when reincarnation invades

Chapter 255 Zombie Universe

"Run away!"

Banner is quite loyal, seeing Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf walking towards this side.

He shouted: "They are coming for me, if you run away, they may not kill you..."

As he said that, regardless of the fact that he could no longer change into the Hulk, he groaned and rushed towards the two people in front, hoping that Hulk would rush out to save the scene when life and death were in crisis.

But the opponent's movements were much faster than his.

Ebony Throat raised his hand, and gently bent his fingers like playing a piano. The surrounding trees were lifted by an invisible force and turned into sharp wooden thorns, stabbing towards the two people in front...

Banner instinctively raised his hand to resist, but the few silver lights were much faster than his movements.

Whoosh, whoosh, several sharp sounds.

The Eight Swords of the King of Yue smashed all the incoming wooden thorns into pieces at an extremely fast speed, and then the castration continued unabated, attacking the two people in front from several places at the same time.


Banner suddenly cried out in astonishment.

Looking at Lin Bin, his eyes were full of surprises, he didn't expect to have a special ability.

"Is it Yondu's type of attack?"

Ebony Throat didn't panic at all, the attack was blocked, he raised his hand, and the thick asphalt ground in front of him was torn up like a piece of paper by him, and blocked in front of him.

bang bang bang...

The king of Yue's eight swords and nine-handled magic weapons have all penetrated the asphalt ground, and they are approaching the vital points of the two.

B-level weapons, showing their sharpness, can they be blocked by mere thick ground?
"Go away!"

The asphalt ground was blasted to pieces, and the black dwarf held a chain ax that was almost as big as his body, screamed and knocked all the weapons away, and attacked Lin Bin.

When running, the tiger is full of power.

The cars and obstacles he resisted along the way were all thrown away by him one by one. It looked like a heavyweight armored vehicle, which made people unable to resist at all.

Lin Bin let out a low breath of foul air.

Looking at the incoming black dwarf, a revolver suddenly appeared in his palm.

Azure Rose.

energy storage.

A second later, a shot blasted out. The black dwarf wanted to block it with a chain axe, but the sharpness of the B-level weapon could not even withstand the demons. Even without attribute restraint, its lethality was not inferior to the Predator's shoulder cannon.

He has already flew backwards towards the distance at a faster speed than when he came.

The body is still flying upside down in mid-air.

From the ground beneath him...

Two silver lights shot straight into the sky, and when they flew into the air, it happened that a black dwarf was passing by, piercing through his chest.

The cooperation is the pinnacle of wonder.

"Cool bro!"

Bruce Banner has already cried out in surprise.

Black Dwarf rolled to Ebony Throat's feet, slowly shook his head and stood up straight, the fatal injury to ordinary people was almost painless to him, he just shook his head, and then became more He glared at Lin Bin angrily.

"I have to admit, I underestimated you."

Ebony Throat was also stunned, he didn't expect Lin Bin to defeat Black Dwarf so easily.

He sighed in admiration, Yondu can control one weapon and already dominates the universe, the person in front of him can control at least eight or nine weapons...

"But it's also very restrictive."

He gave a low drink.

The surrounding earth suddenly trembled violently.

The next moment, the surrounding buildings, cars, and trees all left the ground one after another, encircling and suppressing the two of them.

"See who has more weapons."

Ebony Maw screamed excitedly.

And the black dwarf roared angrily, and rushed towards Lin Bin again.

"Don't move!"

Lin Bin looked dignified, grabbed Bruce Banner, and flew back to his feet with the Hiding Sword. When he stepped on it, his whole body was off the ground.

"You can't escape!"

The ten fingers of the ebony throat are dexterous, as if composing the most moving movement, it looks elegant and calm, but what it writes is a deadly murderous intent.

At this moment, it seemed that everything in the surrounding world was full of malice towards them, encircling them.

"The Blazing Sky Covers the Seventh Circle!"

Lin Bin raised his hand, and the true energy in the palm flowed thinly, turning into a pink fiery shield wall...

Accompanied by bursts of loud bangs.

Lin Bin has already rushed into the sky with his body.

Surrounded by eight swords.

Divine majesty...

Ebony Maw also broke free from the shackles of gravity, and chased in his direction, leaving Black Dwarf on the ground angrily smashing everything he could destroy, but because he didn't have the ability to fly, he could only be helpless and furious.

Bruce Banner yelled in the harsh wind: "Why are you flying so high?"

"Separate the two of them and break each one."

After just a short fight, Lin Bin has figured out the details of the two of them. Black Dwarf is powerful, but in a sense he is restrained to death. As long as he is not immortal, killing him is just like playing with him.

But this Ebony Maw is indeed a formidable enemy, if the two join forces, maybe they can cause him a lot of trouble.

It's better to separate them...

"Stand on the sword!"

Lin Bin left a weapon in his body and gave Bruce a foothold. He was so frightened that he screamed in the sky. After flustered for a while, he stood up straight with his extraordinary body coordination.

And Lin Bin has already held the Double Dragon Shadow Sword!

When there is no attribute restraint, there is no doubt that the B-level Double Dragon Shadow Sword may be more useful than the Xuanyuan Sword in a certain sense.

Already rushed straight towards Ebony Throat.

"I'll deal with you after I kill Bruce Banner!"

Ebony Throat ignored Lin Bin, seeing that Lin Bin had to rely on the weapons under his feet to stand up, and was not as dexterous as him, so he dodged to avoid him and rushed towards Bruce Banner.

Lin Bin took out a mirror in his hand, and shouted, "Ebony Throat!"

After the words fell, Ebony Throat, whose back was facing Lin Bin, suddenly sensed an extremely mysterious and unpredictable force forcibly controlling him, making him look back unconsciously... The angle was too tricky, and he cried out in pain, only It feels like a tendon in the neck is twisted.

But when he turned his head, he saw several sharp sword qi coming towards him.

"You are courting death!"

Ebony Maw screamed angrily. He was in the air, unable to control the surrounding things with his own magic power, and his eyes were locked on the seven weapons.

Want to forcibly plunder the control of Yuewang Bajian!

Lin Bin refused to give an inch, his pupils tightened slightly, and the "Secret of Longevity" stuck to its original source.

In an instant, the consciousnesses of the two sides collided fiercely.

Ebony Throat screamed...

In the competition of spiritual power between the two sides, he, a professional mage, was actually defeated.

On the contrary, Lin Bin was dizzy for a while, but with the blessing of the evil emperor's relic essence, he undoubtedly had the absolute upper hand!

The boots of lightness were activated at full strength, and the startling salamander sword was used as the pedal, and the whole person turned into a meteor and leaped past.

The Shuanglong Phantom Sword flashed a black light in the air...

Ebony Throat's expression was suddenly stunned, and his head shot up into the sky.

Obviously, with Lin Bin's current speed and the addition of the Lightness Boots, although he still can't surpass his reaction speed, when he is dizzy and unresponsive, he can directly achieve a lore.

Ebony Throat didn't close his eyes until death, obviously he couldn't believe that he would be defeated in such an absolute confrontation of spiritual power.

Only then did Lin Bin control the flying sword under Bruce Banner's feet, and slowly fell to the ground, saying: "Ebony Maw is dead, and then we can deal with the black dwarf. If we fight alone, the big man will give me It won't cause any trouble."

Banner was dumbfounded the whole time.

Shocked: "It's... that simple?"

Lin Bin smiled and said nothing.

He is different from these so-called superheroes, his attack is a killer move. For a real martial arts master, a moment of negligence and a moment of misjudgment are enough to determine the outcome of a battle.

This Ebony Throat is definitely extremely strong in the Saint level, but it is a pity that he met the hexagonal warrior Lin Bin, coupled with his incomprehension of props, he had no choice but to be kicked out.

However, he didn't have the habit of explaining the composition of his strength to others, and neither did his own people.

It’s just that Banner looked at Lin Bin unconsciously with a bit of respect in his eyes at this time. You must know that the black dwarf is quite a difficult opponent even for Hulk. Ignore it.

And in a place that Bruce Banner couldn't see, an invisible smoke drifted out from the corpse of Ebony Throat falling downward, and was attracted by the book of death on Lin Bin's waist.

After a moment.

The two fell to the ground...

But at this time.

On the ground, the black dwarf is dead.

The chain ax was also thrown far away, and the corpse was in dilapidated condition, as if it had been subjected to some extremely cruel punishment.

"Uh... what's going on here?"

Banner screamed, Lin Bin flew into the sky, split and broke, and it took very little time to kill Ebony Maw, but who knew that Black Dwarf was also killed in such a short time.

He was a little puzzled, after leaving the earth for a few years, could it be said that the earth has produced so many capable people?Even Thanos' five generals of Obsidian are nothing... In such a short period of time, two of them have already been wiped out.

Lin Bin's face turned serious.

Staring at the black dwarf's body with full vigilance, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he slashed diagonally behind him with his backhanded Shuanglong Phantom Sword.

At some point in time, a circle of light had been opened on the back of his head, and a hand was silently reaching for his neck, but it was cut off by his sword!
The aperture also disappears quickly.

"What...what the hell?"

Banner screamed in fright, and then he noticed a halo of light appeared behind him at some point. Inside, a plump, chubby head was grinning grinningly at him, with bleeding lips and teeth, rotten muscles, and drooping eyes. An eyeball...looks downright fetid, like a dead body that's been dead for months is crawling back up again.


"Shut up, if you can't transform into Hulk, just be honest and don't talk!"

Lin Bin was full of vigilance looking at the halos that suddenly appeared and disappeared one by one around him, with an extremely dignified expression.

This is absolutely impossible to be a scene that appeared in the Marvel plane... But now, it appears so strangely.

This is clearly Doctor Strange's signature skill space teleportation.

The protruding hand...

Banner yelled, "Wait, the black dwarf is alive too."

Lin Bin turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw that the black dwarf who hadn't had any breath just now stood up slowly, stretched out his hand, and the chain ax that was thrown far away had returned to his hand.

He roared at the two of them, but it was different from the roar just now, this time his mouth was opened wider, his muscles were torn, and it looked as if his jaw was about to fall off at any moment.

With stumbling steps, he rushed towards the two of them.

There was obviously no one around, but the space teleportation was opened one after another, and an iron man wearing a mecha flew out of it.

Raising his hand, a hand cannon was fired at Lin Bin.

Banner exclaimed, "Tony...Tony, what are you doing...how did you become like this..."

Lin Bin did not speak, dodged to avoid the deadly shelling, and cut off an arm of Iron Man's armor with a backhand sword.

Then he took out the Xuanyuan Sword, which was more lethal in the face of this kind of undead creature.

You can pierce your chest with a sword.

Iron Man didn't show any signs of dying. Instead, he allowed the weapon to penetrate deeper into his body even more ferociously, trying to get closer and grab Lin Bin.

If Lin Bin dodged slowly, he might have been bitten by him.

Lin Bin kicked him flying away.

His face was extremely serious.


The plot is all messed up!

Which reincarnator did such a brilliant job to play the protagonist in such a miserable state... Lin Bin would not be surprised even if Marvel Secret Realm is now completely occupied by aliens.

But now where is it just an alien?
And zombies!

This world has clearly become a world of darkness.

And as Iron Man was kicked away.

All kinds of superheroes in the zombie state rushed out of the space teleportation.

Doctor Strange, War Machine, even Spider-Man and Hawkeye...

But at this time, all the superheroes turned into zombies, with blood dripping from their mouths, and screaming at several people.

And behind them, countless zombies are staring at the only two living people with salivation.

Before, Lin Bin wondered why all the living people disappeared...

Only now did I understand that all the living people were here.

It is densely packed and dense, and there is no end in sight at a glance.

Banner yelled in horror: "So... what happened?"


All the zombies screamed at the same time, and the city that was still extremely quiet just now became noisy and lively.

Followed by a sharp arrow.

Lin Bin knocked it flying with a sword.

But the next moment...

There was a beeping sound, and an inexplicable brilliance lit up on the arrow.

There was a loud bang, and the violent explosion directly submerged Lin Bin and Banner.

After a while, the smoke dissipated.

Lin Bin's face was serious, and he shouted: "They turned into zombies, but they can still maintain their previous combat power and rationality?"

"Ah? In this way, don't we face these superheroes at the same time?"

Banner's face turned pale. This was an even more difficult enemy than Ebony Throat and the others.

Sure enough, the next moment...

Several strands of spider silk have already wound directly towards the two of them.

Although he has become a zombie, he has undoubtedly not lost his fighting instinct.

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