when reincarnation invades

Chapter 250 It's Not Good to Make Your Family Worry

Chapter 250 It's Not Good to Make Your Family Worry
Concubine Yan's ability is indeed extremely good, especially in order to match Shang Lin Bin's attention...

She also knows where her flaws lie.

In Qin Shi's secret realm, with her strength, it is not impossible for her to sit firmly in the first echelon, and even try her best to win the top three.

But as a foreigner, without the assistance of those magical props, her strength is obviously much more monotonous.

In this world where the level of force is slightly higher than that of Qin Shi's secret realm, it is relatively stretched.

Fortunately, her foundation is still quite solid.

Therefore, Lin Bin did not wait too long...

Just two days later.

Lin Bin heard the prompt from the reincarnation watch.

[Secret Realm Mission: Kill the lineage of the National Teacher]

[Completion reward: 3000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1. 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

[The task has been completed, do you want to liquidate and return? 】

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction, and exclaimed: "It seems that Feiyan's work is going well."

You know, the tasks on both sides are actually not easy.

The reason why the secret realm of Qin Shi was able to destroy the existence of Luo Wang last time was entirely with the help of King Qin's power.

And this time, although the task was far less stringent than in Qin Shi's secret realm, it was similar in some sense.

Lin Bin's ability to wipe out the snake tribe so smoothly is entirely because he knows that as long as he is willing to slow down, the snake mother will do everything for him.

But Concubine Yan...

Facing the same situation as Lin Bin, it may even be more difficult.

After all, since the national teacher is a national teacher, who knows if the current king of a country has practiced martial arts?
If there is a practice, how widely spread...

These are all questions that need to be investigated. In fact, even if Concubine Yan stays for two or three days at night, Lin Bin will still praise her for her ability to adapt to difficult tasks in the secret realm so quickly.

But she didn't expect her to surprise Lin Bin.

Lin Bin directly chose to return.

[Secret Realm Mission: Kill the lineage of the National Teacher]

[Completion reward: 3000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1. 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Failure penalty: 2000 reincarnation points. 】

[The task has been completed, and the contribution is being liquidated...]

[Secret Realm Mission Evaluation: A (You have successfully completed the mission issued to you by the reincarnation space, and you will receive 150% of the reward for this mission.)】

[Task Rewards: Get B-level Merit x 1, C-level Merit x 1, D-Class Merit x 1!Reincarnation points × 4500 points. 】

The task reward is only A.

But this was not beyond Lin Bin's expectation. As the task evaluation said, he completed the task issued to him by the reincarnation space excellently, but he only completed the task and did not carry out any tasks on this task. dig deep.

It's a pity that in the early days of the world of the origin of the white snake, it may only be able to reach the low level of the killing level.

When Fahai was born, Buddhism flourished.

Shura City is launched.

At that time, the difficulty of this secret realm can at least be raised to the top level of the killing level, and it may even reach the nightmare level.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Bin.

There are no treasures worth obtaining in the secret realm of the Age of Origin, and the only ones that Lin Bin can see are probably Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, the two heroines who carry luck.

As for the loss of the two heroines, what will happen to the future development of this world... That's out of Lin Bin's business. Anyway, with the arrival of the reincarnation, even the protagonists will become no different from ordinary people .

"Let's go, we're back!"

Lin Bin looked at Xia Dou and said.


Xia Dou opened a pair of lovely star eyes, looked at Lin Bin's eyes full of longing, and she asked: "Boss, do you think my performance is actually okay? If that's the case, I will still be able to follow you in the future." Did you practice together?"

Although it seems unreliable, in fact Xia Dou is quite measured.

She didn't insist on letting Lin Bin show his S-class props fairly just because she showed her S-class props.

But she also understands that it is definitely not a coincidence that the experience in the secret realm went so smoothly this time.

It must be the person on the opposite side who calls himself lucky S neutralized her little F.

In a sense, the S-level props held by the other party are the nemesis of her bad luck point card.


Just as Lin Bin was thinking about her, why wasn't she thinking about Lin Bin?
If I could practice with him, wouldn't I be able to completely eliminate the side effects of my S-level item?
"Of course, I have cooperated with many technology enhancers, but this is the first time I have seen one as outstanding as you."

Lin Bin said this with sincerity.

You know, this little girl named Xia Dou is also pretty tough to have a bad luck point card and become a saint-level reincarnation in such a short period of time.

And in a sense, if he is Kelei Jun, then for this little girl named Xia Dou, he will favor her.

"That's good. If there is a chance in the future, we can continue to cooperate."

"Well, it's a pleasure to work together!"

The two shook hands and looked at each other with a smile, which is called a passionate love affair.

After a moment.

They all chose to return.

Through the crack in the secret realm, he directly returned to the real world.

Back in the real world, the first thing Lin Bin did was urgently touch his trouser pocket... Then he confirmed that after losing his body, neither Xiaobai nor Xiaoqing was judged as a human being by the reincarnation space, but It should exist like a pet.

This also led to no new entrances and exits being born in this secret realm, and they followed his footsteps back to this world.

Not long after the two came back...

Concubine Yan also walked out of that brand new passage.

After two consecutive days of trekking and painstaking planning, her face was a little more haggard than when she left two days ago, and even put a little bit of mud on her face.

Seeing Lin Bin, she showed a weary smile, and said, "Brother Bin, Fei Yan has fulfilled your order, so at least she didn't disappoint you."

"Nice job."

Lin Bin sighed in admiration.

The three of them conducted a routine inspection first to make sure that they did not suffer any physical damage in this secret realm.

After discussing with Concubine Yan, Lin Bin finally understood... It was really a very wise decision to co-author and send Concubine Yan to Chang'an this time.

It turned out that the national teacher was known as the reincarnation of the Crane Immortal.

To put it bluntly, it is actually the wild crane that cultivates to become a spirit, and the wild crane feeds on snakes, which is why he is obsessed with snake essence.

But it was precisely because of his injustice, in order to prevent him from being beaten by a real cultivator in the future, he almost taught the exercises to the civil and military officials of the entire court, and wanted to make all of them They are all dragged into the water, so that even if he encounters some righteous people in the future, the civil and military officials all over the court and the opposition will become his backing.

"Fortunately, the Yin Yang family already has spells targeting brain thinking, which can make people forget some important things!"

Concubine Yan chuckled and said, "First, Fei Yan used the means of the Yin-Yang family to control the current emperor, making him forget all the exercises, and then in the name of the emperor, he summoned all the civil and military officials who had practiced the exercises. In the palace, using my Yin-Yang family's seal method, abolished the exercises of all of them, and then let them completely forget everything about cultivation, abolished all cultivation bases, and then forgot the exercises, It’s almost the same as never practicing.”

She sighed: "There is no way, there are too many people. If they are all killed, I am afraid it will cause chaos in the world. Fei Yan can only use this method. I thought there might be some problems, but I didn't expect The reincarnation space actually agrees with Fei Yan's approach."

To say it is an understatement.

But both Lin Bin and Xia Dou could clearly understand how much effort she had put in to complete such a difficult task in just two or three days.

"Fortunately, you formed a team with the boss and Sister Yanfei."

Xia Dou lamented: "If it were me, if I wanted to complete the task, I might have to plow through the entire secret realm with a cannon."

"In any case, this promotion to the secret realm has finally passed smoothly."

Concubine Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and said apologetically, "Brother Bin is just a burden to you. In the past, Brother Bin, you basically ended up with an S-level evaluation, but this time you only got an A-level. Fei Yan is really guilty." I'm ashamed."

"I didn't care much about that."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Don't forget, I got an A before, and I'm not the kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, I have to arrange a row of S's neatly."

Concubine Yan asked: "Then what should we do next?"

"Go back to the Reincarnation Association first, do some registration, and then you can officially become a saint-level reincarnation."

Lin Bin said with a smile: "Congratulations, the treatment of saint-level reincarnations is much better than that of extraordinary-level reincarnations... At least, even if you don't do anything every month, the subsidy income is three times that of extraordinary reincarnations." Many, and as you become a saint-level reincarnation, Yue'er will also enjoy the same benefits as an extraordinary reincarnation."

"Really? That's really nice."

Concubine Yan also had a sincere smile on her face when she heard that she could still bless her daughter.

"Let's go, let's go to the reincarnation space."

The car was not here, so Lin Bin asked the staff of the Reincarnation Space Association to take them back in a special car... Then, nothing unexpected happened.

The car broke down again halfway.

Obviously, life-threatening crises do not occur in the real world.

So Lin Bin's He's Bi no longer worked.

Watching the driver apologize to the three of them one after another, and then quickly go down to fix the tire.

Lin Bin sighed, and said, "Forget it, let's go back with Yu Jianfei, and don't cause trouble for the staff."

"Actually, I wanted to ask when I came here."

Xia Dou asked curiously: "Boss, if you crashed into a plane while driving the flying sword..."

"To shut up!"

After half an hour.

The three of them were covered in mud and hurried to the Samsara Association.

Even Lin Bin has deliberately lowered his height, trying to avoid the crow bean's crow's mouth.

As a result, he avoided the flight path of the passenger plane, but almost collided with a helicopter. That is to say, Lin Bin reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would not have been injured in the secret realm, but in the real world, he might have been hanged by the helicopter's propeller. .

When going through the formalities, Xia Dou still bowed and apologized to Lin Bin with a face full of guilt, "I'm sorry big brother, it's all my fault, why don't you beat me up, if it's not for me, big brother, you too I don't know how the car broke down, and then I almost crashed the plane on an empty road... It's all my fault..."

She was really afraid that Lin Bin would not want to play with her again after entering the secret realm.

It's just that the staff who heard the repeated apologies rolled their eyes one after another.

Xin Dao's car breaks down can be blamed on a little girl, this person is really shameless.

Lin Bin could only pat her head helplessly, and said with a smile, "It's okay, isn't it not even injured? Don't worry, I'm not as stingy as you think."

Go through all formalities.

As a result, on the reincarnation tables of Concubine Yan and Xia Dou, all the previous levels of Transcendence have been upgraded to the first level of Sainthood.

And Lin Bin's data has also improved a lot.

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Holy]

[ Merit: B-level merit × 4! C-level meritorious service × 3! 】

[Reincarnation points: 18100 reincarnation points]


If things go on like this, it seems that he will soon be able to pass the assessment of the town-level reincarnation.

But right now, it's better to settle in the holy level for a while.

"Boss, I have to report to our boss first, and tell her the good news by the way."

Xia Dou looked at Lin Bin reluctantly, as if looking at his lover who had been entangled with Seventh World, "You must come to our boss."

"Don't worry, I'll go."

After Lin Bin reassured her again and again, Xia Dou turned around and left reluctantly.

Watch her leave.

Concubine Yan hesitated for a moment, and asked softly: "The time for the end of this experience is much faster than Fei Yan imagined, Brother Bin, shouldn't we also go home?"

"Go home? What home?"

Lin Bin glanced at Concubine Yan who was in a mess, and said: "The two of us going home in mud, maybe we will make them worry about what they will look like. Didn't you also say that the time for this experience ended faster than expected?" Do you want it early? Even if you go back one... two... three days late, it shouldn't matter, at least you have to wash it before you go back?"

"Say...it makes sense, if we go back like this, Yue'er will definitely misunderstand whether we have been injured..."

"Well, didn't you bring your ID card with you? Let's go, find a quiet hotel, and I'll wash it up for you."

"Yes... yes, then... it's hard work for Brother Bin."

You understand my scheming, I understand your pretentious restraint.

The two adults who didn't need to say anything quickly understood what was in each other's mind.

Now Lin Bin took Concubine Yan with a serious face, and went to find a place to take a bath... It's not easy to let the family worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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