when reincarnation invades

Chapter 251 I Know You Know

Chapter 251 I Know You Know
In the blink of an eye, it was already three days later.

This morning...

Lin Bin received a call from Lin Xue early on.

"Hello? Oh... Sister, what? You found out through the relationship of the landlady that I have left the secret realm now? Oh yes, I did leave the secret realm three days ago, just because the secret realm was more embarrassing this time. , that's why I found a place first, and planned to take a rest before going home, um, if there is no accident, I will be home this afternoon..."

"Huh? Where did the loud sound of water come from? Oh...it's nothing. I'm brushing my teeth, but the frequency is a little faster. What do you mean be so fast and be careful not to break the toothbrush? Theoretically, the mouth should be injured Bar."

"Speak to Yue'er? Yes..."

After a moment.

On the other side of the phone, there was a clear and lively childish voice, "Brother, brother, is Yue'er's mother not injured?"

"Well... no, it's just a slight injury, redness, and swelling, and it's just a little inconvenient to walk. When I go back and let her rest for two days, she will recover. Umm, your mother is a little busy right now, and she doesn't have time to take care of her. Talk to you, don't worry, I will see her after you leave school."

Gao Yue asked with concern: "Then you are not injured?"

"I... have some injuries to some extent. It's just a slight friction injury. I'm definitely recovering faster than your mother. I'm mainly worried about your mother. Mmm, I know, what? Use your pocket money to buy her some supplements? No need, no need, I have fed her supplements for the past two days, and the effect is quite good."

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon."


Chatted with Yue'er for a long time.

When she hung up the phone reluctantly, Concubine Yan in front of her couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Lin Bin put the mobile phone on her smooth back.

After a while, he collapsed next to Concubine Yan, and sighed: "These days...it's a bit ridiculous to be true."


Concubine Yan didn't even have the strength to reply.

He just responded in a low voice.

Lin Bin patted Concubine Yan on the back of the head, seeing that she understood, and then said: "The check-out time is two o'clock in the afternoon, take a rest, we still have a lot of time, and it may be difficult to have such a good opportunity when we get home. gone."


Concubine Yan hummed lightly, and said no more.

until two in the afternoon.

At the entrance of the hotel, among the limousines, SUVs, commercial vehicles, an eye-catching H9 made a beautiful drift and stopped at the most eye-catching place.

"Thank you, Miss Bu Shuang."

"Where is it, I also feel very honored to be able to do something for you, Mr. Abin."

Bu Shuang smiled humbly and said: "I have already replaced all four tires for you, Mr. Abin, and they are all brand new. There should be no more tire blowouts in the future. You don't have to worry about it anymore. problems in this regard."

"Miss Bu Shuang, you are too polite."

"Where is it, my duty is to serve the reincarnated people, and I like to serve Mr. Abin even more."

That is to say, Miss Bu Shuang in front of her is actually married and has a child, and the relationship between the couple is very good... Otherwise, Lin Bin would really doubt whether he has any plans for him.

Of course, although Abin is interested in wives, what he really likes are big sisters like Zhu Yuyan and Concubine Dongjun Yan who are familiar with each other. Just like in the past few days, when he touches his head, the other party will know how to sink, touch his waist Just know to take the initiative to change the angle.

In fact, he doesn't like the shit Wei Wu's legacy and Jian'an style at all.

After a few polite words with Bu Shuang, Lin Bin helped Concubine Yan into the car, and then drove to the house.

two hours later.

"Mother, I heard from my brother that you were injured, let me see where the injury is, is it serious?"

Yue'er immediately threw herself into Concubine Yan's arms.

Concubine Yan had a kind smile on her face, and she put her arms around Yue'er and explained to her that she had only a slight scratch, which was harmless at all. With her superb skills, she would be much better if she worked a lot, but she was not careful when she was in the car. After a few more rubs, the injury worsened, and he was fine after two days of bed rest.

After some words, Gao Yue's worried expression gradually faded away, and she acted coquettishly in her mother's arms.

Lin Bin looked at Lin Xue.

Surprised: "You didn't go out?"

His experience in the secret realm this time, plus the three days of rest in the hotel, only took him five or six days in total.

It's not like everyone is him, Lin Bin doesn't think Lin Xue can complete an experience in just five or six days...

Lin Xue laughed and said, "Why do I have to go out?"


Lin Bin immediately understood that his practice this time was done hastily, and she probably hasn't started yet.

He was considerate and didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Xuerou said softly: "It's rare to come back, this time the secret realm must be very difficult, it seems that both of you are a little pale... I'll make you some delicious supplements..."

"Thank you sister."

Lin Bin spoke with sincerity.

He actually likes to eat outside food, and food with heavy salt and oil is more convenient to replenish his energy... But if he eats too much of this kind of food, he can't help but start to miss the simple food at home, which is light and has a light taste.

Lin Xue reached out and touched Lin Bin's head, and asked, "What do you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

"Braised Three Treasures."

Concubine Yan couldn't help raising her head and gave Lin Bin a reproachful look.

"Just kidding, my sister's boiled water is very delicious, but I want to drink snake soup today, please trouble my sister."

Lin Bin took out the snake meat that he had already cut and separated, and said with a smile: "This is the flesh and blood of a snake demon who has cultivated for at least a thousand years. It is really nourishing. Let's start some small stoves first, and I will treat them one by one later." Send some."

"Why don't you let them come to our house for a little reunion?"

"Let's forget about it. The last time you recovered your legs and feet, but you were tired for a day and almost got beaten back to your original shape, have you forgotten?"

Lin Bin smiled and said, "It's better to just invite Concubine Xuan, Qingxuan and Wan Wan to come here for a little gathering, and stop shouting at so many people. By the way, the landlady must also shout."

Lin Xue: "Abin."

"what happened?"

Lin Xue said softly: "Remember to say this kind of thing next time, it's a bit wasteful to say it now."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, you will know later."

Lin Xue smiled softly, carried the divided snake meat, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll cook some broth for you... For the snake meat, let's have Poria cocos snake soup tonight, Yue'er, Hurry up and finish your homework, let your mother take this opportunity to rest for a while."


Gao Yue obediently responded.

And Lin Xue took the coin purse and went out to buy groceries.

That night, a family of five.

Lin Bin, Lin Xue, the landlady's wife, Concubine Yan, Gao Yue's mother and daughter.

"The landlady happened to be looking for me on something, so I left her here for a light meal."

Lin Xue explained softly.

Lin Bin nodded and said: "No need to explain, I understand, I understand, after all, we are good friends, and take care of you sister, I think since Fei Yan's room is expanded with us, why don't we use the guest room where they rested before?" Clean it up. If the landlady has no time to go back, there is also a place to rest temporarily. I will buy a desk tomorrow. It just so happens that if Wanrong also stays here, she can help Yue'er with her homework. Well, that's all. Now that it's settled, those sundries can be piled up at Fei Yan's house first."

Lin Bin's family and Concubine Yan's family have already opened up.

But in the past, both Lin Bin and Lin Xue were very particular and never made any decisions in her space. After all, it was the home of their mother and daughter.

But after these three days of fierce fighting...

Lin Bin's mentality is naturally different from before, at least, such a trivial matter is nothing.

Concubine Yan was helping with the dishes, and when she heard this, she took the initiative to say: "That guest room is still a bit small, and it just so happens that there is another vacant guest room at Feiyan's side... ah... um... Brother Bin, it's up to you." .”

It was Lin Bin who gave her a light kick from below.

Just kidding, the landlady's wife has a high level of cultivation. Although Lin Bin believes that he is extremely powerful now, he feels that if he doesn't get out of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, he may not be her opponent.

Live at Concubine Yan's side...

At that time, even if Yue'er is solved, there will be another big light bulb here, and it will still be difficult to play.

Concubine Yan seemed to realize Lin Bin's meaning, she lowered her head obediently and said nothing more.

The landlady smiled and said: "No need, I forgot to tell you, in fact, the top floor opposite is mine. I used to be a reincarnation, so naturally I also have a residence here. The house I rented to you before was just paid by me with spare money. It's just an investment."

She seemed to realize something.

He glanced at Concubine Yan, then at Lin Bin.

A smile of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he lowered his head to fill up the soup.

The snake soup was delicious, and everyone ate it that day.

Afterwards, Concubine Yan immediately returned to her room to practice, refining the thousand-year-old essence with martial arts qi, which was much more difficult than Lin Bin's, but the benefits she gained were obviously much more...

In particular, the Yin Yang family's exercises are divided into five levels: Alchemy, Illusion, Mind Control, Astrology, and Soul Change.

Concubine Yan has already cultivated to the realm of astrology, and even after entering the real world, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and now she is only one step away from the highest realm of Soul Yi.

This step is the difference between her and Donghuang Taiyi.

And the flesh and blood of these thousand-year-old monsters naturally helped her a lot, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough, and she didn't even have time to help clean up tonight.

And Lin Bin obviously knew her current state, and urged her to go to practice quickly.

He wanted to tidy up, but he didn't want to be kicked out of the kitchen by the landlady and asked him to help Gao Yue with her homework, but Lin Bin was speechless. How dare you let a trash who scored 300 points in the mock test to help? Worked by someone else?

But looking at Gao Yue's eyes of admiration and attachment.

Lin Bin felt that he had to fulfill his responsibilities as a stepfather and get close to his daughter, so he took Gao Yue's hand and went back to the room.

Lin Xue and the landlady were left to clean up the dishes in the kitchen.

"Miss, I always feel that Abin seems to have noticed something."

The landlady said slowly while rinsing the bowl in her hand.

"Maybe it is indeed aware of some clues."

Lin Xue sighed softly: "He has also become a reincarnator. Before many rules of a reincarnator, he could use his ignorance to get away with it, but now that he understands, it is normal for some flaws to be discovered. He is not stupid... ...Don't worry, he hasn't noticed the most important thing, otherwise, he probably couldn't help but confront me long ago...Let it be natural."

"That's right."

The landlady nodded, glanced at the closed door of Lin Bin's room, and exclaimed in a low voice: "But to be honest, Abin's strength has improved so fast, and I feel that if the two of us confront each other now, I may not be the same person anymore." His opponent, how long has it been? My decades of hard work and magical encounters are not as good as his short two or three years of experience."

"It's his love for his sister that gives me a headache."

Lin Xue scratched her head in distress. She, who had always had a quiet demeanor, suddenly showed this troubled look, which was quite cute and cute.

But in her opinion...

Lin Bin, that wife named Zhu Yuyan, and now Fei Yan, and even that wife named Shan Meixian.

They were all older than him.

Isn't this the proper love for sister?
She complained in a low voice: "Although it's unfair to Miss Feiyan, I still prefer a girl like Feixuan, who is honest and capable, and can live at home with peace of mind. Her martial arts are good and her body is healthy." It’s definitely good, you can give birth..."

"He said he didn't ask, but in his heart he wished he could finish the matter for him. Are you a sister or a mother?"

The landlady laughed and said: "Don't ask so many questions, Abin is much better than you imagined, he has a score..."

"Yeah, he is much more powerful than I imagined, maybe all of them are married?"

Lin Xue said in a low voice.

Landlady: "........."

At this time, in another room.

"How to do this question?"

Gao Yue looked at her brother curiously, her little face was full of sweet smiles... Sure enough, she knew that her brother would still love her after he came back.

"Let me see... this question... um..."

Lin Bin glanced at his mobile phone with a troubled expression.

After hesitating for a moment, between Wei Yong and Deng Yang, he finally chose Deng Yang.

It's not that he's unfamiliar with Wei Yong, it's that this guy is worse than himself...

At any rate, I still had bright moments in my predecessor, and I could be regarded as the pillar of the class by Teacher Bai. The score of [-] points is not a joke.

That guy Wei Yong has been in a slump, never had a bright moment, and his highest score is 262, which is much lower than Lin Bin's state.

On the contrary, Deng Yang...

As an influential figure in the school, poor grades are obviously not acceptable.

At the very least, it's okay to help children with homework.

But when his phone was connected...

Lin Bin sighed a little embarrassedly: "Old Deng, I have something to ask you..."

"I knew it, I can't hide it from you."

Deng Yang sighed: "You are looking for me, it must be because of Gu Yuan's affairs, right? You are different from me, you...it's too easy to make a fake show."

Lin Bin: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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