when reincarnation invades

Chapter 254 The Marvel that Was Played Badly

Chapter 254 The Marvel that Was Played Badly
character card.

It was previously used together with the Holy Blessing Potion to give Lin Bin a choice of rewards.

Although Lin Bin chose the Holy Blessing Potion, the reason is very simple...

It's purely because the Holy Blessing Potion is expensive.

But in fact, in his mind, the character card is obviously much more helpful to a reincarnation like him who understands the plot and is familiar with the plot than the holy blessing potion.

It's just that Lin Bin's state at that time hadn't been developed yet, so that when entering the secret realm, life-saving must be the top priority.

It's been nearly two years now.

Unexpectedly, this character card finally fell into his hands.

Lei Meng's meaning is very simple, he is worried about Lin Bin's safety... That secret realm can be used by the people of the Kingdom of God as a trap against Gu Yuan, there must be great danger in it.

Maybe it's in some rare red secret realm.

Coupled with the fact that they have arranged extremely terrifying means in it, under the double crisis, the danger level of that secret realm is probably not inferior to the nightmare level.

When Lin Bin entered it, he risked his life and death. Lei Meng thought that he couldn't do what Lin Bin did, so he felt more cherished when he saw his subordinate... But every genius has some faults that belong to him, and There is no doubt that Lin Bin's problem is really attractive.

That being the case, if character cards can be used in that secret realm, there is no doubt that the deadly threat on both sides can be reduced by half, and this half can be used as a boost to better deal with the other half.

As for whether you can gain the trust of the people in the secret realm after using the character card...

He has absolute confidence in Lin Bin.

Little do they know that the secret realm is indeed extremely dangerous, but for Lin Bin, who is familiar with the plot, as long as he wants, he can easily avoid all crises.

As for the traps set up by the apostles, they were iron-blooded aliens that bleed his blood.

There is bound to be a danger...

But it is definitely much smaller than the normal secret realm.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Bin to say such things to Lei Ju.

"Thank you Bureau Lei, then your side..."

"I will issue you an instruction manual. As a special assistant in the secret realm A-199, I will temporarily join the secret realm to assist the reincarnation to complete the task."

Raymond said: "But you have to remember that your enemies are the secret realm and the Kingdom of God, and you even have extremely difficult tasks to complete. What you are facing is oppression from three aspects..."

"Don't worry Lei Ju, I will return safely."

Lin Bin carefully put away the character card, and suddenly had the illusion that he went to work in his previous life and lied to the boss to pay the bill.

Farewell Raymond.

Lin Bin immediately took the exclusive helicopter on the roof of the World XX Bureau and flew towards the secret place A-199.

The A-199 secret realm is a new secret realm, and its location is on the edge of Huaguo.

It is extremely far from Baishui City.

Although Yujian can fly over, but his current Yujian speed is not much faster than that of a helicopter, so naturally it is better to recharge his batteries all the way.

When Lin Bin got on the plane, he started the mode of closing his eyes and resting his mind.

This time, after all, it was because of his own private affairs, therefore, he didn't take anyone with him, just dressed lightly, and was alone.

That engrossing appearance made the pilots of the Authority full of admiration...

Sure enough, he is indeed the reincarnator with the highest strategy evaluation in their World Administration, and he really misses the opportunity to strengthen himself all the time.

Five hours later.

It was getting dark.

The helicopter landed Lin Bin in a quiet town within a foot.

At this time, all the people in the town have been vacated...

Obviously, it has been evaluated in advance as a killing-level secret realm before entering. If this secret realm is a red secret realm, if it erupts at that time, it will bring disaster to the entire town. Even if this possibility is slim, it must be eliminated. One-in-one chance.

The area around the secret realm was already surrounded by a large number of soldiers with guns.

Plus the blessing of various weapons for secret realms.

Even if you are a reincarnator, if you want to survive in this environment, you may have to pay a high price.

"Mr. Abin, I have known you for a long time."

The person in charge of guarding this secret place is a man in a dark green military uniform who looks extremely capable with a short cut. Although his expression is extremely cold, he is not rude. He has obviously received the notice that Abin wants to enter this place Secret news.

He took the initiative to hold his hand, and said vigorously: "Since Captain Gu and the others entered this secret realm, the space fluctuations in the secret realm have been unstable, and there is a feeling of swelling, as if it is about to explode at any time. You To be able to enter it under such circumstances, we all admire your selflessness."

"Captain Luo is too polite."

At this time, the two parties had just introduced themselves, and Lin Bin knew that the person in front of him was named Luo Bing.

He should know that he entered the secret realm this time to save people, and the more people who have been in the army for a long time, the more they yearn for the return of the horse leather shroud. Nature is also very longing.

Lin Bin was not polite, and asked, "When can I enter this secret realm?"

"You can enter after the routine inspection."

Luo Bing also knew that Lin Bin was in a hurry, so everything was kept simple and fast.

After just half an hour, all the formalities have been settled.

"Thank you Captain Luo!"

Lin Bin thanked him earnestly, turned his head and looked at the undulating secret realm in front of him, took a deep breath, and his figure had been directly sucked into it.

This entry is different from any previous secret realm.

As a member of the World XX Bureau, the number of new secret realms that Lin Bin has entered is not small, so the experience is very familiar... But this time, it is a secret realm that has been manipulated countless times and re-disguised as a brand new one mystery.

"Hey, it looks like a brand new one from the outside, but once you get a closer look, there is still a big difference, but only an experienced person like me can notice the difference. If you change the ordinary reincarnation If you are a person, maybe you really fooled it."

Lin Bin walked through the long and narrow secret realm, and whispered to himself, "But if this is the case, then no matter which time period you enter, the plot will no longer have any reference significance."

After finding a suitable reason for himself, Lin Bin thought, Lei Ju, Lei Ju, it's not that I don't need the character card you gave me, but since it is a one-time item, it is natural to maximize its effect. OK.

And the current state is obviously not the best time to use this prop.

This trip to the crack was extremely long.

Walked for more than half an hour.

But just before he walked out of the crack, the reincarnation watch had already sounded a reminder.

[Secret Realm Mission: Win the Time Gem! 】

[Task time limit: one month]

[Task reward: B-level meritorious service × 1, reincarnation points × 2000 points! 】

[Punishment for failure: B-level meritorious service × 1, reincarnation points × 2000 points! 】

"How did this mission come so quickly? Is it because the secret realm is not so brand new and is about to rot?"

Lin Bin was stunned.

But the difficulty of this task...

It seems to be higher than expected.

It turned out to be the Time Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones.

"I just don't know whether I need to face the ancient one or the strange mage at this time."


Lin Bin's figure had already appeared directly on a bustling street.

It was just as the sun was setting into the sky.

The crimson Huoshaoyun reflected the whole world like a crimson world.

The streets are neat and clean.

It was just unexpected that there was not even a single person on the wide and criss-crossing streets.

Clean and empty.

With Lin Bin's outstanding hearing ability now, but he couldn't hear even the slightest movement, this place seemed like a dead city.

But there was no sign of a fight.

"Is this really the world of Marvel?"

Lin Bin thought for a while about the many plots in his mind, but no matter how much he recalled, there was no plot that could be matched with the current one... No, we can't refer to the plots, the plots here may have long been forgotten. The reincarnators are in a mess.

In this state, shouldn't it be that all living beings have been parasitized by aliens?
was thinking.

Lin Bin suddenly felt something, and looked up, only to see a beam of light descending from the sky about several thousand meters ahead, landing on a certain corner of the city.

And this is the only movement in the entire huge street.

Lin Bin was overjoyed. At a time like this, there are living people... even if it is a living alien.

He Yujian flew to the position where the beam of light fell.

In just a few breaths, it has already flown to the position.

Lin Bin didn't go in directly, but stopped outside the door with a very solemn expression on his face.

He was actually very familiar with the location where the beam of light fell.

Although there are subtle differences between reality and what I saw in the movie in my memory, this unique building is completely out of style with the surroundings, but it looks like a very tall tower...

It is clearly one of the three sanctuaries of the magicians.

The magician's three sanctuaries are actually the cornerstone of a magic formation laid down by Gu Yi. With the magic formation built by these three sanctuaries, even Dormammu can't invade the earth, and it still needs to be found on the earth. After the agent, he successfully entered the boundary of the earth.

But these three sanctuaries can only defend against damage from the magic side.

For normal intrusions, they have never paid any attention to them... It can be regarded as performing their own duties.

And Lin Bin's target time gem, if nothing else, is in the hands of the current masters of the three sanctuaries.

And according to this beam of light.

Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed, "It's not that Gu Yi is too kind."

The character who can spy on the endless river of time is really too illegal, it seems to be a character outside the specification... If the target is her, Lin Binlai thinks that knowing the plot of the trump card is a joke in front of her.

People also know the plot, and they can know the plot that changes in real time. In a sense, it is called omniscient and omnipotent.

Even if it was just a beam of light, Lin Bin vaguely guessed what stage the current timeline was at.

Although the details are slightly different.

But there is no doubt that right now, it should be at the time when Thanos intends to invade Marvel and snatch the six infinite gems.

Sure enough, with the beam of light falling.

There was also a strange sound coming from behind, and there was a violent roar in the sky, which shook people's ears like numbness.

Looking up, you can see the circular spaceship slowly descending to the earth.

As a pure white beam of light descended, smoke and dust filled the air.

The two figures, one as tall as a bear and the other as thin as a monkey, gradually became clear in the beam of light.

The two stepped out.

The thin and small man had an extremely ugly face, but his demeanor was extremely elegant and calm, while the other man had a stupid face, but the giant weapon in his hand that was almost as large as his body clearly showed that this man was not easy to bully.

"Is this the earth?"

The skinny man sighed sincerely: "Such a beautiful evening seems to herald the end of this world. It seems that even the sun is singing an elegy for you."

"Ebony Throat, Black Dwarf!"

Lin Bin naturally recognized these two people, the second of the five generals under Thanos.

Ebony Throat, in particular, is believed to even have the power to rival Thanos, but it is only because he is overwhelmed by Thanos' charisma that he willingly joins him and recognizes him as the master.

The two looked at Lin Bin.

The light array teleportation would transport them to places with living creatures, and the dead silence around them seemed to indicate that Lin Bin was the only living creature within a few miles.

Ebony Maw smiled and said, "Hello, friends on Earth, do you know the Infinity Stones?"

"Ah... this... what the hell is going on..."

Before Lin Bin answered, suddenly, a hurried voice behind him interrupted the conversation between the two parties.

A messy man with curly hair had a flustered expression on his face. When he saw Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, his expression became even more terrified, and he exclaimed, "How did you guys catch up so fast!"

"Mr. Bruce Banner, you left in such a hurry that you didn't even follow my lord's ritual, which doesn't conform to the etiquette of being a guest."

Ebony Throat showed a contemptuous expression on his face, and said: "For us, this is a great disrespect. It is your great honor to lose your life at the hands of Thanos' people, but Mr. Banner, you escaped It's not right to take that honor away."

"Transform! Hulk, come out quickly."

This man was the Hulk Banner. Seeing Ebony Maw and the others chasing him, he screamed desperately, wanting to transform, but his body never seemed to swell.

His face became more and more frightened, he turned to look at Lin Bin, and shouted, "What are you still doing here? Run away."

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "Why are you alone?"

its not right……

In the plot, shouldn't Iron Man and Doctor Strange be here?

Arrived, should not follow the plot too much.

But why the arrival of Ebony Maw and the others is almost the same as the plot... Could it be that the reincarnations are only interfering with the plot of the earth?

He looked up at the empty and dead environment around him.

There are also two Thanos generals who are slowly walking towards the two of them.

Suddenly, an inexplicable premonition sprouted in my heart... Could it be, the earth was really tossed by the reincarnators to make some tricks?
(End of this chapter)

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