation because of a certain sentence, or had already The dead enemy simply has something left behind..."

She was obviously psychologically disturbed, and she was even more wary of the snake mother's body than when she was alive.

So it went smoothly all of a sudden, it's a bit unbelievable...

"Don't worry, those who are already dead can't die anymore. Next, after Feiyan has completed the task, we should be able to return."

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction.

This time the secret realm seemed to be going smoothly, but it was completely relying on his strength to forcefully push it all the way.

And gave up all the side plots...

Come in and go straight to the topic.

Although it's a pity.

But after all, it involves Concubine Yan and this Xia Dou's promotion, so it's better not to make any extra troubles.

In particular, using the snake mother to absorb the power of all the snake clan is the most critical node for him to successfully complete the task.

You must know that Snake Mother's cultivation method actually comes from the national teacher, and the snake clan has inherited the Snake Mother's exercise... It's like a pyramid scheme relationship between them, and they are divided into up and down lines.

Theoretically speaking, even Xiaobai and the others can be regarded as the lineage of the national teachers.

This is also the reason why Lin Bin specially waited until the snake mother's climate was mature before taking action. If he were to kill so many snakes alone, he would really be able to kill them all. If he was not careful, let these snakes escape If he dies, it will cause countless troubles at that time.

It would be better to let the snake mother squeeze them dry.

Then he squeezed the snake mother dry...

After absorbing the cultivation of these snake demons, the snake mother's meat must be more nutritious, so take it back to stew with Cihang Pudu's centipede meat.

At that time, it will definitely be of great benefit to cultivation.

At the moment, he started to pack up the flesh and blood of the snake mother... The storage function of the 24th bridge Mingyue Ye is too limited.

Therefore, he can only pick the essence.

And Xia Dou is obviously not interested in these things.

She didn't know where she hid, but after a while, she came over with two snakes in her hands.

"Boss, is this the girl in white just now?"

Xia Dou doesn't dislike the slippery body of snakes, or the white snake has a crystal clear body. It doesn't feel sticky and disgusting like the black snake I saw at first, but has a kind of cold jade in his hand. The feeling, the tactility is excellent.

And the same goes for the green snake entangled with her.

At this time, Xia Dou held the two snakes and sighed: "Look at this weak appearance, he was also sucked dry by that snake mother just now? It's so pitiful. If you followed the advice of the big brother, how could you have what you have today? What a disaster."

The White Snake lifted its head feebly, only to find that even this small movement was extremely difficult.

Xia Dou asked curiously: "Boss, what are they going to do with them? Are they left here?"

"This one……"

Upon hearing this, Lin Bin had a pensive look on his face.

Although there were a few more of them in disorder, in fact their fate did not change much, except that they did not encounter that Xu Xian's previous life.

Their cultivation bases have all been abolished, but their cultivation bases cannot escape the fate of being abolished if they continue the plot normally.

If left unattended, the two sisters should be able to achieve a positive result after hundreds of years of retreat and hard work...

No, after him, there should be countless reincarnations coming to this world. Once the two of them get involved with the mission again, it is uncertain what will happen to them.

And if you bring it with you.

The white snake has high aptitude, while the green snake has a tenacious temperament.

These are two good helpers.

"You two should be able to understand me, right?"

Lin Bin asked: "You can choose for yourself. Do you want to leave with me and let me teach you the orthodox cultivation methods of Taoism, or stay here and continue to be sisters?"

The voice fell.

The green snake wrapped itself around the white snake's neck weakly, as if she would go wherever she went.

And White Snake seems to be stimulated by the words "Xuanmen Authentic", and she still doesn't know that what she practiced before is actually the child-mother technique, which is an evil sect among evil sects, and it is not orthodox at all.

She looked up at Lin Bin feebly, then stuck out her tongue and gently licked Lin Bin's fingers.

"Okay, then I'll take you away."

Lin Bin took the two snakes from Xia Dou.

Xia Dou was dissatisfied, "Why did you raise it instead of me?"

She doesn't like snakes, but this little white snake is really beautiful, and the green snake is also very cold, so you don't even need to turn on the air conditioner to sleep with your arms around in summer.

Save more power.

Lin Bin: "Because girls can't raise snakes, it's not good for their health, let alone two, you won't be able to bear it."

Xia Dou asked curiously, "Ah? Why is it bad for your health?"

"Don't you understand? Then don't understand, a good boy shouldn't understand this."

Lin Bin casually put the two entangled snakes into his pocket, and said: "I still have some things to deal with here, and I will formally teach you the orthodox Taoism of Taoism later, but if your cultivation base is abolished, maybe You need to start over, that's okay, take your time."

"Shall we meet Miss Yanfei now?"

"No, she should be fine by herself. Let's find a place to rest and wait for her good news."

Lin Bin knew that Concubine Yan had left specially, and wanted to prove her abilities to him.

Moreover, she was able to hunt and kill the six-fingered Heixia, the giant of the Mo family, who was no less powerful than her own. She was not as soft and easy to bully as she seemed.

Now the two of them found a clean place, which was not easy. Maybe the snake mother still has a little bit of benevolence, or maybe she doesn't have this ability. Anyway, the snake clans who have been absorbed by her are not It didn't die, it just lost all its power and turned back into a normal snake.

There are so many snakes fleeing in a swarm, the shadows of snakes are everywhere.

After walking for a long time, the two finally found a quiet place.

Lin Bin didn't procrastinate, and described the Xuanmen Zhengfa he got from Nie Xiaoqian in detail word by word.

Xia Dou was originally listening with great interest, but after listening to the convoluted and cumbersome words, his brain hurt after listening for a while, and finally he simply turned on the tape recorder, recorded it and planned to study it when he got home.

Lin Bin also let her go.

Why did the secret realm go so smoothly this time?
Although there is no actual detection, Lin Bin guesses that it may still be related to He's Bi.

In the real world, unlucky point cards are unlucky, just some aspects of daily life...

Naturally, He's Bi would not give any reaction.

But once he entered the secret realm, if he was unlucky, it would endanger Lin Bin's life. In a sense, this could be regarded as an evil invasion.

Naturally, He's Bi would never allow it.

That is to say, if the little girl Xia Dou enters the secret realm, it should be an evil star to avoid for others, but for him, Lin Bin, she is a person holding an S-level prop, and the more critical the moment is, the more dangerous she is. A strong teammate who can play his role.

Lin Bin planned to discuss with Chairman Bai after returning to see if she could be taken down.

Team S.M... No, Team S is in need of such talents.

Originally, he planned to have a good relationship with her, so he naturally didn't care that the little girl was so blatantly stealing from her.

However, seeing that President Bai protects her as if protecting his own daughter, Lin Bin feels that the difficulty may be a bit high.

Xia Dou couldn't understand the mysterious formula.

But from the mouths of White Snake and Green Snake, these words are like the sounds of nature.

Yan Chixia's exercises are not very high-end, after all, he has not been able to cultivate anything famous...

But it is by no means a commonplace thing. It can be easily cultivated to the point where it can fight against a thousand-year-old monster without losing the wind in just a few decades. This set of exercises is definitely better than this Taiyin scripture one chip.

In comparison, Xiaobai Xiaoqing, who practiced only as a sub-product of the Taiyin Scripture, suddenly saw this authentic Taoist technique, naturally it was like an old glutton seeing a peerless delicacy.

Everyone was fascinated by what they heard, and slowly poked their heads out of Lin Bin's trouser pocket.

After speaking.

Lin Bin said: "Right now, this technique is not too high-end, but you don't have to worry too much. If there is no accident, I should be able to obtain the real method of cultivating immortals very soon. No matter what I get by then, I will definitely share with you sisters." People share, but correspondingly, the two of you also need to be used by me, you know?"

The green snake slowly retracted its head.

On the contrary, Xiaobai licked Lin Bin's palm affectionately again. After this catastrophe, she could see that this Abin was really a good person.

And this action... seemed to have lost her human body, but it also allowed her to regain the instinct of a snake.

Lin Bin didn't take it seriously, and went to practice the "Secret of Longevity" with his legs crossed.

The appearance of the world of dependent origin can be regarded as a wake-up call for him...

The method of cultivating immortals that he was looking forward to is finally coming soon.

Before that, he had to make full preparations, such as... to cultivate the "Longevity Formula" to the full level?

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