when reincarnation invades

Chapter 252 Jump back?Who wants to jump back?

Lin Bin glanced at the homework in his hand in a daze, and there was Gao Yue who was looking forward to it, waiting to be fed, waiting for him to give him the nutrient essence of knowledge.

What did he realize.

Tell Gao Yue not to be impatient, and wait for a while, good things need to be brewed before they can be squeezed out.

He went to the small balcony connected to the room and asked, "Did something happen during the few days I entered the secret realm?"

"It's better to say that we specially picked the days when you were not around, and our Kingdom of God started to make troubles again."

Deng Yang sighed: "The seventh apostle Shi Jing really cares about you, if he hadn't been in the middle, you might have become the target of our Kingdom of God just like Gu Yuan this time. "

Lin Bin asked: "This time the Kingdom of God is targeting my elder brother?"

Deng Yang laughed, and said speechlessly: "It's really strange... When did the Kingdom of God not target your good brother? But you have one most important difference with me, that is, if I say backstab to my brother, I backstab Yes, I don't hesitate to kill him, but you seem to have a little more emotion towards him than you should have..."

"Don't make me sound like a female spy who failed undercover. I just accepted his favor a few times. If someone treats you sincerely, you can't cheat him in everything, right?"

"But usually I don't see you being soft-hearted."


Deng Yang asked for advice: "What's the difference?"

Lin Bin: "Every time I tricked him in the future, I actually repented silently in my heart with some shame."

Deng Yang: "..."

Lin Bin asked, "Tell me, how did the Kingdom of God target him this time?"

"Our boss also spent a lot of money this time, wasting a secret realm with rich resources, disguising it as a new secret realm, sending the entrance to the territory of Huaguo, and then luring Gu Yuan into it..."

Deng Yang didn't hide anything from Lin Bin, and sighed: "That world itself is extremely dangerous, and it is said that it is changing from the killing level to the nightmare level, and our boss has placed a powerful killing machine in it." According to him, even if an apostle with S-level props enters it, he will not be able to escape being killed."

Lin Bin asked, "Did he use S-level props?"

Just hearing that the secret realm that has been tossed by people countless times is disguised as if it has never been entered, this is the same as membrane repair surgery, it is not something ordinary people can do, it must be using S-level props...

Including the entrance to the secret realm of migration, it sounds amazing to Lin Bin.

"More than one."

Deng Yang asked: "This time, you can clearly see how strong my boss's killing intent is towards Gu Yuan. He broke so many things in our Kingdom of God one after another, and even killed more than two apostles in our Kingdom of God... ...If Gu Yuan is not dead, the dignity of our kingdom of God will be trampled on the ground and rubbed against."

He said: "Actually, I didn't intend to tell you about this, because I saw that you are too mean. If someone treats you better, you can't help but want to return the other's favor... …Of course I like this characteristic of you as a friend, but equally, as a friend, I am also worried that you will die because of this characteristic."

Lin Bin asked, "Gu Yuan has already gone in?"

"On the second day after you entered the secret realm, he entered. In order not to startle the snake, we specially chose a time when you were not there."

Deng Yang said: "Aren't you really going to save him? I can strictly warn you...don't enter, that secret realm is in the stage of dimension upgrading, and the difficulty will inevitably increase greatly, and now we have mixed in there again Let alone you, the boss’s lore killing method, even if a reincarnation of the township level enters it, he will definitely die.”

Listening to Deng Yang's successive warnings, Lin Bin naturally understood what he meant.

He asked: "Can you find a way to find out what the means of your kingdom of God are in the secret realm?"

Deng Yang: "Are you really planning to go?"

Lin Bin sighed for a long time, and said: "I don't really plan to go. If it is really dead, I am not the kind of person who has no brains. I will not rush in to save people stupidly, and take care of me afterwards. Brother Gu’s revenge is considered to be benevolent, but if I can find out the means used in your kingdom of God, and then pass it on to me, Brother Gu, maybe I can save his life?”

"It's reasonable, okay, I'll help you contact Shi Jing later, if you want to find out, you may need his assistance."

"Trouble you, remember, the most important factor is not to reveal your identity."

Deng Yang asked in surprise, "What identity?"

"The identity of a traitor to the Kingdom of God."


Deng Yang snorted and said, "Who is the traitor to the Kingdom of God? I am Deng Yang, the No.11 apostle of the Kingdom of God. I am destined to become the number one apostle in the future. My goal is to become the Lord of the Kingdom of God. It is the method I must use in order to ascend to the throne of the Lord of the Kingdom of God. Since ancient times, is there any superior who has not followed the road of bones? Even if it is discovered that the death of the former eleven apostles is related to me, who can blame me for not succeeding? ?”

Lin Bin: "..."

He asked, "So are you going to jump backwards?"

"Jumping chicken feathers, the kingdom of God is so powerful, either I conquer it, or I will be crushed to pieces, do you think there is still a way for me to retreat?"

Deng Yang laughed and said, "But this is exciting enough."

"Okay, you decide for yourself... By the way, there is one more thing that needs your help."

"What's the matter, tell me."

Lin Bin asked: "It is known that for a pool, it takes 10 minutes for the water inlet pipe to fill the pool, and it takes 6 minutes for the drain pipe to drain. If the water inlet pipe and the water discharge pipe are open at the same time, how long will it take for the pool to be full?"

Deng Yang: "Huh?"

After half an hour, Deng Yang, who had already returned all the knowledge he had learned from the teacher, found three subordinates one after another, and finally he succeeded in getting the correct answer and steps to solve the problem.

Lin Bin just hung up the phone and came back to help Gao Yue with her homework.

With the addition of a father, Lin Bin is naturally very concerned about Gao Yue's affairs...

Even though his mind was full of complicated thoughts, he still watched her finish her homework seriously, and played with her for a while, until the little girl changed into pajamas after taking a bath, and helped her dry her wet hair.

Only then did he reject her request to sleep with her and returned to his room.

Gu Yuan has entered a brand new secret realm, but in fact this secret realm is actually a trap set by the Kingdom of God, and he is now deeply imprisoned?
Even after such a long time, maybe he is already dead...

Lin Bin understood what Deng Yang meant by not contacting him.

Gu Yuan was already in danger at this time, how deep feelings did she have to rush in to save people at such a time?
If Lin Xue and Concubine Yan were changed, the effect would naturally be different. One would be his close relative's sister, and the other would be his confidante. To look down on him.

But Gu Yuan.

to be honest……

The relationship between the two is far from that.

It can even be said that the relationship between the two was actually built by deceit and calculation from the beginning, which is why he calculated Gu Yuan so unscrupulously.

It's just that he didn't expect that Gu Yuan never doubted him, and even took the initiative to help him. Lin Xue's legs were able to recover, and he used a lot of strength...Lin Bin naturally had to accept his favor.

"It's useless to think too much. Just like what I told Deng Yang, let's first see what kind of means the Kingdom of God is using. It would be best if we can find a way to pass the news in. If it is really impossible, I will We can only kill a few more apostles to avenge him."

Lin Bin lay down on the bed.

Started to practice the "Longevity Secret" silently.

His proficiency in "Longevity Formula" has reached 139%!

The only person who has received all the blessings of He's Bi, his skill in "The Secret of Longevity" has far surpassed the achievements of the Tang Dynasty and Shuanglong in the plot, and has even more than doubled?

Longevity True Qi can no longer be called Longevity True Qi, it might as well be called Longevity True Essence!

Perhaps even Guang Chengzi could not have imagined that the "Longevity Jue" had such miraculous power under the blessing of He Shibi.

Now he uses the longevity zhenyuan to control Yan Chixia's sword formula, which is still like an arm, which obviously proves that the level of "Longevity formula" has also reached the level of cultivating immortals.

But he is far from reaching his limit.

The enemy's strength is too strong, he must strengthen his own strength all the time.

That night, a sleepless night.

The next morning, the sky was not yet bright.

Lin Bin sent Gao Yue to school.

On the way back to buy breakfast, I received a call from Shi Zhixuan.

His tone was very unkind, and he asked coldly, "Do you want to save Gu Yuan?"

"No, I just want to know the specific situation."

Lin Bin said: "My friendship with him has not reached that point, but at the same time, if I know that he is in a dead end but I do nothing, this is not in line with my friendship with him."

"Hmph... At least you are not a hypocrite. If you would risk your life to save any cat or dog, I really have to seriously consider whether you are a good match for Feixuan and Qingxuan."

Lin Bin: "Evil King, you contacted me just to tell me this?"

"Don't you want to know the means of the Kingdom of God?"

Shi Zhixuan sneered and said: "I guessed that you would not be reconciled, so I have been investigating during this period of time, and Deng Yang contacted me, so I naturally contacted you to tell you what I know. "

"Well, you have already started investigating?"

Lin Bin ordered a deep-fried dough stick from a nearby stall, sat on a bench by the park and asked questions while eating.

"Well, although no specific information can be found, there are always some clues."

Shi Zhixuan said: "During this period of time, the Freedom Alliance was not at ease. The difficulty of various secret realms has risen sharply, and a large number of reincarnations have fallen. Especially in one of the secret realms, the reincarnations have not entered a few batches. It was destroyed... At that time, many people were quite envious of this secret realm. Who wouldn't want an item that could destroy a secret realm? The first apostle rushed early in the morning, personally entered that secret realm, and destroyed that secret realm. The prop of destruction was brought back, who would have known that the prop was actually a living thing.”

"and then?"

Lin Bin listened attentively.

"It was an extremely ferocious monster. It was born to kill. It had no other desires other than the desire to reproduce and kill. According to the investigation obtained by the first apostle, no matter whether a monster of this form was cast In any secret realm, as long as the threat is not killed in the early stage, then this world is doomed to be destroyed."

"Oh...and then what?"

Lin Bin's expression suddenly became extremely strange.

"Then the first apostle released that monster into that dilapidated world, and it was released in advance. It is conceivable that that world must have turned into a sea of ​​monsters. Manpower is sometimes poor. No matter how powerful you are, you will be reduced to That kind of environment can either be returned directly through props, or it will be consumed by a steady stream of monsters in that world until it runs out of oil and dies."

Shi Zhixuan said: "Do you understand now? Leaving aside the high difficulty of that world before, even after these monsters enter, even an ordinary-level secret realm will instantly have a difficulty comparable to nightmare-level. How do you survive in a group that only knows survive the slaying monsters?"

Lin Bin muttered to himself, "Unless... I am the father of that monster leader."

He instinctively touched his chest.

There, there's always been an S-rated scar.

Even though his current skill is several times higher than that at that time, and has almost reached the level of the flawless body, he still has no way to erase the scar.

Fortunately, people in this world don't know what Superman is, otherwise, I'm afraid that when he rides on Concubine Yan or Zhu Yuyan, they will look at him and can't help but burst out laughing.

Shi Zhixuan said lightly: "It's a good cold joke, so let's give up this idea as soon as possible."

Lin Bin explained: "What I just said was not a joke, it was the truth."

Shi Zhixuan: "........."

Lin Bin seemed to have seen the sudden tilt of Shi Zhixuan's head on the opposite side, "What did you say?"

"I said, if nothing else happened, that monster was actually conceived from my body."

Lin Bin had some inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the world of Underworld was destroyed after all.

Corvinus still failed, he failed to keep his own world...

This is not surprising, it is an extremely stupid decision to use the resources of one world against the main world which has countless world resources.

However, this old guy is quite decisive. He once said that if something cannot be done, he will destroy his own world, and he will never let it fall into the hands of others.

Didn't expect him to actually do that.

Sorry for Serena.

The disgust in Shi Zhixuan's tone suddenly became stronger, although since he knew that Lin Bin had a close relationship with her other daughter, Shi Qingxuan, he began to dislike him, and even warned him several times to express that I want to assassinate you.

But at this moment, it is unprecedented contempt.

He said coldly, "Lin Bin, aren't you being rude?"

The figure of Lin Bin entangled with a monster in the form of a monster had already appeared in his mind... and then he couldn't help but fight a cold war...

Lin Bin: "You misunderstood, this monster was hatched from my body."

Shi Zhixuan was shocked and looked back: "Are you still a victim?!"

Lin Bin: "........."

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