It took Lin Bin a long time to explain clearly to Shi Zhixuan that this monster absorbed enough nutrients in his body through parasitism...

He was not born.

There is an essential difference between the two.

It can be regarded as an eye-opener for Shi Zhixuan.

"So, if you see this Ah Tie, you can be sure that this cruel and bloodthirsty monster who hasn't seen you for a year can still recognize you as a mother?"

Shi Zhixuan said with sarcasm: "So you still want to go, right? You just need a reason to convince yourself..."

"Don't take me as a pedantic gentleman, but if Ah Tie is really in that secret realm, then I will definitely prevent the Kingdom of God from recycling it. It is a killing machine that I personally cultivated. No one is better than me. Knowing its horror better, I must hold this power in my own hands."

"Well, let me accept your explanation. If it were my words, knowing that Feixuan or Qingxuan were thrown into other worlds as tools, I would do my best to rescue them."

"I really don't have the relationship you think with Ah Tie..."

Lin Bin was a little helpless. Ever since he found out that his relationship with his other daughter was getting closer, this guy became more and more eloquent in his speech. Moreover, he is a majestic evil king, versatile in both civil and military affairs, and he can always choke He couldn't answer.

"Can I ask you to do me another favor?"

"Would you help me find out the details of that world? No problem... As a parent, I can understand your feelings."

Lin Bin: "..."

He suddenly felt that he should ask Deng Yang about this matter.

But after thinking about it carefully, Deng Yang's current strength is indeed not weak, but in terms of delicate mind, he is [-] blocks behind Shi Zhixuan. This kind of work of stirring up disputes in the enemy camp has to be done by Shi Zhixuan himself Only by doing can you feel relieved.

After hanging up the communication with Shi Zhixuan, he ran to buy freshly fried fritters and took them home.

After breakfast.

Concubine Yan hurried back to her room to practice. After the previous few days of experience, she had a lot of insights, and it would take a while to digest all those gains as soon as possible.

Of course, it is more likely to be ashamed to face Lin Bin...

The few days of complete indulgence in the hotel before were an emotional release.

At that time, she didn't feel anything, but now that she came home and saw her daughter, she realized that she was still the mother of a child, and the shame in her heart unconsciously sprouted.

So much so that when he saw Lin Bin, he felt ashamed and wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

You Qi Yue'er was always pestering her to see the wound because she was worried about her safety. Is that something that can be shown to children?

Hurry up and heal your injuries, and you can't be so ridiculous in the future.

Lin Xue routinely tidied up the house. Lin Bin originally wanted to help, but she pushed her aside... Now that her legs are back to normal, she still enjoys flying like a butterfly. The feeling of where to go.

Ever since, Lin Bin was free.

Back in the room, he first loosened the blue and white snakes from his wrists, and put them into the fish tank he bought in advance yesterday.

The fish tank is not big, and it is three feet long, but the inside is covered with lawns, rockery, trees, and even a fresh air system to ensure that the air inside is fresh...

In a sense, this is like a luxurious large square villa to them.

"You two can practice here first. When I'm not around, I will trouble you two to protect my sister's safety."

Lin Bin ordered that he had no plans to bring these two pets into the secret realm for the time being.

The green snake turned around and burrowed into the back of the rockery and disappeared, while the white snake nodded smartly...

Lin Bin was not sure if they understood what he said, they lost all their cultivation, and even their brains became the size of a fingernail. Scientifically speaking, it is possible for them to retain their past memories Sex is negligible.

But as Lin Bin began to practice the "Longevity Formula".

Accompanied by the melodious sound of the Phantom Treasure Box, he absorbed seven auras of different attributes into the room...

The White Snake and the Green Snake also raised their heads, absorbing the spiritual energy in the room. The ordinary land, with Lin Bin's practice, quickly became a paradise for them.

Not long.

Concubine Yan came over quietly.

She still had that demure look, her beautiful face was a bit indifferent, as if everything in the world couldn't make her linger, this is also a sequela of practicing the Yin Yang family's kung fu...

It may be a long time before she exits this state.

She seems to have come here for the bonus of the phantom sound treasure box.

But there is indeed something different between the two, at least this time, she did not sit on the single sofa next to her, but naturally sat on Lin Bin's bed, sitting back to back with him , began to practice.

The two were not talking, and Lin Bin didn't have any other thoughts.

Instead, immerse yourself in cultivation.

Concubine Yan obviously likes this kind of state... Turning her head, she glanced at Lin Bin lightly, with a touch of emotion in her eyes.

What she was most worried about was that Lin Bin was obsessed with her body, and he wanted to pull her over for a shot at anytime and anywhere. She liked his respect for her very much.

As everyone knows, how could Lin Bin have the heart to think about such things at this time?

Although he didn't give a clear answer, Shi Zhixuan could see what he was thinking at a glance before.

If Gu Yuan was alone, Lin Bin would be worried, but he would not be in danger himself... But what if the so-called biggest crisis does not actually pose a threat to him?
So how much is the so-called difficulty of this secret realm?

And Shi Zhixuan's movements were quite fast.

In just two days, he gave some fragmentary clues.

"The first main task was to kill the Red Skull? At that time, the strength of this secret realm was still an extraordinary secret realm? In other words, it was later upgraded to a killing-level secret realm, and now it is starting to upgrade to the nightmare level..."

Look at the information in your hand.

Shi Zhixuan found three of the training tasks.

They are to kill the Red Skull, kill the abomination, and prevent the Chitauri army from invading...

The degree of completion of the task is unknown.

Shi Zhixuan said that because this secret realm has been transformed and migrated by S-level props, it has become an important tool to kill Gu Yuan... Therefore, almost everyone is paying attention to this secret realm, and he has no way to investigate the details of this secret realm in detail. Information, being able to obtain this information is already the greatest extent he has obtained on the grounds that he, as a newcomer, is somewhat curious about why this secret realm can become the first apostle's choice.

"That's enough, thank you, Xie Wang."

"I'm just doing it for my daughter."

Xie Wang didn't accept Lin Binqing's sincere thanks, he replied casually, and then hung up the phone.

He felt that the information was useless at all, and what Lin Bin could rely on was that the relationship between him and Ah Tie was indeed as strong as he imagined.

Little did he know that just relying on these information, Lin Bin could obtain a lot of information that others could not detect.

"Aliens have invaded the Marvel plane?"

Lin Bin murmured: "And there are reincarnators entering it, and Gu Yuan is not the only one who is reincarnating? Well...the Marvel plane this time is really chaotic enough."

But no matter how chaotic it is, it is also the Marvel plane.

Lin Bin is more familiar with this secret realm than other secret realms.

The crisis in this world has increased geometrically. From the beginning, it only affected a few people, and then the entire earth and even the entire universe encountered a crisis of destruction.

But relying on his own understanding of this secret realm to avoid most of the crises is not a problem for him at all. In addition, the biggest crisis, Ah Tie, has a high probability of being one of his own...

If you dare not enter again.

Lin Bin felt that, as a reincarnation, it would be better to apply for retirement as soon as possible.

"What? Are you going to enter the secret realm again?"

Hearing this news, Lin Xue frowned delicately, turned her head to look at the landlady's wife, and asked, "Mrs. Tang, do reincarnators experience so much in the secret realm?"

"In fact, it is not. Although the time for reincarnators to enter the secret realm will be longer and longer as their strength increases, the reincarnation space association will leave them more preparation time and rest time. Overall, The reincarnation is the type that the higher the level, the more leisurely."

The landlady sighed: "Maybe Mr. Abin is the type who can do more work... After all, people like Mr. Abin are rare even among reincarnations."

She explained it this way, but she couldn't hide her surprise when she looked at Lin Bin.

Obviously, this is completely different from the reincarnation experience she imagined.

Naturally, it was impossible for Abin to say that he was there to save people, so he just explained: "It's a temporary business trip, don't worry, the difficulty of the secret realm this time should be much lower than expected, and it will probably be back in a few days at most. "

"Fei Yan went with Brother Bin, and Fei Yan and Brother Bin took care of each other..."

"I'll go by myself this time."

The inheritance of Lin Bin's abnormal mind is actually through the transmission of a large amount of information when laying eggs.

Theoretically speaking, if Ah Tie still recognizes him, then all the aliens will recognize him.

But now even he doesn't know the status of the alien, especially in the secret realm of Marvel, which is filled with a lot of high-tech weapons...

Concubine Yan is still too poor.

He's good at it, but she may not be good at it.

In fact, in a sense, it would be more appropriate for Xia Dou to go.

But after all, it was a trap and conspiracy of the Kingdom of God. It was enough for him to be in danger alone, but it was not worthwhile to drag others into danger.

He persuaded: "You should stay at ease and take care of Yue'er. I have entered the secret realm twice in succession with such a high frequency. I think Yue'er has been very clingy to you during this time. This time it is just a routine and there is no danger. "


"Don't worry about me, don't you understand how strong I am?"

Upon hearing this, Concubine Yan glanced at Lin Xue and nodded.

"I'll go to Bureau Lei first, don't worry, I'll be back soon this time."

Just do it.

Marvel's Secret Realm says it's safe, but it's actually really safe.

New York has been tossed by aliens, mutants, and various criminals, and the population has not decreased much.

But the danger is also really dangerous. Whenever you dare to show your superhuman strength, all kinds of villain bosses will stick their heads out to trouble you.

Gu Yuan has entered for several days.

And Ah Tie...

Anyway, it is a creature of the whole secret realm, so don't let Ah Tie be parasitized.

World XX Bureau.

When Lei Meng heard Lin Bin's words, he couldn't help but change his face slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Is what you said true? The secret realm that Gu Yuan entered was really a trap set by the Kingdom of God for him?"

Lin Bin said: "This is also the news that Deng Yang found out. After he told me, I will come and tell Lei Ju you immediately."

"Trap... I never imagined that they were willing to sacrifice the entire secret realm in order to deal with Gu Yuan alone. It seems that Gu Yuan has really hurt them during this period of time."

Lei Meng shook his head, then looked up, staring at Lin Bin with that cold and ugly face, and said, "You don't want to save Gu Yuan, do you?"

Lin Bin nodded seriously.

"I won't let you go!"

Lei Meng said: "You also said that it is very dangerous there. If the trap really breaks out, the possibility of Gu Yuan getting out alive is no more than one tenth. If you go in again, won't you be delivering food?"

Lin Binyi said righteously: "Where the Tao is, even though tens of thousands of people will go there, Gu Yuan's confrontation with the apostles is entirely due to my calculations. Now that he is in jail because of this, how can I ignore his safety?" ?”


"Lei Ju, don't worry, although this trip is not a small crisis, which time the secret experience experience is less dangerous? If I dare not go because of the danger of the secret experience this time, how far can I go in this life?!"

Now that he has decided to go, Lin Bin naturally wants to show his majestic and upright image in front of Lei Meng.

No leader would like a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"To put it bluntly, it's not because you feel ashamed of Gu Yuan... Sigh... The reincarnated people are either not strong enough or good enough, but they all end up like you, with such and such problems. It's really a headache."

Lei Meng sighed: "Since you insist on going, I can't stop you."

Although he sighed, he looked at Lin Bin with more approval in his eyes.

Said: "Do you know anything about that secret place?"

"I have a general understanding and have detected some intelligence."

Lin Bin handed over the information in his hand.

"An old secret realm has been disguised as a brand new one. Hmph... The Kingdom of God is a good means. No wonder it was able to retain such a large volume from the suppression of many reincarnators."

Lei Meng said: "It's easy to have these materials. You are so kind and righteous. As your leader, I don't want you to fight alone..."

Lin Bin said in surprise: "No, Lei Ju, this is my own private matter, and I can't drag other people into that secret realm anymore."

"Nonsense, all reincarnations are busy now, should I accompany you in?"

Lei Meng glared at Lin Bin, handed over something, and said, "Take it, this item can only be used within 10 minutes after entering the secret realm, since you already have a little understanding of this secret realm, this Something should help you, maybe."

Lin Bin took it.

[Character card (a-level secret realm item): Using this character card, you can choose a different person to replace when entering the secret realm, replacing that person's identity and status. 】

[Note: Be careful not to expose yourself, or you will die at the hands of the closest person, and don’t let yourself not be exposed, or you will die at the hands of your most trusted teammates. 】

Lin Bin said in surprise, "This...this is..."

"Take it. Since this secret realm is in great danger, you should be able to use this character card to take advantage of the local forces in the secret realm. In this way, the possibility of you surviving will naturally be greatly improved."

Lei Meng sighed: "I haven't returned this character card from the beginning. I just plan to wait for you to make great achievements in the future, so that I can give it to you as a prize. Anyway, I will give it to you. Sooner or later, I will give it to... Go ahead, next time you make meritorious service, you won’t be rewarded.”

"Thank you Bureau Lei."

Lin Bin was overjoyed immediately. Sure enough, he knew that it was the right choice to express his heart in front of the leaders and to show his personality.

Look... Isn't this just picking up an A-level item for nothing?

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